
Proudly Serving Bronx Communities Since 1988 3URXGO\6HUYLQJ%URQ[&RPPXQLWLHV6LQFHFREE 3URXGO\6HUYLQJ%URQ[&RPPXQLWLHV6LQFHFREE ORWOODQ EWSQ FREE NVol. 27, No. 8 PUBLISHED BY MOSHOLU PRESERVATION CORPORATION N April 17–30, 2014 Vol 30, No 14 • PUBLISHED BY MOSHOLU PRESERVATION CORPORATION •JULY 6-19, 2017 ORWOODQ EWSQ NVol. 27, No. 8 PUBLISHED BY MOSHOLU PRESERVATION CORPORATION N April 17–30, 2014 INQUIRING PHOTOGRAPHER: SEE PHOTOS: STATE OF AMERICA | PG. 4 OPEN HOUSE AT FIVE-TWO | PG. 9 DOWNZONING FINDINGS REVEALED G&T Report Out | pg 2 Report fi nds Bedford Park and Kingsbridge Heights can be downzoned Kingsbridge Step Street Gets $6M Fix pg 7 Police Up Patrols at St. James Park | pg 11 Photo by Adi Talwar JOHN REILLY AND his wife Lois Harr stand across the street from their private home at East 202nd Street in Bedford Park (left). The couple hopes a report supporting downzoning of the neighborhood can prevent construction of a much taller building two houses down (right). By DAVID CRUZ be assessed before submitting clip in Bedford Park had espe- board convenes again. Even At its June 14 meeting, them to the city. cially prompted the study. then the city would have to Community Board 7’s Land For Lois Harr, a resident “Time is running out,” give final approval of any zon- Use/Zoning & Housing Com- in Bedford Park, the motion Jean Hill, committee chair, ing changes, which could take mittee approved the findings represented a victory in pre- said at the meeting. “So we months. This offers a window of an independent study that venting further construction need to jump on it.” for developers to continue its would limit height restric- of high-rise properties in Bed- But even as the commit- sweep of Bedford Park and tions on new buildings in two ford Park and Kingsbridge tee approved the results, it Kingsbridge Heights, neigh- Bronx neighborhoods, despite Heights, the two neighbor- still needs the full board’s borhoods where two-story the study’s author recom- hoods studied. Concerns of approval, which won’t hap- homes abound. pg 14 mending more neighborhoods overdevelopment at a rapid pen until September when the (continued on page 15) 2 •July 6-19, 2017 • Norwood News IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST Vol. 30, No. 14 Vol. 27, No. 10 NorwoodVol. 27,News 27, No. No.is 10published 10 bi-weekly on Thursdays by Bronx BP Releases Report on G&T Inequity Fix MosholuNorwoodNorwood Preservation NewsNews is Corporation ispublished published (MPC) Norwood3400 Reservoir News Ovalis published East bi-weeklybi-weekly on on Thursdays Thursdays by by bi-weeklyBronx, New on YorkThursdays 10467 by MosholuMosholuPhone: Preservation 718 324 Corporation 4998 Corporation Mosholu Preservation Corporation 34003400Fax: Reservoir 718 324 Oval Oval2917 East East E-mail: [email protected], Reservoir New York 10467Oval East Bronx, New York 10467 Web.:Bronx, www.norwoodnews.org New York 10467 Phone: 718 324 4998 Fax: 718 324 2917 Publisher Phone: 718 324 4998 E-mail: [email protected]: 718 324 4998 Mosholu PreservationFax: 718 324 Corporation 2917 Web:Fax: www.norwoodnews.org 718 324 2917 ExecutiveE-mail: [email protected] Director of MPC E-mail:Web: [email protected] www.norwoodnews.org Melissa CebolleroWeb: www.norwoodnews.org Editor-in-Chief,Publisher NorwoodCEO, Mosholu News DavidMosholu Cruz, Preservation [email protected] 3UHVHUYDWLRQ Corporation Corporation PublisherAccounts Receivable CEO, Mosholu PublisherEditor-in-Chief RobertoCEO, S. Mosholu Garcia MosholuDawn McEvoy Preservation 3UHVHUYDWLRQ MosholuDavid Cruz Preservation Corporation Corporation3UHVHUYDWLRQ ProofreaderCorporation Corporation Editor-in-ChiefJudy&ODVVLÀHG$GYHUWLVLQJ Noy Roberto S. Garcia Editor-in-Chief Roberto S. Garcia DavidRegularDawn Cruz McEvoy Contributors David Cruz David$FFRXQWV5HFHLYDEOH Greene, Adi Talwar Dawn McEvoy &ODVVLÀHG$GYHUWLVLQJContributors Proofreader DawnMiriam&ODVVLÀHG$GYHUWLVLQJ McEvoy Quinones, Deborah Cruz, ReggieDawnJudy McEvoyNoy Francois, Devin Dae Tucker $FFRXQWV5HFHLYDEOH3URGXFWLRQ Dawn$FFRXQWV5HFHLYDEOHNeil McEvoydeMause Dawn McEvoy BRONX BOROUGH PRESIDENT RUBEN Diaz Jr. (at podium) standing alongside Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams (l), Proofreader5HJXODU&RQWULEXWRUVFor Display Advertising David Greene, Adi Talwar outlines recommendations to fi x the Gifted & Talented program within the public school system. JudyProofreader Noy JudyInterns NoyCall (718) 324-4998 3URGXFWLRQShayla Love, Paolo Mossetti, Justin McCallum, By DAVID CRUZ having fewer G&T programs in minority the mandate that gets all students tested Neil3URGXFWLRQand deMause Chelsea George SupportNeil deMause Your Roughly a week before the Albany neighborhoods when compared to afflu- by pre-kindergarten. “I think it’s an in- 5HJXODU&RQWULEXWRUVFor display advertising, call (718) 324-4998. Legislature would vote for mayoral ent, predominantly white, communities. justice that while the DOE has opened DavidCommunity5HJXODU&RQWULEXWRUV Greene, Adi Newspaper! Talwar control, Bronx Borough President Ru- G&T programs are often seen as a gate- more G&T programs in some districts, TheDavidSupport Norwood Greene, News Your Adi is aTalwar not-for-profi t publication Internsand relies upon the support of its advertisers ben Diaz Jr. and his Brooklyn counter- way toward specialized high schools, of- many students have to wait for a third ShaylaInternsCommunity Love, Paolo Newspaper! Mossetti, Justin McCallum, andShaylaThe readers Norwood Love, to PaoloNews produceLVDQRWIRUSURÀWSXE Mossetti, a quality Justin community -McCallum, part released a report outlining ways to fering even greater education and aca- grade seat,” she said. “This means stu- andnewspaper. Chelsea To George support your paper, become andlication Chelsea and relies George upon the support of its equalize the public school system’s gifted demic advancement to students. dents who would benefit from a G&T a memberadvertisers and and receivereaders to a produce subscription a quality for one and talented program (G&T), claiming it The de Blasio Administration has at- program starting in kindergarten will Foryear.community display advertising, newspaper. To call support (718) your 324-4998. paper, Forbecome display a member advertising, and receive call (718)a subscription 324-4998. grossly excludes minority students. tempted to give greater access to the G&T not be challenged or receive the rigor- Simply mail check or money order for $40 to: for one year. At a news conference alongside system, though the report called the re- ous and project-based academics they SupportNorwood News, Your 3400 Reservoir Oval East, Support Your Brooklyn Borough President Eric Ad- cent implementation “small steps.” should receive.” CommunityBronx,Simply NY mail 10467. check Newspaper! or money order for $40 Communityto: Norwood News, Newspaper! 3400 Reservoir Oval East, ams, Diaz urged the New York City De- Nine recommendations were made Diaz had predicted the Albany Leg- TheNorwood Norwood News News is notLVDQRWIRUSURÀWSXE responsible for - TheBronx, Norwood NY 10467. News LVDQRWIRUSURÀWSXE- partment of Education (DOE), which has to fix the inequity, which includes guar- islature would extend mayoral control licationtypographical and relies errors. upon Opinions the support expressed of its in lication and relies upon the support of its advertiserssignedNorwood letters News and and isreaders not bylined responsible to producecolumns for typo a represent- quality implemented the advanced academic anteeing a G&T spot to any qualifying of schools, a policy effected during the communitytheadvertisersgraphical sole opinion errors. newspaper.and readersOpinionsof the authorTo expressedto supportproduce and in your aresigned a quality not paper, program, to “fix the pipeline so we can student within their community, free Bloomberg Administration. The pol- necessarilycommunityletters and bylinednewspaper.those columnsof Mosholu To represent support Preservation the your sole paper, become a member and receive a subscription have more and more diversity.” test prep service expansion, and free icy shifted control away from borough Corporationbecomeopinion aof memberthe or author Montefi and arereceiveore not Medical necessarily a subscription Center. for thoseone year.of Mosholu Preservation Corporations The pair’s report lists ways to repair public transportation fare provided by presidents, charged with assigning two Editorialsfor one year. represent the views of the editor only.RU0RQWHÀRUH0HGLFDO&HQWHU(GLWRULDOVUHS The newspaper reserves the right- what has long been a nagging problem: the DOE. members to the defunct Board of Educa- Simplyto resentlimit mailor the refuse views check of advertising theor moneyeditor and/or orderit deems publisher for $40 G&T programs that keep black and His- Diaz and Adams collected the find- tion. Opponents of the Board of Educa- to:objectionable.Simply only.Norwood The mail newspaper checkNews, Advertisements or3400 reserves money Reservoir the order right appearing toforOval limit $40 East, or refuse advertising it deems objectionable. panic students out of them despite com- ings through their G&T Task Force they tion long argued the power shift towards Bronx,into: this Norwood paperNY 10467. News,cannot 3400 be used Reservoir without Oval East, theBronx,Advertisements written NY 10467.permission appearing of in the this Norwoodpaper cannot prising a combined 70 percent of the launched earlier in the year. The group, that body would create corruption and News.be used Letters
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