Park studies alternati ,Library hoard reviews to soariñginsurance rates annexation defeat atpolls Eileen Hlrschfeld . by Sylvia Dalrysnpie Because of the soaring cooto ofssronce crises. "We must find,tionto the park diatrictforany in- Reporting on the Nov. 5 cIen- According to the attorney, liabifity insurance, park districtwayn to cat awsaace (liability) jsryelaisn,"hesaid. lino at the Niles Library Board precinct 74 in half io and 1mB out' Commissioners are considering claims because ifJfr risk factors Berrafato àdmitted'it's ost on Meeting, the library attorneyof the District hut residents adopting a program waiverinvolved in:,recrealional "ahoolatesolution"tothe said the annexation referendum there, regardless of where they classeforparticipantsin programo," he naid. liability insurance problem, hot it 'failed io two areas fo be annexed lived, voted for alt three itesss. recreational activitien. 1f the meansre io adopted, it is o step in the right directiso. hut was passed io the Nites He 'said there was a According to board attorney wonld meanallporlicipanlu in Programs cited which hove a Public Library District. By law,."mathematical posaibility" the - Gabriel Berrofoto, the park programo must sign a waiver in certain degree of rink were the referendum would have to referendûmcoutd have passed district, like other governmentot an activity which conld result in volleyball, softball, ice skating, pass in areas to be annexed as, and booed members could decide bodies, is facing o sermon in- injury.This wosld give prnlec- Continsedsa Page 43 wellasthe District. - Csntirnied an Page 43 - Bubbles s4,4 Vili hr ' still seeks 874ßNShernmoRoed ' iLu g-tr damages" ' 25° per copy VOL 29, NO. 13, THE BUGLE,THURSDAY,NOVEMBER21, 1955 ' "Business has Withdraws to be rebuilt" restraining order byRlehardStemple - bySylvis Dalcysisple produces "The damage bas been done; Attorneys for Bubbles Bistro is AiDS scare - now we have 'to rebuild the Nifes appeáred before the U.S. From thé boniness." That, at least, is tIse District Court tant week,to with- rationale attorneys for Bnbbleo draw o request for a restraining problems fOr villäge officialSBistro give for withdrawing aorder to stop alleged police £PL }tM4 The fear that"continoies to tolkiogabsot AIDS in c000ectiaO request for un injunction gaissl harassment, surroond AIDS is producing un- jth CPR traisìng. "However,-the Nitos Police Department np- Malcolm Silverman, Owner of expected 'problems to some by Bud Besser it's sot an - issue at Ibio poiOt. posing further "hsrassmeot". the gay bar, apparently had no' municipal officials who mny take They usually take refresher Al Zimmer, an attorney with choice is dropping the injonctive slops to protect the health and If 'Big Doddy" Nick Blase - courses abool every two years the law firm of Doosryst, Cosby, relief action. According to village and his village boardLittle safety of their public safety of- aud they have some tisse lo go and Braustdis that represent_s the attorney Richard Troy, Silver- Daddien" met us on Dempster ficers. before another session," he said, Niles gay bar, Oaid the request man filed for bankruptcy probe- Street and asked us for direc- Last week Skokie police of- Coaliaoed on Pa e 42 Continued os Page 41 '- Conlinned sa Page 42 tinos to reach Oakton Street ficers said they wonld no longer you can bet your old potootie practice mouth-to-mouth they'd travel 25,999 mites in resuscitation (CPR) os mao- the opposite direction rather neqains, expressing concern that. ayor'S bru onDUI proble than accept The Bugle's ad- the m0000qoiss conld be infected vice. with the virus believed to cause AIDS, a destructive breakdown Understanding this reverse of the immune system. logic We noutof like io sag- Io the aftermaib of the in- gent they do NOT appoint cident, Skokig Valley Hospital, Carol Panels to till the trustee which èonducts as annual vacancy on Niles village refresher cohrse for the officers, hoard. temporarily cancelled its CPR classes for the public according Ms. Panek, who received to a hospital spokenenan. 2322 votes in tant Apçil's dee- Captain Bill Terpinas of the tien, fell about 449 noies short Niles Police Department admif- nf heisig elected. Previously, ted some ofhis officers have beco she had served tO years au a trastee na the Nilen village Village holiday hoard nod had the rather hours i . naiqse.qaality of voting in- The NilesAdministration dependently. Building offices, 7ffl Mitwaskee - Avenue Nileo, will he close Thor- Voting ones own conscience - sday, Friday und Saturday, on public huards is sut an November 28,29 and 30, tfllb in unusual quality inmauy areas observance of Thanksgiving. .of the country. Bot in Att They willre-open Monday, Miseries Nites, Illinois, Big . ; December 2, 1985 with the usual Daddy rims the show. And the boors. village board's heart belongs Thenightdepositoryis toDastdy" available for yosr conveoience at the front ofthe building. - Mu. Panels Was nover touted by The BogIe as boisg the BUGLE second coming of Joan of Arc. Mayer Blase declares war their combined efforts to get the years by a driver uisdor the in- SEEKS NEWSBOYS fluence of drugs or alcohol. After Nevertheless,,heo she took against dreck drivers!'Dectoring drunk off the streets. Mayor The Bugle is seeking dellvery midnight, il is estimated that 25% an iodependent stance; Blase that the statistics can so longer Blase cited these facto as roos005 newscarriern of all segen to of the people behind a wheel have and the other Daddies burned he ignored, Mayor Blase is seen against Driving Under the In- deliver sewspapern an Tham. her at the niaise. Her stance so here with Chief Emrikson of the floesce "DUI". More Iban eleves beco drinking. Over twenty bable television tell hes as the days. For an opportusity to Nuns Police Department and million Americans have seco a millionAmericans have a "lonely end" os the village earn entra dollars. Larry Reneinky, Direclor o) member of their family killed oc problem with alcohol - mont of Continued oapage 41 Call % Nifes Family service discussing seri000ly injured io the past ten Costiased on Page 43 Pige i1i BIIgle,Thiir,day, NovemberZl,19$5 dauA. Hanold Park employee Claus A. Hanold, son of Joseph Theflugle, Thuredey,Nuvemberlll, MSS a mf Annelore Hanold of 9108 Cherry Ave., Morton Gromve, /honored hasbeenpromotedin the U.S. Air P Force under the stripes for ex- Senior Citizens' t4 ceptional . performers (STEP) Ne.tle..eIIHnOIn - A New.p.p.r program to the rook of teehnical trTL1ù-- gli Aenieiioe G sergeant. NEWS AND VIEWS He is a 1974 gradnate of Nifes E - NorthHighifchoof, Skokie. An Independent Cornm unity NewapapeiEstablished in 1957 DerisiRemar - Editor & Puhlishnr Diane Miller - Managing Editor 3 News for all Niles Seniors (agé 62 and over) 8746 N. Shermer Hoed, Nues, Illinois 60648 966-3900-1 -4 ¡tabeeS Besser . City Estilo, ::SENIOR CITIZENS: from the Nues Senior Center I :Shanspoo&Set 2.50 8060 Oakton, Niles 971OO ext. 376 : Haircut 3.N Newcomers'CaifeeøOUr Identification as Niles trusteé prompts action by board : The Nues Senior Center Newcomers' coffee boar in designed, : MonRegH.rSWIing to welcome newcomers to the senior center and acqoaint them Maine- Beat . TENOMINUTE . witbthe nervices, programsand facilities. Our nest newcomers' by Sylvia Datrymple I: 8UNTANNINGVI81TS : coffee hour will take place on Thursday, Nov. 21 at 2:00 p.m. All . ..00 The Nifes Park District Board of Commissioners preoeteda Five Year Employee award to former Soperiatesdent newcomers are cordially invited to attend at no charge. Advan- :FREDE1ucKscoIFFuREs. of Parks co reoérvationn are not necessary, bot are very much ap- DISHING IT OUT...vilage officials over the years have regulated Library trustee's actiofls 631N.MIwa.*..Ae.aa. Tom Lipport. Toni recently accepteda positios with the Skokie :' . Park District. predated: 965-6100, ext. 37f. about everything...from pornograpbic malerial, off.trach belting .. Chioago.uILlCIo.ádMendsy Health Luncheon parlors, male dance arts at the old Mill Eton Playbonse lo receiving ,. NEI.0674 . Shown above (I-r) CoCflmtssioaers Elaine Heinen, DanKosiba, The center wtllpresenta heaithloncheon anFriday, Nov. flat Sapt. of Parks Tom Lippert and Commissioners Jim Pierski, Mary or satellite dishes in thçir traditional father-knows-best syn- MarusekandwaltBe0000. l23o p.m. Ms. Marjorie Jaski from Rosh-Prenbyterlan-St. dsome...onderthe divise right ofhome rule powers. Loke's will guest lenisce 001ko topic Sleeping Well." The enain Some years ago, a town father remarked daring the restricting of under investigation- -.-. entree will he Turkey Romanoff. Tickets are 5.fO Please call oometbing-or.otber...lhat Nifes laws are not meant for lasgbs, bot 967.11loo, ext. 37ftocheck on ticket availability. new legislation from Capitol Hill could give the last laugh to by Elleeu Hirnrbfeld Women', Cmb Meeting potilioners...whs have been stymied by the village hoard in efforts The Nifes Senior Center Women's Glob will meet on Monday, toinstall satellite dishes in their backyards. Nues Historical A Riles Public Library Troutee, dom espresslyas a Trustee of the JI Nov. 25 at 1:00 p.m. The ladies wifi host s cookie walk-exchange The new legislation recently enacted into law by President Margaret Rajoki, may he ceo-Riles Public Library District as rIauIenu1irgt$: at,i at this meeting. Those planning os participating in this rookie Reagan not only slates that ose of a home satellite system is legal Society meeting suced and dismissed from office distinguished from her individual walk shonld bring in 36 cookies for the exchange. As a special for all homeowners everywhere, hot also makes it almost im- on the Library Board became of capacity constituted o treat, it is also requested that the ladies bring in an additional possible foronyone in the future to operate scramble transmissions The Nites Historical Society ber public stand against a recentmisdemeanor or petty otfense six cookies to enjoy with coffee at the meeting.
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