----————— ----—'--} n P ------- Radio Program Automobiles Automotive Automotive Bus. Services Employment Rentals SATURDAY, MAY 23 (Central and Eastern Standard Time) (Daylight Saving Time One Hour Later) / 15 Garages & Serv. Stations 27 Heating, Plumbing 35 Help Wanted—Male 65 Houses Note: All programs to key and basic,chains or groups thereof unless speci- fied; coast to coast (c to c) designation includes all available stations. Roofing lubrication. Texas Serv- WANTED—School Boys who are FURNISHED COTTAGE. 524 West Stations reserve to WASHING, right chafcge programs without previous notice. P. M. Browns- Used Cars ice Station. 14th and Elizaebth, RIDLEY'S PLUMBING and Tin Qowin school for routes in St. Charles. Apply on premise* (RED) NETWORK cent. East. Dependable ville. Write The Circulation Dept., ^■IBC-WEAF phone 1177. W-33 Shop, phone 161. All work guar- ®fc6IC — East; weaf wlw weel wtl<? 2:30— 3:30—Portland Isle of Dreams The Brownsville Herald. W-75 67 Room and Board 3:00— 4:00—The anteed. U-28 wjar wtag wcsh kyw whio wfbr wrc Captivators Orchest. KEYS MADE—Automobile electrical 3:15— 4:15—Tom wgy wben wcae wtam wwj wsai; Mid: Broadhurst’s Story 1933 Chevrolet 4-door and 3:30— Sedan..$395.00 service, brake Landreth’s, ROOMING — Brownsville Sheet 38 Wanted— ROOM BOARD, reasonable! ksd wrr.aq well who wow wdaf 4:30—Melodies from Motor City lining. Help 4:00— 5:00—Frederic Wm. Talk 1030 Levee. V-75 Phone 289. 8th meals family style. Mr* Hol- MIDWEST—wood wire Wile, 0 Metal Works. Male or Female 4:15— 5:15—Parade of Youth — Glen — wood NORTHWEST «. CANADIAN wtmj east; and Harrison. 0-111 lingsworth, Hotel, phone Organist—Dixie; Ensemble—west 1935 Chevrolet Standard coach. no wiba kstp webc wday kfyr crct cfcf X-type frame, 1414. U-127 4:30— 5:30— Press* Radio News Period — wwnc wave draft front MAYOR.A 1519 SALESMEN or SOUTH wrva wptf wjax 4:35— 5:35—Al Roth A His Orchestra ventilation, adjustable seat, mohair up- STAR TIRES Plumbing Co! wsm wmc wsb ROOM and BOARD; close rea- wfla-wsun wiod wapi 6:00— 6:00—Mabelle Jennings, Talk 13th St., Phone 1644. Service In; wsmb kvoo wfaa holstery. With OK that counts.$495.00 sonable. wjdx wky wbap kpre 5:15— 6:15—The Song Stylists Quartet day and night. W-71 SALESLADIES Phone 578, 442 S. E. woai ktbs kths wsoc wtar wis wese Guaranteed up to 18 months 5:30— 6:30—Frank Parker’s Program Levee. W-67 wfbc —basic; H. Foote, Organ-west against everything—even wear! If interested In dignified and 8:00— 1934 28 Moving, Trucks, Storage MOUNTAIN—koa kdyl kgir kghl 7:00—The Ziegfeld Follies—to c Chevrolet master coupe. Grasp this opportunity profitable sales proposition for BUY THE BEST for less by shop- PACIFIC—kfl komo khq kpo 7:00— kgw kgu 8:00—Bruna Castagna, Songs to Chevrolet’s famous and STAR TIRE SERVICE whole or part time work any- ping through the Herald Want 7:30— 8:30—Socialist National enjoy beauty, performance AUSTIN TRANSFER 203 10th Cent. East. Conv. 3b., where in Texas or S. 8:00— 9:00—The Hit PHONE 18 Valley, U., ad* Parade Or—to e economy at this unprecedented low price .... $425.00 St. Moving and crating. Phone • A. No investment or 11:45—12:45—Metropolitan Spring Opera 9:00—10:00—Bob Crosby A Orchestra 421. U-66 previous 3:00— 4:00—Blue Room Echoes, Orch. 9:30—10:30—Henry Halsted Orchestra experience required. Write giv- via Radio i 3:30— 4:30—Kindergarten 10:00—11:00—Abe Lyman A Orchestra ing age and complete address I 4:00— 6:00—Otto Thurn Orch.; News 1931 Chevrolet 4-door sedan. Just traded in on a new 1?:22—11:30— Frankie Masters Orches. or call in person. Real Estate i l 4:30— 6:30—Press-Radio News Period 11:00—12:00— Organ, Ore., Nocturne—w Business Chances MASON TRANSFER CO. — Chevrolet. Entire car has been recondi- ; 4:35— 6:3V—Baseball, Ford Bond thoroughly Contractors for Missouri weaf To Be Announced—chain NBC-WJZ NETWORK l only; (BLUE) tioned. To see this excellent buy will convince you the Pacific Port Brownsville 4:45— from Talk — 5:45—Religion News, BASIC East: wjz wbz-wbza wbal 21 Miscellaneous 6:00— 6:00—Connie Gates Period is To the first Pick up and Delivery Service ; Song wham kdka wgar wxyz wlw wsyr wmal price right. lucky buyer-for only $275.00 6:15— 6:15—Edwin C. Hill’s Comment wfil; Mid: wcky wenr wls kwk koil Hauling of All Kinds Properties 6:30— 6:30—Hampton Institute Choir wren wmaq kso. 831 Elizabeth Street Invest in 6:45— 6:45—Thornton Fisher—weaf 6th & FRONTON PHONE 139 MIDWEST—wmt wood wire other cars from to us. Brownsville, Texas 6:00— 7:00—Carl Ravazza's Orchestra Many splendid whjph choose. See of All Kinds NORTHWEST A CANADIAN — Packing 7:30—To Be Announced wtmj "Want a 6:30— wiba kstp webc wday kfyr crct cfcf "We Man 7:00— 8:00— Frank Fayisms—to c — A VALUE LINE-UP that defies Fay SOUTH wrva wptf wwnc wis wjax Brownsville 7:30— 8:30—Smith Ballew Show—to c will be found on wfla-wsun wiod wsm wmc wsb wapi who desires to in a 32 Office comparison daily 8:30— 9:30—To Be Announced engage per- Printing, Supplies wjdx wsmb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kprc the Herald Classified page. on manent, fast growing business 9:00—10:00—Clem McCarthy Sports woai ktbs kths wsoc wave wese wfbc Chevrolet Co. wherein he has a 9:15—10:15— Billy Lossez & Orchestra MOUNTAIN-koa klo kgir kghl Tipotex guaranteed The C. Or. Seaway City 9:30—10:30—News; Dornberger PACIFIC—kgo kfsd kex kga keca kjr 5th and Elizabeth Sts. Phone 1111 monthly Income. Experience 10:00—11:00—Eddy Duchin’s Orchestra unnecessary. No selling. A 10:30—11:30—Rudy Valles &. Orchestra Cent. East. Merchandise proven business offering unlim- 12:30— 1:30—Miniature Theatre, Play CBS-WABC NETWORK 1:00— ited future. The man selected 2:00—Walter Blaufus Orchestra 54 For Sale Miscellaneous BASIC—East: wabc wade woko wcao 1:30— 2:30—H. S. German Glee Club must be of good character and Lots, blocks, acre tracts, 1:45r-— LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT waab wnac wgr wkbw wkrc whk wjr 2:45—Gale Page, the Contralto be able to make an investment 2:00— 3:00—Chick Webb industrial sites, home wdre wcau wjas wean wfbl wspd wjsv; & Orchestra of from $1,200 to $2,400, which GRUNOW ELECTRIC Refrigerator, Midwest: wbbm wfbm kmbe kmox 2:30— 3:30— Men of the West Quartet scribed Real Estate at public ven- Announcements is For condition, two sites. whas kfab krnt 2:45— 3:45—C. Marshall’s Mavericks fully protected. personal perfect years old; 3:00— due, for cash to the highest bidder, cost for EAST—wbns wpg whp whec wlbz wfea 4:00—Little Jackie Heller, Song interview write Box W 84, c-o QUALITY $240.00, sacrifice $75.00 wore wicc efrb ckao wibx wmas wesg 3:15— 4:15—Piano Musical Adventure as the property of said above named 8 Travel Opportunities The Herald, stating address account leaving city. Call Mrs. 3:30— 4:30—National DIXIE—wgst wsfa wbre wqam wdod Parks Program defendants. and Drew Patteson. W-81 wrec wlac wwl wtoc krld ktrh 3:45— 4:45—Ruth and Ross 'phone. kira in Songs CAN TAKE two passengers to ktsa waco koma wdbo wbt wdae 4:W>— 5:00— News; J. And in compliance with law, 1 whig Crawford, Organ Houston PRINTING JARS—Have with Homer L. Fitch 4:15— — 24th and to Cali- QUART plenty wdbj wwva wmbg wsjs wmbr wala 6:15—Stamps wjz wbz-wbza give this notice by publication, in May 4:30— fornia 28th. NOTHING IS completely lost until 5c each. Sadler's PHONE 38 or 17 ktul kgko wcoa wdne wnox kwkh 5:30—Press-Radio News Period the English language, once a week May Phone 46 or Telephone 927 good tops; MIDWEST—wgl wmbd wlsn wibw kfh 4:35— 5:35—Chicago Music Jamboree 466. W-83 hope Is gone. Don’t give up hope Sandwich Shop, 8th and West Maltby Bldg. — Brownsville 5:00— for three consecutive weeks imme- wsmk wkbn wcco wsbt ksej wnx woe 6:00—The King’s Jesters Quart. ..■ —1 — until you have advertised for it in Elizabeth. W-86 5:15— said of sale Redo Bros. Printing wowo 6:15—Home Town, Dramatical diately preceding day the “Lost nd Pound Column" of Shop MOUNTAIN—kvor klz koh ks! 5:30— 6:30— Message of Israel Progr. in The Brownsville Herald, a news- 722 12th St. Brownsville 6:00— 9 Cafes and Hotels The Herald. 57 Lumber and COAST—khj koin kfre kol kfpy kvi 7:00—El Chico Spanish Revue paper published in Cameron Coun- Building kfbk kmj kwg kern kdb kgmb kgb 6:30— 7:30—Boston Concert ONLY WORTHWHILE are “Pop" offers Materials REAL BARGAINS In or- 7:15— 8:15—Armchair Male ty. farms, Cent. East. Quartet allowed to be exploited through 7:30— 8:30—WLS Bam Witness my hand this 20th day ol chards, ranches and city property. Dance—basic Herald Want Ada 11:30—12:30—With Young Republicans 8:30— 9:30—To Be Announced May, 1936. Bus.
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