Eighth6HULHV9ROXXXVI1R. 15 Tuesday March 1588 Phalguna 25, 1909 6DND /2.6$%+$'(%$7(6 (QJOLVK9HUVLRQ Tenth6HVVLRQ Eighth/RN6DEKD 9ROXXXVI CRQWDLQV1R1WR2 0 /2.6$%+$6(&5(7$5,$7 1(:'(/+, 3ULFH5V [Eighth Series, Vol. XXXVI, Tenth Session, 198811909 (Saka}J No. 15, Tuesday, March 15, 19881Phalgu!'8 25, 1909 (Saka) Ca..uMNS .r~a' Answers to Questions: ·Starred Questions Nos. 282, 285, 287, 2-32 293,294 and 299 llritten Answers to Questions: 32--383 ·Starrad Questions Nos. 283, 284, 286, 32-50 288 to 292, 295 tr. 297, 300 and 301' Unstarrad Questions Nos. 3017 to 3047, 50-383 304910308P 3091 to 3203 and 3205 to 3250 ,!'ers Laid on the Table- 383-390 mittee on Subordinate Legislation- 391 Eighteenth Report-Presented ~ers Under Rule 3n- 391-398 Demand for development of various places of tourist importance in Chikmagalur, Kamataka- 391--392 Shrimati O.K. Thara Devi Siddhartha .ii) Demand for overall development of eastern Uttar Pradesh- 392-393 Shri Raj Kumar Rai The t marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. (0) OQ..uuNS (ui) Need to improve telecommunication and postal facilities in rural areas- 393-394 Prof. Narain Chand Parashar (iv) Need to allocate funds for schemes for providing drinking water in hilly areas of Uttar Pradesh- 394-395 Shri Harish Rawat tv) Need to construct a marine drive between Konark and Gopalpur in Orissa to promote tourism- 395 Shri Brajamohan Mohanty (vi) Need to give financial assistance for the development of Visakhapatnam- 395-396 Shri Bhattam Srirama Murty (vii) Demand for introducing Vayudoot Service between Faizabad and Delhi- 396-397 Shri Nirmal Khattri (viii) Need to check the influx of people from Oarjeeling to Sikkim- 397---398 Shrimati O.K. Bhandari General Budget, 1988-89 - General Discussion- 398--497 Shri Manoj Pandey 398--403 Shri Banwari Lal Purohit 403-406 Shri Vilas Muttamwar 407--414 Shri Mukul Wasnik 414-419 Shri M. Y. Ghorpade 419-427 Shri Surendra Pal Singh 427--435 Shri Satyendra Narayan Sinha 435 445 (iii) Cot.UUNS Shri Ram Samujhawan 445-447 Shri T. Basheer 447-452 Shri Gopeshwar 452-457 Dr. Phulrenu Guha 457-460 Shri Ram Singh Yadav 46Q-466 Shri D.P. Yadava 466-473 Shri Somnath Rath 473-477 Shri Kamla Prasad Singh 4n--481 Prof. Narain Chand Parashar 481-489 Shri Madan Pandey 489-495 Shri Ram Nagina Mishra 495-497 Message from Rajya Sabha 497--498 Constitution (Fifty-Ninth Amendment) Bill- 498 As passed by Rajya Sabha - laid LOK SABHA DEBATES ------------------ --------------- LOKSABHA ( Interruptions) Tuesday, March 15, 1988IPhalguna 25, [English] 1909 (Saka) SHRr T. BASHEER: Why do they boy- cott the parliament, Sir? Why den't they go to streets to onst Shri Rajiv Gandhi, the Prime The Lok Sabha met at Minister? Is it the democratic way ... (Inter- Eleven of the Clock ruptions). MR. SPEAKER: It is a Question Hour [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair] gentlemen, please take your seats ... [English] (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: Chowdhary Akhtar SHRI T. BASHEER: It is subversive, Hasan ... (Interruptions) Sir. They have boycotted the Parliament and have gone to the streets to oust the Govern- [ Translation] ment. That is not the democratic way ... (/n- SHRI AJAY MUSHRAN: Mr, Speaker, tarruptions). Sir, have the hon. Members of opposition [ Trans/ation] gone to organise a strike or have t'hey gone elsewhere? SHRI HARISH RAWAT: Mr. Speaker, Sir, these people could not make Bharat [English] Bandh a success but now they want to see PROF. K.K. TEWARY: They have no that the functioning of Parliament is stopped. respect for the parliament, Sir... (Interrup- MR. SPEAKER: They cannot stopfunc- tions). Sir, there should be a privilege motion tioning of the Parliament. They can simply against them because they have scant re- deprive them selves from carrying on their gard for the prestige and dignity of the activities here. House... (Interruptions). You should make an 0~serv8tion on this, disapproving their conduct. After an, they should be present in ORAL ANSWERS TO OUeSTJONS the House even if they have given a call for the bandt1: .. (Interruptions). [English] PROF.· N.G. RANGA: Sir, I agree with GAS-BASED POWER STAnONS him but, at the same time, I completely ignore their behaviour... (Interruptions). *282. SHRI AKHTAR HASAN: Will the SHRI SOMNATH RATH: This is a disre- Minister of ENERGY be pleased to state: spect to the House, Sir... (Interruption). [ Translation] (a) whether there is any scheme to set up gas-based power stations in the country; MR. SPEAKER: Please do not repeat (b) if so, the salient features of this the sarna thing. Why do you behave- like scheme; and that? " 3 Oral Answers MARCH 15, 1988 Oral Answers 4 (c) the likely locations thereof?' TRY OF ENERGY (SHRIMATI SUSHILA THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE ROHTAGI).: (a) to (c). A statement is given DEPARTMENT OF POWER IN THE MINIS- below. STATEMENT (a) Yes, Sir. (b) and (c). Gas-based power plants of an aggregate capacity of 898.5 MW are presently in operation in the country. The National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) is implementing, gas-based combined cycle power projects at Anta (3x1 OD MW) in Rajasthan, Auraiya (4)(100 , MW) in U.P. and Kawas(4x1 00 MW) in Gujarat. The following gas turbine power projects have also been approved for implementation in the Seventh Plan by-the State authorities concerned:- / S. Name of the project commissioned/likely to capacity of gas No. be commissioned ,during the Seventh Plan turbine units, RAJAS THAN (i) Ramgarh gas turbine project 1x3 MW TRIPURA (ii) Baramura gas turbine project 2x5 MW since commissioned. (iii) , Baramura gas turbine project 1x5 MW (NEC-managed project)-Unit 3 (iv) Gas Turbine project at Rokhia 2x5 MW ASSAM (v) Lakwa gas turbine project-Unit 4 (Phase-l) 1x15 MW since ... commissioned. (vi) Lakwa gas turbine project Phass-ll 4x15 MW Units 5 to 8 MA HARASHTRA (vii) Uran gas turbine project 4x-108 MW since commissioned. -----'-------'-------------,----- ------,--------- Gas-based power plants at Kathalquri power plants would depend on the "avallabil- _~ (270 MW) and Lakwa Phase-Ill (4x15 MW) ity of gas on a sustained basis .. in Assam and' at Narsapur-Razole (3x33 MW) in Andtira Pradesh have been ap- [Translatioo] • provedfor benefits in the Eighth Plan period, . SHRI AKHTAR HASAN: ~k Sneaker, . \. The installati '1 of more gas-based Sir, the hon. Minister has stated in her rep! I , 5 Oral Answers PHALGUNA 25,1909 (SAKA) Oral Answers 6 that the Govarnment is going to set up a Board have been requesting time and again power project only at Auraiya in Uttar to approve the concessional rate for gas. But kl10W the rates are not being approved. Conse- Pradesh. I would like to as to when the .I power project at Auraiya will start functionlnq .'quently, the gas is not being put to any. use. and which. of the districts in Uttar Pradesh they have been making concerted efforts for will be supplied-power from this project? lhe last two, YE:lars.Kindly give satisfactory .reply so that the work could be carried on and SHRIMATI SUSHILA ROHTAGI: Sir, it t~e Ramgarh project could be completed is a much wider question in which the hon. within a year. Member has sought to know about Auraiya and Anta. lcannotqive any specific date, but SHRIMATI SUSI;iILA ~OHTAGI: Sir, I can say #1af the workis in progress accord- · w,e have also felt that there is power short- _ing to the schedule. age in Hajasthan. He has made a reference to Ramgarh. There is no difference of opin- MR. SPEAKER: She thinks in a wider ion between the Ministry of Petroleum and perspective. the Ministry of Energy. But, efforts are being rnads to find out as to what quantity of gas SHfil AKHTAR HASAN: Mr. Speaker, I will be availableand where can it be put to would like to know about the steps taken to maximum use and whether it has been given set up such power projects in Western Uttar techno economic clearance. Keeping all Pradesh, when there is less power genera- these aspects in view, tha work related to tion in Uttar Pradesh, why more power proj- gas completes early, say within a period of ects are not being ."set up th~re? Uttar about two years, due to short gestation pe- Pradesh is avery big State and there is acute riod. We want that more and more gas _shortage of power in the State. 'should be available but it should be .ori a confirmed basis, The Department of Power SHRIMATI SUSHILA ROHTAGI: Sir, likes that more gas should be supplied the power position, is satisfactory in Uttar where it is more needed. As regards Hajast- Pradesh and several small and major proj- han, we want that the-gas should be supplied ects are, in progress there. It is only 3 days more and putto proper use. back that power station of the capacity of 210 MV at Anpara start. d functioning and it is SHRI VfRDHI CHANDER JAIN: We hoped thatthe powe station at Tanda will be have been trying forthe lasttwo years, but no commissioned within this week. the R.E.C. satisfactory reply has been given in this is making effo.rts in this direction. There are regard. 5,6 small hydro-electric projects, in 5-6 States. Uttar Pradesh is oneofthese States. SHRI NIRMAL KHATTRI: Mr.Bpeaker, Site selection is under way. However, it is · through you, I would like to knowwhether ths hoped that the power generation targets in · cost accruing on the construction of gas- Uttar Pradesh will be nearly achieved.
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