V ¿talk* you Low Priced, Quality Printing At Index Office fC u O U A how Stark of Hereford la visit- in,. ht-re this week. — o — vir aud Ura C L Tomlinson Jr ,„¡1 family of Lubbock visited his O’DONNELL INDEX PRESS ill other here Saturday. 40th Year, No. 12 O’DONNELL, LYNN COUNTY, TEXAS, Wed. Nov. 15,1961 $2 And $2.50 Per Year Mr and Mrs. Wayne Vaudlvere BASKETBALL SEASON IS Local Man Found Dead honored bis mother with u birth­ day dinner Sunday. UNDERWAY Annual Thanksgiving GBtVKSIDE MKHVIt-K HELD Mercer Hulon (Hoot) Bushing, Following is the team lineup of KI)K JAMKS BABY SON 61, apparently a victln of carbon the 1961-62 Eagle Basketball team: monoxide poisoning, was found Graveside services in Uabyhaven A team — Wendell White, Buster Is Thursday At School in Lamesa last Wednesday were dead at his home south of here at held tor the infant son of Mr and Sneilgrove, Bubby Besslre, Fernan­ 9 a. m. Monday. Mrs Bobby James. Survivors In­ LOW RID TAK E N RY CITY IN clude the parents, two sisters, and do Lopez, Billy Ainaro, Bob Moore, one brother. Grandparents are Mr Jerry Utecht, Bobby M. Furlow, Mr. Bushing, who was found by STREET IMPROVEMENTS snd Mrs H. M Mahurtn of here and Mr and Mrs. Ben James of Sea- Bobby J. Furlow, Gerald Aldridge.a neighbor, was last seen alive at Stores To Close For Holiday Low bid on street improvements sraves. for tlie City of O'Donnell inc.udiug ------0O0------ 3 p. m. Sunday when the neighbor B team — Jerry Utecht, Bob a number of bio ks to be crulied Charles Williams of Lubbock vis visited him. A gas stove was burn Large Crowd Expected HITES READ FOR HONKER and paved was $102.:is7.Ul and Ited his brother, Mr and Mrs. Jam­ Moore, Buddy Mahurin, Fen Taylor WELLS FARMER was awarded to Kerr Paving Co of es Williams' Sunday. ing in the house when the body was Lubbock. Second low bid »a s $lu4, Ellis Tredway, Gary Beeves, Thom­ The O'Donnell Cemetery Associat­ Preston Ellis Askew, 7 6 year old 654 'js according to Mayor L. J. Mr and Mrs. Charlie York visited discovered Wells farmer, died at 12 :30 P. m Hash Work is expected to begin in as Agnew. Marvin Utecht, James their daughter. Mr and Mrs. Itou Funeral services were Tuesday in ion has made final plans for the Saturday in a Lubbock convalescent 6u day- and will iudude about 15 home. sld Kanes in Lubbock Sunday. Williams. Johnny Andereon. Bonnie or so blocks of new paving The ~ o --- the Lamesa First Baptist Church annual Thanksgiving Ihnner to be greater portion of the above street Mr and Mrs. J A Melton are visit- Mr. Askew was married to Mias Sheppard. held tomorrow. Thursday, No,'. 23 work will be paid by property ow n­ in^ their children at Weatherford and burial was in the Lamesa Mem­ Hettie Holder in 1906 and moved to ers as the City will only for street Lynn County in 1920 from Palo this week. The season opened last Friday orial Park. at the school cafeteria. intersections. When work is com­ Pinto County. He was a member of plete it ig expected that the curbs Airman 1st. Class Jerry Harper aud here with the A aud B boys drop­ A tenant farmer. Mr Rushing had the Wells Baptist Church. will drain the water to the north­ family of Lubbock visited relatives lived on the Dr. Campbell farm The delicious dinner will feature west to the sewer location in the ping the visiting Meadow team. The Funeral services were held at 2 here Sunday. near here for 35 years. He was born past water standing has injured the in Henderson County and was a turkey and dressing and all the p. m Monday in the First Baptist home girls lost. Chun h of Tahoka. The Rev. D. W paving This is a great step forward World War 2 veteran in making a better town. Mrs J P Hale and Jim and Mur- trimmings. Folks count this annual Copeland of Knapp, and Rev Ray cbeia Wood visited Mr and Mrs. C ------ ooo------ Survivors include four sisters. Martin, pastor of the Wells Bapti t ------ oOo------ C. Gallagher at Kermit Sunday Wet Weather Hits Craps Mrs. Howard Eason Amarillo, Mrs. dinner as a tradition. In the past church, officiated. Interment follow SEAT REI.TS SAVE LIVES Ellen Cook, Denver, Colo., Mrs. Om­ plans were made to serve 500 but ed in the Tahoka Cemetery. Mr and Mrs. Sublett of Paduc­ ar Desire of Muleshoe. and- Mrs. W In the early days of barnstorming ah visited their daughter Mr and Continued cold and wet weatherT Parker of Carlsbad, three step the group expects a record attendan­ Survivors include his wife, flying circuses, the daredevil wing- Mrs. Glen Gibson Sunday. sisters. Mrs. Myrtle Kinsy, Beau­ seven sons, Roy. Arlys and Bertice walkers. stunt flyers and especially is slowing the harvest as it has dur­ mont. Mrs. Walter Brownlow, Pad­ ce this year. Plates will be avail­ Askew of here, Clettus and R. B. those who specialized in crashing Mr and Mrs. Morgan Jones and ucah, and Mrs. Ed Pierce o f La Askew of Brownfield, Kenneth ing most of November. The killing old airplanes into abandoned Linda of Ararillo visited in the mesa, three brothers, Orbin Rush able to take out anytime from 10: Askew of Long Beach. Calif., and buildings appeared to be reckless, bid Jones home Sunday. freeze of last week is expected to Dalton Askew of Hereford. ing of Comanche, c. H. Bushing of 30 a. m. on. Serving will begin at death defying idiots to most on­ - o ~ prepare the way for wide-sca'e Phoenix, Ariz . and Preston Rushing stripping as soon as the cotton dries Three daughters, Mrs Vera Etter lookers The fact of the matter is Mr and Mrs. Billy Edwards and of Ft. Worth, a half brother, C R they took careful precautions to and breaks open. Several busses of 11 a. nt. and continue until 1.30 P of here. Mrs. Charles Shankiln of Mrs Hiram Prather and Mary visit­ Rushing of Anion and two step prevent accidents and made lengthy ed relative» at Denver City Sunday Mexican Nationals have left and m. Lubbock. Miss Helen Askew of Long brothers. I, E Brownlow of U n ie -» Beach. Calif advamed preparations for the more more are leaving this week as their and Earl Brownlow of Morton. hazardous stunts. Mr- U. D. Armstrong and daugb- contract expires This meal time is always a Also 19 grandchildren, seven Kuaaa City, Kansas. Mr and Known here down thru many The safeguard generally regarded Mrs K J Collier and boys of Here­ time of reunion, visiting and friend great grandchildren andfour Bisters years, Hoot was liked by all who Mrs Bertie Brown. Palo Pinto, Mrs as a must — and still universally ford Mr and Mrs. Charles Truett of maintained today — wag seatbelts, Speaks At Rotary knew and enjoyed his friendship. ship with former friends living a- Annie Nicholson, Hamlin. Mrs. Post. Mr ■ ml Mr- Curtis Richey of fastened securely to the framework Alice Robertson and Mrs. Emma Colo City. Mr and Mrs. Weldon OKS HAS HOLIDAY PROGRAM way. of the aircraft and buckled thruout Brownlow and Steve, Mr and Mrs. District Governor L. Edwin Pat­ Segars. both of Gordon. Mr. Askew was a well known area the flight. It is reasonable to assume IVayni Mott and Mrs. J I Ifott tril terson. Jr of Midland paid his offic­ TheO'Donnell Order of the Ea-t- that a pilot who survives an intent­ ited in the home of Mr and Mrs. ial visit to the local Hotary Club The Association, under the lead­ pioneer, civic leader of his commun­ ern Star recently met at a stated ity and a man beloved by his neigh­ ional crash into a building with the Bob Gartman over week end. Monday and Tuesday of thisweek. meeting with 24 members in attend­ use of seat belts would protect him­ At the noon meeting he spoke to the ership of Mrs. H. L. Wood, has had bors and friends down thru forty ance. A report on the Grand Chapt r years. self from the possible serious in­ The District Conference of The local duh at their weekly meeting meeting held recently in Ft. Worth a very progressive year, building a juries or death from an accident in­ Methodist Church will be held here The nite before he was honored with was given by the Worthy Matron, A BIT OF HISTORY — .................. volving an automobile. next Thursday week. Nov. 30th a dinner given by Rotary officials. Wanda McLaurin. portion of a fence around the cem­ etery. To a large extent this is true. Over a hundred area church lead­ A -hurt Thanksgiving program On display at the local post office ers will be here. The noon meal — oOo— Automobile seatbelts first began was given by seven of the officers is a bit o f historical material of this will be served at the church. Next Mrs c. V. CoM? is in Lubbock Mr and Mrs. L G Schuessler of appearing in large numbers of hospital after surgery for a broken after which everyone anjourned to Immediate area, the property of passenger vehicles several years ago *eek the program will appear. the dining room for -andwi hes. Ft. Worth were here Saturday. ---- 0O0------- hip. Mrs. Gus Owens o f west of town. It as a direct result o f pilots.
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