Scientific and technical monthly journal of the Polish Association of Transport Engineers and Technicians 7 2017 vol. 72 price 25,00 zł przegląd including 5% VAT komunikacyjny TRANSPORTATION OVERVIEW Rail transport infrastructure Proposal of city tram-train line for Wrocław. Matching the platform edge placement to rolling stock in existing tram systems on the example of Wroclaw. Testing railway capacity using modern microsimulation programs. Methodical basis for comparative analysis of rolling stock modernization economic e" ectiveness. The eISSN application of nonlinear curvature sections in the turnout diverging 2544-6037 track. Construction methodology of straddle monorail guideway On the cover: Ecological washing point for railway 7/2017 vehicles , Fot. BFL Lauchhammer; Piotr Kazimierowski przegląd vol. 72 komunikacyjny Dear readers! Contents: We start editing the entire numbers of the Transportation Overview in En- Proposal of city tram-train line for Wrocław Jacek Makuch 2 glish. For the year 2017, they will cover only scienti! c articles, which is the main content of the journal. In subsequent years, we plan to expand the En- Matching the platform edge placement to rolling stock in existing tram systems on glish version of the monthly, but keep the source material in Polish. Both ver- the example of Wroclaw sions are and will be available via the website. Igor Gisterek 10 Testing railway capacity using modern microsimulation programs Marta Rogowska 17 Methodical basis for comparative analysis of rolling stock modernization economic With respect: e! ectiveness Maciej Kruszyna Juliusz Engelhardt 23 (Deputy Transportation Overview) The application of nonlinear curvature sections in the turnout diverging track Władysław Koc 27 Construction methodology of straddle monorail guideway Dominik Bednarek 32 Publisher: Scienti# c Council: Articles published in the "Transportation Overview" are Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Marek Ciesielski (Poznań), Antanas Klibavičius (Wil- available in databases of 20 technical libraries and are Komunikacji Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej no), Jozef Komačka (Žilina), Elżbieta Marciszewska indexed in databases: 00-043 Warszawa, ul. Czackiego 3/5 (Warszawa), Bohuslav Novotny (Praga), Andrzej S. BAZTECH: http://baztech.icm.edu.pl www.sitk-rp.org.pl Nowak (Lincoln, Nebraska), Tomasz Nowakowski Index Copernicus: http://indexcopernicus.com (Wrocław), Victor V. Rybkin (Dniepropietrovsk), Ma- Editor in Chief: rek Sitarz (Katowice), Wiesław Starowicz (Kraków), Antoni Szydło Hans-Christoph Thiel (Cottbus), Krystyna Wojewódzka- Subscription: -Król (Gdańsk), Elżbieta Załoga (Szczecin), Andrea Zuzu- Details and order form on the site: Editorial o" ce: lova (Bratysława) www.przeglad.komunikacyjny.pwr.wroc.pl Krzysztof Gasz, Igor Gisterek, Bartłomiej Krawczyk, Maciej Kruszyna (Z-ca Redaktora Naczelnego), Agniesz- Program Board: ka Kuniczuk - Trzcinowicz (Redaktor językowy), Piotr Mirosław Antonowicz, Dominik Borowski, Leszek Kraw- Archive numbers from 2004-2009 can be ordered in the Mackiewicz (Sekretarz), Wojciech Puła (Redaktor czyk, Marek Krużyński, Leszek W. Mindur, Andrzej Żur- Kraków Branch of SITK, ul. Siostrzana 11, 30-804 Kraków, statystyczny), Wiesław Spuziak, Robert Wardęga, kowski tel./faks 12 658 93 74, [email protected] Czesław Wolek Declaration on the main version of the journal Printing: Editorial address for correspondence: The main version of the magazine is the paper version. Drukarnia A-Zet, 52-131 Wrocław, ul. Buforowa 34a E-mail: Summaries and the articles in Polish and English are ava- Przemysław Wołczuk, [email protected] [email protected] ilable on the journal's website. Advertising: traditional: The journal is placed on the list of the Ministry of Science and Piotr Mackiewicz, Maciej Kruszyna Higher Education ( 8 points for the peer-reviewed article). Marketing department: [email protected] Politechnika Wrocławska, Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław The editors reserve the right to make changes in mate- Edition: 800 copies Fax: 71 320 45 39 rials that are not subject to review. 1 7 / 2017 przegląd komunikacyjny Rail transport infrastructure Proposal of city tram-train line for Wrocław Propozycja miejskiej linii tramwaju dwusystemowego dla Wrocławia Jacek Makuch dr inż. Politechnika Wrocławska, Wydział Budownictwa Lądowego i Wodnego; Katedra Mostów i Kolei [email protected] Abstract: In article short review of diff erent types of present tram-train solutions working on world was made. Worked out till now proposals of tram-train lines for Wrocław were analysed. Proposal of new city tram-train line for Wrocław, connecting existing tram-loops Poświętne and Kromera, with utilization of railway line number 292 on section among stations Wrocław Sołtysowice and Wroclaw Osobowice, serving housing estates Poświętne and Karłowice, with possible branch to Sołtysowice was presented. Keywords: Tram-train; Infrastructure; Kassel model Streszczenie: W artykule przeprowadzono krótki przegląd różnych typów rozwiązań tramwaju dwusystemowego występujących obecnie na świecie. Przeanalizowano opracowane dotychczas propozycje linii tramwaju dwusystemowego dla Wrocławia. Przedstawiono propozy- cję nowej trasy tramwaju dwusystemowego dla Wrocławia, łączącej istniejące pętle tramwajowe Poświętne i Kromera, z wykorzystaniem linii kolejowej nr 292 na odcinku pomiędzy stacjami Wrocław Sołtysowice i Wrocław Osobowice, obsługującej osiedla Poświętne i Karłowice, z możliwością odgałęzienia do Sołtysowic. Słowa kluczowe: Tramwaj dwusystemowy; Infrastruktura; Model Kassel In Wrocław, in years 2003 - 07, there Some ideas have been implemented Wr. Sołtysowice and Wr. Osobowice was a decrease in transport by public (tramway plus), others are still wa- (photo 1) - single-track, with disas- transport from 255 to 193 million pe- iting for implementation - including sembled traction network, which ople a year, i.e. by almost 1/4 - in just a tram-train. occasionally passes freight trains. four years! In turn, in the years 2007 There are a number of diff erent In the vicinity of the intersection - 12 there was an increase in the mo- solutions based on this idea in the of the analyzed section of the ra- torization rate from 441 to 540 cars world. Until now, not all of them ilway line with Żmigrodzka Street per one thousand inhabitants, ie by have been adapted to Wroclaw con- (near the Marino shopping center) is about 1/5 - in only fi ve years! As a re- ditions. This article proposes a new the "Poświętne" tram terminus, whe- sult, transport problems occur today, way of using one of the known forms re tram lines 1, 7 and 15 end. On the in the form of loss of capacity of the of a tram-train, in a new, previously other hand, at some distance from road system, during periods of trans- unresolved location. the intersection of the analyzed sec- port peaks. tion of the railway line with Sołtyso- Handling of passenger fl ows is cur- The genesis of the idea wicka Street is the intermediate tram rently carried out by trams and bu- terminal "Kromera", where the tram ses. Railway, despite the developed One of the elements of the Wrocław lines terminate: 11 and 23, while line infrastructure, plays a marginal role. Railway Junction is a secondary rail- 6 continues to Kowal. From the "Kro- Looking for new solutions. For many way line number 292 (according to mer" loop towards Karłowice, leads years, new concepts have been de- instructions Id-12), in relation Jelcz Boya-Żeleński Street, over which the veloped based on rail transport: Miłoszyce - Wrocław Osobowice. The railway line 143 to Oleśnica is carried urban, agglomeration, regional, fast fi nal section of it, with a connecting over. This viaduct is a "bottleneck", tram and even subway (although link connecting lines 143 to Oleśnica because only one lane is under the recently abandoned because of the and 271 to Poznań, is over seven kilo- railway track (there is a traffi c light result of the urban referendum). meters long connecting the stations system installed there), and there 2 przegląd komunikacyjny 7 / 2016 Rail transport infrastructure - is still developing Sołtysowice es- tate. The considerations presented so far prompted the author of this artic- le to propose the construction of a new tram line connecting the exi- sting loops: Poświętne and Kromera, using the railway line No. 292 on the section between railway crossings on Żmigrodzka and Sołtysowicka Streets, serving the housing estate: 1.Railway line No. 292 on the section between the stations Wr. Sołtysowice and Wr. Osobowice Poświętne and Karłowice, with the are as many as 6 bus routes (A, 105, le 30 years ago all bus lines reaching possibility of branching to Sołtyso- 116, 118, 130, 305). At the beginning the Kromer tram terminus from Psie wice of 2015, PKP PLK announced that it Pole (102, 104, 130) and Kowal (118) would modernize the Wrocław - Ole- - ended the route there, which ensu- Tram-trains in the world śnica railway line, under which the red that the trolley line was already viaduct over Boy-Żeleński Street. at their start, no line today the bus Tram-train system implemented so Thus, there was the possibility of not from these directions does not stop far in the world is characterized by a only removing the said "bottleneck" there, and some are heading to the large variety. Phd Igor Gisterek in his but also to obtain something more, center (N, 128, 904, 914), doubling article [1] proposed classifi cation in namely to build a new overpass in the route of tram lines. In the case the form of four basic models of this such a way that the tram line could of the "Poświętne" tram terminal, type of solutions: also be underneath. although no bus lines coming from For many years the city has been further suburbs ended the route the- 1) taking over the railway line for planning a new tram line along Ka- re (thus bringing passengers to the the exclusive use of tram traffi c, mieński Street, from the intersection trams), the fact is that there are such 2) time-separated mixed traffi c of with Żmigrodzka Street, to the inter- lines (129, 308 and 908) and that two trams (during the day) and trains section with Kątowa Street.
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