WILLAMETTE PAJRMER: PORTLAND, OREGON, JUNE 8, H83. STATE & TERRITORIAL NEWS. Hsying has commenced in different locali- ties and will very soon be in lull blait ACME PULVERIZING HARROW, The Aurora literary society will r'ivo a pic- everywhere. The hay crop is good in every CMiHB, nic at Aurora June 8th. respect. B & GO. H.TO CLOD CRUSHER AND LEVELER. SU00E88Ort8 Hawley, Dodd Co., There will be a trot tor three-year-ol- ds at The house and bam o John Beer's ranch Vino Walla Walla June 16. For the July races on the Willanch slough, Coos county, was Front, First and Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON, the stables are full of horses. Liberal purses burned on Wednesday of last week. Lois importers or are offered $2,000. SD-TJLJEE, HjROIfcT -I- JSJZZJD STEEL, Millers are oflerins 70 cents per bushel for Indian Joe, who shot George Jordan at AND wheat at Walla Walla, and are eager buyers Empire two weeks ago, was after at that figure. It is thought that there is Jordan's death, brought before Justice FARM MACHINERY. 50,000 bushels in the hands of the Hyde, held to answer before farmers. in $400 bail We are Sole Agents for the following Celebrated Implements I the Grand Jury, and sent to jail in default of Walla Walla Statesman: The grain bail. A3STT) throughout the country never looked better BTJOKEYB MOWBB REAPER. than at present, nor the prospects of our Jacksonville Timet : There is a difference farmsrs brighter. We hare received some of opinion as to where railroad depots will be samples of white wheat well headed and located. Several parties near the middle of nearly five feet in height. Some bald barley the valley think one will be located on their from the ranch of H. P. Isaacs will be ready land, and some of them are liable to be dis- BjTPSjSi- - Wfc kjsjkr yi - for the reaper in about two eeks. It is now appointed. The depot for this place will over three feet high. probably be located about five miles east of us. On Monday. May 28, near Winlock, at the the camp of J. M. Ulark At (Jo., a man by the Whitman county, W. T., proposes to ho'd name of John Tranbcrg wai instantly killed a fair next fall. - off T3 gfS by a fallen tree. He was soma 200 yards At La Conner a project is being discussed pjff jmM from the other men, and had just felled a to found a hospital for sick or disabled yw&m&mm tree, which, in falling, struck a dead tree beggars. Weighs iniitli less tlinn any other Pulverizing Harrow; Sells at BUCKEYE ON THE ROAD. IUTCKEYK KKArKR. standing cloe by and broke off the top, which These machines are loo well known to need comment. Thousands of fanners here fell upon him unawares and broke his neck, H. L. Bowmer is now associated with E. about one-thir- d less, and withnl, docs the best work Hen, and all speak ot them with praise. They are In every way the n plus ultra of UarreaiSS death ensuing mediately. His trends reside N. Sweet in the publication of the Colfax of Any. II II n.M.WWUJlCAKC 3U1 IUB in Chicago, aud were notified at once of the Vidette. Tim ACMR lia.4 been snMcctnl to the most thorruszh practical teats In all feci Ions of the countrv. and tbas jt sad was buried in the grave- accident. He I Gliesman claims to have been garroted taint d a wide spn ad p pularlt. it has I ten proven to be adapted to a gnat ariety cf soils, and is thcbist yard at Winlock. and robbed of $135 at Seattle, last Thursday implement ot Its clas vet oiouuced. X3TH 111 exterminate Wild Oats better than anj other implement made. James L. McCormick, special agent of the night. Send for Descriptive Catalogue and Price-Lis- t. is in looking general land office, Roseburj, convenes 18th. of Court at Dayton Jnne after the interests the government. He are 119 on filed making from There cases the docktt, all J. I. CASE THRESHING MACHINE COMPAKYS ENGINES, wis fourteen days the trip since October 7th. Washington to Oregon, over the Northern THRESHERS, HEADERS AND SAW MILLS. Pacific. He expresses himself well pleased Rye, wheat and barley between Waits-bur- g with this section, and states that between and Walla Walla is heading out, which Studebaker Farm and Spring Wagons, Buggies & Carriages. Portland he saw the best looking county that is a reminder that harvest will sonn be at WHsiM AND ALSO THE he has seen on tho entire trip. hand. mmtxiii.v.i'S'yo3CtIjukssdhoiw mMmgszMe-r-i2Z- i CtryfHsn5 7 J. I. Case Plow Company's Sulky and Walking Plows. Cultiva- - App'egata correspondence to the Jackson- The examination of John Montague, at tors ville Sentinel says : With the return of the Walla Walla, for the shooting of Chas. and Harrows. rfOi crops Weiapr. Weijer IIOOMt.lt 8F.EDER8, MZrasinT'?.1z T warm weather are erowine verv nicelv. has been rtofitDoned. shows DRILLS ANIl SULKV 1IA1 RAKE. ..: f.'-- Wheat and oats promise well, barley ordi- symptoms of blood poisoning. r?'3.I; "?'... nary and corn rather backward. Vegetables The town of Pullman is situated about six SEr.IT-I32PTI3E- R. look better, least some better than last Asrmt, at miles of Kamiac Butte, fourteen milles TttE BUCKEYE TWINE should be a good year south 208 to 214 Front St., foot of Salmon. Portland, Oregon. The Buckeye Binder made Its (list appcariinco In 1881. It Is ,t louioIu itlun ut tint lliirkf) year, and there the Palonse City, on Harvester the Twine Binder, nil .mil immense. from and about midway a Gen'l Agents Oregon, Washington & and Appleby and combines that Is e. lhnt. nmihy In thr crop will be simply I cannot speak direct line from Colfax to Moscow. Northern Idaho. puny Binders that seek a share of the public patronage. It tins hncu thoroughly tested In our own of a huge crop of fruit, for a frost got away Harvest fields, and many Improvements have been added for Ik.v. and in now olTcrcd, It I" beyond with the greater part, still there will be The United States survey schooner, Ernest, question the best Harrttttr in tlu world. We aie alirt Sole Aitepti f"' tin- - some. The Dungartee peach crop will be is now in Gray's Harbor engaged in making a Oregon Railway and Naviga- EUROPEAN STEAMSHIP TICKETS. $ CANTON PITT THRESHEH, MONITOR UPRIGHT FARM EPJQIKE, immense. government survey of that body of water. Haines' Genuine Headers, Schuttler Farm Wagons, John Dc k Moline Plows, She will probably remain during Democrat: Last Wednesday W. the entire tion Company. Conference Rates. Special Alb my season, and the work done by those in charge Send for Circular and Price IAtt. L. arrived in this city direct from Prine-vil- e Tickets sold to and Lyle of her will effectually, and for all time from all pru of Europe ; to and - -- after a trip of four and a half days. OCEAN DIVISION. from a'l points of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Sole Agents for HAISH BARBED WIRE- Best in use officially settle the question as to the depth of Montana Ther is now only about nine miles of snow at lirrnlly Itrilurcd mill lowest To, i on bar, and in different chan- slble Kales over the following lines : is feet deep. While on his water the the Between San Fravnelaro and I'ortland. which about two nels of the harbor. way across he passed six wagon teams coming Leaving San I rancisco at 10 A. m. North German Lloyd Steamship Co., C,II.n01I & CO., Front, First A Yinc Sts., Portland, Oregon. this way, and not one going to Prineville. ChehalU Vidette ; There is a large force of State ot 'ncen Hamburg: American Packet Co., Ho that it may safely be said that wagons can men engaged at the head of the bav in dig Columbia. California. Oregon. of til Pacific cross the mountains now without much ging muck, sanding, fluming and the other White Star Line Steamship Co., trouble. Mr. Lvle was accompanied as far as operations attendant on the planting of a June.! June S June ., 2 June. Red Star Line Steamahip Co., CALIFORNIA SPRING TOOTH HAR- Brownsville by Luce Nichols, and will return cranberry marsh. They are preparing a large June. June. ... 17 June II June. American in a few days by the same route which he number of acres for plants, and if the experi July.. June 29 June 20 July Line Steamship Co. ROW, CULTIVATOR & SEEDER. came. prove a success, July. Julj .11 July. July Apply rcrsonally or by letter to ment snouia ana trie gentle July. July .2i Julj 50 Jul) MANUFACTURED ONLY BY in charge, a man of large experience, is The Tacoma Land Company are to erect a man Oldendorff, Harvey & Leahy, Agents sure it will, it will open the way for a remu- Leave Portland at 12 00 o'clock, Midnight. large hotel at Tacoma. .No. 10 Wanlilngloii SI & WYLIE. 4 BATCHELOR nerative industry, as there are thousands of June. 1 June. 4 June.. 7June reel, J. K. Lewis and associates have procured acres of marsh land in every way suitable for June ..13 June... 22 June. 10 June. .16 (National Dank Building), i July . 1 June ..2S establish a national bank if county. June"". ...4 Jul. - fc M authority to at cranberry culture in acinc July . 7 Jul ...It) July.
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