23 January 2019 No 2 ISSN 1664-7963 Current Concerns PO Box CH-8044 Zurich Current Concerns Switzerland The international journal for independent thought, ethical standards, moral responsibility, Phone: +41 44 350 65 50 Fax: +41 44 350 65 51 and for the promotion and respect of public international law, human rights and humanitarian law E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.currentconcerns.ch English Edition of Zeit-Fragen 100 years after Versailles War and peace The tasks of the historical sciences by Wolfgang van Biezen Anyone who seriously cares about why and what for there are still wars in this world, although it has long been clear that the past and present wars have not brought humankind one millimetre fur- ther, will sooner or later deal with history. For example, the sad story of the Congo or how over the centuries the people of the Swiss Confederation have succeeded in resolving conflicts peacefully. One can also begin with the history of Russia or with that of Israel, which is closely relat- ed to that of Germany. Or with the histo- ry of China, in which a great, millennia- old culture becomes visible before it was destroyed from within, especially in the 19th century by European “merchants of death”. For a hundred years, these “mer- chants of death” violently forced Bengali (British) opium into Chinese society with 1919: Europe is redevided. British geographers draw new borders in Versailles the help of their gunboats. This kind of 1 genocide was paid for with Chinese sil- (picture Nicholson) ver until China became poor and England rich. Alexander VI had given his ecclesiastical prevailing and still valid doctrine among blessing, so to speak, to the Portuguese academic historians today is that Germa- Contexts – we almost inevitably and Spanish dynasties to divide the whole ny bears sole responsibility for the two end up with the British world from now on – according to papal world wars. No wonder that this under- No matter where we start, if we want to demands. From then on, for the first time standing of history is also part of the pub- deepen our understanding the contexts of in human history, there were global claims lic and published opinion among non-ac- the present, we almost inevitably end up of ownership legitimised by the Church – ademics. with the British and their more than five Portugal in the eastern hemisphere and Willy Wimmer3 states that the histo- hundred years old colonial history. Spain in the western hemisphere. How- ry of Germany is still written by the Al- Thomas Morus (1478–1535) was in ever, once in Europe, the knowledge of lies today. Thus, it is a history of the win- close contact and often in line with the the spherical shape of the earth had hard- ners, namely the winners of the First and most outstanding European philosophers ly been established to some extent in in- Second World War. He considers that until and theologians of his time. Already tellectual and thus also in ecclesiastical today an objective history based on facts around 1500, in his work “Utopia”, he circles, when the raid, which continues to has not yet been allowed to be written. gave the British King Henry VIII a “God- this day, began. Otherwise, it would not have been wanted” justification for the occupation of As we have learned in school, Henry possible for Germany to pay its repara- foreign lands that is still valid today for VIII did not recognise the Pope also be- tions payments, imposed after the First colonists. For example, it is stated that na- cause of his affairs with women. As an World War, properly with a final pay- tives have an abundance of farmland and absolute ruler he has founded his own ment of 200,000 euros to France just in would “possess it without meaning and church. Since then, the British royal fam- 2010 (!).4 Even after the German war purpose”. Therefore, they do not cultivate ily and thus the reigning monarch is head debts had been paid off by various ces- this farmland. Thus, there is a quite legiti- of the Anglican Church for all times. This sions of territory (about one third of the mate reason to expel the natives and/or ac- is still the case today. national territory went to other states), quire the land.2 followed by the expulsion of the German Who wrote the history people, destruction of the fleet, confisca- th The division of the world of the 20 century so far? tion of industrial plants and goods, etc., th since the 15 century Looking at modern history, broadly the Allies hesitate to allow a fact-based Why not, because a few years earlier, in speaking, there are two approaches re- historiography. 1494, in the Treaty of Tordesillas, Pope garding Europe and the World Wars. The continued on page 2 No 2 23 January 2019 Current Concerns Page 2 ”War and peace” reader is imperceptibly captivated by ba- dle East. The Poles were promised a new continued from page 1 nalities or slippery portrayals. state in the territories of the German Reich What about Christopher Clark? There is an overwhelming abundance and Austria-Hungary was promised Italy of individual events that miss the whole the Dalmatian coast, Bulgaria ..., Roma- Therefore, the German media were de- context. The misery of historical scienc- nia ..., Hungary ... and so on. The British lighted, when the book by Christo- es seems to be once more that through the themselves took care of filleting the Otto- pher Clark entitled “the Sleepwalkers” intended abundance, atomisation and mar- man Empire. was published just before the centenary ginalisation of events, a coherent continui- of World War I in 2013. This book was ty of events is not or insufficiently worked How the First World War was planned praised as encompassing, promising a out. Reading Wolfgang Effenberger’s book new perspective. However, what is al- this becomes evident: people with motifs lowed here in search for causes 100 years More than “sleepwalkers” also planned and carried out this armed after the terrible world war is old wine in In contrast, geo-strategists such as George engagement. These people have names. It new wineskins. “Sleepwalkers” stagger- Friedman, Obama’s adviser and former is proven that a group around the “Prince ing into a war? That is unrealistic. Not a head of the private news service Strat- of Wales”, the later King Edward VII, con- word about the fact that the First World for, are able to explain complex contexts sisting of British high and financial nobil- War was preceded by extensive (not only, and Anglo-American military doctrines ity, made the plan in 1887 to ally Russia but above all) British planning. Never- to laypersons in just thirteen minutes and France and to start a war against Ger- theless, the celebrated Christopher Clark on YouTube: That it has been American many. Immediately after planning, secret was ennobled for his point of view by geostrategy for 100 years that Germa- diplomacy began its work under British Queen Elizabeth II. Why and for what ny and Russia cannot go together. The control.9 becomes slowly clear when you read the US will continue to wage wars in the In each of these exciting booklets, book. Clark teaches his readers by claim- future. The United States should follow Wolfgang Effenberger takes the reader on ing that the First World War was not an the example of the British, who let oth- a geopolitical journey of the time before Agatha Christie thriller. The investiga- ers lead their wars. Now it would depend the First World War. The conception of his tors in search for guilt tended to construct on Germany! Germany is still hesitat- books are very clear and easily to under- decision-makers’ actions as “planned and ing.7 Thus, if Germany is currently cred- stand. It is to his credit that he refers to the driven by a coherent intention.” There was ited with strong leadership on the conti- present at appropriate points every now “no evil plan” (!). nent, every citizen should see the warning and then and impresses with many litera- Anyone who takes the trouble to strug- signs. NATO is at the Russian border. ture references. gle through this especially in Germany However, if Germany wants to become a He describes the role of American praised book to page 716, learn in all se- truly sovereign state, its history must be high finance, especially that of the bank riousness “that the available sources do worked up truthfully and without taboos. J.P. Morgan, during the war, and why the not substantiate such an argumentation That’s why I’d like to draw attention to course of the First World War was the op- [that there would be such a plan]”.5 You two new booklets that deserve attention portunity for the USA, as a neutral state, can only wonder what kind of information for precisely this reason. mind you, to position itself as the only Christopher Clark has on his desk. The world power with British know-how. Ar- available sources …! That really is some- Two new books thur Ponsonby and the principles (still thing to be savoured. Of course, In Germa- by Wolfgang Effenberger valid) of war propaganda complete the ny it is still a matter that the winning na- Wolfgang Effenberger8, as a representa- booklets.10 tions drive through the country with their tive of a historiography committed to the Even today, enemy images trickle into tanks or jeeps. The Russians have already facts – and more than sufficient in terms our brains through various channels every left.
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