C ardinal Special! Denver Catholic Register Supplement to the Denver Catholic Register of November 20, 1958 SECTION TWO DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1958 Sacred College Is Increased by 23 2 American Archbishops, Delegate Made Cardinals Vatican City.—Two members of the American Hierarchy and the Apos­ tolic Delegate to the U.S. are among 23 named by John XXIII to receive the Cardinalatial dignity in a consistory slated for Dec. 15. Archbishop Richard J. Cushing of Boston, Archbishop John F. O’Hara, C.S.C., of Philadelphia; and Archbishop Amleto Giovanni Cicognani, Apos­ 7 # tolic Delegate, are among those named. The list includes 12 heads of sees, five members of the S i Vatican diplomatic service, and six members of the Roman Curia. Heads of sees named are Archbishop Giovanni Bat­ tista Montini of Milan, Arch­ bishop Giovanni Urbani. newly named Patriarch of Venice; Archbishop Jose Garibi y Rivera of Guada­ 1 ..'J-. lajara, Mexico; Archbishop Antonio Maria Barbieri of Montevideo, Uruguay; Arch­ bishop William Godfrey of Westminster, England; Archbishop Cushing, Aich- bishop Alfonso Castaldo of Naples, Archbishop Paul Marie Richaud of Bordeaux, France; Archbishop O’Hara, Archbishop Jose Bueno y Monreal of Seville, Arch­ bishop Franziskus Koenig of Vienna. Austria; and Bishop Julius Doepner of Berlin, Cardinal John F. O'Horo, C.S.C. Germany. Diplomats Of Holy See Cardinal Amleto G. Cicognani Members of the Vatican diplomatic service named are Archbishop Paolo Gi- FOUR NOW LIVING obbe. Nuncio to Holland; Archbishop Giuseppe Fietta, Nuncio to Jtaly; Archbishop Twelve Natives of U.S. Fernando Cento, Nuncio to Portugal; Archbishop Cico- gnani, and Archbishop Carlo Have Been Cardinals Chiarlo, Nuncio at the dis­ With the appointments to the ber of naturalized U. S. citizens position of the Vatican Sec­ Sacred College by John XXIII who became Cardinals, and a retariat of State. there have been 12 prelates of number of Cardinals of foreign Members of the Roman American birth created Cardi­ nationalities have ser\'ed in the Curia named include Arch­ nals. United States. bishop Carlo Confalonieri, Those living are Cardinals secretary of the Sacred Con­ Francis Spellman, J. Francis A. McIntyre, Richard J. Cushing, gregation of Seminaries and All Papal Envoys and John,O’Hara, C.S.C. Universities; Monsignor Do­ Other American-born Cardi: menico Tardini, Secretary nals listed alphabetically with To U.S. Cardinals of State; Monsignor Alberto their places of birth, were; With the elevation of Cardi­ di Jorio, regent o f the Secre­ Cardinals Dennis Dougherty, nal Amleto Giovanno Cicognani, tariat of the Sacred College Girardville, Pa.; James Gibbons, all Papal delegates to the of Cardinals; Monsignor Baltimore; Patrick Hayes. New United States have been mem­ Francesco Bracci, Secretary York; John McCloskey. Brook­ bers of the Sacred College. of the Sacred Congregation lyn; Edward Mooney, Mt. Sav­ The five predecessors of Car­ of Sacramental Discipline; age, Md.; George Mundelein, dinal Cicognwi were Cardinals Monsignor Francesco Ro- New York; William O'Connell; Francesco Satolli, 1393-96; Se- berti. consultant to the Sa­ Lowell, Mass.; and Samuel bastiano HartinelH, O.5.A. 1896- cred Congregation of Sacra­ 7 . Stritch, Nashville, Tenn. 1902; Diomede Falconio, O.F.M., Cardinal Spellman was bom 1902-11; Giovanni Bonzano, 1911- m ental Discipline, Sacred in Whitman, Mass.; Cardinal 22; and Fumasoni-Biondi, 1922- Congregation of the Ori­ McIntyre in New York City; 23. ental Church, etc.; and Mon­ Cardinal Cushing in South Bos­ Cardinal Gaetano Bedini signor Andrea Jullien of the ton; and Cardinal O'Hara in s m e d in the United States as Sacred Roman Rota. Ann Arbor, Mich. special envoy of Pius X during T he P ope has nam ed Mon- There also have been a num­ Civil War days. fT u rn to Pape 3 — Column 3) Cordinal Richord J. Cushing PAGE T W O EVERY PRIEST WITH CHURCH OMCE HAD TITLE Cardinal Is Ecclesiastical Dignitary, Adviser of Pope A Cardinal Is a dignitary of The Pope also entrusts to them topography; consequently, the ecclesiastical discipline in the culum), Palestrina (Praeneste), the Roman Church and coun­ the administration of vacant diocont cardinoies ceased grad­ city, and curator of the Papal and Sabina. sellor of the Pope. By the term abbeys and the filling of the ually to bear the names of their finances, he was, after the Pope, The cardinalitial titles are cardinal (Cordinalisl was orig­ vacant abbatial offices, but not regions. Of the latter there re­ the most important person in as follows: St. Lorenzo in Lu- inally understood every priest without his foreknowledge. main only their number, seven, the Roman Church during the cina, SL Agnese fuori le mura. permanently attached to a Moreover, in virtue of a Papal consecrated by antiquity and early Middle Ages. St. Agostino, St. Anastasia, Sts. church, every clertciis, either provision as old as the reign of their dignity. Since, according to the fore­ Andrea e Gregorio al Monte intitualatus or ineardinatus. It Pope Simplicius (468-83), these In the course of time other going, the name of “cardinal" Cclio, Sts. XII Apostoli, St. Bal- became the usual designrtion of Cardinal-priests were wont to charitable institutions took the was linked with participation bina, St. Bartolommeo all'Isola, every priest belonging to a cen­ conduct Divine service at the place of the original deaconrics. and co-operation in the Papal St. Bernardo allc Terme, Sts. tral or Episcopal church, an three principal cemetery At the end of the sixth century Mass, or in ecclesiastical serv­ Bonifacio ed Allessio, St. Cal- ecclesiastical curdo (Lat for churches (S t Peter, St. Paul, Gregory the Great had 18 dea­ ices at the principal Papal isto, St. Ceceilia, St. Clemente, hinge). Lastly it was equivalent St Laurence), and later on at cons. Under Benedict Vll churches o f Rome, it need not St. Crisogono, St. Groce in Geru- to principalis, i.e., excellent, su­ ^le same churches-raised (with (684-85) we meet with mon- surprise us that, by reason of salemme, St. Eusegio, St. Glov^ perior. and is 80 used by St. ^St Mary Major) to patriarchal osteria dioconioe. Adrian I analogous participation in these anni a Porta Latina, Sts. Giov­ Augustine. rank. To each of these four (772-95) fixed at 18 the number services, other Roman ecclesias­ anni e Paolo, St. Girolamo degli The origin, development, and churches were assigned seven of the diaconal churches, nor tics, from the deacons down­ Schiavoni, S t Lorenzo in Da- modifications of this office will Cardinals; the latter were there­ was there any alteration of this wards, came to bear the title of masco, St. Lorenzo in Panisp- be treated as follows: I. Cardi­ fore 28 in number. number until the 16th century. Cardinal. Cardinal-subdeacons erna, Sts. Marcelino e Pietho, S t nal-priests; n. Cardinal-deacons; C hief Assistant In consequence, from the end are often mentioned, and once Marcello, St. Marco, St. Maria in. Cardinal-Bishops; IV. Cardi- of the 11th to the end of the even Cardinal-acolytes. In the degli Angeli, St. Maria della T o P o p e nalitial dioceses, titles, and dea- 12th century, the number of “ Commentarius electionis Gre- Pace, St. Maria della Scala, S t For the 12th century we have conries; V. Relations of the car­ cardinal-deacons was fixed per­ gorii V II" the electors are said Maria della Vittoria, St. Maria the statement of Johannes Dia- dinals to the Bishops; VI. Rela­ manently at 18. The chief source to be “ Romance ecclesiae cardi- del Popolo, St. Maria in Arceli, coRUS. The eldest of these Cardi­ tions of the Cardinals to the of this enlargement of their nales clerici, acoliti, subdiaconi, St. Maria in Cosmedin, St. Maria nal-priests acted as their head; Pope; VII. Nomination of Cardi­ number was the addition of the diaconi, presbyteri.” in Transpontina, S t Maria in 1 was known as archipresbyter, nals; VIII. Duties of Cardinals; six diaconi palatini and their Trastevere, St. Maria in Via, S t and was the chief and immedi­ Tem poral W ork IX. Rights of Cardinals; X. The archdeacon, i. e., the ecclesias­ Maria sopra Minerva, St. Maria ate assistant of the Pope at all College of Cardinals. tical officers whose duty it was I n c r e a s e d Nuova e St. Francesca Romana, ecclesiastical functions; from the Title E arly to serve in turn during the week HI. Cardinal-Bishops.— In the Sts. Nereo ed Achilleo. St. Ono- twelfth century he was known as at the Papal Mass. course of time and according as frio, St. Pancrazio, St. Pietro in G iven Priests prior cardinalium presbv- the Papal headship of the Montorio, St Pietro in Vincoli, I, Caroinal-Puests. — U n til terorum. Assisted at Church manifested itself more S t Prassede, St. Prisca, S t Pu- late in the Middle Ages the title U. Cardinal-Deacons.—Beside Papal Mass and more, the volume of eccles­ dendana, Sts. Quattro CoronaU. of Cardinal was given to promi­ the clergy attached to each Ro­ The above-mentioned Johannes iastical and temporal business Sts. Quirico e Giulitta, S t Sa­ nent priests of important man Church, there was in the Diaconus describes as follows increased increased greatly at bina, Sts. SUvestra e Martino ai churches, e. g., at Constanti- city a “regionary” clergy of al­ the manner in which these Rome, in consequence of which Monti. St. Silveatro in Capita, Dople, Milan, Ravenna, Naples, most equal antiquity, so called eighteen Cardinal-deacons at the Popes called in neighboring St. Sisto, St. Stefano al Monte Sens, Trier, Magdeburg, and because of its relations to the slated at the Papal Mass; On Bishops to represent them at Celio, St.
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