MARCH 2011 “Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved.”–ROMANS10:1 Though the West ignores most repression INSIDE ITEMS ▼ in the Islamic world, many Muslims are ■ Christian Persecution...........3,4 ■ DeSeifering..........................5 saying “enough already” to their abusive ■ Our Man In Haifa..................6 Muslim brothers and overlords.–Jeff ■ Classic Zola........................7 ■ Anti-Christian World!.........8,11 ■ Ask The Chaplain..................9 ■ Israeli Science & Medicine..10,28 ■ Israel Prospers....................12 A Warning To Arab ■ Wise As A Serpent................13 ■ Tower Of Babel...................14 ■ Anti-Semitism.........15,21,26,27 Dictators ■ Hebrew Lesson ....................16 By Khaled Abu Toameh (r) ■ Bulletin Board....................20 www.JPost.com ■ Letters To ZLM................22–25 ■ Islam Hijacked?.................29 Arab dictators have good reason to be afraid in ■ Select Briefs..................30,31 light of the ouster of Tunisian President Zein ■ Humane Israeli Army............32 ■ Jewish Humor/TV Schedule.....33 al-Abideen Bin Ali, reported political analysts ■ Saudi Leaders Ease Up?........34 and newspaper columnists in the Arab world. ■ Arabs Prefer Israel..............35 Some even went as far as voicing hope that the intifada that erupted in Tunisia January 15 Israel on UN’s 2011 would spread to the rest of the Arab countries, signaling the beginning of a new and more Hit List–Why? promising era for the Arab world. By Pamela Geller HumanEvents.com “The revolution of the Tunisian people has left many Arab leaders panicking,” said political UN Secretary analyst Sami al-Buhairi. “What happened to General Ban Ki-moon Bin Ali was an unprecedented humiliation for announced recently that a an Arab leader.” (continued p. 2) United Nations top goal in 2011 will be bettering living conditions in the Gaza Strip and forcing Israel to end all “settlement” construction in Judea and Samaria and East Jerusalem. You couldn’t make that up. Pressuring Israel is one of the UN’s top goals for 2011. Not the North Korean nuclear threat. Not the Iranian nuclear threat. Not the huge wave of refugees and illegal immigrants into Europe, Israel, and the United States. Ban was likewise silent about the banking crisis in the Western world and the financial collapse of some European Union coun- Intifada in Tunisia: Protest Sign calls president Bin Ali “criminal” tries. (continued p. 3) [CoverStory p.2 A WARNING TO ARAB DICTATORS Ahmed Abu Matar, another political regime, the future of the Arab dictator- analyst, noted that similar protests ships was now in question. He added in Algeria could also result in regime that the rulers of Morocco, Libya, Algeria, change. Analyst Ahmed Lashin said and Egypt could be next in line. He also he did not rule out the possibility expressed disappointment that the that the entire Arab world would be West was continuing to support Arab engulfed in chaos after the Tunisian dictators, while ignoring the plight of “revolution.” He noted that anti-gov- the Arab masses. ernment demonstrations have already taken place in Algeria and Jordan. “The Majdoubi said that the popular upris- Arabs have been repressed for too long,” ing in Tunisia showed the Western fear he said. “They are eager for change of radical Islam was unjustified and and are on the verge of explosion.” baseless. Under the title Thank You To the Tun- In the Palestinian territories, many isian People, Abdel Bari Atwan, editor Palestinians also welcomed the removal of the London-based Al-Quds Al-Arabi, of Bin Ali’s regime from power. The wrote: “The living conditions in Tunisia Palestinian Authority, which had strong are still better than in most of the Arab ties with the Tunisian regime, did not countries. Moreover, the Tunisian dic- comment on the dramatic develop- tatorship was less repressive than its ments. Tunisia played host to the PLO sister dictatorships in the Arab world.” after the organization was expelled from Lebanon in the early 1980s. Yasser Atwan suggested that the U.S. adminis- Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas had their tration prepare an island in the Pacific offices and homes in Tunis for nearly Ocean to receive its Arab friends and a decade before they moved to the dictators “the same way it opened Palestinian territories after the signing Guantanamo Prison for al-Qaeda men.” of the Oslo Accords in 1993. He said that the Tunisian people Hamas, for its part, warned that the PA deserved to be thanked twice—“for leadership in the West Bank was likely to proving that the Arab street is not dead meet the same fate of Bin Ali. “Mahmoud as many had expected and is capable Abbas and his sons are among the of waging an intifada and making wealthiest Palestinians,” Hamas said. sacrifices for change, and for exposing “Fatah leaders in the West Bank are very the Arab regimes that claimed to care corrupt. All indications are that the resi- about human rights and the values of dents of the West Bank, who live under justice and democracy.” a tyrannical regime, are close to toppling the regime there. The people of the West Writing in the same paper, commen- Bank can no longer accept humiliation.” tator Hussein Majdoubi said that in light of the collapse of the Tunisian Intifada in Tunisia 2 FOR CREDIT CARD ORDERS OR DONATIONS, YOU MAY CALL 1-800-WONDERS (966-3377). ISRAEL ON UN’S HIT LIST... cont. from p.1 No, none of that matters. The United There are no starving Muslims Nations has to spend its time improving in Gaza, but there are plenty in living conditions in Gaza. Darfur, as a result of the relentless jihad. Still, Ban Ki-Moon and the UN are going What a joke. There is no real “humanitar- after Israel, not Sudan. ian crisis” in Gaza. Always the Jewish people are clubbed like baby seals with And the settlements? They are Jews Islamic lies about how Israel is starving building houses on Jewish land. Anyone the Muslims in Gaza. (There is no such who understands the religious motive thing as a “Palestinian.” There never has behind the genocidal jihad against the been an independent Palestinian state or Jews and the true history of the Middle recognized Palestinian nationality in the East will urge Israel to build more homes history of the world; Arafat and Co. invented in Judea and Samaria to create defensible it in the 1960s for propaganda purposes.) borders. They claim the Jewish blockade starves the And now Ban Ki-Moon encourages and poor Muslims; yet photo after photo has come emboldens the genocidal jihadists in out of Gaza showing stores overwhelm- 2011, and helps them reach their goal of ingly overflowing with food, toys, candy, destroying Israel. Fires are raging all over anything you could want. They recently the globe, and instead of trying to put opened a big luxury mall there. [See them out he is bullying the Middle East’s Levitt Letter September 2010, pp. 8–9 at only democracy and America’s staunchest www.levitt.com/newsletters/2010-09.pdf] ally. World’s Worst Places For Christians By Jeff Kunerth, blogs.OrlandoSentinel.com North Korea again tops the list of the 10 worst countries to practice Christianity, according to the ninth annual Open Doors World Watch List (WWL). Eight of the top 10 are Islamic nations, including seven that have stepped up their perse- cution in the past year. In descending order, they include Iran, which clamps down on a growing house-church movement; Afghanistan, where thousands of Believers cluster deep underground; Saudi Arabia, which refuses to allow any Saudi person to convert to Christianity; Somalia, where terrorists threaten to kill Christian aid workers who feed the starving; Maldives, claims to be 100 percent Islamic; Yemen with its determination to expel all Christian workers; and Iraq, which saw extremists massacre 58 Christians in a Baghdad cathedral on Oct. 31. Baghdad bombing victims Uzbekistan and Laos come in at numbers 9 and 10. Iraq is new to the top 10 list while Mauritania dropped from 8 to 13. The country that saw the greatest deterioration of Christian religious freedom in the reporting period (Nov. 2009 through Oct. 2010) was Iraq, jumping from No. 17 to No. 8. The country has seen a Christian exodus in recent years, with an estimated 334,000 Christians remaining in this ancient cradle of Christianity, a drop of more than 50 percent since the 2003 toppling of Saddam Hussein’s regime. The main reason why Christians are fleeing is organized violence by an extremist militia, especially in the northern city of Mosul and in the capital Baghdad, in an attempt to cleanse these areas of their Christian presence. MARCH 2011 P.O. BOX 12268 • DALLAS, TX 75225-0268 • (214) 696-8844 • WWW.LEVITT.COM 3 CHRISTIAN PERSECUTION can-led invasion of 2003. With no safe Can Middle Eastern haven or protective militia, the historic Christian communities of Iraq have Christians Survive The been caught in Arab-Kurdish and 21st Century? Sunni-Shiite confrontations, as well as By Paul Salem (r) direct attacks from al-Qaeda, and now LATimesBlogs.LATimes.com number less than 3% of the population. In Egypt, the Christian Coptic commu- As the 21st century enters its second nity, which makes up about 10% of the decade, two millennia of Christian population, suffers from state discrimi- presence in the Middle East might be nation and open hostility from radical eclipsed by the end of the century. Muslim movements. The new decade began in the Middle In Sudan, the northern government has East with a car bomb that went off been at war with its largely Christian minutes after midnight outside an south for decades—a war that prompted Egyptian church and left more than a vote on secession in January.
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