Marshall University Marshall Digital Scholar The Parthenon University Archives Spring 4-25-1990 The Parthenon, April 25, 1990 Marshall University Follow this and additional works at: https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon Recommended Citation Marshall University, "The Parthenon, April 25, 1990" (1990). The Parthenon. 2803. https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon/2803 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at Marshall Digital Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Parthenon by an authorized administrator of Marshall Digital Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Marshall University ar en-on V/ednesday. April 25 1990 HUNTINGTON. VJ VA. Vol. 90. No. 101 Nitzschke doubts BOT seat will be filled soon proval processes involved," Nitzschke said. Craig's resignation "Craig's was a very strong and knowleg­ able voice about the value and needs of a 'loss to university' Marshall," Nitzschke said. "No doubt, his departure is a severe loss." By Angela Pierro The board's special projects coordinator, and Michael COrsaro William P. Burdette, agreed Craig was a R9porl9'S strong supporter of both Marshall and the needs of higher education. • Huntington lawyer Tom Craig's vacant "We (the board) respect his decision, but seat on the Board of Trustees will not be it is extremely unfortunate for the state: filled soon, President Dale F. Nitzschke Burdette said. said Tuesday. A spokesperson for the U. S. Attorney General's Office said Craig was mentioned See related edltorlal, Page 2 in Moore's mail fraud indictment, which stated he and Moore spent $100,000, but Craig resigned from the board Monday said Craig has not been indicted. after being named in former Gov. Arch Moore pleaded guilty earlier this month Moore's five-count felony indictment on to mail fraud, extortion, income tax evasion April 12. and obstruction ofjustice . A former member of the Board of Re­ In a formal written statement. Craig said, gents, Craig was appointed to the Board of "I do so (resign) with deep regret. Trustees by Gov. Gaston Caperton. Accord­ "However, it is clear to me that since my ing to an article in Tuesday's Herald-Dis­ name is mentioned in one count of former patch, he wasconsideredMarshall's strong­ Governor Moore's indictment, it creates a est ally on the board. distraction to the important work of the Nitzschke called Craig's resignation a board, especially at this point in its his­ "dual loss" for Marshall and higher educa­ tory." tion in general, and said he did not expect Nitzschke said he "could not begin to a replacement to be chosen soon. comment about (Craig's) motivation," but Philio by Robert Saundon -in the past. these things have not moved in his statement Craig said Caperton had , very rapidly due to the selection and ap- not asked him to resign. The 'Love Bug_' Roger Henley, Institute resident and owner of a decorated van parked at Social Work director conducts Hardee's. said he Is "Interested In raising soclal awareness. I compare It to the (attitude of) the '60s." Carter incident investigation By Michael Belcher "The president, very appropriately, (was) Social Security tax may further lighten R9port9r , trying to establish due process and was reasonable.• Jody Gottlieb, director of the social work McKown said Gottlieb was chosen be­ wallets of student workers on campus program, is conducting the investigation cause without someone in an immediate into the alleged confrontation between supervisory level for one or both parties By SUsan Douglas Hahn Since 1939, all college students have Philip W. Carter, professor of social work involved investigating, nothing would be R9portflf been exempt from Social Security taxes on and Greg Leaming, Huntington graduate accomplished. wages paid by the college they attend. student. In a letter sent by McKown, Gottlieb was A student working 20 hours per week at Janet Lieberman, legislative director for Leaming has charged that Carter ac­ instructed to interview Leaming and Car­ Marshall would have at least $11.60 more the United StatesStudentAssociation, said coated and threatened him Feb. 18 while ter and submit a report of her findings. deducted from his or her paycheck ifCon­ she feared members of Congreu do not working at an Artists Series concert at "I can't say that it is neceuarily a conflict greu accepta a Bush administration pro­ understand the effects of the proposal. Smith Recital Hall. ofinterest; McKown said. "I don't eee it as poaal to include studenta in the Social '"lllere is a myth that the average student !Aarning uid Cart.er invaded his per­ a proble:r_n with her responsibility. Security system. has a TV, a car, and a stereo. But I see llOl181 space, threatened him and repeat­ "She bas not been asked to sit in judg­ studenta daily where this money is a mat­ edly poked him in the chest in a Feb. 13 ment. She is really asked to make inquiries SN relat8d edltorlal, Page 2 ter of BUrvival; Lieberman said. •It's as confrontation, according to a report filed into the complaint. and see if the• com­ though the government is trying to make it Feb. 19 by Marshall University Police plaint. can't be reaolved at a lower level.• Since employers must match contribu­ as bard as pouible for studenta to work Department. However, Leaming disagreed with the tions made to the Social Security system, their way through college.• "I tried to pursue the matter internally action. "My initial reaction when I read this proposal also would affect the Marshall employs apprmimately 600 with Marshall University,• Leaming said. that she (Gottlieb) had been appointed was university's budgel work-study atudenta and $00 .graduate "So I wl'._Ote a letter to President Nitzschke laughter; Leaming said. -iliat laughter Baaed on 1989-90 groa expenditures of asaistante who would be d'e.cted by the on February 21, because I was told that was quickly turned into anger. approximately $1.4 million for the work­ propoeal. the proper route to go to initiate an inves­ -ro ask Jody Gottlieb to investigate Phil study and graduate asaistanta payroll, "Graduate asaistanta make very little as tigation into this inc:idenl Carter is aomething akin to asking Lieu­ Marshall would have to pay $107,100 more it ie, and it would be kind offoolish for the "I never beardfrom Dr. Nitzschke; Leam­ tenant Colonel North to investigate Admi­ in Social Security benefits, Barry Beckett. government to tax these students at a time ing aaid. ral Poindexter. I mean it is ludicrous. usiatant comptroller, aaid. when they need money for their education,,. Nitucbke puaed <the responsibility of 'I am quite insulted that-the university Under the BUBh administration proposal, Dr. LeonardJ. Deutsch, dean ofthe gradu­ investigation to Dr. Charles H. McKown, would take this aort of tact in dealing with all employeee of state and local govern­ ate school, said. "Itis counterproductive for vice prelrident and dean ofthe the School of thisproblem;Leamingsaid.•Iwouldupect ments who do not participate in public­ government to start siphoning off' money Medicine. The IIOc:ial work programis under Marshall'·U!llversity to offer aome aort of employee retirement plans would have to from studente.• the School o( Medicine. pay the Social Security deduction of 7 .65 McKown supported Nitzschke'• action. See CARTE~, Page 4 percent on money earned. See TAX, Page 4 2 The .Parthenon Wednesday, April 24, 1990 Opinion Show reinforces stereotyj).es of blacks When it comes to dealing with issues of race it has been a long, but I thought educational, semester. 11111•1 Apparently, I have not learned as much as I thought. You see, I thought the television program •1n Living Color,• which made ita debut last week, was incredibly Marshall needs racist. It included skits such as the "Homeboy Shopping ' Network,• which consisted of two stereotyped black men operating a ~usiness• out of the back of a truck in an supporter to fill alley. -We have car radios, we have car alarms, we have racism no matter who instigates it. car phones, and if you call us soon enough, we can The major problem with the program is that not only probably get the whole car," was one of the lines. I will admit that at first I laughed at the scene. But blacks saw it. And a number of the people who were board vacancy when I thought about jt, I found a number of problems watching it have had no exposure to blacks at all. with it. When I discussed it with some minority stu­ Believe me, some of these areas are within 100 miles of onday's resignation by Tom Craig dents in the newsroom, however, they told me there was this campus. For these people, all "In Living Color" will from the University ofWest Virginia no problem with it. do is enforce negative stereotypes. Board ofTrustees does not bode well According to these students, and I realize they may With all the problems this campus and this country in M for Marshall University, and we hope hot speak for all black students, it is OK for blacks to general are having with racism, it seems to me this is a his replacement isn't another who shows favor­ make fun of other blacks in a racial way. They said it very poor time to be promoting stereotypes at all. itism toward West Virginia University. probably would have been racist if whites had done Especially after this semester, I have realized a great similar things. _ deal needs to be done when it comes to being sensitive to That makes no sense to me.
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