PLAINFIELD PLAINFIELD EVENING NEWSNEWS VolVol.. B.0 No., No 90.. 9OPLAINFIELD,. PLAINFIELD N. J.. “THE. N COLORADO. J.. "THE OFCOLORAD THE EAST,”O O FTHURSDAY. THE EAST. APRIL" THURSDAY gg, 1880. APRIL 82 1886 PricePrice TwoTwo Cents. Cents . ■rnsjari^sw^tfii __n.Tu!r^u. ^ J MC8ICMVSI HALL,C HALL , P——■ yr—r~*'. -i:**.*- Tb» MlaWtani Ow CM la larnlT N» P.WiU; jzL~£rtJt£: u«J nl nulHd Mtck MHM,uJaat« |#,di ELLI0TT’S_ _ i~£^~r=H?S j^^ri£=r:ri Mcodiij ^ETCDiDg w. Apri *l 26 ELLIOTT'S 2r-ur? jrt£rD-3:ii« sari a— *W •* Graad darsr* -«aada( tba MMk a***, at iMflllntw JE I TMb>. U*orir* m-% "•J. wba dariac a pwtud «C »li>—a jsaM t±a - rfwi iu lirTiiill ttk tMZ Md ».Wi.«i;H(«410l raSS3r3^£ r AMTE^A U# *»J U4lA BA • b? Wd ad bad umo ZmbB to Calrto “xE&EHv _ BMBYTM^AMJBM^BfC-JImrju* EA>Toa, arc. HA D -T.UO a. m. and *.*) p. m_ lassgtws: -•..vl&rvv. n. F«(J>»OH.I7.« -. m. mmi AM | 117 10 p. b K*lnrd*yi ctaM al S p~ a> OTEBA COHPAAY. BBcjiD. rr*—MJHL»—ArriTMAr ArrlT.t At* KITaUt 91 ».1 A. 7Ta. i_ “iWiCCira^ OSasa OBBmB fromfroaa 9.W 9 S Oa at.a. to B LMED *O W.1 a. a*.0 a. ^s."=£ra,*E=r-* Itail H«.(•|7.«» al M» n, BAm . ■ c thraa *wk«, A«U»»— iy bM MOW a> pnnaa of --“s: ggL^ivvvsaa- -sl— IB-th. a*«*»w dab ata batlHacT WlB rocatoly| BaBBat. • I/SINE*!* fOBFOR BALKSALE CHEAT. (Hf.M VAd- Tb* foUowin*- i., the ta .n»« near of, <a f tba >bar aWa Ml* >0*.h— otoB alw npa> >«>•• to* Id B.a.lB. CHAS. H. PINE, P. O. Bo. oat aat TWTh »*Ma or pa ty.— at * riay *a to > * . ■ .t—r. k. nm CHASI—»•« >. oa JobaH W.. PINELal*c , Rat*. M- ftntfed lorfor IktIB* MMkUWwi hid bars LTaB, CM. atoa tb*y f II 11 a■■n ii t• J -b B «. I *i _ M i*. iM.1. nf Allot *'■ ' •*. tw Li. wU/mn* K 1CT 4-f •Mi to f«ni pan of Mr l g-RjOj-d—■ !• «—>i'7 w U» c-w. o.... _ j«» f}£rTJZT l/r^ Laing's Hotel Stables, • a. m. Lalng'FBUBTs BT Hote . opp. Mafboal Stable A*a. s ElliottsElliotts,, Elliotts!Elliotts! jtoS *wdymAb. TW ri*i_ ■pV:: R*» W. R Hna*y—aa b Mo-ly warn- P&UHT ST., opp. Mitlaua AT,. " rTini; Co*eb*e for WBDDI.%CM. FI>*KHALI* • I E"l FrMt tk«L • JBocC-, 1 Id root IfeML Fr«lTrod.. WURWUaH IW tWgaaara f*aor*l Wcr*toryl Bacntar ofy T.of V • BUM T. William C. Tra; Mrt» MO am | DwM..,. MOLE M.Ci. C L.boatrbA., *• o« • »ta* t~ t o~ Hartford , Coon. KW:« or Urarr. l*Mi...t«l»a•a* BMa'.'.'.C 4B B.BL | Hoa| Bon BM....IM a*b>'.'."'•. *p. ap. — . & Calrtr *. JobM T. V»» CW I. iata FMiwr* for Cdb Ummm" a Bbm Ran* lO-M 10.M a a*.a, m I Mmm. I M m *»Kin — * a. a> Walter Tbors. who to aaipiorad aa a nai or fbtwrim DrTbf. DriTinj . $1,000$1,000 worthworth if oClolhiMf GlKkii g Bpretal, . I ol.ra.lna UlnUne rtra* [inn to* to by tb*tb* Doy. D«r Wm*. Waa ork o Heath.r HaM l f Ely BBlrft S. P< ter Low T. Joha V. Wortaaa. Ca Ifror BOTS’BOYS nigii|' rugii frng t 0m to 5 to C DBBMI Mead r. Ta. Board of Choi r«—•». •uaralrf OuteJ Coaa-ly of Had boa atoaa*. *b> nnhuldw Of final afiil OOBBIJ. Caaa. 1177 jemJMR ii i offereds offere itd Fnefe'iit FRKI' I Clothing Store. Cost gfCuwtt 1. Catharwai CHfc-Wa T. JOB* Vaa KaM. Easter Cards Clothing Store. CM of6irwiI ^g»jjrr . .. B> als. Easter Cards NoNo Object Object Rt Nrosoubko rtasoubl MBe of e Ooorg* 0.O .B *rl.E .ri Of, olb.f Eraitb* lrof nB-H of aa.1Bar ! tad 1 UnMSwrnutdt. TillaUX V Ooopar, •urrryun.•urrrjini, ofo f tW* city, 4. AlOBBD Da■ C—»tCkBBBT .bt 0*0 H.. H Dari. OaxdHW . isisrtfKt refused.d TheTb Gdtdse Good Buts mm bt l be at praaMl at Kaokak, lo>a, aia addM. 5. Prad«ricft H .MBnl. MaVun .A ada CM... Csl. n Ban* r* *f la .ran ,i I. certola—-c- Mb. I—•« *• Ddtb. Iowa, ha* adir*d low. B O 5 K S laOKB CUT nowiu. •«r*. bdacbatac lor* lock bos bo Jb»x I** A, a. bfy HR rdatlr* to tB* po.* BOOKS stldsold toto Bike mk erwm roo mIf fo Merckutr lereku t l to food Frviay ami Eat Soa. JIM Btehop, Chief uf tbe Barvaa i 11.. MJobs WiaoCWI.a adk VUOurt.. Cnarla* Wbjtkwa. ' order lac IW maa*daa*slat •• ilMUTi E^^fStgS'g StatkAk* of Lsbor and IndtutrW, Bvada aa i U••.«• DBB<W ada. CharlPB WbMloak. > m TiiltrlBgTailoring Depir;B«BtDepar mem r»MTtM •1 Wax E. L>OOCBB ada, Lydta a Wool —-AA partyparty Iraa from OM tbl *pita pWo a went to New of bl* anea.1 itpwi for l«a\ aa octavo 'T.lj Z " York but evening to i The7?^ BESTBEST CardsCards Fiil to Call bsfore Pirekuiit |tt poimimr aom. ^ ^ Urn play rulamaor.J.n-off IT•» par— P-Caa «bd, il attbl " tolNUc AU tW c*«. la Iba Bn prom* Cool 1 Fail to Can btfore Faretatoi ,t efef -Evaafrllaa.*"EVU|FI1». ' aadhi rbartr.raarW .Mao *OB» of* o atocBf whic ar** *rqdU* qait totora aaauaacad reaay fa #al. aad abo a |ggg: t!L (tiaraad BMIIIIII. of iin Tin BoarJ !TL- la tb* CVraM Coart/^-r< Bo. B. *BdB —-»—.— -*• ElscvhertElsewhere. JOHNJOHN E E PfiENCE FREKC E pDUDKyLOTIElE.fYMIDK nOTHUO. —A- *').-—•! —un, of tb* Fir. Board •••« oM for tW brd aad 21a. 4. at al LatestLatest DispatchesDispatches P m Col.CoL Gafrit (••nit K &Caaaoa. CaBDOB omi osofa tb o f (ba From all Over the World tb* CoaiCoauri ril Malar.l cbarober . nmimtnl U-j-rbay an. ofof tb* tb eMtat. 8m» .ndth.aU and Ux _ rjlc-tor From ail Over the World " " ' ^ ^ ~' ‘ ""t - •«_ -Coutabfe BmlUi j.iirl..' n mmtT af tb* Maw J»r~j bar. dla« la NPEt'lAI. TO THE NEWS. ALLEN'S,ALLEN’S, 1 QOIIO r»cu r«ii> writ a* usu[ul.ii.Ty m tba Try B. T. BARNES’ k BorOaalowa jMtcrdej. Ha wa* bur« 23 EAST FRONT ST. Try B. T. BARNES r •rtivnon ofo Grayr Orwy t Col*at dit. eFarrtaffUia, Vft, F.rr.n«ton Ibt . II* nt> —Masd -•• —> - —«a ar m ow.f BBT HiMmo. J»- >/■■■* Al<«* 23 EAST FRONT ST. GOOD OLD FASHiUKXD aa plaiabff. I-rM*pastas to M BfM m— ootf Up—Spanca c*rr and ao d( albaria*tatbatia Hnrorta Bravoor Caaaoa.:t 1- H*r*b Bwaaa* GOOD OLD •**ftfIK'Bja»l> M 1 »S —A aUlUr ©f ***rii*c*« or* *a*J to La la Lotu«h ..u~uUra .»ot Ob tbb ) Btaia. ; ggggfeastgjagiiay raa of preparBUoai to take piao* in tU. vr,lb._ Slrjbw.UjIpSh • aIn. Tor MW W. Dm K UWk IW ■ Marr'a cwarck >bortlT aftar ib*ol» bo: BOW of 114 lUrkctaUwt, Sawark. S. J. Molasses Candy : y»ftp. EBTOKMO.UEKKFOKM CUJ1 MALLHALL ; W. H.WIK H.WWC ». J , W. lb. itato. tfdtoVaiUb GRIFFEN'S [ t To* Ant b> •• Hooked" fur Mar Mb. • ta <t* ctij d-r tbe peat aWy -r tma Molasses Candy bo*«,tiib|MW>w to, dfi IWII •* city• forMr . ffMrrkar ba* reoiaU ter..,ar \.„r.:mn — It u now proposed Io pick a a tetimSSSfc wmmmm IIrtoB a ao«* Hr.l ank-lI . e la tb* abapaol Oro. F.ltH, Hndd.Mb ; B— i Ti II •> aaiptoT— of 'be oil rtotb fie MJ, to b* coawr. IV.. April Bk—There b fro* lama tod buldwa aernl, adlrl*anJ b la* tB*lnteo.l i aaortlj REFRIGERATORS. of Loth aini-J and ctormeal tore eaer (to dtooomry of c«td oompuad of LM married oad uam apply for a patent tberaTo-. MtllonUlelloiu {ilieioH,Oelicioui , and to org-Diie iato a ball clut. ead tu apply for a patent IbM. qaart. m tto Albgtoay moaotalaa aaa ¥rotc**Uu*lrtote**UrnaI «»rA*.«ard» . m**, mad «o organia. Ma • toll dab aad m-h M •rd Hkby, ptera. H.W -a* offmd IBM merato Mrm.Mn. <T*r*CWre of o fI Pbrk arena*’ saaka“ * ar t iJoBa W. Hi W. Hdnai a ctAba. aad fr^U ar* mgmi, baato -On com pi rial of Book Drake. J imiifrinf In wax adTerliui* oji-n rrlli*. .satin jaatatvar hnoad a w>rT able*•bicta %mbow boa IdU to b reada fw by4 b*Hy iai l dwniH of • D« -■•«■ yed*rd*y Mood a w*rr.*i fn A|'plJ«aUo.. if Miehaai J. BOMB, for M OppooitcOpposite PoetPoet Office. Office . arrodrr«Bto off ItarM DavU D> P.ab* U«, aba.. - bo. n -L' “ Vxm Iwvnak IB RariU". waa r>(D*nl. A Banker»liik.r EBat j 4 «IHU« r. MILLEB^ ^ ^ . ®a Baadey' • koyaa on Saoday ai do*doea aotBotB a.U dmr* dtai nato wb k-o—o koow tor^ofa bar aa dTWIrtolofBeloata.Tbe trial of So 1 na tka B Comr.B b*r*amnt>ffo(btocoaUaa*(TorM tu nMtina* HlbfariorllyObtamtlafactorilj oa erxaavand la tb* oftoraooa KXFewW Toee.

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