1-15 September Cover

1-15 September Cover

In This Issue Since 1909 ThePRESIDENT’S Battle ADDRESSof Asal TO Uttar THE NATION and Khemkaran 7 (Initially published as FAUJI AKHBAR) Vol. 62 No 17 10 - 24 Bhadrapada, 1937 (Saka) 1-15 September 2015 The journal of India’s Armed Forces published every fortnight in thirteen languages including Hindi & English on behalf of Ministry of Defence. It is not necessarily an organ for the expression of the Government’s defence policy. The published items represent the views of respective writers and correspondents. Editor-in-Chief Commemoration of Battle of Butur Hasibur Rahman 10 12 Editor Editor (Features) 1965 India… Dograndi Dr Abrar Rahmani Ehsan Khusro Coordination Business Manager Sekhar Babu Madduri Dharam Pal Goswami Our Correspondents DELHI: Dhananjay Mohanty; Capt DK Sharma; Manoj Tuli; Nampibou Marinmai; Wg Cdr Rochelle D’Silva; Col Rohan Anand; Wg Cdr SS Birdi, Ved Pal; ALLAHABAD: Gp Capt BB Pande; BENGALURU: Dr MS Patil; CHANDIGARH: Parvesh Sharma; CHENNAI: T Shanmugam; GANDHINAGAR: Wg Cdr Abhishek Matiman; GUWAHATI: Lt Col Suneet Newton; IMPHAL: Lt Col Ajay Kumar Sharma; JALANDHAR: Naresh Vijay Vig; JAMMU: Lt Col Manish Mehta; JODHPUR: Lt Col Manish Ojha; KOCHI: Cdr Sridhar E Warrier ; KOHIMA: Lt Col E Musavi; KOLKATA: 4 Independence Day Gallantry… Gp Capt TK Singha; LUCKNOW: Ms Gargi Malik Sinha; MUMBAI: Cdr Rahul Vajra Corps Hosts 6 Defence Correspondents’… Sinha; Narendra Vispute; NAGPUR: Wg Cdr Samir S Gangakhedkar; PALAM: Gp Seminar 14 Capt SK Mehta; PUNE: Mahesh Iyengar; SECUNDERABAD: MA Khan Shakeel; 16 Celebrating 1965 War Victory… SHILLONG: Gp Capt Amit Mahajan; SRINAGAR: Col NN Joshi; TEZPUR: Lt Col 20 Know Your Army Mela-2015 Sombith Ghosh; THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Suresh Shreedharan; UDHAMPUR: Col SD Goswami; VISAKHAPATNAM: Cdr CG Raju. 22 Beyond the Staling Effect of Time 24 Newly Attested Guardsmen Published by: Sitanshu Kar 26 Independence Day Bonhomie… Director General (Media & Communication) Directorate of Public Relations, South Block, Ministry of Defence, New Delhi-110011 Regulars Follow us on: 18 Air Force Wrestling Championship 2015-16 27 Armed Forces Panorama www.facebook.com/DefenceMinIndia https://twitter.com/spokespersonMoD 21 Editorial Offi ce: Defence Minister Visits Ladakh L-1 Block, Church Road, New Delhi-110001, Telefax : 23094668 Telephone : 23092768 Email : [email protected] E-in-C: ASCON-32078 [email protected] For subscriptions contact : Business Manager, Sainik Samachar, Telephone : 23092768 Subscription Rates: Inland (Ordinary): One Year Rs 100.00, Overseas (Surface Mail): Rs 450.00 Concessional (per year): Rs 20.00 (Applicable for dependants of service personnel & ex-Servicemen.) For all correspondence subscribers must quote their subscription number For more details visit our website: http://sainiksamachar.nic.in OOnn ffrontront ccover:over: PPresidentresident ooff IIndiandia MMrr PPranabranab MMukherjeeukherjee llayingaying wwreathreath aatt AAmarmar JJawanawan JJyoti,yoti, aatt IIndiandia GGateate oonn tthehe ooccasionccasion ofof GGoldenolden JJubileeubilee ooff 19651965 Indo-PakIndo-Pak wwar.ar. TThreehree SServiceervice CChiefshiefs aarere aalsolso sseeneen iinn tthehe ppicture.icture. ppic:ic: GGDD MMehraehra Independence Day Gallantry Awards and Other Decorations he President and Supreme and members of Paramilitary Forces (Gallantry), two Nao Sena Medals TCommander of the Armed which include two Kirti Chakras, 10 (Gallantry) and three Vayu Sena Forces has approved 67 Gallantry Shaurya Chakras, one Bar to Sena Medals (Gallantry). Awards to Armed Forces Personnel Medal (Gallantry), 49 Sena Medals KIRTI CHAKRA IC-61357M LIEUTENANT COLONEL NECTAR SANJENBAM, SHAURYA CHAKRA 21ST BATTALION THE PARACHUTE REGIMENT (SPECIAL FORCES) JC-571195H NB SUB RAJESH KUMAR, MAHAR, 30 RR, (POSTHUMOUS) SHAURYA CHAKRA IC-55822X COL MUNINDRA NATH RAI, YSM, GORKHA RIF, 42 RR (POSTHUMOUS) IC-69288W MAJ TANUJ GROVER, ARMD, 22 RR IC-73653K CAPT VARUN KUMAR SINGH, RAJPUT, 44 RR G/144175X HAV MAN BAHADUR CHHETRI, 44, ASSAM RIFLES (POSTHUMOUS) 9421485H HAVILDAR TANKA KUMAR LIMBU, 21ST BATTALION THE PARACHUTE REGIMENT (SPECIAL FORCES) CDR MILIND MOHAN MOKASHI (04755-F) WING COMMANDER SANDEEP SINGH (25336) FLYING (PILOT) LATE MOHD SHAFI SHEIKH HEAD CONSTABLE J&K POLICE, DISTT HANDWARA (POSTHUMOUS) LATE SHRI REYAZ AHMAD LONE CONSTABLE (307/H (EXK – 055949), J&K POLICE, DISTT HANDWARA (POSTHUMOUS) LATE SHRI HIRA KUMAR JHA SECOND-IN-COMMAND, 7 BN, CRPF (POSTHUMOUS) BAR TO SENA MEDAL (GALLANTRY) IC-73414P MAJ RAKESH RADHAKRISHNAN, SM, MADRAS, 26 ASSAM RIFLES SENA MEDAL(GALLANTRY) AR-276W SHRI JASMER SINGH MALIK, DY COMDT, 27 ASSAM RIFLES IC-63648L MAJ BHARAT ARUN, MAHAR, 1 RR IC-63910H MAJ MANISH DAHIYA, 2 RAJPUT IC-66140M MAJ MANEESH MISHRA, GORKHA RIF, 1 ASSAM RIFLES IC-67031M MAJ RAVINDRA SHANTARAM KOKANE, ASC, 44 RR IC-67210M MAJ PRATUL DAVID SINGH, ARTY, 31 FD REGT IC-67893L MAJ SIDDHARTH RAO, 3 PARA (SF) IC-67972A MAJ RANVIJAY SINGH PATHANIA, ARMD, 22 RR IC-68093Y MAJ VINEET SHARMA, PUNJAB, 22 RR IC-69973F MAJ GAJDEEP PAL, ARTY, 43 ASSAM RIFLES IC-71524L MAJ RAKESH KUMAR, MARATHA LI, 38 ASSAM RIFLES IC-72438M MAJ VIKAS GURUNG, 2 DOGRA IC-73425F MAJ ARVIND KUMAR SHIVRAIN, MECH INF, 13 ASSAM RIFLES IC-75232A MAJ JASHANDEEP SINGH SOHAL, 14 GARH RIF IC-73203M MAJOR PRASHANT YADAV, 21ST BATTALION THE PARACHUTE REGIMENT (SPECIAL FORCES) IC-77668K CAPT DEEPAK KUMAR BHAGWANI, INT, 14 GARH RIF IC-75301L CAPT SUVEER RATHORE, 1 PARA (SF) SS-45717N CAPT NAVEEN KUMAR, ARTY, 159 FD REGT SS-47112L LIEUTENANT KRISHAN KANT, 21ST BATTALION THE PARACHUTE REGIMENT (SPECIAL FORCES) 4 Sainik Samachar September 1-15, 2015 JC-550121A SUB LILA KANTA KAKATI, 8 ASSAM JC-278851H NB SUB GURPREET SINGH, ARTY, 31 FD REGT JC-441024M NB SUB REMESH BABU P, 12 MADRAS JC-531522A NB SUB LAL SINGH, 14 GARH RIF 2599491W HAV MALLAPPA CHANNALLI, 11 MADRAS (POSTHUMOUS) 4186324A HAV CHANAR SINGH, 21 PARA (SF) 4365075H HAV LALDINPUIA, ASSAM REGT, 42 RR 9421309L HAVILDAR RAJ BAHADUR TAMANG, 21ST BATTALION THE PARACHUTE REGIMENT (SPECIAL FORCES) G/95698K HAV DURNA KANTA DOLEY, 44 ASSAM RIFLES (POSTHUMOUS) 13623652H NAIK MANOJ KUMAR, 21ST BATTALION THE PARACHUTE REGIMENT (SPECIAL FORCES) 13625402A NK KALYAN SINGH, 4 PARA (SF) 13759898F NK JASWINDER SINGH, JAK RIF, 52 RR 15561614N NAIK BHUPINDER SINGH, 21ST BATTALION THE PARACHUTE REGIMENT (SPECIAL FORCES) 2894815L NK NARENDRA SINGH GOUR, 7 RAJ RIF 3000927K L/NK JAI RAJ, RAJPUT, 44 RR 4001680W L/NK SANSAR CHAND, 9 DOGRA 4373439Y L/NK TUALLAWAT ZONUNTLUANGA, ASSAM REGT, SIACHEN BATTLE SCHOOL 12924296H L/NK TERSEM LAL, 157 INF BN (TA) (H&H) SIKH 15573117W L/NK JAGGA SINGH, 107 ENGR REGT (POSTHUMOUS) 15700156W L/NK J HARI KRISHNA, SIGS, 42 RR 15486543N ALD TOYAJ MISHRA, 81 ARMD REGT 13014379A SEP ABU BAKKAR BARBHUIYA, INF BN (TA)(H&H) ASSAM, 7 JAT 5352141X RFN KAMAL PURJA PUN, GORKHA RIF, SIACHEN BATTLE SCHOOL 5457331H RFN ROMAN SINGH ALE, 5/5 GR (FF) 9927618M RFN MAQBUL ANSAR, 5 LADAKH SCOUT 16017793M RFN DINESH KUMAR, RAJ RIF, 18 RR G/5012490A RFN MADANE AMOL BABAN RAO, 43 ASSAM RIFLES 15218627Y GNR GURSAHIB SINGH, ARTY, 30 RR (POSTHUMOUS) 15215846P PTR KESHOR BASUMATARY, 3 PARA (SF) 15693135P SIGMN SAHAB SINGH, SIGS, C COMPOSITE SIG REGT (POSTHUMOUS) NAO SENA MEDAL (GALLANTRY) CAPTAIN RAJESH DHANKHAR(03587-A) CAPTAIN PRADEEP SINGH (03702-N) VAYU SENA MEDAL (GALLANTRY) SQUADRON LEADER S SELVAKUMAR (28716) FLYING (PILOT) FLIGHT LIEUTENANT GANDIKOTA JAGAN MOHAN (30835) FLYING (PILOT) 776027 SGT MUKESH KUMAR TIWARI FLIGHT GUNNER The President has also contributions in different military for ‘Operation Orchid’, one for awarded 20 Mention-in- operations which include three ‘Operation Hifazat’ and three for Despatches to Army & Para Military for ‘Operation Meghdoot’, 12 ‘Operation Rhino’. personnel for their significant for ‘Operation Rakshak’, one - N Ao September 1-15, 2015 Sainik Samachar 5 Defence Correspondents’ Course Gets Underway month-long Defence Correspondents’ Course 2015 A(DCC-15), got underway at the Maritime Warfare Centre (MWC), Visakhapatnam and is being attended by 31 journalists drawn from a cross-section of media from the Nation. Vice Admiral Bimal Verma, Chief of Staff, Eastern Naval Command delivered the inaugural address. Mr Sitanshu Kar, Director General (Media & Communication), Ministry of Defence conducted the first session. The first phase of the course consists of the Navy and Inter-Services capsule is being conducted at Visakhapatnam, which will be followed by Air Force and Army capsules at Tezpur (Assam) and Siliguri (West Bengal) respectively. A visit to Counter Insurgency and Jungle Warfare School at Vairangte (Mizoram) is also included in the schedule. This would be followed by a Mr Sitanshu Kar, DG (M&C), Ministry of Defence delivering the ‘Forward Area Tour’ (FAT) in North Sikkim at Sevoke inaugural address of Defence Correspondents’ Course 2015 held at MWC, Vishakhapatnam. Road Military Station near Siliguri on September 17, 2015. the journalists on varied military subjects. DCC is conducted annually by Directorate of Public Relations (DPR), MoD for journalists from the print and A ‘Day at Sea’ on board a naval warship, visit to a electronic media, to acquaint them with the nuances submarine, Naval Science and Technological Laboratory of the armed forces to help them become specialist (NSTL) and Hindustan Shipyard Limited (HSL) are Defence journalists. Eminent speakers and Defence included in the Navy capsule. Senior officials from the experts from the three Services, DRDO and Coast Guard DPR, MoD and Indian Navy attended the inauguration. among others will share their expertise and views with - Cdr CG Raju Mr. Sitanshu Kar, DG (M&C), Ministry of Defence alongwith Vice Admiral Bimal Verma, Chief of Staff, Eastern Naval Command and participants of DCC-2015 at Vishakhapatnam 6 Sainik Samachar September 1-15, 2015 GOLDEN JUBILEE OF 1965 WAR The Battle of Asal Uttar and Khemkaran y September 10, 1965, the central supported by armour and air. Bpincer of Indian offensives by 11 Enemy shelling continued through Corps, aimed to threaten Lahore out the night of September 6/7, and had made its mark with capture by morning of September 7, enemy of Barki by 7 Infantry Division.

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