SPORTS Baseball team goes 3-1 in tourney MESQUITE Page 1B OPINION Customers should be able to shop for electricity Page 4A LOCAL NEWSVol. 14, No. 25 THE WEEK OF APRIL 5, 2018 VVWD Director Ellestad resigns board By Linda Faas MLN At the close of the April 3 board meeting, Barbara Ellestad announced her immediate resignation from the Virgin Valley Water District Board of Directors. Ellestad leaves the board almost nine months before the conclusion of her term that would normally run to Dec. 31. She had previ- ously declined to register for re-election in this year’s election cycle. Ellestad is former editor and current reporter for Mes- quite Local News. Following the meeting, Elles- Linda Faas tad stated “I am satisfied with attaining most of my Well house and walls are taking shape at Well 27A on Pioneer Boulevard. Trade West machine operator Mel goals during my term as director. I appreciate all the Bundy and Brady Workman lay water pipe in trench on April 3. help I received from the water district manager and staff.” Ellestad joined the VVWD board of directors in 2015 with a laundry list of objectives. She was elected System wells cover water needs following the conviction of VVWD former hydrolo- gist Michael “Boomer” Johnson and Nevada State as- sistant water engineer Robert Coache on charges of as VVWD’s largest well fails defrauding the district in sales of senior water shares. She was a reporter for Mesquite Local News and pub- By Linda Faas Brown and hydrologist Aaron Bunker moved quickly lisher editor of her own online publication, Mesquite MLN to inform the VVWD board of directors and take action to Citizen Journal, covering VVWD meetings since 2007. get the well back on line. By the time of the regular board Her investigative reporting of the illegal activities of Virgin Valley Water District manager Kevin Brown meeting Tuesday evening, contractor Layne Christian- the pair was instrumental in bringing their conviction. awoke to bad news Tuesday morning, April 3, as his staff sen had been hired to install a spare pump VVWD has Other illegal actions by then district manager Mike reported the complete shutdown of the district’s biggest on hand. VVWD expects the well to be back in operation Winters were also exposed. The district was able to re- producing well, Well 31. Trouble with leakage in the well within two weeks. During the outage, other wells in the cover almost $5 million in settlement of payments from casing was reported Monday evening. The leakage and system will be able to provide water service for the entire the lost value of the water shares that had been traded equipment vibration worsened overnight to the point of community. Repairs are expected to cost approximately for those owned by another individual. That trade had failure, halting water flow from the well that yields 2,400 $80,000. netted more than $1 million for Johnson and Coache. gallons per minute and normally provides water for the The pair hid their profits by, among other things, pur- south area of town between I-15 and the Virgin River. > See VVWD, Page 6A > See ELLESTAD, Page 6A ELECTIONS Hunting season TOURISM GOP CD4 Visitor count debate set for shows increases By Barbara Ellestad Mesquite MLN In February 2016, 110,561 people visited By Barbara Ellestad Mesquite when the month had one extra MLN day. In February 2017, that number fell to 103,365 with the Las Vegas Conven- The Mesquite Republican Women are tion and Visitors Authority blaming the hosting one of the few debates between decrease on having one less day in the Congressional District 4 Republican month. candidates that will be held before the While the number of visitors this Feb- June primary election. ruary rose 1.3 percent from last year’s The debate is scheduled for April 11, comparison, the 104,700 people still 5:30 p.m. at the Mesquite Veterans Cen- didn’t come close to two years ago. ter, 840 Hafen Lane. The event is open to The good news is Mesquite is the only the public. reporting jurisdiction in the LVCVA re- Republican candidates set to partici- port that had a positive increase in visi- pate in the debate include former Con- tation. Laughlin fell by a miniscule 0.2 gressman Cresent Hardy, Dave Gibbs, percent and the Las Vegas metropolitan Jeff Miller, Bill Townsend and Kenneth area fell by 0.6 percent. LVCVA contin- Wegner. ued to point to a “temporarily reduced Victor Joeks, columnist for the Las Ve- room inventory” as reason for the de- gas Review Journal, will be the debate cline in Las Vegas. moderator. Total occupancy rates in Mesquite rose The CD4 district includes part of Teri Nehrenz 4.0 percent to 79.7 percent. Total room northern Clark County including Mes- It seemed like every child in Mesquite turned up on a warm spring morning for nights occupied also increased by 4.7 quite and Moapa Valley, the southern the chance to find a golden egg among the many spread across the lawn at Mari- percent to 42,300. part of Lyon County and all of White lyn Redd Park. Kids were separated in age groups to give all a fair chance during Laughlin’s total occupancy rate in- Pine, Nye, Mineral, Esmeralda, and Lin- the annual Easter egg hunt sponsored by the Las Vegas Summerlin Lions Club coln counties. Saturday morning, March 31. > See TOURISM, Page 2A Get your daily news in our newsletter! Sign up at MesquiteLocalNews.com 2A MESQUITE LOCAL NEWS The Week of April 5, 2018 Poetry, artwork on display at Mesquite Fine Arts Gallery By Teri Nehrenz MLN When beautiful words are put to mu- sic they create wonderful songs but what happens when words are brought to life by artists? You get the Virgin Val- ley Artists Association’s Artists and Po- ets exhibit. Poets begin by putting those words on paper then the artists come in, choose the words that inspire and create the stunning imagery that brings those words to life. Teri Nehrenz You can view artwork created by some Mary Lou Kessler shows some of the Brown Bag participants the finer points of of the most well-known artists in Mes- Calligraphy and the tools used to create it during the Virgin Valley Artists Asso- quite as well as read the poems from the ciation’s Brown Bag Lecture. talented writers who inspired the art. Artist Floyd Johnson teamed up with Poet Harlo Berkholtz to paint a stunning acrylic titled “Cowboy Haiku.” Digital Calligaphy: The art of writing Photographer Ronnie Boarer found an “Old Farm” that fit perfectly with the By Teri Nehrenz in the forms of wedding invitations and poem of the same name written by Poet MLN event invitations. Most business use cal- Bonnie Anderson and Artist Eva Zir- The Mesquite Fine Arts Gallery is ligraphy for font design and typogra- bel put both the poetry of Barbara Ann operated by the VVAA. VVAA mem- The Virgin Valley Artists Association phy original hand-lettered logo design, Dunn and her own work together to cre- bers provide the original artwork that hold a Brown Bag Luncheon on the first religious art, announcements, graphic ate a piece that epitomizes the exhibit. is shown in the gallery and gift shop. Tuesday of each month at the Mesquite design and commissioned calligraphic You can see these and many more when All art is offered for sale and displays Fine Arts Gallery with the subject mat- art, cut stone inscriptions, and memo- you visit the Mesquite Fine Arts Center. are changed monthly. In addition to the ter and the presenter determined by rial documents. It is also used for props The April exhibit, sponsored by The special exhibitions, members show their who and what draws the crowd. and moving images for film and televi- Bank of Nevada, is available to the pub- fine works in a wide variety of mediums. At the Brown Bag Luncheon held on sion, testimonials, birth and death cer- lic through April 28 free of charge. A The Gallery is open Monday through Tuesday, April 3, enthusiastic spectators tificates, maps, and other written works, reception provided by the Virgin Valley Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more in- filled the gallery’s classroom with eager but again, technology has replaced Artists Association is set for April 19 formation about membership, upcom- recipients of his tried and true tips and much of the laborious hand written art from 4-6 p.m. at the Gallery to honor the ing exhibitions, and art and pottery tricks on the visual art of writing. along with the skills needed to create it. award winners. The Sponsor’s Choice classes, see the VVAA website at www. Calligraphy was the subject of April’s Kessler explained that many calligra- and People’s Choice awards will also be mesquitefineartscenter.com or call 702- Brown Bag Lecture and Linda Shaffer phy artists can spend countless hours announced at the reception. 346-1338. was scheduled to discuss the history of on a piece, make a mistake and have to Calligraphy and the tools used to create start all over from the beginning. These it. Calligraphy is a visual art related to written forms of art can take unbeliev- writing. able amounts of time and it can be frus- Unfortunately Shaffer was ill and un- trating to some newcomers when they able to make it but Liz Etie, coordinator make mistakes but patience is a virtue for the Brown Bag Luncheons, wasn’t and the end result of this form of art can Andrew Bird about to disappoint the audience.
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