This Month: Celebrating June Father of Flag Day Food Bank RGV Valley Birding JDA Academic Honors Gerald Sneed, Wildlife Hurricane Season Begins TSA Captains Leaving RGV June 2017 The Little Paper You’ll Want To Keep & Share Vol. 4 No. 1 The Valley Spotlight Is Celebrating Its Fourth Birthday! This issue marks the beginning of our fourth year of pub- We also say a BIG THANK YOU to all of you who have lishing The Valley Spotlight! With much gratitude, we thank enjoyed reading The Valley Spotlight for the past three years. all of the individuals and businesses in the Rio Grande Valley Without YOU, there would be no reason to continue. - So with great enthusiasm and joy, we begin Volume 4 and tributions in writing stories and articles. look forward to many more to come. June is a Month Full of History and Celebrations On June 6, 1944, more than 160,000 Al- On June 8, 1874, Apache leader Cochise On June 16, 1963, Valentina Tereshkova, lied troops landed along a 50-mile stretch of died on the Chiricahua Reservation in south- eastern Arizona. After a peace treaty had been in space as her Soviet space- Nazi Germany on the beaches of Normandy, broken by the U.S. Army in 1861, he waged war against the Tyuratam launch site. the operation a crusade in which, “we will settlers and soldiers, forc- She manually controlled the accept nothing less than full victory.” ing them to withdraw from spacecraft completing 48 or- southern Arizona. In 1862, bits in 71 hours before land- he became principal chief ing safely. of the Apaches. He and 200 Twenty years and two days later, on June followers avoided capture by 32-year-old physicist and pi- 1871, Army General George Crook assumed - command in Arizona and managed to win the can woman in space, begin- allegiance of many Apaches. Cochise then ning a six-day mission aboard More than 5,000 Ships and 13,000 aircraft the space shuttle Challenger, spring of 1872, but returned and settled on the launched from Cape Canav- end, the Allies gained a foot-hold in Continen- reservation where he died. high. More than 9,000 Allied Soldiers were John Adams introduced a resolution before Congress on June 14, 1777, mandating a Unit- - more than 100,000 Soldiers to begin the slow, cratic Headquarters in the Watergate com- - thirteen United States shall be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thir- However, subsequent investigations revealed the burglars were actually agents hired by the On June 6, 1872, Pioneering feminist Su- a new constellation.” This anniversary is cel- Committee for the Re-election of President Richard Nixon. A long chain of events then presidential election at followed in which the president and top aides Rochester, New York. became involved in an extensive cover-up of After voting rights had this and other White House sanctioned illegal been granted to African activities, eventually leading to the resigna- American males by the tion of President Nixon on August 9, 1974 15th Amendment, she attempted to extend the On June 25, 1876, General George A. same rights to women. Custer, leading 250 men, attacked an encamp- She led a group of wom- ment of Sioux Indians near Little Bighorn en that voted illegally, to River in Montana. Custer and his men were test their status as citi- then attacked by 2000-4000 Indian braves. zens. She was arrested, Only one scout and a single horse survived tried and sentenced to pay $100, which she - veiled in Philadelphia. It was installed at the Census Bureau and utilized a magnetic tape infuriated Americans and led to all out war. and Republican parties both endorsed wom- Within a year, the Sioux Indians were a bro- 25 feet by 50 feet in length, contained 5,600 ken and defeated nation.. - tubes, 18,000 crystal diodes, and 300 relays. It utilized serial circuitry, 2.25 MHz bit rate, and had an internal storage capacity of 1,000 In Massachusetts, silversmith John Hull words or 12,000 characters. President to broadcast a message over the ra- designed by Hull. dio on June 14, 1922. Salvation Army Captains deploy to Atlanta by Sadie Macias, Public Relations Coordinator preach the gospel and to meet the human in His and Laura Melendez of The Salvation Army in name without discrimination. McAllen/Hidalgo County are called to serve in “We are really going to miss the folks from Atlanta, Georgia. the community and the relationships we have Captain Luis Melendez is heading to the established during our four years” said Captain - Luis Melendez. The couple stated “We look Salvation Army and Captain Laura Melendez call of duty.” Both Captains are ready to serve in their new - assignments come June. Their last day in the cial luncheon following the Sunday services of Rio Grande Valley will be Sunday, June 18th. and Lt. Bernadette Correira from Texarkana, - Texas will be arriving after their departure to ery 3-4 years. Captains Luis and Laura Melen- take the reins of the ministry serving Hidalgo dez have been leading the McAllen Corps of- County and the needs of the community. Many many people looking for hope and a fresh new a church,” said Captain Melendez. “We invite Captains Luis and Laura Melendez start in life. “It has been a privilege to serve the everyone to join us for Worship each Sunday community of Hidalgo County and discover at 11:00 AM, at The Salvation Army, located at the opportunities for ministry here,” said Cap- 1600 N. 23rd Street , here in McAllen. We look tain Luis Melendez . The couple also known forward to meeting you soon!” as pastors are responsible for all church pro- grams, social services, emergency shelter and and services available at The Salvation Army, - or to make a donation, please call tained the mission of The Salvation Army, its (956) 682-1468, or go to our website at ministry is motivated by the love of God to www. salvationarmytexas.org/mcallen/ June is National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month RGV they often think about food drives and know that millions of pounds of fresh produce are collected and distributed to 250 pantries across the Rio Grande Valley to help feed thou- sands of people. Being on the border and having access to lo- cally grown produce and imports from Mexico to mitigate food waste and help donors provide a variety of fresh produce to struggling fami- banks in the big state of Texas and the rest of the country. With local donations, we will be able to get: watermelons, citrus, cabbage, onions, to ensure that local distributions are made to cover costs like manpower, fuel and truck upkeep. tomatoes, mangoes, spinach, kale, cucumbers and many varieties of fruits and vegetables to Valley families and other food banks in the rest Omar I. Rodriguez, Manager of Communications & Advocacy, can answer your questions on- of the country. line at: [email protected]. The Valley Spotlight is published by June is Created Images and More Adopt A Cat 11924 W Business 83 Month contact: Rod Graham ... 956-457-8600 June 2017 issue Vol. 4 No. 1 © 2017 all rights reserved Observations On Life by Ben Dover Be A Sport How many times did I hear those words - when I was a youngster? I have also heard tively destroyed as the result of over stressing those words again and again while I have gone areas of delicate containments. through the rest of my aging process. What do My reason for this short dissertation has been these words really mean? Well, I guess this is the accepted manner in which one person uses events. We as a society feel we must be the win- to convince another that they should go along ner of any event in which we participate. That with what has been established as an agreed means we must exert ourselves to the point of norm. But if we look at those words, and think absolute failure, if we want to compete with for a moment, what is really being said? Then those who are willing to do so. The learning all the rules change. process we must be willing to perform, teaches - that we are only as good as the dangers, hard- end? As a child whose bodily structures are in ships and deprivations we are able and willing the genesis of formation, care must be consid- to bear and execute. Stressing a body part especially at a young ered as an absolute necessity and constant con- Sporting events for children might appear age of an individual can cause permanent dam- cern. How many of us oldsters have aches and as cute performances including our desires for age to that body, which might not manifest it- pains that originated in those pre-adult years? watching those little tots do their thing. It must self for many years. Then, we are the victim We have added physical insults to those mus- be realized however that we are assigning un- of those physical insults created in previous cular systems that are at best delicate. We then - years. It might be added here, that this continu- assume that all repairs will be accomplished ducers on that little body. The level of excel- ation of physical insults is an absolute guaran- in accordance, along with bodily aging. Well, lence is the only limiting factor to how massive tee of my concerns as written here. Welcome to now we know better. the Olympic games. Have a nice day… The Father of Flag Day In the years that followed, Cigrand authored hundreds of other magazine and newspaper 1930s, he preached respect and honor for the articles advocating rec- ognition of the June In 1885 Cigrand, still a teenager and only 14th adoption of the at the beginning of his journey, entered den- Stars and Stripes.
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