m m à fr:.Only. ■ From' Responsible Mer- ::;1-';..v ■ í !v .x ; ':'■ ';‘; ::;■■;-■■”i . ' 1 ® ’-.Á■■;i i É W i  | 't'^V' éhniits.' Ôonsult Timos Advertising v’ Coluniiis For Stores of Proved « í % f ^ d ^ / S W # ! .[ The Business of the TlmesJob Print­ Integrity. ing Department is to Please Ench Customer. TeBt Uà. VOL. LXIV. No. 15. OCEAN GROVE NEPTUNE CITY AVON FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1939 BRADLEY BEACH NEPTUNE .FOUR, CENTS NEW OFFICERS ELECTED Says Railroads SUNRISE PARADE RAINED OUT New Building Featured In George Webber Is President < Snow Gives Way To Clear Skies Six Bishops N. J: Gas Association- AreGvervalued For Boardwalk Fas'.mm 'Parade 32d Report Home for Aged George B. Webber, director of Those attending the annual Eus- m w m educational work for the Public LOSSES SINCE 1926 ARE Service* Electric and Gas Co., was ter Sunrise service last Sunday, led To Cover Two Full Blocks and Will electod president of the Now, Jersey ■ V, 50 to 60% by Blecckcr Stirling, were forced Gas Association, at the annual con­ by the rain to hold'their meeting Bishops Waldorf, Ward, Richard­ Be Six Stories In Height; Plans vention held Wednesday at the Associated Railroads Describe Cri­ in St. Paul’s church, instead of Berkoloy-Carteret Hotel. Ho sue tical Situation In ¡New Jersey nuirching to the beach as planned, The rain, was followed by snow, son, Decell, Mead and Leonard coeds B. A. Sciplo, of tho Jersey and Ask For Relief From Over- Are Prepared and Publicity Com­ which melted as it hit the ground, Central Power and Light Co, Assessment». V ., Othr officers elected included and gave why to clearing ¿kies Will Preach; Drs. McCombe and mittee Will Have Model On the and strong winds which continued Frank H. Darlington, People’s Gas The real value of New Jersey’s! Homrighousen To Lead Camp Co., Glnsßboro, 1st . vice-president, al^ day/ The sunshine lured thou­ Boardwalk. railroads today is not more than 30 sands to the Ocean Grove arid As. and Preston D.’ Gardner, of Public to 50% of tho'valuations placed on Meeting. > Service, Camden, 2nd . vice-presi- bury Park boardwalks to vie\v the them by the State for tax purpos­ fifth annual orchid promenade for A. es, according to studies . recently The dominant theme of the thirty-second annual re- ®ntl Harry Sutton, Public Ser- the 100 best dressed women., . » . , , » J . i. TT - J. ,V r J v . , . vice, Newark, was re-olectcd- sec- port of the Methodist Home foil the Aged, which was is- retaiy.treoaurer. completed by The Associated Rail­ At the early morning: servicc in With the completion of the 1939 program by the roads of New Jersey.. ' Ocean Grove Association this week, announcement is made ' SUed this,week, iB the New Building. Two architects’ views . Directors for three years are the church, Miss . Ida Mason and “Since 1926, the New Jersfey rail­ of the proposed new home and the surrounding.grounds L. W. Becker, Elizabethtown Gas Sylvester Williams were the solo­ by. President George W. Henson that six bishops of thè roads have suffer«;d losses in traf­ ists. The congregation singing was a r e published in €he .report, which will be circulated •©**. Elizabeth; E. J. Menorey, Methodist church will preach at the Sunday services in the fic and revenue of 50 to 60%,” tho led by Mr. Versoy, and the Salva- Auditorium this summer. ■ throughout all the churches of New Fersey. —: :■■■■■■. — -Pooples-GaBi-GlaaBborOr-and-L.N, Association—stateB. "This —very, Yetter, Atlantic City Gas Co. How­ great shrinkage in the demand for tion Army band—nnd~the~ArIon —Listeners- 7-will- welcome; old ; Referring to tho new building, choir assisted in the riiusicnl part ard Melvin, Cumberland County railroad '.'service has adversely af­ friends in; Bishop Ernest; G, Rich­ Sanford C. Flint, president of the gram. One of the main items on fected the value of the roads by of tho program. The Rev. William McCombe, pastor of the Church of Gas Co., Millville, was elected di­ ardson, of. the Philadelphia area; St. Andrew.and St. Paul, New York board of Trustees, said in closing the publicity schedule is the pro­ reducing their earning power. It' Northridge, superintendent of the rector for two years to fill tho. va­ has also lessoned-their^ ability to Bishop Charles L.’ Mead, of the city, occupying the pulpit lit tho • his report: ’ ■ curement, through the courtesy, of West Side Mission, delivered cancy created by the death of W. C. pay taxes. ’ j Denver area; and Bishop Adna W. “I would like to impress the size the Ocean Grovo Association, of a brief address. evening services. : .’ Buell.: “The railroads used to be almost Leonard, of the, Pittsburgh area, and importance of the New Build­ booth on the boardwalk, at which . Bishop Leonard will preside at the only transportation agency in but three new faccs will be seen. the Bible Lovers’ Conference, July ing. It will cover two full Ocean will be exhibited a model of the New Jersey. Now they must share They are Bishop J. Lu Decell of the available buainoaB with trucks, 31 to August 5, assisted by Prof. Grovo Blocks, together with the new Home together with literature Loyalty Drive tho south; Bishop Ralph A. Ward, street which now'lies between. It showing the comprehensive work C.M.T.C. Wants buses, airplanes, pipo lines, and in­ Rollin Walter, of Ohio Wesleyan land and coastal waterways. of China, and Bishop Ernest L. University. !■'■'. - will bo six stories, in height, of of the present home. The commit­ “The railroads havo had to buy Waldorf, of the Chicago area. , brick and fireproof construction tee Is also planning a “Buy-A- 500 More Youths Completed The missionary conference will their rights of way, build and The program .with its conferen­ be held from August 8 to 11. Bish­ throughout, and will accommodate Brlck” campaign which; will reach mointain their roadways, and pay ces, auxiliary meetings and. daily op Ward will bring the latest word more than double the present num­ all the churches of the two con­ ARMY HEADQUARTERS interest on tho bonds representing MR. STIRLING ANNOUNCES meetings .during camp meeting from stricken China. , ber of residents. It is a distinct ferences. the cost of thoBe tfiings. On the TEAM CAPTAINS ■' N. Y. MAKES ANNOUNCEMENT other hnnd, trucks arid' buses use week is perhaps the most varied challenge to Methodism and: your John U. Dixon, treasurer, in his The confcrenco of sacred music tho highways, constructed at great appealing that has ever been oir will be conducted by Homer Rhode- continued prayers and; sacrificial report states that the total assets public expense, for the transpor­ St. Paul’B Loyalty CampaignTs All Officials Stress That! Candidates fered. • . .- :■ heaver and Walter Eddowes, July ; giving. ' H■;; are $658,505.68, an increase of tation of passengers and merchan­ Set To Open Sunday, April 23. The season' will open Sunday, 17 to 22 inclusive. Other speakers The New Building committee, $231,458.17 over the year before; Are Free Of Obligation For dise in direct competition with tho railroads. General Chairman and Others June 11, with Bishop Ernest G. will be Ruth Rhodcheaver Thomas, composed of Frank B. Smith, and total reserves ore $110,782,'41.' Future Military Service, And "Yet no account of these changes Were Guests At Victory Dinner Richardson, D. D., L. 1>. D., in the Prof. Rollin Pease and Dr. Oscar chairman, Rev. Harry. A. Relyea, also a slight increase over tho pre­ Free Of All Personal Expense. has been taken in arriving at the -•'- For Camden Church pulpit as has been the custom for. I. Olsen. • Rev. Leon Chamberlain,. Rev. vious year. assessed • valuation . of the rail­ many years, and will close Sunday, The conference on evangelism • George C. Vogel, William J. Cause, Through the cooperation’ of the Fivo hundred moro New jersey roads. Last year railroad proper­ Plans • for St. Paul’s Loyalty Sept. 10. : ‘ . will be conducted by Rev. Dr. S. W. joieph A. Thoma and John H. Par­ chairmen and the assistance of tho y°uttia aro wanted as candidates ty in the State was assessed at $441,556,656 and on the basis of Campaign were' completed this The. annual camp meeting ser­ Hughes, of London, England, Aug. ker, Jr., announced, among other residents of the Home, the 1938 for this summer’s Citizen’s Mili- .week. Team; captains and all this assessment taxes of $20,364,- vices will sta rt Friday,, August 25, 14 to 19. '.' . ' things, that Ernest A. Arend had Bazaar netted $»22.65. Tho grand tnr3r Training Camps, it was an, 054 wore levied against the rail­ workers have - been selected. Last Tuesday evening the general chair­ with Dr. W. G. Homrighousen,; òf The season’s program in full will . been selected as architect, and that total fo r Tag Day was $474.01. nounced this week, a t the U. roads. “Actually, however, the Princcton Seminary, as the morn­ real value of the railroads was riot man of the. Church Loyalty Cam­ be found on page eight of this is­ preliminary plans and sketches of The calendar for the yenr 1039 Army Headquarters of the Second paign, Bleecker Stirling and Mrs. ing preacher, and Dr. C. Jcffares sue. is also included in the report.-In C o r p s A r e a , Governors Island, more than $250,000,000 arid any the new H 0Irt0 are on exhibition i t person or frroup who would invest Stirling, Frank B. Smith and Dr. tho present Home, 63 Clark ave­ May a:rummage sale is scheduled.
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