ij n o D A T ; A p o w r w . 19491 ' I r O U R T tE !? - i9Ianr(;>Bter lEttgttteg Ij^ralh Tba Waaibie;--i.^= Averafs Dally Nat Praaa Ron | Fanaaet «4 C. 8. WaalBl For me Moom of Soly Ittt The Pe(ll*h Women’s Amanc*, Building Inspector David Cham­ » - ■ Mrs. Nettla Fenton of Detroit, Group NO. 246, will hold Its bers Issued today to Contractor M r amt m Mich.. Is ^^siUng her sister. Miss monthly meeting Satur^y eve- Ray Skopek a p e ^ t for the erec­ 9,339 eoat tooIgM; About Town Bemioe Juul of 99 East Center ninfir at eight o’clock in the tion of a five-room, one-story, sin­ street. ment of the Polish-Ameripan club gle family dwrelUng for Elmer E. e « ma AalH teSayi Movii-ard W. Kwmah, «on » t Mr. on Clinton street. All members Kllbv on Lyndale street at an es­ A son. their first child, w m are urged to attend. timated cost of 18,000. Manehe*ter— A Ciiy of Village Charm t;.., Mrs. VV.-I. J. KwMh of 95 born yesterday In Hartford hospi- p.^jaell rflroot, Mancherter, Conn., U1 to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kiss- rrcently wa§ graduated from the man of 73 Curtiss street. Hart­ AivirtMag Oa Page X) MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, .1948 (TEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CBNUl Mechaiuca and Maintenance coni'se ford. Prior to her marriage Mrs. VOL. LXVIL, NO. 859 of the Academy of Aeronautics. Klssman was the former Dorothy LaOuardla Airport, New York. Plltt of Edgerton street, this New York. Immediately after graduaOon Mr. Kwaah was ofTered town. Airlift Pla$e Crashes in Berlin I position with the Consolidated ’ Washington Loyal Orange Vultee Company. Prior to at­ Encouraging Words Subpoena Is Issued Lodge. No. 117, ^vill hold Ite tending the Academy of Aeronau­ monthly meeting tonight at eight. tics, he attended and was grad- o’clock in Orange hall. Aiated from the Manchester High- How'ell Cheney Tech school. Members of the Manchester Im- Fall to Consumei^ ' provement Association and the For Soviet Teacher; Rev, Paul G. Prokopy, Mrs. Manchester Fire department will Prokopv, their son Paul and have a joint outing Sunday. Au­ daughter Lola who have been gust 22, at the Garden Grove on While Prices Rise spending the major portion of Kecnev street. Tickets may be se­ Looldln* their vacation at Sebago Lake. cured at the North End Package Maine, journeyed northeastward Store or the Mens Barber shop. Bumper Crop Reports Be Served Today to Motmt Desert Island, a great On Bowles Viewed area of which was devastated last Mystic Review No. 2. W.B.A. Give Hopes for liiwer October by fire. They report that members will enjoy a covered dish __ •> while considerable rebuilding has supper Tuesday evening at six Living Costs; Effect TInvestigator for House taken place, there are many re­ o’clock at the home of Mrs. The Certain Choice minders of the conflagration in Charles J. Vlncck of 319 Middle Win Not Be Fell International Law Committee Arrives in the shape of ruins of buildings in turnpike, east, and a good turn­ Until Next Year; Pro- By Democrats New York; Would Put and near the famous w’atering out is hoped for. Further informa­ Bright place, Bar Harbor; and ' sUrk tion may be obtained b.v telephon­ duction and Sales Up Mra. Kosenkina. *in trees in the forests, although ing the chairman, Mrs. Maud Violation Charged much lumbering is going on to WTiite of 67 Pine street. Bingo Nothing Else Sure aa Protective CnstodJ of salvage the sound timber. will be played after the meal. Side New York, Aug. 14.—<1P) —The price-harassed Con­ State Convention En­ Pravda A$$erts Ameri­ United States,’ Strip­ High and Senior Luther Rally day will be observed on | sumer heard a few faraway Truman Loads Sunday, Sept. 12. by Center Con- ] ters Final Day; Repub* ling Savs; Informa- Leaguers will have a picnic Tues­ words of encouragement this can Intelligence Agents day evening at six o'clock at the gregational church folks, and also lican Record Target lion Being Assembhia Chambers cottage, Coventry lake. by the church school. Dr. James week amidst a clamor of Entered Soviet Con­ Elephant Gun Members planning to attend F. Hlngllsh of West Hartford, su­ higher prices. Bumper crop sulate After Plunge should meet at Emanuel Luther­ perintendent of the Connecticut reports gave him hopes for Bulletin! New York, Aug. 14.— (JPi Conference of Congregational an chui^ promptly at that time. lower living costs. But at best , Hartford, Ang. 14— la —An investigator for the Christian churches, will conduct I an aU night huddle which re­ Moscow, Aug. 14.— {JP)— ! For 2 Blasts this year's com and cotton House UnAmeriften Activi­ the worship at both services on portedly did not break up na- Pravda charged today that; Sept. 12. are next year** meat aqd-^oth— « til daylight. Democratic party ties committee arrived today not thla year’a American intelligence agents fQ with a subpoena fo r the Rus­ leadeba warhed on Ualng np Thla U. 8. C-54 airplane, spanning the Soriet blockade of Berlin with a cargo of coal, bursts Into flames Fire First Shot in The Highland George H. Beebe, seaman ap-1 Still Jonneea Upward candidates for the ticket to be wearing New York police uni- | sian school teacher who leaj prentice, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. after crashing Into a fence at Templehof Airdrome, Berlin. Another C-54 irntde an Instrument land- Mid-Year Budget Re­ Although It Is A Little Early And the conaumer atUl jounced headed by Cheater Bowlea aa iBf OB a half-completed runway «i«i waa heavily damaged. Both crews escaped without aerioua ta- forms violated international ed from the Soviet consulate Harold C. Facto of 65 Elm street, [ gubernatorial nominee. Form­ Park Store upward on aplraling pricea. Jnry. (NKA ndte-telephoto). law by entering the Soviet view; Second Explo­ where she says she v n s im­ Manchester, is serving on board I Preaident Truman didn’t get the er State Tnaaorer Wilfiam T. store Hours—-9 A. M. To the destroyer USS Henley, which consulate in New York after prisoned. To Do All Your Shopping price controla he wanted from OarroU at Torrlagton, was re­ sion Is Due Monday 9 P. M-y Inclnding Sundays is at present completing her sec­ Congresa, but the Republicana liably reported to be slated for the plunge of a Russian Would Ohr* “ rroteettve Custody” ond Mediterranean cruise. On this school teaclier. The subpoena to testify before aaid the reconvened aeaaion gave the Bondnatloa for lieutenant Washington, Aug. 14 — (O — the committee when she la aUa We carry a full line of cruise, which is carried out for him everything he needa to curb Hopeful Peace Tha Communist party newspa­ governor, the poat which Tbo- Russians Admit Food would place Mrs. Okaaaa Stepha- Grote and Weigel products. training and for spreading of good For School Clothes, May W e infiatlon. maa J. Dodd refnaed to take. per aaid the American intelligence Preaident Tniman loaded hla ele­ will between our Navy and the| service is guilty of a "crude vio­ phant gun today for a double- novna Koeenklaa “to protoctlv* Fruits and Vegetables, Gro­ And when tha Treaaury booated Can Be Made custody of the United Statea,” , people of foreign lands, there will Intereat rataa on ahort-term ae- Hartford, Aug. 14— Oon lation of the immunity of the So­ barreled blast at Republicana for ceries and Meats. A ll flav­ be drills, battle problems and lec­ Short in Their Zone viet consular building in New said Robert E. Stripling, diiet In­ Give You A Few Suggestions? curitiea aa a brake on Infiatlon, nectlcut Democrats, opening the trampling his budgetary and anti- vestigator for the committee. ors o f soda. Magazines. tures on many of the functioning York.” Senator Taft (R-Ohlo> aaid the ac­ final day of their two-day state StripUng aaid ha would aerva Beer and Ale parts of the U. 8. Navy. The tion proved that Praaident Tru­ Bemadotte Sees Settle- Reprinting a Tass dispatch from inflation plana. Henley was launched In the early convention here today, were cer­ Official Newspaper of j New York on the case of Mra. He is due to fire the first shot the subpoena today upon Mra. Ko- man all along had anti-lnfiation ment of Conflict in eenklna In Rootevelt heapltal TeL 2-9850 part of July, 1945, at the Bethle­ powera he didn’t uae. tain that Chester Bowlea of Essex Oksana Stephano\-na Kosenkina. tomorrow night when he releases hem Ship Yard, San Francisco, Soviet-Sponsored So-' a Russian achool teacher, the where she la recovering from mul­ \ MeanwhUe, buaineaa and Indua- would be nominated for governor. Palestine as Possible News Tidbits hla mid-year budget review. Some tiple fracturea received to her 317 Highland Street Calif. Beebe entered the Naval You present a pretty^ newspaper said: Perf^'cl Peter Pan try loped along at an even pace. Beyond that, however, nothing cialist Unity Parly Culled From (/P) Wires high government officials have three-story Jump out of a oonsu- Albert J. Stevenson, Prop. service In September, 1947, and “ When Koeenkina (after her predicted a Treasury deficit of aa late window on Thursday. received his recruit training at the aids' ,,visw ^with ths Production and aalea were up, but was certain as far as the rank and Stockholm, Aug. 14— —Count earninga generally were not aa Blames Poor Harvest fall)-was already brought into the much aa $2,000,000,000 for the Naval Training Center, Great diagonal button- rile of delegates waa concerned.
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