Mileage, Log Call Book

Mileage, Log Call Book

FIFTH Revised Edition Including 207 New Stations and Changes since our last edition WHITE'S MILEAGE, LOG (Air Line AND RADIO CALL BOOK 1925 COMPLETE AND UP-TO-DATE PRICE 10 CENTS COPYRIGHT 1925 BY C. DEWI`T WHITE CO. Kept Up to Date WHITE'S MILEAGE LOG AND R_ DiO GALL BOOK Fifth Revised Edition 1925 PRICE 10 CENTS C. DE WITT WHITE CO., PUBLISHERS 1311 SMITH STREET, PROVIDENCE, R. I. COPYRIGHT 1925 BY C. DE WITT WHITE CO. 1925 LIST OF UNITED STATES BROADCASTING STATIONS ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY BY CALL LETTERS Abbreviations: W.L., wave length in metres; K.C., frequencies in kilocycles; W.P., watt power of station W.L. K.C. W.P. KDKA Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa. 326- 920-1000 KDPM Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., Cleveland, 0 270-1110- 500 KDPT Southern Electrical Co., San Diego, Calif. 244-1230- 50 KDYL Newhouse Hotel, Salt Lake City, Utah 360- 833- 100 KDYM Savoy Theatre, San Diego, Calif 280-1070- 100 KDYQ Oregon Institute of Technology, Portland, Ore 360- 833- 50 KDZB Frank E. Siefert, Bakersfield, Calif 240-1250- 100 KEPQ Cliford M. Esler, Denison, Texas 231-1300- 10 . KFAB Nebraska Buick Auto Co., Lincoln, Nob 240-1250- 200 KFAD McArthur Bros. Mercantile Co., Phoenix, Ariz 360- 833- 100 KFAE State College of Washington, Pullman, Wash 330- 908- 500 KFAF Western Radio Corporation, Denver, Colo 360- 833- 50 KFAJ University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo 360- 833- 100 KFAN The Electric Shop, Moscow, Idaho 360- 833- 50 KFAQ City of San Jose, San Jose, Calif 360- 833- 250 KFAR Studio Lighting Service Co., Hollywood, Calif. 227-1320- 200 KFAW The Radio Den, Santa Ana, Calif 280-1070- 10 KFBB Havre, Buttrey & Co., Havre, Mont. 275-1090- 50 KFBC W. K. Azbill, San Diego, Calif 278-1080- 5 KFBE Reuben H. Horn, San Luis Obispo, Calif 242-1240- 50 KFBG First Presbyterian Church, Tacoma, Wash 360- 833- 50 KFBK Kimball -Upson Co., Sacramento, Calif 283-1060- 100 KFBL Lucas Bros., Everett, Wash 224-1340- 15 KFBU The Cathedral, Laramie, Wyo 283-1060- 50 KFCB Neilson Radio Supply Co., Phoenix, Ariz 248-1260- 10 KFCC The First Congregational Church, Helena, Mont 248-1210- 10 KFCF Frank A. Moore, Walla Walla, Wash 256-1170- 100 KFCL Los Angeles Union Stock Yards, Los Angeles, Cal 236-1270- 500 KFCP Ralph W. Flygare, Ogden, Utah 360- 833- 10 KFCV Fred Mahaffey, Jr., Houston, Tex 360- 833- 10 KFCY Western Union College, Le Mars, Iowa 252-1190- 50 KFCZ Omaha Central High School, Omaha, Neb 258-1160- 50 KFDD St. Michael's Cathedral, Boise, Idaho 252-1190- 10 f KFDH University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz 268-1120- 50 KFDJ Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Ore 360- 833- 50 KFDL Knight -Campbell Music Co., Denver, Col 226-1330- 5 KFDM Magnolia Petroleum Co., Beaumont, Tex 306- 980- 500 l KFDX First Baptist Church, Shreveport, La 250-1200- 100 KFDY So. Dak. State Col. of Agr. and Mech. Arts, Brookings, S. Dak.273-1100- 100 KFDZ Harry O. Iverson, Minneapolis, Minn 231-1300- 5 KFEC Meier & Frank Co., Portland, Ore 248-1200- 50 KFEL Winner Radio Corp., Denver, Colo 254-1180- 50 KFEQ J. L. Scroggin, Oak, Neb 268-1120- 100 KFER Auto Electric Service Co., Fort Dodge, la 231-1300- 10 KFEV Felix Thompson Radio Shop, Casper, Wyo 263-1140- 50 KFEX Augsburg Seminary, Minneapolis, Minn 261-1150- 100 KFFP` First Baptist Church, Moberly, Mo. 266-1130- 50 KFFR Nevada State Journal, Sparks, Nev 360- 833- 10 KFFT Caper Johnson, Salt Lake City, Utah 268-1120- 500 KFFV Graceland College, Lamoni, Iowa 280-1070- 100 KFFY Louisiana College, Alexandria, La 275-1090- 50 KFGC Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, La 254-1180- 100 KFGD Oklahoma College for Women, Chickasha, Okla 252-1190- 50 KFGH Leland Stanford Junior University, Stanford Univ., Calif 273-1100- 500 KFGP George S. Carson, Jr., Iowa City, Iowa 224-1340- 10 KFGQ Crary Hardware Co., Boone, La 226-1330- 10 KFGX First Presbyterian Church, Orange, Tex 250-1200- 500 KFGZ Emmanuel Missionary College, Berrien Springs, Mich 286-1050- 500 KFHA Western State College, Gunnison, Colo 252-1190- 50 KFHJ Fallon & Co., Santa Barbara, Calif 360- 833- 100 KFHL Penn College, Oakaloosa, Iowa 240-12x0- 10 KFHP Radio Bug Products Co., Kearney, Nebraska 246-1220- 10 KFHR Star Electric & Radio Co., Seattle, Wash 263-1140- 100 KFI Earle C. Anthony, Inc., Los Angeles, Calif 469- 640-1500 KFIF Benson Polytechnic Institute, Portland, Ore 248-1210- 100 e, KFIO North Central High School, Spokane, Wash 252-1190- 50 KFIQ First Methodist Church, Yakima, Wash 256-1170- 50 KFIU Alaska Electric Light & Power Co., Juneau, Alaska 226-1330- 10 KFIX Reor. Ch. of Jesus Christ of L. D. Sts., Independence, Mo 268-1120- 250 KFIZ Daily Commonwealth and Seifert Radio Corp., Fond du Lac, Wis.273-1100- 100 KFJB Marshall Electrical Co., Marshalltown, Iowa 248-1210- 10 KFJF National Radio Manufacturing Co., Oklahoma City, Okla 261-1150- 225 KFJI Liberty Theatre, Astoria, Ore 252-1190- 10 KFJK Delano Radio and Electric Co., Bristow, Okla 233-1290- 100 KFJM University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, N. Dak 280-1070- 100 KFJR Ralph Schneeloch Co., Portland, Ore 263-1140- 5 KFJX Iowa State Teachers' College, Cedar Falls, Iowa 258-1160- 50 KFJY Tunwall Radio Co., Fort Dodge, Iowa 246-1220- 50 KFJZ Texas National Guard, 112th Cavalry, Fort Worth, Tex 254-1180- 20 KFKA Colorado State Teachers College, Greeley, Col 273-1100- 50 KFKB Brinkley -Jones Hospital Association, Milford, Ks 286-1050- 500 KFKQ Conway Radio Laboratories, Conway, Ark 250-1200- 100 KFKU University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 275-1090- 500 KFKV F. P. Gray, Butte, Mont 283-1060- 50 KFKX Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co., Hastings, Neb..291-1030-1000 KFLA Abner R. Wilson, Butte, Mont 258-1160- 5 KFLB Signal Electric Manufacturing Co., Menominee, Mich 248-1210- 50 KFLE National Educational Service, Denver, Col 268-1120- 25 KFLQ Bizzell Radio Shop, Little Rock, Ark 261-1150- 20 KFLU San Benito Radio Club, San Benito, Texas 236-1270- 15 KFLV Swedish Evangelical Mission Church, Rockford, Ill 229-1310- 100 KFLX George R. Clough, Galveston, Tex 240-1250- 10 KFLZ Atlantic Automobile Co., Atlantic, Iowa 273-1100- 100 KFMB Christian Churches of Little Rock, Little Rock, Ark 254-1180- KFMQ University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ark 263-1140- 100 KFMR Morningside College, Sioux City, Iowa 261-1150- 10 KFMT George W. Young, Minneapolis, Minn 231-1300- 100 a KFMW M. G. Sateren, Houghton, Mich 266-1130- 50 KFMX Carleton College, Northfield, Minn 283-1060- 500 KFNF Henry Field Seed Co., Shenandoah, Iowa 266-1130- 500 KFNJ Central Mo. State Teachers' College, Warrensburg, Mo 924-1280- 50 KFNG Wooten's Radio Shop, Coldwater, Miss 254-1180- 10 KFNL Radio Broadcast Association, Paso Robles, Calif 240-1250- 10 KFNV L. A. Drake Battery & Radio Supply Shop, Santa Rosa, Calif. .2-27-1320- 5 KFNY Montana Phonograph Co., Helena, Mont 2(11-1150- 5 KFNZ Royal Radio Co., Burlingame, Calif 231-1300- 10 KFOA Rhodes Department Store, Seattle, Wash 455- 660- 500 KFOC First Christian Churcl-, Whittier, Calif 236-1270- 100 KFOD The Radio Shop, Wallace, Idaho 224-1340- 10 KFOJ Moberly High School Radio Club, Moberly, Mo 246-1220- 5 KFOL Leslie M. Schafbuch, Marongo, Iowa 234-1280- 5 KFON Echophone Radio Shop, Long Beach, Calif 234-1280- 100 KFOO Latter Day Saints University, Salt Lake City, Utah 261-1150- 10 KFOR David City Tire & Electric Co., David City, Nebr 226-1330- 20 KFOT College Hill Radio Club, Wichita, Kans 231-1300- 50 KFOU Hommel Manufacturing Co., Richmond, Calif 254-1180- 100 KFOX Technical High School, Omaha, Nebr 248-1210- 100 KFOY Beacon Radio Service, St. Paul, Minn 236-13130- 50 KFOZ Leon Hudson Real Estate Co., Fort Smith, Ark 233-1290- 20 KFPG Oliver S. Garretson, Los Angeles, Calif 238-1260- 10 KFPH Howard C. Mailander, Salt Lake City, Utah 242-1240- 50 KFPL C. C. Bafter, Dublin, Texas 252-1190- 20 KFPM New Furniture Co., Greenville, Tex 242-1240- 10 KFPP G. & G. Radio & Electric Shop, Olympia, Wash 236-1270- 20 KFPR Los Angeles County Forestry Dept., Los Angeles, Cal 231-1300- 500 KFPV Heintz & Kohlmoos, San Francisco, Cal 236-1270- 50 KFPX First Presbyterian Church, Pine Bluff, Ark 242-1240- 100 KFPY Symons Investment Co., Spokane, Wash 283-1060- 100 ti KFQA The Principia, St. Louis, Mo 261-1150- 50 KFQB Searchlight Publishing Co., Fort Worth, Texas 254-1180- 100 KFQC Kidd Bros. Radio Shop, Taft, Cal 227-1320- 100 KFQD Chovin Supply Co., Anchorage, Alaska 280-1070- 100 KFQE Dickenson -Henry Radio Laboratories, Colorado Springs, Col 224-1340- 10 KFQG Southern Cal. Radio Asso., Los Angeles, Cal 226-1330- 100 KFQH Radio Service Co., Burlingame, Calif 231-1300- 50 KFQL Oklahoma Free State Fair Asso., Muskogee, Okla 252-1190- 20 KFQM Texas Highway Bulletin, Austin, Texas 268-1120- 100 KFQN Third Bapt. Church, Portland, Oregon 283-1060- 5 KFQR Walter L. Ellis, Oklahoma, Okla 250-1200- 50 KFQT Texas National Guard, Denison, Texas 252-1190- 10 KFQU W. Riker, Holy City, Cal 234-1280- 100 KFQV Omaha Grain Exchange, Omaha, Neb 231-1300- 100 KFQW C. F. Knierin Photo Radio & Electric Shop, No. Bend, Wash.248-1210- 50 KFQX Alfred M. Hubbard, Seattle, Wash 233-1290- 500 KFQY Farmer's State Bank, Belden, Neb 273-1100- 10 KFQZ Taft Radio Co., Hollywood, Cal 240-1250- 250 KFRB Hall Bros., Beeville, Tex 248-1210- 250 KFRC Radioart Studio, Whitcomb Hotel, San Francisco, Cal 280-1070- 5 KFRF W. R. Brown, Alexandria, La 242-1240- 10 KFRH Martin L. Monson, Grafton, No. Dakota 268-1120- 10 KFRJ Guy Simmons, Jr., Conway, Ark 250-1200- 10 KFRL Men's Club, 1st Presbyterian Church, Grand Forks, N.

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