Ikman^B Mzãtmr Aitero .'; R.-Ffá___\ , ¦ 3S1Í

Ikman^B Mzãtmr Aitero .'; R.-Ffá___\ , ¦ 3S1Í

)B9ileimm's §razilimi tmtw AND SHIPPING A WEEKLY JOURNAL OF TRADE. FINANCE. ECONOM1CS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14tb, 1923 14 RIO DE JANEIRO, —!== VOL. f*"' 7 I Z^ix 3> il R.M.S.P.&P.S.N.C. REGULAR SERVICES OF MAIL AND PASSENGER STEAMERS from I BRAZIL ÍO K1KGD0M SPAIN, PORTUGAL, FRANCE ASD THE UJÍ1TED (Via St. Vincent, C. V., and Madeíri) m mi CARGO SERVICES sfeSS to 5SS«SÍ UNITED KINGDOM AND_CONTIPNTAL PORTS íy*Z'"*Zr...' £Mp?ZZ£ ALSO MAIL, PASSEHGER AHD°PLATE CARGO SERVICES RIVER AND PACIFIC PORTS OF ^I^^H R M S P SERVICE OF LUXURIOUS MAIL STEAMERS ™E "ò" class between hamburo.southampton. mMÊÊÈMmBÊÈ CHERBOURG & NEW YORK. lllipill apply to further sailing[dates ,&ó For particulars, PACKET OO. THE ROYAL MAIL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. THE PACIFIC STEAM TfsYLÚI 51'55 Avenida Rio Branco, Mr 51/55 — 18 of Rua „.iüTTQSV SAO PAULO, Rua da Quitanda (cornei: M^ de Novembro 190- Sào Bento). SANTOS, Rua 15 ¦,s,_„. :-VIíí-'^ . .,_;..-. - • ,íws,j.; January 14th, 1923. BRAZILIAN REVIEW II WILEMAN'- ________wmm^m^^^^\ Ltd. The Great Western rf Braal Railway Company, Direct communicátion between: and Saturdaye. On Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursday and Maceió and Jaragui. Wedneedays, RECIFE (Cinco Pontas) returning on Sundays, Mondays, RECIFE (Central and Barão do Rio Branco) and Fridays. RECIFE (Brum) and Parahyba and Cabedello COMMUNICÁTION BETWEEN and Thursdaye, and vioe-versa, on Sundays, Tuesdays Natal RECIFE (Brum) and Bleeping at Independência. PARAHYBA and Natal { lines The Great Western Railway system, with 1,621 klms. of States: at present in traffic, serves the following "' ¦Z: Arsa sq. klme. Population ALAGOAS 68,491 700,000 PERNAMBUCO 128,395 1,300,000 Note.—The figures relating to inhabl- 600,000 may PARAHYBA 74,731 tants refer to the year 1906; 20 per oent 480,000 RIO GRANDE DO NORTE 67,485 safely be added to arrive at approximati figures for 1917. TOTAL 819,102 2,980,000 Development of the system and its traffic since 1905. tons Klms. in trafficPassengersGoods, 708,935 1,276 1,813,444 1905 2,214,503 907,135 1910 1,475 1,066,260 1,621 1,975,586 1915 1,332,472 1,621 3,442,111 1920 of <&¦ *»• Western The favourable conditions and eteady progress The steady of the zone served by the Great ínveato™ progress the attention of European and Amenoan ahove figures cannot fail to undergo further con should attract shcwn by the Western Railway. construction of the Porho Jaragua to the zone served by the Great Bideralile impulse when the healthy and. mr Natal Grande do Norte), Although tropical, the sone is exceptionally (Ah-goss), Cabedello (Parahyba), (Rio Garanlmna, counts several health resorte, like Caruaru, aud Recife (Pernambuco) is oomplete. deed, !*¦* etc, to which residentn of other and The and estimate of the first have been completed, whilst Floresta dos Leões, pluns resort. m tne coiifctn.ction of the Ports of Cabedello and Natal is being healthy dietricts habitually sugar in the lowland and carried out under the administration of the Federal Government. The staple produets of th© zone are It i_ expect-cd that construction will be accelerated on the con- cotton in the hinterland. elusion of the present crisis. The soil is extremely rioh and gives a splendid return—even and in mandwea, Tho construction of the Port of Recife on a scale without manures—for eurtávation of Indian corn, beans, up-to- technical conditions that will convert it into one of the moet camaoba wax, maniçoba, cocoa, coffee, eto. is well advanced; an área amply Rail- dato ports of the Continent, Almost the entir® region eerred by the Great Western completed and opened for suffiçient foi actual traffio has been way is considered amongst tho best in the world for tropioa» traffic. fruits. Tho geographical position of the Port of Recife is exceptionally banana» The quality of pineapples, ooooanuts, mangoes, pinhas, advantageous, as it is practically the obligatory port of call for is famous, and and , etc.,« ., grown* in the north-east of Brasil, a.lad ebipsships from both Europe and North America destined for Southana goiabas,Kui-*uc» . .,future, to tako ,--.1<<_•_-___;4.v.„«their roroduction and eaport oertain,. in tne near iu,u__, w America and vice-versa, as well a8 for ships bound from eitherÍU«ir i*luu larêe coast of North or Central America for the Southern Atlantio,veiy ProportioBS. factoriès already exist, though this industry whatscever their destination. Important canning its infancy and its resouroes practically untouohed- Owing to its advantageous situation, Recife is the p-srt for is yet in the Great Western most of tho of the rioh tropical zone of north-eastern Information regarding the aone served by produce the Company's Brazil, a fact which cannot fail to contributo consáderably to the Railway may be obtained on application to any of piogreae of the neighbouring zones likewis*. offices as below:— RECIFE—Rua Barão do Triumpho n, 328-Pepnambueo. RIO DE JANEIRO—Avenida Rio Branco n.117-, 2' andar. LONDON—River Plate House, Finsbupy Ctrous, B.O. " '¦*¦-,. Vi»."' ¦ ÇV^-v;..*;. |fj BRAZILIAN REVIEW. III January 14th, 1923. WILBMAN'S LONDON AND BRAZILIAN BANK, LIMITED. ESTABLISHED 1862 shares of iaoh_53,t^íHe$ f Capital, 158,000 £20 gl Capitai paid up «a.500,000J, ;ç> Reserva Fund jgl.WMiO7 E.C. HEAD OFFICE 7, TOKENHOUSE YARD, LONDON, -._-_.__-. of RUA DA ALFANDECA, . RIO DE JANEIRO BRANCH ...... RUA DA CANDELÁRIA corner PARIS BRANCH5, RUE SCRIBE, PARIS. Pernamttnoo^B Head Offices and following branches: Lisbon, Oporto, Manáos, Pará, ««"^áo, Ceará, Draws on Baonoa -ire», Resarlo do Santa Pé. Pari. and Na. York Stofpa-lo, C-rityba, Rií,°6r«de «• Sul, Porto Alegre, Peletas, Meat.-i.ae, ^ColRfes^ofNTS.-The Brasil, Üruguay, Argentina, U^****^ Bank has Agents or Corresponnents in a» the principa. ports and dtiesof IMPRENSA INGLEZA PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DE8ICN. ACCOUNT BOOKS RULED ANO PRINTED TO ANY _B 8PECIALI8T8 IN LOOSE-LEAF LEDCER8, ET8 OF REQUEST. OUR REPRESENTATIVA WILL CALL ON RECEIPT 1 COMPANY, LIMITED THEmlJ LEOPOLDINAAcentral RAILWAY Office, RUA DA GLORIA, 36-RIO DE JANEIRO - LATESCENCE Telephone Central 2404 Cable Address; - ** " between the States ef Kio, Espirito M ?** D,eet —ication aiu**. % stations serving an área^m^^^g* of zuu.uuu squara Traffio carried In 1921:— 1,782,235. and Luggage, Tons, 94,632.Qoodi, Ton., No.tv, 13W,W*_. 592 217TRA|NSParcels Passenger*, LEAVE F0R THE INTERIOR-FROM NICTHEROYi Itapemirim, Porciuncula and branch lines, daily. fi 30 Express-Campos, Miracema, SaturdaysAlsoM0"a^n. "and Sundays and Thursdays 15.35-Passeio-Friburgo, Mondays^Nictheroy/victoria Fridays. Return from Victoria 2100_-Night Express-Campos,Itapemmnand y01^*,^™" 521800. Return fare 85$300 Sleeper cars Xb0l5een^"ntcaVpôs.^^^SÉSoWJKISS -W Lunch and dinner served on restanrant cara 21.50. Single 27S000. Return Wednesdays unti! further notice: From Campos Tuesdays 2i.00-lS^'S^P»^' 44$000." RIO — PETROPOLIS. WINTER SUMMER. lst May to 31st October. TIME TABLE From From lst November to 30th April- WEEK DAYS. WEEK DAYS. *¦¦ 17.50 20.00 *-—; .S SS» 53 SS SS Praia Formosa, dep. 6.00 8.30 13.35 15.50 16.20 " «£« SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. AND HOLIDAYS. m &UNDAYS Praia Formosa,.dep. 6.00 7.30 8.30 10.25 15.50 17.50 20.00 ™> 8.30 X0.25 m»17.50 20^ Praia *«_>«» SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED. EXCURSIONS daii climate,beautdful views during trip; 1 hour, 40 minutei.. Ut feet above sea levei,w«l ™*^maenificent e6t,op.,.*._2,700 ^ nQ dus, ^ to Monday.) w*i * hours 25 minutos ty passeio train. Fare 10$800 lst olass return (Saturday -^^^g^^CTiOT^ÕQÊlB nrioe «300-^nt.ining useful information re; mileage Ü* TIMETABLES pubhshe^*%^$3Z$gg*L • free stora*, time and demurrage charge. dWeUÍM!i -nd priees; reduced hm^í*™^^ *-*»- -* ¦» ^ <**' Mb«' *° of model «"™? £•.?££?_,.*£_£*"» > on timber-, illustrataon and pr.ce _, i.,™*. views, and «undry othero no Darticl611 map of L. R. system; advertisements, m v&fâkWP January I4th, 1923^ *M WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. IV jÃúvnitT-xr HOLT LINE Between Z...y.^:Z Mail and Passenger Service BRAZIL AND RIVER PLATE ..._¦_¦¦-__._._ .^.>-.,tM...»n.:<:y'i:v:;:<xm]t*;'MWatâi8&I YORK, ¦_?.:;¦• ¦«?_. •¦;¦':¦ NEW ¦¦.-¦'¦Ppp-p:-- ¦•p-'\P:.:y,,p.rP''.-:p.v+pp^¦':\.y.:->.--¦¦¦-::¦¦¦.¦.¦.:¦•¦:¦'¦¦.:¦.¦ .¦¦¦¦:¦. PP;pff;:'^-"["[: I WILL SAIL FOR mm,., EXPECTED ¦ NEW YORK 4 Wwkw- < ' lWÊÊáMz*^_ FROM NEW YORK a__tfc_^3_^_3_ââ____*J__ÍM£_______¦*¦«, VAUBAN.... 24th February VESTRIS.... 16th March ...19th February -*:'•¦ r'f->%. VASARI2nd April VESTRIS 28th April VASARI ....13th March VAUBAN.... ....9th April _•;—:-f=r_.ir_;Biw*«»?_»»í?"ír*_. 6fwT:- v _w VESTRIS.... 19th May VAUBAN lst VESTRIS ,..30ih April VANDYCK... June May VANDYCK.. 12th _>"V«*' ^ttfMB_j____C_______MBBPj_^^f^^*^*'.v'* li11 ¦ ¦ l« ¦i'1*'1' wf ^;*_g3B_g8«W-3i_^&as^¦*¦¦ I _____i___h^___________.___________r_______r__^___fr^______fTtmTr^M_i_____________^^lfriTTIM»iaMiTHr_rinnf_i' ww«W__MMríTii' Li irtT^ *._.*'_ . «__-**•-_ . ¦ ifTntti mrr -- -" i ' ni'!<__—¦ W l"1 _ i * mm . t T!T QtIl«rnoms" with one two or three beds and bath-rooro. Cabtlld3teSs etc. ?S.ed wgXle^Tel^raphy, Laundry, Gymnasium FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS, APPLY TO LAMPORT & HOLT, LTD. S. HAMPBHlKt. cs w^ ._, Santos.-F. STEYENS0N & COm Ltd,_ nri_ rxinRSKE SYP-AMERIKA LINJE (The Norwegian South America Line) REGULAR SERVICE BETWEEN NORWAY, NORWAY, DENMARK DENMARK & FINLAND & FINLAND RIVER BRAZIL. PLATE FOR EUROPE:— FOR RIVER PLATE:— BAYARD—15th FEBRUARY. SALTA—BEGINNING FEBRUARY. apply to:— ¦ For further particulars «;;»,E [RÂY. ENGELHÀRT G0„ LTD. - Agents - ÍSS\WiX_Í*am' MBBB_g8»n_____MB«_W_Ma__n_M^^asnmw'r'lffiWricual-u*ü'1 r8Rresi "V* °W tt ^h. -*~fc «sa _r^ -*r% A tr% $£_ FLEET: 11 MOTOR SHIPS; TOTAL TONNAGE, 80,000.

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