Volume 39 'July.11972. Number 2 PROCEEDINGS The Helminthological Sodety of Washington / ;/ 'A IsemiaJmua/ journal of research ideVof^cl f6: • " ^Helminthology and all branches of Parasitology} ; V -^( ;- .' •'"/"•'" ' '"!. v/V'c ,:.;--.• , •. •;',.;'' • ..;,'. -: •,-'.;-"\ . ' '•"..'•'./•"-; ,.-r - ^ )' > V •'•: .-:' ;"' •< ;. ' ^ >-. •'•;. / •'-,,'•' .•,-".;' ~ Supported^n part by the , •' {- •'•} ' -^''; •':^'.-":"-v;7 : i p ; Bray ton H. Ransom Memorial Trust Fund ; " ^ :'' . ^ : \1) Subscription $9.00 a Volume; Foreign; $9:50 - ' :T'^',.";""-;': ft^ "'"^ ;::'v ..'ICONTENTS.-V-:. .'-? '-->-. ;.-y'.'".v;> v"""' i , ALLEN^ M. W- AND fe. M,! NOFFSINGER.<•• A Review of the Germs Zeldia<< , Thprne, 1937 (Nematoda: Cephalobidae) with Descr^ptibns of SevenjNew ' s ; '7 Species _....?/.. ^ v-...i—......... ......1. .-.. ^---,../.-; _i___ ;_._^..J_.J._—..^ '206 ALLEN, W." R. .111 AND REINARD /HARKEMA. / Histochemieal Enzyme Studies on , . i Pharyngostomoideb /adenocephala .Beckerdite, Miller, ar^d Harkerh^ai 1971 (•',..:".''• (Trematoda: Diplostomatidae)—.:_. —l...-!..-.:...^---!;.'...!..—_..-—.:--.-„-„„..„. 151 AUSTIN, R.; MARSHALL AND BERNARD FRIED. Survival,. Woun'd Healing/-and ^ Development in Laboratory-Injured Trematode ' Metacercariae ' of Leuco- chloridiomorpha Konstantiae .„„.._.-:.-i;-._..^J..!^.!..1—:- „..1^._ ...-i_.l L 258 BILQEES,,FATIMA iMyjiB. Marine Pish Trematpdes of W. Pakistani - XII., A ^ New Genus, Paradiplobulbiis, including TWO Species, P: isorchis said P. • '\' heterochis' „„; _•_._.l_i__"_ —..„: LLlw~l-.r.^iJ.-.._.L-L-..:^.—:,_l..i,.._,^....v..:.^.. 249 s« ,':'''''••'-'/'"•'" ' '" •'' ' v -' • ••-.,'- • . ' : •- • ' , — ., : ; •': BLANKESEOOR, HARVEY D. AND MARTIN J. ULMER. Prosthodendrium volaticum sp". n. (Trematoda:. Lecithodendriidae) from Two Species oflloWa Bats ,.±i.±. ^224 CARTER, Q. STEPHEN ANt>j FRANK J. ETGES. A Redescription of AcanthostOmum ] marajoarum (Teixeifa^ de Freitas and Lent, 1938) with Notes oh the 'Sub- ' * family Acanthostomatinae X^icplli 1914) JHugheSj^Higginbptham, and Clary, '•'•• 1942, (Trematoda: Acanthostomatidae) >-_----:._i.Lil,....:L-..---_,.-..-.-.-.--:-l..,-.-.., 234 GONSfiTUTiON. ^J/he Helminthplogical Society of Washington Constitution ..'I... 271 Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington HELMINTHptOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON . - - i THJE SOGjf£3"Y meets once a mpnth fifom October thrpugh May for the presentation and discussion of papers/in any and all branches of parasitology or related sciences. All interested persons are invitied to attend.- '/ ''^ •',' . 'v /,'•/ "'•' v • ^: '•' |! '"": ' :.V-''^ •.";'"'\ "• if' '['• './'.'•' ''•'-< . 'pWsoris interested in membership in tJieHelrriirithologicail Society "of Washington may obtain •application^blanks from'the Corresponding $ ecretai^-Txeasurerj 33r^ Robert S. Isenstein^ Natipnal Animal Parasite Laboratory, Agricultural, Research Service; , jBel^sville, Maryland 20705. A year's subscription t6, flhe Proceedings is included in .the annual ^dues ($8lOO)v/ ' -~; -J •-,]'^ '--'V ' • f' ft^ [.' ' '• '--.• '.? ' >:r ••-' '^i. '•• ' •'" • -fi •''£' - /; ; '•'• '"• :' '> '"*"• k^' ' '^:'i$ ;"' '^ •?-" ' 1*1;-, - ' V ' '?^i '•',-'• OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY FOR -1972, "f.^v''. , l^^- -,:'''' EDNA M. BUHRER y; / ,< •.''')' .,;j:> '-.. \ .- ;.;^/:; 't -"^'V' '•>.> ;..- ^\-4; '>./ President: THOMAS K. >SA\^YER ' • ' f /Vf'-X^' '-: ';; '--4 :^>&>: '• Corresponding Secretflnj-T^easurer: RO13ERT S. ISE^fSTEIN : •'';, ; > ^ S ^ ' ^ Assistant Gori-bsponding Secretqry-Trefisurer: WILLIAM R. JSIICKLE y ^/:. :,/ : .,y ; ..-A;'\-'- ^' •[ '-'•V-IV ••• > vc- ^'^/V.'V'f.V M. ^UMPHREY: (1962- V't/:'"-' ^:'^'^r ' ::V,":'X : K^«; ^ 'J'Jfi'''--' JUDITH, M. HUMPHREY^ 1970- . /); -;.'-"\.- 'o W/./'!;^; ' . *-'' :;''^; ~ Representative to /the Washington Academy of Sciences: JAMES H. TURlSlER f 1972- ; ) ; ^Representative to the American Society of Parasitologists,: . ~ ^x(; 'V ,^( -; W/L'UTTiSRMOSERx:{1969-;',;); sj'.* ''-; '. v j,<cfev ;' (J'V^ K'&.^>^ 'Cojnmittee Membets-at-Large: .AURELO. \FOSTER, 1973 Ct^C'^-i'-j '' ''•'. ^ ''= '- ••' ' •TTO, ,1973- -/v^'r', ""; ,'^' ' -i, PACHECO, ' G. POWERS, THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON /*' :•; THE tPJROCEEDINGS are published /semianpuajly at Lawrence, Kansas by the Helmintho-r .logical Society /of Washingtdn. Papers needx not be presented at a ', meeting to be 'published 'in the Proceedings. , However, , non-members may publish in the JPrpCjeetSlings only if they ^ cost^bf putoUcation. : .'." ':,::!'':^ • iH,:;-;;;': ; ';;;' *?i&\: ••• '•''< ' 'MANUSCRIPTS should be sent Wthe EDlTC3iR,;Hafley G. Sheffield, Laboratdry x>f ^Parasitic Diseases, Building 5.,; Room 112, National Institutes of Health, 'feethesda, Maryland 20014. Manuscripts must be typewritten, -dpuble spaced^ , and in finished t'iorm;'-' The^original and one .copy ar,e required./ Photpcppies Pf ;figures ;and drawings may be fsi^bmitted for 5review\purpPses; originals \ylir be (requested after- acceptance of the manuscript. Papers arey accepted with jthe understanding that thej^ 'Will be published only invthe Proceedings.: - '' '•'•'•'..'" ^REPRINTS Way be ordered from the iPRINTER i; at the same-time^ the; corrected 'proof ;-.'-";"' iifV?.^-/"/ ';.."!i^'/-- ?•''•'., " v:;; . -< •. • . ' ' -. .' i' ' . • -- ' -Mi -.-^ . - ' ; >' >'"' ' ' . >•• ' " • ••• ' ''BACK VOLUMES ', of the Proceedings are available. Inquiries 'concerning Iback volumes and current subscriptions: should 'be idirected to: Hehninthological Society of Washington, 'tv'o Allen Press^xlnc,, 1Q41 JNew Hampshire St., Lawrence'r Kansas '66044, !tJYS.A.:/ v ,:':•}'• ,•''• '.i • v '•' •' •'• ! •,'' . - ^/ " " .. - • -• '•• • • ;" '^ .'•!_. vi o'\.- - "•• '.'•„' .' j^BlJSINESS OFFICE. The; Society's business office 'is U^t Lawrence, JKansas. All 'inquiries; concerning subscriptidns or v back issues and all v payments for dues, subscriptions, 'anjd'- ''badk! issues should be addressed ltP: Helrnintliological Society bf; Washington, c/o Allen Press, Inc., 1 i041^New Hampshire Stv Lawrence, -Kansas 66044, tf-S.A. **. / I :l '[', '?•?' *: 'i ; :__.'' (V V .' ' .: - , ... .: . •'.'•- .' :;- •>- .G. SHEFFIELD, 'GUILLERMO PACHECO, .Assistaixt-Editor «/•; ^' • ' * • x • ••'• • * " - ' ' - L: BULLQCK ?5 , ALLEN IvMNTOSH ^ BELLE CHITWpOQ WILLIAM H. NICKLE HAFISCHTHAL ' GILBERT ;F. OTTO A1 WILLIAM If. HARGIS, , JR7;) 3DEWEY J. RASKI ; - feLENN L. HOFFMAN ' •' .ARMEN C: TARJAN , : LOREN B. KRUSBERG v; . yETTERLING ; WEINSTEIN ,••- Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington ,'v, •'-/• PROCEEDINGS OF THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON VOLUME 39 JULY 1972 NUMBER 2 Histochemical Enzyme Studies on Pharyngostomoides adenocephala Beckerdite, Miller, and Harkema, 1971 (Trematoda: Diplostomatidae) W. R. ALLEN, III AND REINARD HAHKEMA Department of Zoology, North Carolina State University at Raleigh 27607 ABSTRACT: Pharyngostomoides adenocephala, a trematode parasitic in the small intestine of the raccoon, was studied histochemically for carboxylic esterase, and acid and alkaline phosphatase activity. Fresh- frozen material or specimens prefixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin, Baker's calcium-formalin, or 5% glutaraldehyde, were sectioned at 10 p. in a cryostat. Carboxylic esterase substrates employed with appropriate inhibitors were: 5-bromoindoxyl acetate, alpha-naphthyl acetate, acetylthiocholine iodide, and butyrylthiocholine iodide. Acetylcholinesterases were localized in the oral sucker and associated sub- tegumentary cells, pseudosuckers and associated glands, pharynx, ceca, acetabulum, holdfast organ, subteg- ument, nerve tissue, genital papilla, and excretory pore. No pseudocholinesterase was found. Nonspe- cific esterases were demonstrated in the oral sucker and associated subtegumentary cells, pseudosuckers and associated glands, acetabulum, holdfast organ, epithelial covering of the testes, and the ovary. So- dium alpha-naphthyl acid phosphate was used to test for both phosphatases, Gomori's lead method for acid phosphatase, and calcium cobalt (Gomori) for alkaline phosphatase. Acid phosphatase was indi- cated in the cecal cells and cecal content, and in the holdfast organ. Alkaline phosphatase was demon- strated in the epithelial covering of the testes, and the ovary. One of the current trends in parasitological (1965, 1966a, b), Bogitsh (1966b), and John- studies is the use of histochemical techniques son et al. (1971) examined several strigeoid to localize enzymes which may play an impor- treinatodes for acid and alkaline phosphatase. tant role in the general physiology, feeding Becejac and Krvavica (1964), Berry et al. habits, and mode of attachment of the parasite (1968), and Thorpe (1968) demonstrated acid to the host tissue. and/or alkaline phosphatase in F. hepatica. A few trematodes of the families Strigeidae, This histochemical study on Pharyngosfo- Cyathocotylidae, and Diplostomatidae have moides adenocephala, a strigeoid trematode been studied histochemically for carboxylic found in the small intestine of the raccoon, esterase activity (Lee, 1962, 1966; Erasmus, was undertaken to aid in the clarification of 1967; Erasmus and Oilman, 1963; Ohman, the metabolism of this parasite and further 1964a, b, 1965, 1966a, b; Bogitsh, 1966a; elucidate the host-parasite relationship. Reid and Harkema, 1970). Fasciola hepatica Linnaeus, 1758, has been examined extensively Materials and Methods for carboxylic esterase activity (Halton, 1963, 1967a; Panitz and Knapp, 1967; Pantelouris, Live trematodes were removed
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