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Refer to the program documentation. History of the Munros of Fowlis With the Genealogies of the Principal Families of the Same To which are appended those of Lexington and New England Alexander Mackenzie Searchable Text Edition TannerRitchie Publishing, Burlington, Ontario, Canada In collaboration with the Library and Information Services of the University of St Andrews ©2004 TannerRitchie Publishing & The University of St Andrews ISBN 1-55429-092-9 A CIP catalogue record for this electronic publication is available from the National Library of Canada All rights reserved. No part of this electronic publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the copyright owner. HISTORY OF THE MUNROS WITH GENEALOGIES OF THE PRINCIPAL FAMILIES OF THE NAME: TO WHICH ARE ADDED THOSE OF WXRNISB: BflIN'fED AT THE (GSOEfTTIBfl 3fIGH'LAHDEBHOFFIOX. LEXINGTON AND NEW ENGLAND. BY THE LATE ALEXANDER MACKENZIE, M.J.I., AETHOR OF THE " KISTORY OF THE XACKENZIES " ; THE EISTORY OF THE XACDONAZDS AND LORDS OB THE ISLlS "; THE HISTORY OF THE CANERONS" ; THE HISTORY OP THB MACLE0I)S " ; "THE HISTORY OF THE XATHESONS " ; THE HISTORY OF THE CECISEOLBIS " ; THE HISTORY 0%' THE BRASERS "; '' THE PRO- THE BRAHAN SElR " ; LL THE HISTORICAL TA'LES AND 0%' THE HIGHLANDS" ; "TEE HISTORY OP THE AND CLEARAXCES "; LLTHE SOCIAL STATE OF THE ISLE OF SKYE IN 1582-83 "; ETC., ETC. INVERNESS: A. & W. MACKENZIE, PRE'FACE. Tms Nistmy of Nztnvos is the seventh of a series of histories of the Highland Clans compiled and written by my late father, Alexander Mackenzie. He died. on the mnd of January, 1898, while this volume was passing through the press, and on his death-bed he care- fully re-read the unprinted MSS., linowhgsthat he would not live long enough to revise his work in proof form. Although after his death every care was taken to prevent mistakes and misprints in the latter portion of the book it is possible that imperfections have crept in, but I know that in the peculiar circumstances these will be excused. It was, I know, the Author's intention, had he lived to write this pieface, to make hearty acknowledgment to the memory of the late Mr Alexander Ross, Alness, whose collection of genealogical matter relating to the Munros greatly helped and expedited the compilation of this work. It was also his intention to acknowledge the aid derived from a similar collection made by the late General Stedart AIlan. I, therefore, feel it my duty to here make these acknowledgments, although inadequately. It will be found that besides the history of the House of Eowlis and the Genealogies of the principal Munro families, there are added accounts of the Lexington (American) and the New England (American) Munros. For much of the information contained in these latter genealogies my father was deeply indebted to Mr Jarnes Phinny Munro, Lexing- ton, himself a distinguished member of the family, 1 viii HISTORY OF THE MUNROS. believe it was my father's intention to have further traced and enlarged upon these American branches of the family, but his long illness and ultimate death prevented his CONTENTS. doing so. There are many other kind friends to whom, on behalf of my father, I must tender acknowledgments for the assistance they rendered in giving him the use of genea- iii logical information, and, in some cases, valuable family vii papers. ix xi Completing the volume will be found, in unison with the rest of the series, a full and carefully prepared Index, THE MUNROS OF FOWLIS- compiled by myselt ORIGINOF TIIE FAMILY , I. HUGH . THOMAS W. MACKENZIE. 11. ROBERT . a 111, DONALD . IV, ROBE~T . V, GEORGE , . VI, ROBERT . VII. GEORGE . VIII. ROHERT . IX, HUGH X. GEORGE . XI. JOHN XII. WILLIAM . XIII. HECTOR . J . XIV. ROXEKT . L XV. ROBERTMOR XVI, ROBERT . XVII. HECTOB . XVIII. ROBERT . .I XIX. SIR HECTOB,FIRST BAROXET . XX. SIR HECTOR,SECOND BARONET . XXI. SIR ROBERT,THIRD BARC)NET . XXII. SIR JOIIFT,FOUXTH BARONET r XXIII. SIR Roaa~T,FIFTH BARONET , XXIV. SIR ROBXILT,SIXTH BAROXET . XXV, HARRY*SEVENTR J?~ARC)NE'~ . XXVI. SXR HUGII, EIGHTHBARONET . XXVII. SIR CEIARLES, MINT^ BARONET - XXVIII, SIR CHARLES,TENTH BAROMBT . XXIX. SIR HECTOR,ELEVENI~ BBRQNET HISTORY OF THE M'LJNROS. OF OBSDALE,MUNROS . I NEWMORE,MUNROS OF . CULRAIN,MUNKOS OF . GENERALROBERT MUNRO-A CADETOF ORSDALE MILNTOWN,MONROS OF . KXLMORACK,MUNROS OF . ALLAN,MONROS OF . CULNAULD,NOW CULWAHA,MUNROS OF LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS- TARLOGIE,MUNROS OF . PITLUNDIEAND BEAECROFTS,MONROS OF AUCHENBOWIE,MONROS OF . CRAIGLOC~ARTAND COCKBURN,MONROS OF . EDMONDSHAM,MONROS OF . Abbot, Munro L., Esq., Maple Ave, Zanesville, Ohio, U.S.A. FEARN,MOKROS OF . Abe-rdeen University Library INGSDON,MONROS OF . Aird, Rev. Dr, The Manse, Sale, Manchester (1 copy) COULAND BALCONY,MUNROS OP . Anderson, John N., Esq., Writer and N.P., Stornoway ERRIBOL,MUXROS OF . Bsillie, Rev. Albert, Plumstead Vicarage, London CULCRAWIE,MUNROS OF . Bain, Colin, Esq., Dalnacloich, Alness KILTEARN,MUXROS OF . Barron, James, Esq., " Courier Office, Inverness FERRYTOWNOF OBSDALE,MUNROS OF . Berthon, Raymond, Tinne, Esq., Beckenham MILNTOTNNOF KATEWELL,MUNROS OF . Sethell, W., Esq., Rise Park, 'Hull (large paper) ARDULLIE,MUNROS OF . TEAKOIRD,MUNROS OF . Bethune, Rev. A., Seaham, Seaham Harbour KIZLICHOAX,MUNROS ik . Bethune, Alex. Mackenzie, Esq., Upper Norwood, London . Z . TAIN, MUKROSOF . Bigelow, Mrs Isabel O., San Francisco, U S A. MILNTOWNOF ALNESS,Muxaos OF . Blair, Patrick, Esq., Advocate, Inverness TBANINICH,MUNBOS OF , Bowman, Miss E. Mlmroe, Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne Co., Pa., U.S.A. FYRISE,CONTULLICH, AND KILDEBMORIE,MONROS OF Brand, Sheriff, Edinburgh DR v~EI~~~~MONROAND HIS DESCENDANTS . Brown, Francis H., Esq., M.D., Boston, Mass., U.S.A. Trm~~oc~rmAND KNOCKAWCUIRN,MUNROS OF . Brown, William, Esq., Boohseller, Edinburgh (3 copies) ASSYNT,MUNROS OF Carneron, D. M., Esq., Merchant, Inverness ACEA~Y,MUEROS OF . Cazenove, C. D., Esq., Bookseller, London KATEWBLL,MUSROS OF . Chisholm, Arch. A., Esq., Procurator-Fiscal, ~ochmadd~ LIMLAXR,MUNROS OF . , Cooke, Miss L. M., Lexington Avenue, New York, N.Y., U.S.A. PITTONACHY,MUNROS OF . Colquhoun, Sir James, Baronet (4 large paper) NOVAR,MUXROS OF. Copland, J. P-, Esq., 28 Paternoster Row, London, E.G. RHIVES, MUNROSOF C*&, John, Esq., Bunchrew FINDON,Mumoe OF / Douglas & Fowlis, Messrs, Booksellers, Edinburgh (4 copies) BRAEMORE,NUNROS OF . POYNTZFIELD,MUXROS OB . Uu Bois, Mrs Delafield Alpine, San Diego Co., California. U.S.A* Dugan../ , Walter H., Esq., Boylston Street, Boston, l\Tass., U.S.A* LEALTY,NOW ROCKFIELD,MUNROS OF , THELzx~m~roa (A~RICAN) Mua~os . Fraser, Alexander, Esq., Solicitor, Inverness TEE NEW ENGLAXD(AMER~AN) Mu~aos Fraser, C. J. R., Esq., of Merlewood, ~itmeddenHouse, Udney, * Aberdeenshire Fraser, D. Munro, Esq., M .A., H.M.I.S., Dingmall Fraser, Hugh Mu~ro,Esq., Mayfield, Tain (large paper) Fraser-Mackintosh, Charles, Esq., LL.D., London {lawpaper) Gowans, Messrs Jarnes, Son, Booksellers, London (large paper) xiii xii HISTORY OF THE MUNROS. LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Grant, Dr. Ogilvie, Queen Mary's House, Inverness Mackenzie, William, Esq., Inverness (large paper) Grant, Frank, Esq., Maryhill, Inverness Mackintosh, Duncan, Esq , Bank of Scotland, Inverness Gray, Henry, Esq., Rookseller, London (I copy and I large paper) Maclean, Alex. Scott, Esq., M.I.M.E.; Greenock Greenwood, Mrs, Princeton, Illinois, U.S.A. Macleod, John, Esq , H.M.I. S., Elgin Guildhall, Corporation Library, The, London Macleod, Norman, Esq., Bookseller, Edinburgh Hoes, Chaplain Roswell Randall, U.S. Navy, Philadelphia, U.S.A. ~acrae,Rev. Alexander, EA., London Holmes, Messrs W. & R., .Booksellers, Glasgow (3 copies) Macritchie, Andrew J., Esq., Solicitor, Inverness Home, Geo. Home Munro, Esq., Liverpool Malcolm, George, Esq., Craigard, Invergarry, N.E. Hunt, .George M., Esq., The Standard Life Assurance Co., 22 to 25 Matheson, Sir Renneth, Bart. (large paper) Bank of Commerce Buildings, Toronto, Canada (I copy) Menzies, Messrs John, & Co., Booksellers, Edinburgh Inverness Public Library, The Miller, Mrs Horace, Pawtucket, Rho& Island, U.S.A. James, Captain Fullarton, London hlitchell Library, The, Glasgow Monro, Captain D., of Allan (large paper) Johnstone, David, Esq., Bookseller, Edinburgh ae Oxford Kerr, Mrs Clement, 71 Gloucester Street, " Munro Place," Toronto Monro, David Binning, Esq., M.A., Provost of Oriel Colle, , Labouchere, Mrs C. H., Doornweld, Holland Monro, Geo. P., Esq., Sylvania, Bradford Co., Pa., U.S A. Lexington Cary Library, The, Mass., U.S.A. lhfonro, G. H, Esq., of Ingsdon Longyear, J. M., Esq., MBrquette, Michigan, U.S.A. Monro, G. l?., Esq, Sylvania, Bradford Co., Pa., U.S.A. Lovat, Right Hon. Lord, Beaufort Castle, by ~'eaul~(large paper) Monro, Hector, Esq., of Edmondsham Macandrew, Sir H. Cockburn, Inverness (large paper) Monro, J. D., Esq , Kingston-on-Thames Macbain, Alexander, Esq., MA., Inverness Monro, Miss Annie C., Bristol.
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