Grand 1-4 off sale, commencing Saturday, on all Plush Goods and Albums at TRAVIS & BAKER'S Corner Drug Store. The Clinton Independent. VOL. XXV-NO. 13. ST. JOHNS, MI01I.. TI1UKSD A V MORNING, DECEMBER 25. 1890. WHOLE NO. 1282." HOVE HATTERS —L. G. Burch, of Lebanon, has been PEKNONAL. A Hold Attack and Theft. BUSINESS LOCALS Re-opened. chosen president of the Ilubbardston About 12 o ’clock last Friday uiglit, I have re-opened the meat market Albert Thomas Is inOwouo. North Riley Feed Mill fair association. two men entered the telegraph and first south of Leland ’s grocery and shall Mrs. H.L. Ferguson visiting In Detroit. Will hereafter, until further notice, run keen for sale a complete line of choice Brevities. —Theaccustomed Christmas tree will ticket office at M*is station and covered Louis Bently, of Lebanon, Is visiting In every week day. Corn. Oats and fresli and salt meats and poultry, at ’Tls sure a rising raau occupy its place in the pleasant home of Flint. Philip Freeman, the operator, with a Ground Feed for sale at all times. prices which will please purchasers. I Of vigor does not lack Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Monger. revolver, while they tied him hand and 126l-w2 J. II. Granger . solicit your patronage. If, as some wretch may plan. C. H. Walters is spending the holidays in foot. They then laid him in a corner of Low Prices. J. II. McCloud . He sits upon a tack. —Reserved seat tickets for the cantata Detroit. the room and bade him keep quiet while Corn Meal at $1.10 per 100 pounds. — Livery and Feed Barn. —We wish you a Merry Christmas. at Newton Hall, January 2,(will be on G. H. Rice is visiting at Milan and Whitmore Bure corn and oats ground, at $1.20 per sale at Tripp’s, Monday morning next. Lake, this state. they inspected the safe for wealth. 1 am in every way prepared to furnish —Who has found an endless towel ? They drilled a hole in the top of the 100 pounds. Pure Buckwheat Flour, at first-class livery, single and double, for —Cards are out announcing the Rev. W. C. Allen spent the tore part of the $2.20 per lOOpouuds. Choice Beans3c.per pleasure and business, and especial use week in Owosso. safe, but did not charge it. They then —The teachers and pupils in our marriage of John Henderson, Jr., to pound. Ear Com 25c. per bushel, at of commercial men. at reasonable rates. took the keys from Freeman's pocket Squair ’s Flour and Feed Store. schools are now enjoying a two weeks’ Miss Mae Prince, of Pompeii, to take George Wilson is spending Christmas with My public Feed Stables in connection, vacation. friends at Bay City. and undertook to unlock the safe, but are roomy, safe and pleasant, and always place soon. Farmers’ Mutual Annual Meeting. supplied with clean and well cured feed. —The banks, wheat houses and all Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Talmage are spending could not make it work, when they got The regular annual meeting of the —Frank Barnhart, jr., of East Bing ­ the holidays at Ashley. Charges low and regular to everybody. Freeman up and bade him show them Farmers’ Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Give me a trial. J. II. Fitts. public offices iu St. Johns, will retrain ham, sold to Brown Bros., yesterday, closed to-day. Miss Lillie White, of Detroit, is visiting her how to insert the key and unlock it. They of Clinton county, for the election of Corner of State and Brush streets four dressed porkers, 17 months old, sister, Mrs. J. E. Lit tell. officers, will be held at the Fireman ’s —Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Worden, of this found in the cash box about $33 belong ­ hall in St. Johns, on Tuesday. January which weighed 1,404 pounds. Charlie Holton arrived In town last night, ing to the company, and about $26 in a Go to E. T. Sumner & Son ’s for rur- village, celebrated their golden wedding from Huntington, Oregon. 18. 1262w2 Frank Conn , Sec’y. niture, picture frames and mouldings. —A house and lot for sale very cheap. locked pouch belonging to the Western last Friday evening. Squair’s Flour and Feed Store Repairing a specialty. 1199 Enquire of O. C. Hollister at theoffice A Miss Knight, of Lockport, N. Y., is the Union Telegraph Co. The pouch they guest of Mrs. F. E. Grlsson. lias for sale Henderson Bros ’.best Buck­ —The ularni of fire Tuesday forenoon of the Michigan Mortgage Company slit opeu with a knife and left it empty Let No One Suffer Miss Minnie Kimball, of Lyons, Ionia oounty, wheat Flour, at $2.20 per 100 pounds, in proved to be false. Some one wished to (Limited.) upon the floor. They also pried open small or large quantities to suit the cus­ As long as we have the Celebrated see the boys “get there.” is visiting friends in thlB village. tomer. Mishawaka Boots and Socks. They —At the recent annual meeting of the W. E. Hamilton left yesterday morning for and lmashed in with a bar of iron, a are the best thing to draw on, that is in —The front of H. W. Webster’s meat- stockholders in the State Bank of Car- Flint, where be will spend the holidays. drawer in the safe, containing Mr. The Mercantile Co. tlte market. market, across theway, has beeu blessed son City, S. S. Walker was chosen vice- Ralph Sage, an Ann Arbor student, is spend ­ Bromley ’s private papers, which they is making the greatest effort to make St. Johns Mercantile Co . with a new coat of white paint. ing his holiday vacation at his home in St. their several departments Headquarter$ president and E. E. White and S. S. left scattered upon the floor. Freemau for Christmas gifts. Come at once ! Christmas Goods. —The Acme Club will give a mas­ Walker, directors. Johns. broke a pane of glass from one of the A complete line of Toys and fancy Geo. Friable, of Davisburg, is visiting his windows with his head, and shouted Go to Squair’s Flour Store articles tor Christmas, just opened at querade ball at Newton hall, Christmas — A Mr. Tinkham, of Elkhart. Ind., eve. Bill, 75 cents ; spectators, 25 cents. uncle, J. M. Friable, and other friends in St. lustily for help, thinking to attract the for your Buckwheat Flour, the best in Foster , Post & Co. ’s. came here on Saturday last, for the pur­ Johns. St. Johns, for 2 l-5c. per pound. attention and to secure the assistance of Nice and Useful for Christmas. --The post-office will be opened on pose of having a hernia treated for a L. 8. Place and family, of this village, will Christmas and New Years day ’s, from the watchman at the Manufacturing Don ’t Buy Book-cases, Willow Rockers, Side­ radical cure. The operation was per­ visit friends in Owosso and Perry for two until you have seen the goods and prices boards, Wall Pockets, and the largest 7 to 9,12 to 1, and 6 to 7 o ’clock, as formed on Sunday by Drs. Wiggins weeks. Co. ’s works, across the track, but owing to the noise created by the steam, his I am offering in theDannar stock. and handsomest line of Mouldings to be usual upon all holidays. and Hart, who make a speciality of Harry Kellogg 'eft Monday morning for an , K. Goette . found in this market. H. W. Morris . every effort failed. He was, however, —Great was the number who applied these cases. The patient, at last ac­ indeflinate length of time, to be spent in Owosso. soon released by some one who came No. I Warranted Farmers, to St. Johns post-office at the usual hour counts, was doing well. Miss Pauline Adams, of Oberlin college, is into the station, and he at once went the best wheat Patent Roller process when you are in town and hungry, go to last Sunday and found that they were —It will be remembered that Morton spending her holiday vacation at her home in Flour, $2.40 per 100 pounds, at tne “old reliable” Lunch Rooms of and aroused Mr. Bromley and told him Squair ’s Flour and Feed Store. Graham’s. 1260w4 locked out under the new' arrangement P. Comings was adjudged insane and St. Johns. what had happened. Every effort was —9:30 to 10:30 a. m. taken to the asylum at Kalamazoo but a Frank Dunn, a medical student In Detroit, is immediately made to capture the of ­ Reduced Prices. For the Holiday Trade. spending the holiday season with his parents For the next 30 days we will make —Prosecuting Attorney-elect, II. J. short time since, from this station. We fenders, and on Saturday, two men an­ The freshest and purest homemade in this village. special prices on Mufflers, Handker ­ candies, put up in fancy pound boxes, Patterson, will be in his office in person learn from a recent issue of the Carson swering the description, were arrested chiefs, Fancy Picture Drapes, etc. City Gazette that E. C. Cumings, of Mrs. Alvin Shaver and Miss Vina McDade at reasonable prices at the Candy every Friday and Saturday, and the left for the home of the latter In Albany, N. Y., at Oakley, and brought here and locked Call at once aiid secure bargains. Kitchen. Charles Dutton . balance of the time, until he can move that village, and father of the unfortu ­ John IIicks .
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