109}ti] 499 INDEX TO VOLUME 71 Compiled by L. R. Wolfe Acanthis taminca, 353 Amazilia amabilis costaricensis, 468 Accentor, Alpine, 64, 70 amabilis decora, 468 Accipiter, 353 edward edward, 468 cooperil, 195 edward niveoventer, 467, 468 nisus, 262 tzacafi tzacafi, 467, 468 Aceros, leucocephalus, 474 Ammann, George A., unpub. thesis, the plicatus, 474 life history and distribution of the Acrocephalus familiaris, 188 Yellow-headed Blackbird, 191 scirpaceus, 262 Ammospiza caudacuta, 65 Aechmophorus occidentalis, 333 Anas acura, 310, 461 Aegolius, 173 acura tzitzihoa, 310 A•ronautes saxatalis, 466 laysanensis, 188 Aethopyga ignicauda, 172 platyrhynchos, 197, 267-270 Africa, 12, 13, 89 rubripes, 192 Agelaius icterocephalus, 152 Anatidae, 90, 460, 474 phoeniceus, 46, 65, 137-155, 279, Anatinae, 196 461 Anthracothorax, 467, 468 phoeniceus utahensis, 140 nigricollis nigricollis, 468 ruficapillus, 152 Antigua, 329 tricolor, 151 Antipodes Island, 249, 251 Aix sponsa, 267, 459, 461 A.O.U., Check-list Committee, twenty- Alaska, 203, 209, 351-365 ninth supplement to the Ameri- Albatross, 188, 239-252 can Oruithologists' Union check- Laysan, 211 list of North American birds, 310- Light-mantled Sooty, 239, 249, 251 312 Royal, 239-252 check-list ranges, 156-163 Wandering, 240, 241, 243, 244, 248, committees, 85 249, 251 Committee on the Nomination of Albinism, 137-155, pl. 11 Associates, 233 Alca torda, 463 officers,trustees, and committees, 85 Aleidac, 192 report of the Advisory Committee Allen, Robert P., additional data on the on Bird Protection, 186-190 food of the Whooping Crane, 198 report of Research Committee on Allison, Donald G., unpub. thesis, bird unpublishedtheses in ornithology, populations of forest and forest edge 191-197 in central Illinois, 191 resolutions, 84 Allison, John E., unpub. thesis, gonadal seventy-first stated meeting, 74-86 responsein the male English Sparrow, seventy-second stated meeting, Passer domesticus (Linnaeus), follow- notice of, 108, 233 ing the administration of pregnant special report and proposals re- mare serum, 191 garding conservation activities, Amadon, Dean, on the correct names for 109-110 the carataras and for the Long- student membership awards, 233 winged Harrier, 203-204; review by, Aphelocoma californica, 193 212-213 coerulescens cana, 311 Amaurornis, 401 Apus, 90 phoenicurus, 401 Arabia, 89 [ Auk 500 Index to Volume71 tVol.71 Aramides ypecaha, 403 Barton's Medical and Physical Journal, Archilochus alexandri, 466 208 colubris, 313, 316, 467, 468 Becard, Rose-throated, 120, 127 Ardea herodias, 322-325 White-winged, 113-129, pl. 7 Ibis, 310 Behavior, 1-15, 16-35, 38, 40, 47, 49, 53, Argentina, 114, 327 55, 57, 90, 113-129, 164-172, 193, 195, Arizona, 168, 194, 195 196, 204, 239-252, 316, 306-309, 320- Arnold, John R., unpub. thesis, the 321, 330, 331, 332, 333, 358, 366-412, systematic position and natural his- 435-442, 465-466, 472 tory of the Northern Blue Jay, Benson, Dirck, unpub. thesis, studies in Cyanocitta cristata bromia Oberholser, the ecology of the Black Duck, Arias 191 rnbripes Brewster, 192 Arremonops, 76 Benson, Mary H., unpub. thesis, a Ascension Island, 1-15, 89, 90 study of the American Redstart Astley, Arthur, obituary of, 345 (Setophagaruticilla) Swainson,192 Athene, 173, 176 Bibbee, Paul C., unpub. thesis, the brama, 174 Bewick's Wren, Thryomanes bewickii noctua bactriana, 174 (Audubon), 192 noctua ludlowi, 173 Bird protection, 109, 186-190 noctua, 173 Bittern, American, 298 noctua sarda, 173 Least, 298 Atlantisia rogersi, 401 Bivins, Stephen Thomas, obituary Auckland Islands, 239 345 Auk, Razor-billed, 463 Black, Charles T., unpub. thesis, ecolog- Austin, Oliver L., Jr., the birds of Japan, ical and economic relations of the their status and distribution (rev.) Crow, with special reference to 338-339 Illinois, 192 Aythya affinis, 316 Blackbird, (seeRedwing) Brewer's, 65, 70, 138, 148, 195 Backus, Richard H., a case of bird- South American, 152 eating by the Cowbird (Molothrus Yellow-headed, 65, 138, 149, 153, ater), 471 191 Bahamas, 137 Blood volume, 196 Bailey, Alfred M., and Frederick C. Blouch, Ralph I., unpub. thesis, the Lincoln, the Yellow-billed Loon (Gavia Bob-white (Colinus virginianus) in adamsi) in Colorado, 203 Franklin County, Pennsylvania, 192 Baillie, J. L., obituary by, 348 Bluebird, 332, 461 Bally, A. Lang, Indigo Bunting nesting Eastern, 330 in Colorado, 330 Baldwin, Paul H., annual cycle, en- Bobolink, 138, 194, 280, 281 vironment and evolution in the Ha- Body temperatures, 253-266 waiian Honeycreepers(rev.), 212 Bonasa umbellus, 164, 192, 193, 194, 461 Bannerman, David A., the birds of east umbellus umbellus, 196 and equatorial Africa (rev.), 93-95; umbellus monticola, 196 the birds o[ the British Isles (rev.), Booby, Masked, 10 216-217 Boughton, Donald C., unpub. thesis, Barbados, 329 studies on the Isospora of Minnesota, Barro Colorado Island, 473 192 Bartlett, L. M., a techniquefor recording Bowers, Glen L., unpub. thesis, a popu- rapid consecutive field observations, lation study of the Ruffed Grouse 464 (Bonasa umbellus) in Pennsylvania at Barton, Benjamin Smith, 208 the low of the cycle, 192 1954]Oct.] Indexto Volume71 50 Boyd, Elizabeth M., and Joan Shriner, Calothorax lucifer, 465-466 nesting and food of the Barn Owl Calypte anna, 429 (Tyto alba) in Hampshire County, Campbell Island, 239, 243, 249, 251 Massachusetts, 199-201 Campylopterus, 468 Boyer, George F., unpub. thesis, an hemileucurus, 468 ecological study of the marshes of Canada, 146, 193, 197, 205 New Brunswick-Nova Scotia border Alberta, 186 region with special reference to water- Athabaska, 193 fowl, 192 British Columbia, 195, 196, 333, Branta canadensis, 148 357, 365, 432 Brazil, 10, 285, 286, 288, 291, 326, 473 Manitoba, 199, 395, 399 Breckenridge, W. J., obituary by, 348 New Brunswick, 192 Brewster Medal, award of, 78 Newfoundland, 317 British Guiana, 286, 288, 327, 328 Ontario, 194, 209, 431, 471 Brodkorb, Pierce, unpub. thesis, a re- Quebec, 317 vision of the genus Empidonax Canary, 331, 458 Cabanis, 192 Caprimulgidae, 470 Brooks, A. C., unpub. thesis, cranial Caracara, 203, 204 musculature in the Family Alcidae, Carduelinae, 274-278, 280, 281,283 192 Carpodacus mexicanus, 276 Bubo, 173 Casarca cana, 474 virginianus, 469-470 ferruginea, 474 Bubulcus ibis, 472 tadornoides, 474 ibis ibis, 310 variegata, 474 Bucerotidae, 474 Casey, Irma M., unpub. thesis,correla- Buchanan, Forest W., unpub. thesis, an tion between the length of the wing, ecological study of breeding birds of the area of the keel, and the mode of eastern Ohio in relation to the Flushing flight in birds, 192 Escarpment, 192 Casmerodius albus, 322-325, 473 Bullis, Harvey R., Jr., trans-gulf migra- Catamblyrhynchidae, 273 tion, spring 1952, 298-305 Catbird, 332, 461 Bunting, Indigo, 303, 330, pl. 24 Cathartes aura, 443 Lazuli, 330 Central America, 114, 193 Burgess,Dr. Henry Clinton, obituary of, Cepphus grylle ultimus, 311 345 Certhiidae, 172 Burnett, Frances L., and Dorothy E. Chalybura buffonii micans, 468 Snyder, blue crab as starvation food Chambers, Charles, unpub. thesis, the of oiled American Eiders, 315-316 air sac system in the Western Grebe, Buteo jamaicensis, 466 . 192 Button quail, 474, 475 Chapin, James P., the calendar of Wideawake Fair, 1-15; a Juba River Cabalus modestus, 401 race of Kiaas's Cuckoo, 89; house Calcarius, 277 martin and swift from Ascension Is- lapponicus, 210, 459, 461 land, 89; the birds of the Belgian ornatus, 65 Congo, Part 3 (rev.), 214; the birds California, 90, 137, 141, 146, 190, 351, of the Belgian Congo, Part 4 (rev.), 352, 354, 355, 362, 364, 366-412, 427, 476 475 Cben rossi, 190 Callipepla, 296 Chicken, domestic, 458, 461 squamata, 293-297 Chigi, PrinceFrancesco, obituary of, 346 X Colinus, 297 Chile, 9 [ Auk 502 Index to Volume71 [Vol.71 Chisholm, A. H., obituary by, 497 Conservation, 109, 186-190 Chlidonias niger niger, 41 Coot, American, 42, 366-412, 461 niger surinamensis, 36-63 Black, 389, 400, 401, 402, 405, 406, Chlorophoniaoccipitalis, 276 407 Chlorostilbon, 467 Caribbean, 407 canivetii assimilis, 468 Red-fronted, 401 Christmas Island, 11, 14 Red-gartered, 401, 405 Chrysococcyxklaasi arabicus, 89 Red-knobbed, 401, 402, 405, 406 klaasi klaasi, 89 Copulation, 30, 61, 204, 331, 358, 361, klaasi somereni, 89 369, 373-374, 402 Church, Thomas Charles, obituary of, Coragyps atratus, 443-453 236 Corvidae, 138 Circus buffoni, 203 Costa Rica, 114, 117, 126, 128, 137, 146 Clark, Webster K., Jr., unpub. thesis,the Cotinga, 113-114 status of hybrid wild turkeys in Coturnicops, 401 Missouri, 192 Cowbird, 65, 87, 138, 328, 329, 330, 471 Clayton, Blanche P., unpub. thesis, the Craig, Wallace, obituary of, 496 metanephros of the bird (histology, Crake, African, 404 histo-chemistry, and cytology), 192 Corn, 401,404, 407 Cloacal protuberance, 64-73 Little, 404, 407 Cocrebidae, 273 Marsh, 404 Corer, Howard H., unpub. thesis, a Spotless,404, 407 summary of information eoncerning Spotted, 404, 407 the hawks, eagles, and vultures of Crane, Sandhill, 332 Missouri including a general bulletin Whooping, 188, 198 for public use, 192 Creciscusjamaicensis stoddardi, 310 Colaptes auratus, 193, 469, 475 Crecopsis egregia, 404 Colburn, Albert Ernest, obituary of, 111 Creepers, tree, 172 Cold resistance, 253-266 Crex, 401 Colibri thalassinus cabanidis, 468 crex, 401, 404 Colinus, 296 Critcher, Titus S., unpub. thesis, an virginianus, 192, 267, 293-297, 388, investigation of waterfowl resources 469 on Currituck Strand, North Carolina, Collecting permits, Mexico, 234 during the 1947-1948 and 1948-1949 Colombia, I 18, 119 hunting seasons, 192 Color phases, 205 Crow, 192, 195, 363 Colorado, 187, 203, 330 Cuckoo, 474 Columbia livia, 142, 318-320 Klaas's, 89 Colymbus auritus, 313 Cuculidae, 474 caspicuscalifornicus, 313 Curlew, Bristle-thighed, 351 grisegena, 461, 463 Currier, Warren W., unpub. thesis, an Combellack, C. R. B., a nesting of ecologicalstudy of the vertebratesof a Violet-green Swallows, 435-442 two squaremile area in Centre County, Compsothlypidae(see Parulidae) Pennsylvania, 192 Compton, Dorothy M., unpub.
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