Affordable Quality * SECURITY DOORS * INSECT SCREENS * SHOWER DOORS * BLINDS * AWNINGS * WARDROBE SYSTEMS Regular Bream Bay Service 1967 Phone/Fax (09)432 0209. email [email protected] PH: 438 9452 Mobile 027432 0070 24 October 2013 34 Albert St Whangarei Postal address - RD 2, Waipu 0582 Div. Shadelite Industry Bream Bay’s population Farmer in waiting increases by 924 The population of the Ruakaka/ Marsden Point area has increased by 630 to 3543 in the last seven years, the biggest numerical increase for any area in the Whangarei District and second only to Kerikeri (where the population increased by 651) in the whole of Northland. The Ruakaka/Marsden Point population percentage increase was 21.6%. Last week Statistics New Zealand UHOHDVHG ÀJXUHV IURP WKH FHQVXV WAIPU COVE of the resident population in New Zealand taken in March 2013. The census was delayed for two years due to the Christchurch earthquake, so comparisons between population Bream Bay census area units growth rates of the last three censuses have to be taken in this context. Between 2001 and 2006 the population in Ruakaka/Marsden Point grew by just 255 (from 2658 to 2913) so even taking the extra two years into account, the growth rate in this area has accelerated. In Waipu the population now stands at 1668, an increase of 174 individuals in the last seven years. This represents a slow down in the town’s growth rate DVLQWKHÀYH\HDUVEHWZHHQDQGLWVSRSXODWLRQLQFUHDVHGIURP 1,272 to 1,494 (220 people). The population growth rate in rural Bream Bay has also slowed. There are now 885 people living in rural Bream Bay, 99 more than there were in 2006. Three - year - old Caleb Laurence - Goss looks like he has already worked out what he wants to be when he grows up. The shiny red 1951 McCormick Between 2001 and 2006 the population here increased from 615 to 786 or by tractor, one of the many attractions of the Waipu Calf Club day on Saturday 19 171 individuals. October, belongs to the school’s Principal Paul Ramsay. SUPERB VIEWS WITH PRIVACY Langs Beach 20 Anderson Place Secluded 4 bedroom house up a private right of way. Plenty of parking, plus drive through garage for the boat and tractor! With views as wide as these, you will be impressed. Add in the peaceful, serene mature native 1 2 bush reserve on your south-side and you will agree that the setting at top of a ROW is a magic spot. 4 MegaPixels 4 MegaPixels A quiet spot, yet so close to the action. 2272x1704 2272x1704 For Sale $ 1,250,000 www.bayleys.co.nz/188200 Christine Birss M 027 235 4323 B 09 431 5415 MACKYS REAL ESTATE LTD, BAYLEYS, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008. Bream Bay News Page 2 24 October 2013 This Issue Big Tomato EDITORIAL 3DJHVDQG/HWWHUV Let the Council know how 3DJH3XEOLFPHHWLQJRQWKHSUR- Fish & Dive much we want the Waipu posed Waipu Cove to Langs coastal trail Dive BottOe FiOOs extension Cove to Langs coastal trail 5oGs 3DJH(PSW\VXEGLYLVLRQEHLQJXVHG I hope people turn up in force at the Waipu Ratepayers as rubbish tip. 5eeOs meeting on Wednesday 30 October at 7.30pm in St 3DJH3ROLFH5HSRUW +ooNs /XUes Peters Church, Nova Scotia Drive, to tell the Council 3DJH%UHDP%D\&ROOHJHSDJH how much they would like to see the Waipu Cove /aUge UaQge oI Eait aQG Eoat FhaQGOeU\ coastal trail extended from Waterman Drive to Ding 3DJH5XDNDNDEHDFKLQVSLUHVD Bay. ¿OP :e seOO ,Fe 7KH SUREOHP ZLWK WKHVH SXEOLF PHHWLQJV WR ÀQG RXW 3DJH7KH0DUVGHQ&RYHVSULQJ what people think, is that those who are most affected: market. 2SeQ Ga\s i.e.: the private property owners with land alongside the trail, are the ones most likely to turn up. Mr. and 3DJH6KLSVH[SHFWHGDW0DUVGHQ 3h Mrs. General Public aren’t as motivated to make the Point. effort. 3DJH:KDW¶V2QLQ%UHDP%D\ But look at it this way – the esplanade reserve, which 3LFWXUHVIURPWKH:DLSX3ULPDU\&DOI stretches along most of the coastline between Waipu Club Day Cove and Langs Beach, is a multi - million dollar public asset. In less tangible terms, the views and 3DJHV 7UDGHVDQG6HUYLFHV ABSOLUTE CONCRETE inspiration we get from being in such a beautiful place 3DJHV &ODVVL¿HG$GYHUWV are priceless. A council which foregoes this asset in the face of threats and arguments from adjacent property owners is not safeguarding this taonga for us and for WATER TANKS WKHEHQHÀWRIRXUFKLOGUHQDQGJUDQGFKLOGUHQ I would be interested to hear what the legal arguments of exceptional quality are which have persuaded the Whangarei District Council that, for the time being at least; the public THE BREAM BAY NEWS delivered by experts cannot have access to this public land. I would have is published by Bream Bay News Ltd. thought the weight of the law was all in the other Address : RD 2, Waipu direction: i.e.: that there is a legal obligation to ensure Phone :(09) 432 0209 09 431 2211 the public is not excluded from its own reserves. Mobile : 027 432 0070 Our new Mayor Sheryl Mai said at a public meeting in Editor: Marilyn Cox PO Box KAIWAKA 0542 : 2458 SH 1 KAIWAKA Ruakaka that she supported the establishment of more Accounts: Susan McRae cycle and walkways in the district. I wonder if she is Production: Geoff Spencer www.absoluteconcrete.co.nz aware of this most stunningly beautiful of walking Advertising design Megan Lea [email protected] trails and the problems that are getting in the way of Printed by Horton Media its completion. Marilyn INSIDE/OUTSIDE storage at 50 Cove Rd., Waipu SELF STORAGE AT RUAKAKA ,99 Marsden Point Rd. Your local tyre shop Free 0508 273262 Free phone. 0800 432 135 See us for new and used tyres, phone 0508 BREAMB puncture repairs and batteries [email protected] [email protected] www.breambaystorage.co.nz www.breambaystorage.co.nz Phone 432 7421 SH1 next to G.A.S. ROLY BROWN CONTRACTING The next Grant McLean publication date of the Stock Agent for Bream Bay Bream Bay News will be Thursday 7 November All aspects of stock sales including: Agricultural Residential Security Retaining Walls Pole Driving Deadline for all Sub Division Cattle Yards Rotary copy is Slashing Wednesday 30 October Ph 021 7758 48 mbl. 432 8373 Hm. Phone : ROLY 4320109 or 0274 984385 432 0454 Fax MARK 0274 984386 Email: [email protected] 24 October 2013 Bream Bay News Page 3 Church bells ring out to welcome the godwits Bream Bay Church bells were rung at both the Waipu Presbyterian and Anglican Churches on Butchery 7KXUVGD\2FWREHUDIWHUWKHÀUVWVLWLQJRI godwits at the Waipu estuary for this sea- son. Half a dozen thin and hungry looking god- wits were observed at Waipu on Wednesday 2FWREHU DQG D ÁRFN RI DURXQG ZHUH seen two days later feeding ravenously on WKH PXGÁDWV RI WKH ZLOGOLIH UHVHUYH DW WKH end of Johnsons Point Rd. Around 3,000 bar tailed godwits (of the approximate 90,000 which arrive in New $JHGPHDWDVSHFLDOLW\ Zealand) return from Alaska each spring 6SHFLDOUHTXHVWV to spend the summer feeding in and around +RPHPDGHVDXVDJHV Whangarei Harbour. They arrive here hav- *OXWHQIUHHVDXVDJHV ing completed an 11,000 kilometre, eight )UHVKILVKRQ7KXUVGD\V to nine day journey non - stop across the 6PRNLQJRXUSURGXFWRU\RXUV FHQWUDO 3DFLÀF 2FHDQ IURP WKHLU EUHHGLQJ +RPHNLOOV ground in western Alaska. This is the lon- gest nonstop journey recorded for any bird. =LRQDQG+ROO\*UHHQ They spend the summer feeding on mol- 6KRS5XDNDND7RZQ&HQWUH luscs, crabs and worms in the intertidal zone, storing up body fat in preparation for their return journey in the autumn. On a summer king-tide, the entire Whangarei +DUERXU ÁRFN FDQ EH VHHQ FRQYHUJLQJ RQ the sandbank at the Ruakaka estuary. ,DQ+DQQDWROOVWKHEHOODW6W3HWHU¶V$QJOLFDQ&KXUFKLQ:DLSX OTP community rallies around ENTERTAINMENT Oct 25 Heat 1 Karaoke $2000 1st storeowners after knifepoint robbery prize PLUS OTHER PRIZES Oct 26 Oceania Storm $10 presale Anju and Nilesh Patel, owners of the One Tree Point happened before or after the incident. Phone 430 4500 or $15 door sales Store, say they are not going to let one bad experience if you can help. Nov 1 Heat 2 Karaoke ruin their plans for their new life in Bream Bay. $QMXZKRLVH[SHFWLQJWKHLUÀUVWFKLOGDQ\GD\QRZ NOV 5TH MELBOURNE CUP LADIES BEST The young couple took over the store in August and, said it was “very frightening at the time.” HAT WIN BUBBLES. $50 TAB VOUCHER last week on Wednesday 16 October at around 5.30pm, “We are here to try to do good for the community and 2ND CHANCE DRAW a young man came into the shop wielding a knife and then someone like that comes in and threatens us and stole money from the till. steals money. The community doesn’t deserve this.” Free Courtesy Coach available Thurs, Fri & Sat When he left the store the couple alerted the Police Since word got around, people have been coming into Get ready for the great tomato who were aided in their search by local people who WKHVWRUHZLWKÁRZHUVDQGVD\LQJKRZVRUU\WKH\DUH growing competition! had seen a young man repeatedly riding a bicycle up this has happened. BISTRO MEALS available 7 days and down Graham St. prior to the robbery. A 20-year- Anju said, “We have never felt such support from peo- from 5pm in the main bar. old Whangarei man has been remanded in custody ple before. People have been on our side the whole after appearing in the Whangarei District Court on a time and we want to thank them from the bottom of Marsden Point Road, Ruakaka. charge of aggravated robbery. Police are still interested our hearts.” Phone 432 7358 in hearing from people who may have witnessed what 85 Walters Road, Waipu A&&O2$ABLE #(A2-)N' B5N'ALOWS 87 Walters Road, Waipu Looking for affordable charm in a sought after location? Two bungalows available on separate titles in this lovely rural setting within an easy reach to Waipu township and the famous beaches of Bream Bay.
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