
f 00 KWAJALEIN HOURGLASS VOLUME XXIII, No 228 U S ARMY KWAJALEIN ATOLL, MARSHALL ISLANDS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1986 South Pacific Meese Reveals Secret Was Known Treaty Leaves Out Nuclear Test Ban By TERENCE HUNT AssOclated Press Wrlter top alde, who was flred, wlll not be "scapegoats " By MorJIKA JAIN reporters at the Forelgn Cor­ WASHINGTON -- Attorney Gen­ "People who have done thlngs AssOclated Press Wrlter respondents' Club of Japan eral Edwln Meese sald today wlll be accurately portrayed TOKYO -- South Paclflc na­ "I would say that the French that people outslde the WhIte and, If necessary, actlvely tlons draftlng an envlronment had no problem wlth the pollu­ House appear to have known of prosecuted If there's any- treaty left out a ban on nuclear tlon control aspect of It be­ the secret scheme to funnel thing crlmlnal," he sald on the testlng because they wanted cause they have contended, and mlillons of dollars In proflts NBC-TV "Today" show France to JOln In the pact almed I thlnk studles have shown, from Iranlan arms sales to NIC­ But he added In the NBC In­ at curblng pollutlon In thelr that there does not seem to be araguan rebels tervlew that hls Investlgatlon, reglon, a U N offlclal sald any pollutlon from the testlng," "It appears there were some begun FrIday, has so far found today he sald others Involved," and not Just no eVIdence of Involvement by In fact, France was among Dr StJepan Keckes, dlrector the two presidential aIdes others close to Reagan in con­ seven natlons that slgned the of UNEP's Ocean and Coastal forced from their Jobs Tuesday, ceallng the secret arrangement treaty Tuesday at the end of a Areas Program ACtlvlty Center, Meese sald in an lntervlew on from the presldent 10-day, 22-natlon conference In added that whlle there IS no ABC-TV's "Good Mornlng Amerl­ "As far as anyone In the top Noumea, New Caledonla, sald prOhlbltlon on testlng, "there ca " levels of government -- let's Wlillam Mansfleld, deputy execu­ IS a legal obllgatlon of France Meese sald that, apparently, say at the department-head level tlve dlrector of the Unlted Na­ not to pollute the area whlle "there are some consultants In­ or top people In the Whlte House tlons Envlronment Program The testlng nuclear weapons " volved and other people who such as the chlef of staff, cer­ others were the Cook Islands, France has agreed, he sald, have a tangentIal relatlonshlp talnly the presIdent or Vice the Marshall Islands, New Zea­ to regularly reVlew ItS nuclear to the U S government" presldent, or any Cablnet mem­ land, Palau, the Unlted States testlng In the South Paclflc Appearlng In another lnter­ bers belng Involved -- we've and Western Samoa, he sald and has promlsed to report vlew, Meese pledged that Rea­ pretty clearly establlshed at The treaty needs three more perlodlcally on ItS flndlngs gan's natlonal securIty advls­ thlS pOInt that that has not slgnatorles before It can be to the UNEP er, who reslgned, and one happened," Neese said ratlfled, Mansfleld added Mansfield sald the South Pa­ "It was the deslre of a num­ clflC region has extensive pol­ ber of the lsland governments to lution problems, Includlng sOlI Reagan Appoints TowerTo Head Review try to seek the use of the pol­ erOSlon, coral reef damage anu WASHINGTON (AP) -- Presldent served as a U S arms negotla­ lutlon control treaty to ellm­ water pollutlon from pestlcldes Reagan today appolnted former tor, was pIcked as chaIrman of Inate and prevent (French nu­ and tOXlC wastes Sen John Tower, former Secre­ the three-member panel clear) testlng," Mansfleld sald The treaty, drafted by 22 tary of State Edmund Muskle and The NSC was rocked Tuesday Bu t, he added, "that was es­ countries In cooperation wlth one-tlme natlonal securlty ad­ by the reslgnatlon of Its chlef, sentlally ellmlnated In the end the UNEP, the South Paclflc Viser Brent Scowcroft to a spe­ Vlce Adm John POIndexter, and because I thlnk they deClded Commlsslon and the South Paclf­ cIal reVlew board that wlil In­ by the flrlng of one of hls they wanted France lnvolved In lC Bureau for EconomIC Coopera­ vestlgate the actlvities of the chlef deputles, Lt Col Ollver thls tredty " tIon, should slow the "pace of WhIte House NatIonal SecurIty North, In the aftermath of the "To try to use a pollutlon deterloratlon," he saId CouncIl. WhICh coordInated the dIsclosure that up to $30 mll­ control treaty to prevent them The South Paclflc pact was secret sale of U S arms to llon from the arms sale was se­ from testlng was gOlng to be the elghth ocedn treaty to be Iran cretly funneled to Contra reb­ unacceptable," Mansfleld told sIgned, Mansfleld sald Tower, who most recently els battllng the leftlst govern­ ment of NIcaragua Whlle defendIng hlS Iranlan North Reportedly Ran Secret Nicaraguan War Inltlatlve, Reagan saId Tuesday that ItS ImplementatIon was se­ By ROBERT PARRY erlously flawed AssOclated Press Wrlter POI1Cy fur the Unlted States handle matters he consldered If nobody knew of It, that legally rlsky Offlclals sald Tower, a Texas Republlcan, WASHINGTON -- Lt Col OlIver In Itself IS a confeSSIon of a three prImary Intermedlarles served In the Senate from 1961 North, fIred for hIS role In great vOld In the executIon of were retlred AIr Force MaJ untll 1985 dIvertIng money from IranIan our foreIgn P011Cy " Cen Rlchard Secord, retlred Muskle was a Democratlc sen­ arms sales to NIcaraguan Con­ Admlnlstratlon offlclals Army MaJ Gen John K Slng­ ator from MaIne from 1959 untll tras, managed a secret network sald that whlle North always laub and conservatIve actIVIst May 1980, when he reSIgned to of former mIlItary and IntellI­ operated under orders, he Robert W Owen become secretary of state under gence operatIves who aSSIsted would sometlmes use wlde dls­ North also has been lInked then-Presldent Carter the rebels durIng a two-year cretlon In carrylng out P011Cy to the Contra alr supply oper­ Scowcroft, a retlred lleuten­ ban on U S aId, government of­ that was entrusted to hlm Be­ atIon based at El Salvador's ant general In the Alr Force, flclals say sldes NIcaragua, they saId he Ilopango mliitary alrport That served as natlonal securIty ad­ North, a key aIde to PreSl­ was a prlnclpal planner In the operatIon came to lIght Oct 5 vlser to PreSIdent Ford from dent Reagan, emerged as the 1983 lnvaSlon of Grenada, the when an arms-laden, Amerlcan­ 1975 untll 1977 and currently chIef contact between the U S deC1Slon lo send U S Marlnes manned C-123K cargo plane was assoclated WIth former Secre­ government and the Contras af­ Into BeIrut, Lebanon, and the shot down over NIcaragua and tary of State Henry KIssInger In ter Congress -- angered by the 1985 capture of the hIjackers one surVlvor, Eugene Hasenfus, a consultlng fIrm known as KIS­ CIA's mInIng of NIcaragua's of the AchIlle Lauro crU1SP clalmed he worked for the CIA SInger ASSOCIates, Inc harbors -- barred U S mliltary ShlP aId to the rebels In 1984 One admlnlstratlon offlclal Vietnam Hands Over Remains Of MIAs But In explaInIng North's descrIbed North as "a cabal of dIsmIssal Tuesday, Attorney Gen­ one" In dlrectlng Whlte House BANGKOK, ThaIland (AP) -- A onto a U S C-141 transport eral Edwln Meese sald Reagan P011Cy agalnst leftlst-ruled U S honor guard sdluted plane and flown to Honolulu for was unaware that SInce January Nlcaragua durIng the two-year today as Vletnam handed analysls at the army laboratory ~orth had overseen the sale of conglesslonal ald ban The of­ over what It belIeves to be there U S weapons through IsraelI flclal, lIke most others who the remalns of three AmerIcans HanOI usually prOVIdes ten­ Intermedlarles to Iran WIth detaIled North's actIVItIes, mIssIng In actlon In the VIet­ tatIve ldentlflcatlon, but $10 mlillon to S30 mlillon In spoke only on condltlon of nam war. an AmerIcan offlcer Mather would only say that the proflts gOlng to the Contras' anonymlty saId VIetnamese Informed U S offl­ SWISS bank accounts North's role as d leadlng, The turnovel In Hanol came clals they found the remalns "The presIdent knew nothIng behlnd-the-scenes flgure WIth as VIetnam neared the halfway whlle checklng reports from lo­ about It untIl I reported It to the Contras dates back to early pOInt of ItS pledge to resolve cal vlllagers hlm (Monday)," Meese saId about 1984 when he drafted a three­ the MIA Issue In a two-year Mather IS head of the Bang­ the transactIons "The only page memo that proposed relYIng perIod expIrIng at the end of kok offIce of the U S JOInt person who preCIsely knew about on prlvate AmerlCdns and thlrd 1987 Casualty ResolutIon Center, the thlS was Colonel North " countrles, Includlng Israel, to U S offlclals, who lISt Honolulu-based milltary group CongressIonal leaders lmmedl­ keep the Contras supplIed dur­ 1,784 soldlers mlsslng In VIet­ tryIng to resolve the fates of ately questloned how a MarIne Ing the cutoff, accordIng to nam, say Hanol must slgnlfl­ 2,424 Amerlcans mlsslng from lIeutenant colonel, who IS one current and former WhIte House cantly accelerate ItS efforts the war In IndochIna of several Natlonal SecurIty offICIals to accompllsh that goal In AprIl, VIetnam made one CounCIl deputy dIrectors for The offlClals saId the plan A is-member U S milltary of ItS largest turnovers -- the poiltical-military affaIrs, was approved orally by Reagan delegatlon receIved the re­ remalns of what It sald were 21 could have conducted such an and that It fell to North to malns In a short ceremony at Amerlcans But It handed over operatlon on hIS own Implemen t HanOI's NOI Bal Alrport, only one other set of remalns House MajOrIty
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