^"■sr‘W>-% «» •« * 4 y » ' ^ ,J.^ ,-•, . , ^ ' ' • t PAGE TWENTY-TWO K ' TMimSDAY. .TTJLY 20, 1972 !h'j iUanri|(Bt(r SvBntng Lottery dinner The Weather 9 5 2 7 9 Party cloudy, warm, ^uinid, 1 chance of showera/thunder- McGovern Flies East Nate Naiiips storms tonight; low about 70. Nixon Crew See Page 20 Saturday . partly sunny, less Soviet-Egyptian Feud Boils p ’ Manchester— A City of Village Charm hum id; high in 80a. To Heal Labor Rift HARTFORD I API - Six By WILLIAM L. RYAN CUSTER, S.D. (API men. all of them under 30 years Khrushchev was in control did rael occupied huge cliunks of new trouble arose, this time to ally. bn a proposed J2,>.20^1 jn in im u m .-\P Speelal Correspondent Moscow try to VOL. XCI, NO. 248 Democratic presidential noml- cld, were named field directors capitalize on Egyptian and Arab territory. the south In Sudan, Egypt’s If Sadat was not to get the (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1972 ^Classified Advertising on Page 16) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS ' wage measure to tJP%:2 voted Cairo and Moscow have Arab anger with the West over nee George McGovem, moving Wednesday in the campaign to Billions of dollars worth of So­ Arab neighbor. The Communist weapons ho wanted for on of- by the House. The issue w as feuded bitterly in the past and Palestine. to offset the Impact ot his re- re-elect President Nixon, State viet equipment was down the party there. Moscow-oriented, fensivo blow at Israel, it expected to involve m ore than now they're- bickering again. The Soviet arms deal with tectlon by top labor leaders, i.’omptroller Nathan G, Agosti- drain. tried to overthrow the regime. seemed likely he decided to cne vote and possibly last into This time it could mean that Cjlamal Abdel N asser in 1950 files to Washington today to nelll said. Moscow rearmed Egypt but the evening. chances for a dangerous new was the prelude to a series of The, regime survived, thanks In reap some domestic profit by cast a pro-labor Senate vote. Agostinelli, who is also chair- this time seemed interested- in part to help from the Libyans McGovern's initial reaction to „mn of the Ccnnecticut Com- •Middle E ast explosion hS\-e crises in the area. publicly tweaking the Soviet He will also designateformer been lessened. with Suez in 1966 and'^^contim *'“'''"8^ a measure of veto pow­ and support from Cairo. Mos­ nose and tollir/ji the nationalist- Laiman Selected the news that the AFDCIO Ex- mittee to re-elect the President, National Chairman Lawrence er over how — or whether — ecuti\ e Council had voted 27 to said the men would coordinate Egypt's President Anwar Sa^ i.lng irtto mld-1958. cow had sent military advisers minded Arabs that henceforth Meskill E. O'Brien ns his chief bridge dat has said the trouble with Despite significant Soviet mil­ Egypt would use the arms. In and technicians along with mili­ Egypt’s military installations to party regulars. 3 apainst endorsing cither ma- and supervise the operation of jor presidential candidate was /local Nixon erganizatiens. Mcscow is that it wants neither itary and eccnomlc aid to 1970, swarm's of Soviet advisers tary aid to Sudan and now Mos­ would be her own to operate IR A Bombings Kill Nine It was learned that O'Brien, arrived in Egypt. For FBI Academy war nor peace in the sensitive, Egypt, Nasser became deeply cow again occupied the role of and control. That would be pop­ whose departure from the party t o express disappointment “All these men are young, For Spiro along with confidence that 'the enthusia.stic and capable,'' strategic area. Sadat professes suspicious of Mcscow in 1958 Nasser died that September, culprit in the Arab world. ular among Egyptians and chairmanship last Friday oc­ BELFAST, Northern Ire­ overwhelming majority of the Agostinelli said. tc find this intclcrable. He had when the Russians indicated and Sadat succeeded him. Soon Sadat, as a devout Moslem, Arab nationalists. By OI.XNN OAMBBR curred among soittt- confusion land (AP)—The Irish Re­ rank and file will endorse us.'' premised the Arabs that they displeasure at (-Egypt's merger the Egyptian-Soviet alliance always had been deeply dis­ The extent of Egypt’s new (Herald Reporter) By DON FITZHUOH o\er whether McGovern had Named were John Almqulst, would see victory over Israel In with Syria in the United Arab came under another strain. sovereignty over the military M ^che^er Police Lt; Rob­ Associated Press Writer publican Army launched really wanted him to stay, Later in the day, while talk­ 23, of New Hartford; Donald trustful of Communist in­ ert D. Lannan will be attending HARTKORD (AP) — Gov. one of its heaviest bombing ing at lunch with a small group Bardot, 22, of Torrington; John 1971, had seen that deadline go Republic. When the union fell Sadat had joined with revolu- tentions in Islamic countries. installations is not yet known would appear with the Demo­ by and had set a new one for the r a i National *Academy for Thomas J. Meskill said today of reporters, he said the deci­ T. Dolan, 22. of k’airfield; Rich­ apart in 1961, Nasser gave So- tlonary Ubya and Syria In But to him the alliance with Perhaps once again the quarrel onslaughts on Northern cratic nominee at a late-morn­ April 1973. 12 weeks In the fail. he has urged President Nixon sion sets up a major test this ard Leary. 22. of Danbury; Viet and Communist sabotage a ^hat was to be a new Arab fed- Moscow remained necessary if will be smoothed over. But Ireland’s capital today. 'The ing news conference to outline Sadat now finds it expedient According to Police Chief to retain Vice President Spiro fall of the power of those he Thomas Goodrich. 27. of West large share of the blame. That eration. Moscow didn't like it he was to have any hope of mil- each outbreak of public feuding British Broadcasting Corp. his plans' to join the senator's tc bow to home pre.ssures from James Reardon, who made the Agnew on the Republican ticket called "the union power-bro­ Hartford; and Samuel Pease, summer, as Nasser cracked gome Egyptians didn't like it itary parity with Israel. has left Its mark. This one reported nine persons were cBinpaign in a major strategy those who distrust the Rus­ announcement this morning, IX. this (all. k e rs " 26, of Old Lyme. down on local Communists, a ______ _ „ ; probably will, too. known to be dead and up to role. sians. He has tcld the Russian propaganda war raged between ^ ^ ' It became obvious, however, Lannan wUl only be the second Meskill said he expressed a Press secretary Richard He said the vote by the labor military advisers and tech­ Cairo and Mcscow. ^‘1 Sabry and others in that the Russians were jittery. Manchester poheema to ever vice presidential preference in 50 injui’ed in 18 explosions Dougherty, declining comment leaders is either "a calamity or Sadat, then vice president of Sabry was widely They wanted to avoid creating attend the academy and the in Belfast. nicians tc go home. What hap­ Citrus Sales Lag^ini; a letter to Nixon because of re­ on what role O'Brien would it's a signal that a new day is Alx)ut Town pens now to S ad at's dream of Egypt's ruling Arab Socialist ''®S^*'ded as a Moscow man. new full-scale Arab-Israell war first one to attend in recent cent speculation about Agnew Six persons wei'e killed play jn the McGovern cam­ h e r e " He added that "we re Jihad - holy war — against Union, provided the curtain- Suddenly Sadat announced and with it a possible show­ BONN —, West Germsm Im­ years. The last policeman to at­ and suggestions ^ y other Re­ in one blast alone. paign, would say only that the going to test over the ne.xt few the most hated enemy? His ex­ raiser. He had gone in May to arrest of Sabry and others down with the United States. tend the academy was Joseph publicans that A^ew be re­ The bombs exploded within a The Sunset Club will leave to- ports of U.S. oranges and half-hour in mld-aftemoon, just news conference was being months whether the union pow­ merrow at 11 a.m. from the pulsion of the Russians sug­ Mcscow tc see Khrushchev and charges or plotting a coup, Sadat watched resentfully in grapefruits were down to less Prentice in 1940. He is no longer placed. scheduled to m ake "an im por­ er-brokers are alive or dead" .\rmy and Navy Club for a buf­ gests he has scant hope of their returned infuriated, Khrush- The Russians were culprits, May while President Nixon than 3500,000 w orth in 19n. a member of the force. ‘1 (eel the President should as the city was at its busiest tant political announcement " '1 don't know the answer to enccuragement in any such chev had told him patronizingly too, by implication. Sabry and Lt. Lannon was chosen from have the feelings of the elected for weekend shopping. fet dinner at Matarese's Res­ spent a week in Moscow talking They had been higher by half All emergency services were relating to the campaign. that, but I must tell you I won taurant. Berlin. venture. that the Russians “cannot drive bis allies went to prison and with Soviet leaders about, In 1970, almost double In 1969 among sevetal Manchester po­ Republican officers across the The major announced reason put on full alert.
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