ANNUAL REPORT 2004-05 Department for Planning and Infrastructure | Annual Report 2004-05 > TO THE MINISTER Hon Alannah MacTiernan MLA Minister for Planning and Infrastructure I am pleased to submit for your information, and presentation to Parliament, the Department for Planning and Infrastructure’s annual report for the financial year ended 30 June 2005. The report has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Administration and Audit Act and fulfils the Department’s reporting obligations under the Public Sector Management Act, the Disability Services Act and the Electoral Act. I would also like to record my appreciation for your strong policy and community consultation leadership and support. I commend the hard work and commitment of all my colleagues as we work together to achieve creative and sustainable solutions for land, transport and infrastructure planning and delivery, for the benefit of the community. Greg Martin Director General Department for Planning and Infrastructure 31 August 2005 Department for Planning and Infrastructure | Annual Report 2004-05 > TABLE OF CONTENTS From the Director General 2 How we operate 4 About the Department 5 Our structure 7 Financial summary 10 Our work in 2004-05 13 Our strategic challenges 17 Sustainability plan 19 Customer and market focus 20 Enhancing performance through partnerships 22 Striving for excellence 25 Engaging with the community 26 CONTENTS Report on operations 28 The future 44 1 Creating a culture of leadership 46 Our people 57 Equity and diversity 59 Keeping people informed 61 Legislative responsibilities 63 Major capital works projects 66 Compliance statements 67 Key performance indicators 70 Financial statements 93 Appendices 143 Department for Planning and Infrastructure | Annual Report 2004-05 > FROM THE DIRECTOR GENERAL The Planning and Infrastructure portfolio has one simple aim - to create better places to live for all Western Australians. By improving the coordination A critical part of our improved performance is the successful of land, transport and implementation of the recommendations of the infrastructure services, the independent functional review of the Department, which portfolio makes important endorsed the model integrating land use and transport contributions to the economic planning. and commercial well-being of our state, and has a powerful In January this year the restructure in accordance with the impact on people’s lives. review recommendations was complete, and the last vestiges of two old departments - Transport and Planning - Ours is a portfolio that brings finally disappeared. together the state’s land, transport and infrastructure agencies to achieve vibrant, The Policy and Planning Unit has been refocused and busy communities, connected within and to each other by strengthened into one Policy Group, and the outdated quality transport services. ‘transport’ and ‘land use planning’ silos have gone. As the lead agency in the Planning and Infrastructure The formation of the Policy Group allows the Department portfolio, it is critical that we deliver on the Government’s to fulfil its objective of being a policy and strategic planning 2 priorities. Our focus during 2004-05 has been on leader, and to respond to Government directions with streamlining our processes so we can deliver the very best robust and innovative policy direction. results to the people of Western Australia. The Policy Group is led by the Deputy Director General, a The result is a fresh, new vision and a clear, common sense newly created leadership position directly accountable to corporate plan to take us to the year 2009. Our new vision me, to recognise the strategic importance of the role. We articulates what we are here to do and outlines exactly who have dispensed with a cumbersome hierarchy and have we are working for – the Government and through them, instead established Policy Group program teams headed up the people of Western Australia. by program leaders. The teams are flexible and multi- disciplinary, which means particular expertise from any area Our new, fresh Departmental vision, the one we will be can be brought in on any project, for as long as is needed. working with in the coming year, is: Stepping over branch boundaries is now part of life in the Policy Group, with great success. We are already seeing the Enriching the quality of life for all Western Australians, benefits of this new approach. Projects such as the planning by connecting and delivering economic and social of the new Murdoch Health Precinct and the revitalisation networks. of the Kenwick-Maddington communities have benefited Our vision builds on the idea of community, and from this multi-disciplinary process in which projects are importantly, it goes a step further by focusing on how a considered in their entirety, rather than in isolation by community is made. A fully functioning, sustainable different parts of the Department. community is a collection of networks, and it is our job to make those networks work, to recognise the In the Operations area, five new business units have been interconnectedness of all aspects of community – economic, established that will for the first time, with the full support social and environmental - and to plan wisely for it. of Treasury, run as semi-autonomous entities. The business Department for Planning and Infrastructure | Annual Report 2004-05 units are modernising and bringing in new processes of Dialogues in Port Hedland and Newman, the Albany and accountability and we have already seen significant Reid Highway citizens’ juries, and the Scarborough improvements in a remarkably short time-frame. Deliberative Survey are some examples of the innovative community consultation processes we undertook during the The strengthened and refocused Department has given us year. Multi-Criteria Analysis Conferences and Consensus an opportunity to focus on our performance. Forums have also increased the numbers of people participating in planning for the future. The Department We have moved quickly to implement the Business received international recognition for Dialogue with the city Excellence Framework to improve our processes, strengthen from the Commonwealth Association of Public our leadership and management and improve our Administration and Management as one of 12 finalists corporate governance. worldwide to be recognised for best practice in public policy. The Business Excellence Framework is an internationally It has been an exciting and challenging year for all of us. acclaimed approach that aligns all aspects of the business - We have made significant progress towards achieving our people, standards, efficiency, business planning, goals and vision and our goals, and I am proud that this year's annual vision. It has helped us define the Department’s direction report is a showcase of Government initiatives that are and eliminate, the ‘silo’ mentality and improve our making real improvements to the lives of Western leadership and management. Australians. Our leadership team is expected to deliver. Many of our major highlights are good examples of how I want our leadership team - and all our people - to be the Department is listening to its stakeholders and solutions-focused. To be fresh in our thinking and confident responding to changing lifestyles and trends that place about the solutions we recommend. To take our portfolio Western Australia firmly on the contemporary world map. leadership role seriously and provide the best possible In conclusion, we welcome the appointment of the Hon strategic framework within which our partners can deliver 3 Fran Logan MLA as Minister Assisting in Planning and their services. Infrastructure. Minister Logan has taken responsibility for Customers and markets are at the heart of our new vision - the Department’s Licensing Business Unit, and his we can’t connect and deliver economic and social solutions appointment reflects the increasing importance of licensing if we don’t understand the people whose quality of life we to both Government and customers. seek to improve. And we extend our thanks to the Minister for Planning What do our customers want? How do they want it? How and Infrastructure for her continued support throughout can we best match their requirements with our resources the year. and the Government’s priorities? To do our job properly, we need to continue engaging our customers and stakeholders. A critical part of our performance during the year has been the extensive stakeholder consultation we have undertaken across all business areas and in all our projects. We believe we have led the way in community consultation in Western Greg Martin Australia, and during the year we implemented a series of Director General new initiatives that enhanced the strong foundation we have already established. Department for Planning and Infrastructure | Annual Report 2004-05 > HOW WE OPERATE Our vision and mission underpin and inspire all our activities. They provide a focus for every work unit and enable staff to understand how their work benefits the community. > Vision: Enriched quality of life for all Western Australians through sustainable communities. > Mission: To work with the community to deliver integrated land and transport infrastructure and services, for sustainable growth. Goals: • A sustainable future for our land, transport and infrastructure resources • Integrated land use and transport services that facilitate sustainable economic growth 4 • Vital towns and cities for our people
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