Page 1 South Dakota Episcopal CCCCCChurchhurch NNNNNNewsews www.diocesesd.org July/August 2012 Young Adult Community An intentional community is a planned residen- and has broken down the dividing wall, that is, the tial community designed to have a much higher hostility between us’ (Eph 2.14). degree of teamwork than other communities. The members of an intentional community typically Instead of implementing community development or hold a common social, political, religious, or spiritual vi- relief projects aimed at alleviating perceived needs sion and often follow an alternative lifestyle. They typi- cally also share responsibilities and resources. or strengthening capacity for self-sufficiency, our goal is simply to build relational bridges through a From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia posture of humility, deference, and listening, and to cultivate a sensitivity to where the Holy Spirit may be leading further. One of the concrete roles of the Intentional Community launches intentional community will be that of hosting mis- sion groups that come to do work on the reservation. this summer Through this role, the intentional community will have an opportunity to practice hospitality and to T he Rosebud Young Adult Intentional Com- serve as a cultural bridge between mission groups munity is a project being undertaken through and communities on the reservation. a partnership between the Episcopal Diocese of South Dakota and the Lutheran (ELCA) South Da- —Sam Adams, summer intern kota Synod. The intentional community aims to em- Studying at Wycliffe College, Toronto, ONT body an approach to ministry on the reservation that may be somewhat novel. This approach will be Check his blog at marked by the virtues of faithful presence, praying, http://deathbenotproud.wordpress.com/ listening, and showing hospitality. It is hoped that the intentional community will be a mechanism for building meaningful relationships between native s and non-native people in South Dakota that will w serve as a basis for the pursuit of genuine reconcilia- e n o t tion that will lead to greater flourishing of both na- chN ti ep tive and non-native communities inside and outside r en S u nv 2 the church. h o -2 is C s C & 21 h in ts Lamenting the “dividing wall of hostility” that T a r nt o ls largely remains standing between the na- es o ep ia ag c R er tive and non-native communities in South e p at Se -19 M Dakota, the Rosebud Young Adult Inten- 14 tional Community hopes to live into the reality that in Christ, both groups are reconciled to God in one body through the cross. ‘For he is our peace; in his flesh he has made both groups into one South Dakota ChurchNews July/August 2012 Page 2 Volume 65, Number 4 From the Bishop TTTheThe Diocese Grace and Peace to you . the of South Dakota M y articles for the next two is- sues of the ChurchNews will focus on Pat’s and my trip to Israel in May. We met many very interesting people with whom we had an opportu- nity to speak as part of a group of Episcopalians from different parts of the U.S. Volume 65, Number 4 Pat and I left Sioux Falls airport at Statement of Ownership th South Dakota Episcopal about 9:15 am Tuesday, May 8 , and arrived in Tel Aviv, Israel at 5:15 pm, CCChurch NNNews Wednesday, May 9 th . The trip wasn’t (ISSN 0746-9276) quite as long as it seems since Israel is The Rt. Rev. John Tarrant Published 6 times a year, in Janu- eight hours ahead of eastern South Da- ary, March, May, July, Septem- ber, and November by kota, but it was still about 24 hours of Gaza territory that Hamas, a radical The Diocese of traveling. Our trip was sponsored by Palestinian political group, regularly and paid for through Christians for fires missiles into Israel. He next took South Dakota 500 South Main Avenue Fair Witness on the Middle East. It us to a nearby community college that Sioux Falls, SD 57104-6814 was an opportunity to speak with both has been hit by these missiles. We saw Periodicals postage paid at Sioux Israelis and Palestinians on the very a memorial for a young woman who Falls, SD, and additional complex issues that stand in the way was killed in the explosion of a missile mailing office. of a lasting peace. as she was walking to her car after Postmaster: Send address changes to: classes. The State of Israel has spent South Dakota Episcopal On the morning of our first full day in millions of dollars building concrete Israel we met with retired Colonel coverings and bunkers to protect the CCChurch NNNews 500 South Main Avenue Danny Tirza who took us on a tour of students. This is life in Israel near the Sioux Falls, SD 57104-6814 the Security Barrier which is along the border with Gaza. Correspondence and articles should border of Israel and the West Bank be sent to: (Palestinian Territory). Colonel Tirza On our second day we spent the morn- Editor 500 South Main Avenue was the officer in charge of the plan- ing with Jewish Israeli History profes- Sioux Falls, SD 57104-6814 ning and implementation of the con- sor Dr. Alex Yakobson, a Russian (605) 338-9751 struction of the barrier. Over 90% of born Jew who came to Israel when he E-mail: office.diocese @midconetwork.com the barrier is a security fence and not was fourteen. Dr. Yakobson is a fasci- Fax: (605) 336-6243 an actual wall as often depicted in the nating speaker who gave us the histori- Annual Subscription: $5 press. The barrier was begun in 2003 cal background on the Israeli/ following two years of suicide bomb- Palestinian conflict. He reminded us Change of address ers coming across the Israeli boarder, that there are different narratives to Subscription—$5/yr. most from the West Bank, killing over this history depending on who is tell- Cancellation 650 civilians in their attacks. Over two ing the story. He also presented his Donation thousand more were injured. Although reasoning as to why a two state solu- Change of Address? the barrier has caused great hardship tion is the only viable way forward to You can help the Diocese of South for Palestinians working in or wanting assure the State of Israel will continue Dakota save money in postage to visit Israel it has almost completely to exist. He told us that the Israeli set- due. Use this form to give us your new address BEFORE you move. stopped bombers from coming across tlements on the West Bank are proba- the boarder and thus has saved hun- bly not sustainable and certainly not in ____________________________ dreds of lives. the long term best interest of Israel. name ____________________________ Dr. Yakobson is a frequent columnist address In the afternoon of our first day we and does not hesitate to express his ____________________________ met with Major Ran Livnat, an Israeli opinions even when they are not in address ____________________________ Defense Force spokesman. Major Liv- concert with the Israeli government. date nat took us to a hilltop that over July/August 2012 looked the Gaza territory. It is from South Dakota(Continued ChurchNews on page 20) Around the Diocese Page 3 EFM graduates two in Rapid City There will be a Basic EFM Mentor Training event July 19-21 at Trinity in Pierre. There is still room for 1 or 2 more people if anyone in the Diocese is interested. Contact the Rev. Judy Flagstad [email protected] or 605-224-7253 ictured : Connie Lane (l) and Vaud Ober- P lander (r) are the 2012 graduates in the Educa- tion for Ministry course offered at St. Andrew's, Rapid City. There are currently EFM groups at Cal- vary Cathedral, Sioux Falls and Trinity Church, Pi- erre, as well as the Rapid City group. I t is always sad to report the closure of a church. Soldier Creek church spruces up At the request of the congrega- tion, after realizing that it no S enior Warden Brian Sharpfish, Christina longer had the membership to Sharpfish, and several children worked to- afford expenses, St. Peter’s, gether to clean up the grounds around Grace Lake Andes , closed in 2011. Chapel before Easter. They painted and erected the church sign to give a warm welcome to Bishop Tar- St. Andrew’s, Bonesteel rant and his family on Easter Day along with the reached the same conclu- rest of the Soldier Creek Community. sion and voted to close in May, 2012. Services are held at Grace SAYING GOODBYE Chapel on the nd th 2 and 4 n Sunday May 20, 2012 the church family of Sunday of the O St. Andrew’s in Bonesteel, SD gathered to- month at 2:00 gether to celebrate Holy Eucharist with Bishop pm with Father John Tarrant. A visit from the Bishop is usually a Stan Woolley. joyous occasion, however this celebration was tinged with sadness for it was the final Eucharist to be celebrated in a congregation that had been in ex- istence since 1908. It was a sad day indeed, not unlike a wake or funeral liturgy. Saying goodbye is difficult on any occasion. There are happy remembrances of Baptisms, Confirma- tions, marriages and countless Sunday celebrations (Continued on page 4) South Dakota ChurchNews July/August 2012 Page 4 Around the Diocese New opportunity in Watertown Transitions . (Continued from page 3) rinity Church in T Watertown is a of Eucharist celebrated in that sacred space. There beautiful building and are sad memories too of family, friends and relatives worship space.
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