2/10/2014 Florida A&M Head Football Coach Jake Gaither (1945-1969) ´,OLNHP\ boys mobile, agile, and hostileµ Work Is Not A Place Mobile: Able to move freely or easily (and still be productive) 1 2/10/2014 Work Is What We Do Mobility Stats (Wherever We Do It) (Pew Research Study) 91% of American adults have a cell phone 63% of cell phone 55% of American owners use their adults have a device to go online smart phone 44% of cell phone owners sleep with 42% of American their phone near adults have a VRWKH\GRQ·WPLVV tablet anything iPhone 5S Samsung Galaxy S4/S5 X Best selling Apple device to date X 0RVW´GDWDKXQJU\µGHYLFHLQ JDSU study X µ$02/('VFUHHQ X Fingerprint authenticatioN X Android X Fast and light X 13 megapixel camera X 7KHL·VKDYHLW« X S Voice simple and elegant interface X Eye tracking X Apps from Play Store (on par with Apple Store) 2 2/10/2014 SamsuNg Galaxy Note 3 HTC One Max X 7KHRULJLQDO´3KDEOHWµ X µ'LVSOD\ X µ'LVSOD\ X Fingerprint security X 13 megapixel camera X Android X Android X $249 with contract X Quad Core, 3 GB RAM X Great battery life X $299 with contract Nokia Lumia 1020 LG G Flex X 41 megapixel camera X Niche phone for photographers X µGLVSOD\ X Windows Phone 8 OS X Dual core processor X $299 X AT&T X µFXUYHGGLVSOD\ X 13 megapixel camera X Flexible battery X Self-healing cover X Quad-core processor 3 2/10/2014 Google Nexus 5 iPad Air X 1 pound X Lighter and thiNNer X Android than predecessor X µ'LVSOD\ X µ5HWLQD'LVSOD\ X Quad Core Processor X Faster processor X 2 GB RAM X Longer battery life X 8 megapixel camera X iOS 7 X $349 with no contract X Starts at $499 Microsoft Surface Pro 2 Samsung Galaxy Note Pro (12.2) X µ+''LVSOD\ X µ$QGURLG7DEOHW X Realistic virtual keyboard X USB 3.0 port, microSDXC card slot, X Stylus X Octa Core Processor mini Display port X Multitasking interface X Release Q1 2014 X Windows 8.1 Pro X Hancom Office software X 4th Gen Intel Core i5 processor X Starts at $899 4 2/10/2014 Lenovo ThiNkPad 8 AmazoN KiNdle Fire HDX 8.9 X µ7RXFKVFUHHQ Tablet X µ7RXFKVFUHHQ7DEOHW X Windows 8.1 X HD Display X Ships with Microsoft X Quad core processor Office X /LYHVXSSRUWYLD´0D\GD\µ X 10 megapixel camera buttoN (+ 2 mp front facing X Amazon App Store camera) X 13.2 ounces X Micro USB 3.0 and Micro-HDMI ports X Starts at $339 X Quad Core Processor X 14.7 ounces X Starts at $379 Google Nexus 7 Issues With Mobile Devices in the Workplace X µ7RXFKVFUHHQ Display X BYOD X Android OS X BriNg Your OwN Device X Quad Core processor X Co-miNgliNg of personal data aNd compaNy data X 2GB RAM X CompaNy data resides on Non-corporate-protected devices X Starts at $200 X CompaNy data susceptible to hackiNg exploits X What happeNs wheN employee leaves compaNy? X COPE X CompaNy OwNed / Personally Enabled X Employee privacy concerns X CompaNy liability 5 2/10/2014 Mobile Device MaNagement (MDM) X Should allow separation of personal/corporate data X Over the air distribution of apps, data, and configuration changes X Remote wipe capability X Support multiple phone OS (at least Android and iOS) X Some MDM applications to consider X AirWatch Agile: X AmTel MDM Nimble; able to move quickly aNd with suppleNess, X MobileIron skill, aN coNtrol X ZeNprise X Microsoft, IBM, SymaNtec Cloud Storage Private Cloud X Privacy X You possess the data repository X Reliability X No recurring monthly charge X Ethics X Easily scalable X ´8QDXWKRUL]HGµ$FFHVV X Source internet coNNection ² potential bottleneck X Firm Policy X Read the EULAs (End User License Agreements) 6 2/10/2014 Secure Cloud Service Dexpot X Data resides with trusted third party X Create multiple vendor virtual desktops X Vendor does not possess decryption key, X Quickly switch caNNot read data between X May user options, such as user access desktops notification and expiring links X Move and copy X More expensive than less secure cloud applications storage services between desktops X X Risk of company going out of business Free for private use X www.dexpot.de Smart Watches HoverCam Mini 5 ´:HDUDEOH7HFKµ X Galaxy Gear X Portable Document Camera X Pebble X Scanner X Toq X 5 megapixel camera X Neptune Pine X Autofocus and lock X Burg X Fits in pocket X Archos X $249 7 2/10/2014 Uber Doorbot X Began in CA, expanding X Wireless video doorbell throughout US X CoNNects to smartphone/tablet X Uber app for smart phone X Wireless with 1 year battery X Click to request car or coNNect to doorbell wiring X 6HHGULYHU·VURXWHWR\RX X Use with Lockitron to open door remotely X Cashless X Getdoorbot.com X Split fare X $199 X www.uber.com HeyDay iBag X Tech solution for impulse shoppers X Auto-journaling app for your X Uses RFID tracking to smartphone record every time you take out your wallet X Available on iOS and Android X Program bag to shut X Keeps track of places you go and during most vulnerable things you see times of day X 6HQGVWH[WWR´UHVSRQVLEOH X Search your life history by time, RWKHUµLIWKHUHLVD place, and people spending relapse X 'RHVQ·WVKDUHRQOLQH SULYDWH X :DUQLQJOLJKWVLQ´GDQJHU ]RQHµ X www.hey.co X http://www.creditcardfiN X Free der.com.au/ibag 8 2/10/2014 iDair Kolibree Toothbrush X Touchless fingerprint X :RUOG·VILUVWFRQQHFWHG X INNerID: smartphone electric toothbrush app X ´$GGVLQWHOOLJHQFHWR\RXU X ONEprint: streamlined EUXVKLQJµ identity verification X Every brushing recorded system and sent to mobile X AIRprint: collects dashboard fingerprints at distance X 0RELOHDSS´VFRUHVµHDFK up to 6 feet. brushing X www.idairco.com X www.kolibree.com Lapka BAM ² Breath Alcohol Call Me Gloves Monitor X Speaker in left thumb X Portable Breathalyzer X Microphone in left pinkie X Hold black ceramic cylinder in X Pairs wirelessly with hand phone via Bluetooth X Blow 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X 300 lumeNs X www.bemwireless.com X 3URMHFWµLPDJHIURPIW away X HDMI iNput X $875 X www.bhphotovideo.com 10 2/10/2014 PC Decrapifier BoxCryptor X *HWVULGRI´EORDWZDUHµ SUH- X Windows desktop app installed extraneous software on new X Creates encrypted folder for cloud PCs) storage X Drag and drop files for secure X Choose the garbage you want taken storage out X AES-256 security standard X 1RLQVWDOO«FDQUXQIURPSRUWDEOH86% X Cannot open files without password drive X No lost password retrieval X Free download X www.boxcryptor.com X www.pcdecrapifier.com X FREE Phrase Express f.lux X Adapts color of X Autotext on steroids computer screen to X Store and organize frequently time of day used text snippets X Reduces eye straiN X Automate repetitive tasks X Sleep better X Auto-complete text input X Available for X Windows clipboard history Windows, Mac, iPhone/iPad X FREE X FREE X www.phraseexpress.com X www.justgetflux.com 11 2/10/2014 iKettle Activity aNd Sleep Trackers X Smart wifi kettle X Pre-boil water via app X Save up to 2 days a X Fitbit year in time X Jawbone UP X Kettle notifies you X Nike FuelBand when water is ready X Reign X www.wifikettle.com X iHealth X $160 WordRake Fujitsu ScanSnap SV600 X Editing software for lawyers X Auto checks for clarity and brevity X Free 3-day trial X Contactless Scanner X $99/year X One-button overhead scaNNing X www.wordrake.com technology X Scan bound material and flat documents X www.fujitsu.com/sc ansnap 12 2/10/2014 Beam X Remote presence technology X %HVHHQDQGKHDUGZKHQ\RX·UHQRWUHDOO\WKHUH X µ/&'VFUHHQ X Wi-Fi enabled X $1,995 X www.suitabletech.com HOSTILE (Disruptive) CuttiNg-edge techNology that disrupts the Normative aNd is hostile to the old way of doiNg thiNgs Google Glass Curved TV/Monitors X Used in theaters for years X Now available in consumer X Take photos/videos hands free market X Voice commands X Image equidistant from eyes X Share what you see X Maximize viewers field of X Privacy concerns visioN X Many potential useful applications X Hype? X www.google.com/glass X $1500 13 2/10/2014 3D PrintiNg INternet Of ThiNgs X ´$GGLWLYH X 'HILQLWLRQ´$ZRUOGZKHUHSK\VLFDOREMHFWVDUHVHDPOHVVO\ 0DQXIDFWXULQJµ integrated into the information network, and where the physical REMHFWVFDQEHFRPHDFWLYHSDUWLFLSDQWVLQEXVLQHVVSURFHVVHVµ X Industrial robot (SAP) X Creates 3 dimensional X RFID (Radio Frequency ID) precursor object from digital model X 26 billion devices on IOT by 2020 (Gartner) X Applications are endless X Manufacturing revolutioN X Domestic 3D printers for creation of household products Internet Of Things Internet Of Things µ,IZHKDGcomputers that knew everything ´7RGD\FRPSXWHUV-- and, therefore, the there was to know about things³using data Internet -- are almost wholly dependent on they gathered without any help from us³we human beings for information.
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