PRTC Registrations by State Or Country of Residence Monthly Statistics Report

PRTC Registrations by State Or Country of Residence Monthly Statistics Report

PRTC Registrations by State or Country of Residence Monthly Statistics Report For the month of: August 2019 vs 2018 & Cummulative Figures for Fiscal & Calendar Years ∆ ∆ ∆ State or Country August 19 vs 18 FISCAL YEAR 19 vs 18 CALENDAR YEAR 19 vs 18 of Residence 2019 2018 absolute 2018-19 2017-18 absolute 2019 2018 absolute United States & Canada 131,833 104,525 27,308 248,610 219,247 29,363 1,027,225 749,786 277,439 United States 130,915 103,971 26,944 246,888 218,044 28,844 1,012,907 738,849 274,058 Eastern Region 59,500 44,735 14,765 106,580 86,227 20,353 452,171 279,531 172,640 Connecticut 2,971 2,159 812 4,994 4,409 585 22,394 12,963 9,431 Delaware 702 361 341 898 673 225 4,983 3,345 1,638 Indiana 913 369 544 1,871 1,138 733 9,099 6,166 2,933 Maine 127 83 44 321 139 182 2,610 1,682 928 Maryland 3,465 2,961 504 6,664 5,919 745 28,662 19,154 9,508 Massachusetts 6,169 3,384 2,785 11,952 7,472 4,480 43,840 22,511 21,329 Michigan 1,146 1,144 2 2,083 2,202 (-119) 12,999 8,516 4,483 New Hampshire 287 839 (-552) 485 1,120 (-635) 4,134 3,064 1,070 New Jersey 7,644 7,229 415 13,493 13,560 (-67) 61,701 39,136 22,565 New York 18,810 16,377 2,433 32,244 28,476 3,768 135,147 83,236 51,911 Ohio 1,933 1,675 258 3,915 3,326 589 18,575 13,119 5,456 Pennsylvania 4,501 3,185 1,316 8,459 6,781 1,678 38,907 24,322 14,585 Rhode Island 393 246 147 777 621 156 3,707 2,233 1,474 Vermont 87 74 13 178 279 (-101) 1,564 1,227 337 Virginia 5,679 3,220 2,459 10,686 7,180 3,506 40,694 25,802 14,892 Washington D.C. 3,872 1,190 2,682 6,599 2,458 4,141 20,912 10,816 10,096 West Virginia 801 239 562 961 474 487 2,243 2,240 3 Southern Region 44,208 41,465 2,743 88,350 88,030 320 335,090 275,731 59,359 Alabama 1,503 736 767 2,921 2,100 821 8,842 8,192 650 Arkansas 409 748 (-339) 649 1,172 (-523) 3,167 4,066 (-899) Florida 17,315 19,173 (-1,858) 34,301 39,181 (-4,880) 146,489 115,705 30,784 Georgia 4,791 3,953 838 9,794 9,221 573 35,034 29,625 5,409 Kentucky 1,216 836 380 2,241 1,310 931 6,330 5,830 500 Louisiana 2,057 2,042 15 3,667 4,328 (-661) 11,352 13,237 (-1,885) Mississippi 800 422 378 1,635 892 743 4,536 4,254 282 New Mexico 298 1,380 (-1,082) 1,440 1,565 (-125) 3,561 2,816 745 North Carolina 2,618 1,488 1,130 4,814 3,927 887 21,862 17,536 4,326 Oklahoma 601 877 (-276) 1,147 2,740 (-1,593) 4,703 5,928 (-1,225) South Carolina 1,050 672 378 1,801 1,466 335 7,046 7,001 45 Tennessee 1,331 852 479 2,618 2,034 584 9,643 7,925 1,718 Texas 10,219 8,286 1,933 21,322 18,094 3,228 72,525 53,615 18,910 Western Region 27,183 17,677 9,506 51,920 43,332 8,588 225,394 147,522 77,872 Alaska 89 95 (-6) 144 233 (-89) 787 1,616 (-829) Arizona 986 781 205 1,793 2,094 (-301) 8,665 7,066 1,599 California 5,700 5,203 497 11,231 12,123 (-892) 49,805 38,880 10,925 Colorado 2,021 910 1,111 3,725 2,699 1,026 16,751 10,776 5,975 Hawaii 104 94 10 161 222 (-61) 748 952 (-204) Idaho 43 95 (-52) 68 207 (-139) 1,253 1,183 70 Illinois 4,599 2,370 2,229 8,862 5,566 3,296 36,964 21,022 15,942 Iowa 257 293 (-36) 636 574 62 4,711 3,133 1,578 Kansas 676 562 114 1,321 1,133 188 4,301 4,138 163 Minnesota 1,011 1,003 8 1,903 1,868 35 13,755 8,432 5,323 Missouri 548 915 (-367) 1,106 1,749 (-643) 7,072 6,906 166 Montana 46 45 1 116 110 6 1,514 1,069 445 Nebraska 794 202 592 1,755 390 1,365 8,029 1,647 6,382 Nevada 374 416 (-42) 837 932 (-95) 3,782 2,745 1,037 North Dakota 97 183 (-86) 223 274 (-51) 946 710 236 Source: Puerto Rico Tourism Company Planning and Development / Statistics 1 / 12 PRTC Registrations by State or Country of Residence Monthly Statistics Report For the month of: August 2019 vs 2018 & Cummulative Figures for Fiscal & Calendar Years ∆ ∆ ∆ State or Country August 19 vs 18 FISCAL YEAR 19 vs 18 CALENDAR YEAR 19 vs 18 of Residence 2019 2018 absolute 2018-19 2017-18 absolute 2019 2018 absolute Oregon 276 384 (-108) 409 2,184 (-1,775) 3,556 5,208 (-1,652) South Dakota 15 18 (-3) 94 29 65 1,067 675 392 Utah 548 203 345 1,117 455 662 5,169 2,980 2,189 Washington 7,891 2,853 5,038 14,248 8,731 5,517 44,144 19,967 24,177 Wisconsin 1,066 985 81 2,086 1,646 440 11,729 7,796 3,933 Wyoming 42 67 (-25) 85 113 (-28) 646 620 26 Servicemen 11 3 8 11 6 5 12 158 (-146) U.S. Not Specified 13 91 (-78) 27 449 (-422) 240 35,907 (-35,667) Canada 918 554 364 1,722 1,203 519 14,318 10,937 3,381 International 10,330 9,344 986 19,306 21,008 (-1,702) 80,796 64,988 15,808 Europe 2,635 2,613 22 5,242 6,038 (-796) 25,121 18,776 6,345 Albania 4 0 4 4 0 4 13 8 5 Austria 24 23 1 47 80 (-33) 250 345 (-95) Belgium 19 139 (-120) 31 181 (-150) 410 537 (-127) Bulgary 5 12 (-7) 9 13 (-4) 29 38 (-9) Czech Republic 0 9 (-9) 6 41 (-35) 128 97 31 Denmark 25 22 3 41 68 (-27) 397 304 93 Finland 4 0 4 10 25 (-15) 119 301 (-182) France 314 327 (-13) 427 672 (-245) 1,378 1,512 (-134) Germany 308 332 (-24) 607 669 (-62) 4,837 2,894 1,943 Gibraltar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Greece 7 6 1 9 15 (-6) 80 63 17 Hungary 5 0 5 7 8 (-1) 117 48 69 Iceland 10 0 10 10 0 10 21 7 14 Ireland 58 43 15 162 402 (-240) 455 712 (-257) Italy 207 275 (-68) 316 368 (-52) 1,085 972 113 Luxembourg 0 26 (-26) 5 140 (-135) 41 147 (-106) Malta 2 0 2 6 0 6 17 20 (-3) Netherlands 158 62 96 320 282 38 2,300 708 1,592 Norway 13 0 13 38 31 7 309 361 (-52) Poland 21 5 16 46 9 37 193 128 65 Portugal 57 18 39 78 56 22 230 171 59 Romania 10 2 8 24 4 20 77 58 19 San Marino 0 0 0 0 1 (-1) 0 13 (-13) Slovakia 0 0 0 3 0 3 66 16 50 Spain 655 581 74 1,282 1,112 170 4,710 3,309 1,401 Sweden 32 43 (-11) 56 102 (-46) 512 591 (-79) Switzerland 66 23 43 127 143 (-16) 649 796 (-147) Turkey 3 23 (-20) 5 23 (-18) 28 100 (-72) United Kingdom 394 506 (-112) 1,019 1,213 (-194) 4,932 3,257 1,675 England 44 28 16 83 30 53 202 64 138 North Ireland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Scotland 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Wales 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Not Specified / United Kingdom 350 478 (-128) 936 1,183 (-247) 4,728 3,191 1,537 Russian Federation 7 2 5 15 45 (-30) 178 225 (-47) Former Yugoslavia 20 16 4 34 49 (-15) 158 142 16 Bosnia / Herzegovina 8 0 8 10 0 10 12 22 (-10) Croatia 3 4 (-1) 5 34 (-29) 46 43 3 Kosovo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Macedonia 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 1 8 Montenegro 8 0 8 18 0 18 18 8 10 Serbia 1 4 (-3) 1 6 (-5) 8 23 (-15) Source: Puerto Rico Tourism Company Planning and Development / Statistics 2 / 12 PRTC Registrations by State or Country of Residence Monthly Statistics Report For the month of: August 2019 vs 2018 & Cummulative Figures for Fiscal & Calendar Years ∆ ∆ ∆ State or Country August 19 vs 18 FISCAL YEAR 19 vs 18 CALENDAR YEAR 19 vs 18 of Residence 2019 2018 absolute 2018-19 2017-18 absolute 2019 2018 absolute Slovenia 0 2 (-2) 0 3 (-3) 43 25 18 Not Specified / Yugoslavia 0 6 (-6) 0 6 (-6) 22 20 2 Baltic Countries 9 2 7 11 3 8 71 111 (-40) Estonia 0 0 0 0 1 (-1) 41 80 (-39) Lithuania 9 0 9 11 0 11 19 18 1 Latvia 0 2 (-2) 0 2 (-2) 11 13 (-2) Other Europe (not specified) 198 116 82 487 283 204 1,331 785 546 Latin America 2,783 3,203 (-420) 4,789 8,335 (-3,546) 23,033 22,780 253 Mexico 936 960 (-24) 1,761 2,920 (-1,159) 6,410 6,883 (-473) Central America 627 483 144 1,006 1,450 (-444) 4,653 4,090 563 Belize 1 0 1 20 0 20 34 4 30 Costa Rica 150 182 (-32) 270 576 (-306) 1,652 1,512 140 El Salvador 26 27 (-1) 38 59 (-21) 115 250 (-135) Guatemala 251 44 207 355 88 267 937 480 457 Honduras 15 21 (-6) 18 39 (-21) 180 102 78 Nicaragua 3 7 (-4) 6 8 (-2) 67 40 27 Panama 181 200 (-19) 295 673 (-378) 1,619 1,693 (-74) Not Specified 0 2 (-2) 4 7 (-3) 49 9 40 South America 1,220 1,760 (-540) 2,022 3,965 (-1,943) 11,970 11,807 163 Argentina 173 141 32 252 628 (-376) 1,740 1,880 (-140) Bolivia 22 0 22 24 10 14 71 34 37 Brazil 121 483 (-362) 179 1,031 (-852) 2,368 2,497 (-129) Chile 164 129 35 265 387 (-122) 1,684 1,091 593 Colombia 420 515 (-95) 720 1,084 (-364) 3,580 3,820 (-240) Ecuador 86 89 (-3) 99 239 (-140) 417 558 (-141) French Guiana 0 4 (-4) 0 4 (-4) 0 9 (-9) Guyana 12 12 0 12 13 (-1) 19 27 (-8) Paraguay 16 0 16 20 16 4 44 41 3 Peru 106 90 16 218 157 61 745 690 55 Suriname 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 1 1 Uruguay 16 36 (-20) 40 61 (-21) 295 358 (-63) Venezuela 84 261 (-177) 187 335 (-148) 968 791 177 Not Specified 0 0 0 4 0 4 37 10 27 Caribbean 2,648 2,906 (-258) 5,007 4,721 286 18,512 14,248 4,264 Cuba 4 0 4 4 1 3 16 14 2 Dominican Rep.

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