Raport De Activitate Pe Anul 2010

Raport De Activitate Pe Anul 2010

Raport de Activitate - 2010 Colectivul IMAR November 25, 2010 1 Lucrari publicate la finele lui 2009 si necontinute in Raportul pe 2009 1.1 In reviste cotate ISI 1. T. Albu: Completely irreducible meet decompositions in lattices, with applications to Grothendieck categories and torsion theories (I), Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie 52 (100) (2009), 393-419. 2. D. Beltit¸˘a,J.E. Gal´e: On complex infinite-dimensional Grassmann manifolds, Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 3 (2009), no. 4, pag. 739–758. 3. A. Capatina, M. Cocou, M. Raous: A class of implicit variational inequalities and appli- cations to frictional contact, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 14 (2009), pag. 1804-1827 4. M. Cipu, M. Mignotte, On a conjecture on exponential Diophantine equations, Acta Arith., 140(2009), 251–270. 5. A.C. Cojocaru, I.E. Shparlinski: On the embedding degree of the reductions of an elliptic curve, Inform. Proc. Letters, vol. 109 (2009), pag. 652 – 654 6. A.C. Cojocaru, F. Luca, I.E. Shparlinksi: Pseudoprime reductions for elliptic curves, Mathematical Proceedings of Cambridge Philos. Soc., vol. 146 (2009), pag. 513 – 522 7. M. Coltoiu si M. Tibar: On the disk theorem, Math. Ann. 345 (2009), pag. 175-183 8. M. Coltoiu si J. Ruppenthal: A d-bar theoretical proof of Hartogs’ extension theorem on (n − 1)-complete complex spaces J. reine angew. Math. 637 (2009),pag. 41-47 9. Vasile Dragan, Toader Morozan: Linear Quadratic Optimization Problems for some Discrete-time Stochastic Linear Systems, MATH. REPORTS 11(61), 4 (2009), pag. 307–319 10. Ciro Ciliberto, Olivia Dumitrescu, Rick Miranda: Degenerations of the Veronese and applications, Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin; Vol- ume 16, Number 5 (2009), pag. 771–798 1 11. Cristodor Ionescu: A note on smoothness and differential bases in positive characteristic, Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie 52 (2009), pag. 421 – 426. 12. Victor Lozovanu: Regularity of smooth curves in biprojective spaces, Journal of Alge- bra, 322 (2009), pag. 2355 – 2365 13. Andrei Negut: Laumon spaces and the Calogero-Sutherland integrable system, Inven- tiones Mathematicae vol. 178 (2009), pag. 299 – 331 14. A. Nenciu: Brauer t–tuples, J. Algebra (2009), pag. 410–428 15. A. Nenciu: Character tables of p–groups with derived subgroup of prime order. III, J. Algebra (2009), pag. 1168-1195 16. A. Nenciu: Character tables of p–groups with derived subgroup of prime order. II, J. Algebra (2009), pag. 1107-1131 17. Giuseppe Pareschi, Mihnea Popa: Strong generic vanishing and a higher dimensional Castelnuovo-de Franchis inequality, Duke Math. J. 150 (2009), pag. 269 – 285 2 18. R˘asdeaconu Rare¸s,S¸uvaina Ioana: Smooth structures and Einstein metrics on CP #5, 6, 2 7CP , Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 147, (2009), no. 2, 409–417. 19. Ishida Masashi, R˘asdeaconu Rare¸s,S¸uvaina Ioana: On normalized Ricci flow and smooth structures on four-manifolds with b+ = 1, Arch. Math. (Basel) 92, (2009), no. 4, 355–365. 20. Stan Florin si Zaharescu Alexandru: Siegel’s trace problem and character values of finite groups, J. Reine Angew. Math. 637 (2009), pag. 217 – 234. 21. T.W. Cusick, Y. Li, P. Stanica, On a conjecture of balanced symmetric Boolean functions, J. Math. Cryptology 3 (2009), pag. 273–290. 22. E. Kilic, P. Stanica, Factorizations and representations of second order linear recurrences with indices in arithmetic progressions, Bulletin Mex. Math. Soc. 15 (2009), pag. 23–36. 23. T.W. Cusick, P. Stanica, Sums of the Thue-Morse sequence over arithmetic progressions, Adv. & Applic. in Discrete Math. 4 (2009), pag. 127–135. 24. J.F.Bonnans, D.Tiba : Control problems with mixed constraints and application to an optimal investment problem , Mathematical Reports, vol.11 (61), no.4 (2009), pag.293-306. 25. A.Halanay, D.Tiba : Shape optimization for stationary Navier-Stokes equations Control and Cybernetics, vol.38, no.4B (2009), pag. 1359-1374. 26. Bercovici, H.; Li, W. S.; Timotin, D.: The Horn conjecture for sums of compact selfadjoint operators, Amer. J. Math. 131 (2009), pag. 1543-1567. 27. Chalendar, I.; Fricain, E.; Timotin, D.: On an extremal problem of Garcia and Ross, Oper. Matrices 3 (2009), pag. 541-546. 2 28. A. Ledoan, A. Zaharescu: Real moments of the restrictive factor, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. Math. Sci. 119 (2009), pag. 559 – 566. 29. J. Itoh, F. Ohtsuka, T. Zamfirescu: Some remarks on simple closed geodesics of surfaces with ends, Bull. Math. Soc. Sc. Math. Roumanie 52 (2009), pag. 311 – 319. 30. S. Malik, A. M. Qureshi, T. Zamfirescu: Hamiltonian properties of generalized Halin graphs, Can. Math. Bull. 52 (2009), pag. 416 – 423. 1.2 In reviste non-ISI ale Academiei Romane 1. T. Albu, P.F. Smith: Primality, irreducibility, and complete irreducibility in modules over commutative rings, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. 54 (2009), 275-286. 2. Eugen Mihailescu: Dynamics on higher dimensional real or complex fractals, Revue Roumaine de Mathematiques Purees et Appliquees 54 (2009), pag. 513 - 524. 1.3 In alte reviste 1. S.Barcanescu, W.Boskoff: On the Tzitzeica-Johnson configuration, J.Geometry 96 (2009), pag.57-61 2. M. Buliga: Hamiltonian inclusions with convex dissipation with a view towards applica- tions, Ann. of the AOSR, Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 1, no. 2 (2009), pag. 228 – 251 3. Cimpoeas Mircea: Lefschetz property of complete intersections, Analele Universitatii din Bucuresti LVIII(2) (2009), pag. 125 – 144 4. Petru Ivanescu si Florin F. Nichita: Inegalitati si elemente de teoria sirurilor, Gazeta Matematica, Seria A, No.3 (2009), pag. 214 – 216. 5. J. Itoh ¸si C. Vˆılcu: What do cylinders look like?, J. Geom. 95 (2009), pag. 41–48 6. A. Zaharescu, M. Zaki: Analytic continuation of a family of Dirichlet series, Comment. Math. Univ. St. Pauli 58 (2009), pag. 105 – 118. 1.4 In volume de conferinte 1. I. Beltit¸˘a,D. Beltit¸˘a: A survey on Weyl calculus for representations of nilpotent Lie groups, XXVIII Workshop on Geometrical Methods in Physics, Bialystok (Poland), 28 June–4 July 2009, editori: P. Kielanowski, S.T. Ali, A. Odzijewicz, M. Schlichenmaier, Th. Voronov, AIP Conf. Proc., Amer. Inst. Phys., 1191, Melville, NY (2009), pag. 7–20, ISBN: 978-0-7354-0728-2. 2. Jensen A, Nenciu G Exponential Decay Laws in Perturbation Theory of Threshold and Embedded Eigenvalues, NEW TRENDS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS,15th International Congress on Mathematical Physics, AUG 05-11, 2006 Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL , editori: V. Sidoravicius, Springer (2009), pag. 525-538 ISBN: 978-90-401- 2809-9 3 3. David Hobby, Barna Laszlo Iantovics si Florin F. Nichita: Knowledge-Based Mobile Agents, Proceedings of the International Conference ”European Integration between Tradition and Modernity”, European Integration between Tradition and Modernity, 3-rd edition, Petru Maior University, Targu Mures, 22-23 October 2009, Petru Maior University Press (2009), pag. 1061-1069, ISSN 1844-2048. 4. Andrei Popescu: Weak Bisimilarity Coalgebraically, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science, Third International Conference, CALCO 2009, Udine, Italy, September 7-10, 2009, editori: Alexander Kurz and Marina Lenisa and Andrzej Tarlecki, Springer (2009), pag. 157 – 172 ISBN: 978-3-642-03740-5 5. J.Sprekels, D.Tiba : Optimization problems for thin elastic structures ISNM 158, Ober- wolfach 2008, editori: ¡nume editori¿, Birkhauser Verlag (2009) pag.255-273. 1.5 Capitole in volume colective 1. 1.6 Carti publicate in 2009 in strainatate 1. Mihaela Pilca: Generalized Gradients of G-Structures and K¨ahlerianTwistor Spinors, Verlag Dr. Hut, M¨unchen (2009), 180 pag, ISBN: 978-3-86853-230-2 4 2 Lucrari publicate in 2010 2.1 In reviste cotate ISI 1. T. Albu: Dual Krull dimension, Goldie dimension, and subdirect irreducibilty, Glasgow Math. J. 52A (2010), 19-32. 2. T. Albu: Completely irreducible meet decompositions in lattices, with applications to Grothendieck categories and torsion theories (II), Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie 53 (101) (2010), 1-13. 3. C. Ambrozie, B. Kuzma, V. Muller: An upper bound on the dimension of the reflexivity closure, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 138:5 (2010), pag. 1721 – 1731 4. C. Ambrozie: Remarks on Bishop - type operators, Annals of the University of Bucharest (Mathematical Series) LIX (2010), pag. 3 – 14 5. Marian Aprodu, Daniel Naie: Enriques diagrams and log-canonical thresholds of curves on smooth surfaces, Geom Dedicata 146 (2010), pag. 43–66 6. L. Badea, M. Discacciati and A. Quarteroni: Numerical analysis of the Navier-Stokes/ Darcy coupling, Numer. Math. 115 (2010), pag. 195 – 227. 7. Gabriel B˘adit¸oiu, Steven Rosenberg: Lax pair equations and Connes-Kreimer renormal- ization, Communications in Mathematical Physics 296 (2010), no. 3, pag. 655-680. 8. Constantin-Nicolae Beli: A new approach to classification of integral quadratic forms over dyadic local fields, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 362 , No. 3 (2010), pag. 1599-1617 9. Michael Anshelevich, Serban T. Belinschi, Marek Bo˙zejko, Franz Lehner: Free Infinite Divisibility for Q-Gaussians, Mathematical Research Letters, Volume 17, Issue 5, September (2010), pag. 905-916 10. Teodor Banica, S.T. Belinschi, M. Capitaine, B. Collins: Free Bessel Laws, Cana- dian Journal of Mathematics, DOI:10.4153/CJM-2010-060-6, 35 pages, E- Published: 2010-07-06 (A fost acceptat in 2008 si raportat ca acceptat in 2009; in clipa de fata e raportat ca fiind publicat “Online first!”) 11. I. Beltit¸˘a, D. Beltit¸˘a: Uncertainty principles for magnetic structures on certain coadjoint orbits, Journal of Geometry and Physics 60 (2010), no. 1, pag. 81–95. 12. D. Beltit¸˘a,K.-H. Neeb: Geometric characterization of hermitian algebras with continuous inversion, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 81 (2010), no. 1, pag. 96-113. 13. D. Beltit¸˘a: Lie theoretic significance of the measure topologies associated with a finite trace, Forum Mathematicum 22 (2010), no.

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