Modena, Berlin Robert Longo

Modena, Berlin Robert Longo

GALLERIA MAZZOLI - MODENA, BERLIN WWW.GALLERIAMAZZOLI.COM ROBERT LONGO IT Nato nel 1953 a Brooklyn, vive e lavora a Ne !ork. Nel corso $e%li anni Lon%o &a e#'lorato e st($iato le )or*e )on$amentali "&e +(ovono %li esseri (+ani e l,(niverso. Nel -... e nel -..5 &a ten(to $(e +ostre alla Galleria Maz*oli. Nella +ostra $el -... troviamo il 'ri+o 'rinci'ale %r(''o $i o'ere reali**ato, ovvero Men in the Cities /19791192-3, il ciclo $ei Combines $e%li anni Ottanta e, in)ine, 5 i+'ortanti cicli $e%li anni Novanta e 4(e+ila. Lon%o nei Men in the Cities e#'lora l,aspetto sociale $el 'otere, rap'resentan$olo +eta)oricamente +e$iante )i%(re $an*anti "on ele%anti abiti neri "&e se+5rano essere state sotto'o#te allo #&ock $i (na scossa elettrica +a "&e in realtà, )orse, non +ani)e#tano altro "&e il $isagio '#icolo%ico causato $alla 'ressione sociale. La $o+an$a "&e si 'oneva Lon%o era7 89tanno $an*an$o o stanno +oren$o:;. Verso la +età $e%li anni Ottanta 'ro5abil+ente "o+in"iava a sentire "&e =(elle )i%(re erano $iventate i+'otenti, isolate, travolte $a )or*e +isteriose7 nacq(ero "o#> i Combines, o'ere "&e se+5rano in%lo5are lo #"ontro $i =(elle %ran$i )or*e, "&e Lon%o cerca $i #+ascherare, le %ran$i )or*e %eo1sociolo%i"&e. Le o'ere $ei cicli $e%li anni Novanta in +ostra, "o+e Black Flags /199.3, Bodyhammers /199?3, Johnny Mnemonic /19953 e Magellan /199@3, se+5rano ri)lettere (n 'ercorso critico nelle varie #)ere $el 'otere. Lon%o #(cce##ivamente cam5ia la $ire*ione $ella #(a ricerca #'ostan$ola verso 'oteri "&e vanno oltre la so%lia $el controllo $ell,in$ivi$(o, in$agan$o an"&e le )or+e $el 'otere $ella nat(ra: in The Wave Series, $el -... e#'lora il 'otere +ae#to#o e incontrollabile $ella )or*a $elle on$e, +etafora $i (n 'otere 'iA %ran$e, =(ello $ella )or*a $ell,(niverso. I disegni di Freud, reali**ati nello stesso 'erio$o, se+5rano voler "ontin(are =(ella ricerca +a in$a%an$o le )or*e co#> co+e si +ostrano nella +ente (+ana. L,artista son$a an"&e (n,altra )or+a $i 'otere, =(ello $elle 5o+5e. Il 'ercor#o arti#tico $i Lon%o trova sintesi in Fire, Water, Rock, +ostra ten(ta alla Galleria Maz*oli nel -..5, con o'ere reali**ate $al -..3 al -..5. Il titolo evoca il 'otere $ell,(niverso e la #(a ener%ia, %estito non solo $a%li esseri (+ani, +a an"&e $ai #(oi ste##i ele+enti7 ar+i, 5o+5e, on$e, 'ianeti, rivelano le $iverse )or+e $el 'otere, $a =(ello (+ano a =(ello nat(rale. Le ar+i e le 5o+5e ci +ostrano il 'otere ne%ativo $ella +ente (+ana, le on$e e i 'ianeti ci con$(cono invece verso (na ri)lessione "&e va oltre l,insi%ni)icante 'resen*a (+ana #(lla terra, se rap'ortata al +i#tero, alla )or*a, all,in)init6 $ell,(niverso "&e racchi($e inattin%i5ili verit6 #(l senso $ell, ener%ia "&e lo +(ove, il senso )orse $ella vita stessa. Ro5ert Lon%o invita a ri)lettere #(l te+a $el 'otere e $ell,a(torit6 an"&e in altre serie $i o'ere in "(i rap'resenta 5an$iere americane annerite, 'istole $i %ran$i $i+ensioni, ti%ri, ice5er%, vescovi $i #'alle, catte$rali, sinago%&e, +o#"&ee e $onne "on 5(rka. Bonte7 C)r. RICCARD MILAZZO, Robert Longo, Fire, Water, Rock, E+ilio Maz*oli e$itore, Mo$ena, -..5 EN Ro5ert Lon%o as 5orn in Brooklyn, Ne !ork in 1953. Ce lives an$ orks in Ne !ork. Over t&e year#, Lon%o &as eD'lore$ an$ st($ie$ t&e )(n$amental )orces t&at +ove &(+an 5ein%# an$ t&e (niverse. In -... an$ in -..5 &e &ad t o solo eD&i5itions at Galleria Maz*oli. E&e )irst o) t&ese 'resente$ &is )irst i+'ortant %ro(' o) orks kno n as Men in the Cities /19791192-3, t&e Combines series )ro+ t&e 2.#, an$ )ive i+'ortant serie# )ro+ t&e 9.s an$ t&e -...F#. In Men in the Cities, Lon%o eD'lore$ t&e social aspe"t o) 'o er, re'resentin% it +etap&orically as $ancin% )i%(re# in ele%ant 5lack #(its &o see+ to &ave 5een #(5Ge"te$ to ele"tric #&ock, 5(t in reality, are 'ro5ably not +ani)estin% anyt&in% else 5(t t&e '#y"&olo%ical $istress cause$ 5y social 're##(re. E&e =(e#tion t&at Lon%o 'ose$ as: 8Are t&ey $ancin% or are t&ey $yin%:; Eo ar$ t&e +i$$le o) t&e 2.#, Lon%o 'ro5a5ly came to )eel t&at t&ese )i%(re# &ad 5eco+e i+'otent, isolate$, an$ over &el+e$ 5y +y#terio(s )orce#. An$ t&(s, t&e Combines ere 5orn, orks t&at see+ to e+5o$y t&e "ollision o) t&e %iant )orces t&at Lon%o seeks to eD'ose, t&e %reater %eo1sociolo%ical )orce#. E&e orks in t&e serie# o) t&e 9.s, #("& as Black Flags /199.3, Bodyhammers /199?3, Johnny Mnemonic /19953 an$ Magellan /199@3, see+ to re)le"t a critical # ee' o) t&e vario(# #'&eres o) 'o er. Lon%o #(5se=(ently "&an%e$ t&e $irection o) &i# resear"&, +ovin% it to ar$ 'o ers t&at %o 5eyon$ t&e li+its o) in$ivi$(al control, inve#ti%atin% )or+s o) 'o er in nat(re too. In The Wave Series /-...3, t&e arti#t eD'lore$ t&e +ajestic an$ (ncontrollable 'o er o) t&e )orce o) aves, a +etap&or o) a +("& %reater 'o er, t&at o) t&e )orce o) t&e (niverse. Freud rawings, reali*e$ $(rin% t&e same 'erio$, see+s to ant to "ontin(e t&at resear"&, 5(t 5y eDaminin% t&e )orces as t&ey are reveale$ in t&e &(+an +in$. E&e arti#t also 'ro5e# anot&er )or+ o) 'o er, t&at o) 5o+5s. Lon%o,s artistic Go(rney reac&es a synt&esi# in Fire, Water, Rock, an eD&i5ition 'resente$ at Galleria Maz*oli in -..5, it& orks reali*e$ 5et een -..3 an$ -..5. E&e title re)ers to t&e 'o er o) t&e (niverse an$ its ener%y, controlle$ not only 5y &(+an 5ein%#, 5(t also 5y it# very ele+ents. Wea'ons, 5o+5s, aves, an$ 'lanet# reveal $i))erent )or+s o) 'o er, )ro+ t&e &(+an to t&e nat(ral. Weapons an$ 5o+5# ill(strate t&e ne%ative 'o er o) t&e &(+an +in$, &ereas aves an$ 'lanet# lead (# to re)lect 5eyon$ t&e insi%ni)icant 'resence o) +an on eart&, e#'ecially &en co+'are$ to t&e +y#tery, 'o er, an$ in)inity o) t&e (niverse &i"& "ontains an (nattaina5le tr(t& abo(t t&e +eanin% o) t&e ener%y t&at +oves it, 'er&aps abo(t t&e +eanin% o) li)e itsel). Ro5ert Lon%o also invite# (# to re)le"t ('on t&e #(5Ge"t o) 'o er an$ aut&ority in ot&er series o) orks in &i"& &e $e'ict# 5lackene$ A+erican )lag#, o(t#i*e$ 'istols, ti%ers, ice5er%#, 5i#&o's )ro+ 5e&in$, cat&e$rals, synago%(es, +o#=(es, an$ o+en in 5(r=as. 9o(rce7 RICCARD MILAZZO, Robert Longo, Fire, Water, Rock, E+ilio Maz*oli e$itore, Mo$ena, -..5. SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2016 Luminous iscontent, Galerie E&ad$ae(# Ro'ac, Haris, Brance 2015 The "nvention o# $ero, Galerie Cans Mayer, 4Issel$or), Ger+any 2014 %ang of Cosmos, Metro Hi"t(res, N! Strike the Sun, Het*el Gallery, N! 2013 &hantom 'essels, Galerie E&ad$ae(s Ro'ac, 9al*5(r%, A(stria 2012 The Ca(itol &roject, E&e Al$ri"& Muse(+, Connecti"(t STAN , Capitain Het*el Gallery, Berlin, Ger+any 2011 %od Machines, Galerie E&ad$ae(s Ro'ac, Haris, Brance Mysterious ,eart, Galeria 9ole$ad Loren*o, Madri$, 9'ain 2010 Robert Longo, J(nst&alle Wei#&au't, Kl+, Ger+any Robert Longo: Survey ./hibition 012345331, Muse( Berar$o, Li#5on, Hort(%al 2009 No Wave, 9AJ9 Gallery, Geneva, 9 it*erlan$ Robert Longo: Survey ./hibition 012345331, Musee 4FArt Mo$erne Et 4FArt Conte+'orain, Nice, Brance Surrendering the Absolutes, Metro Hict(re#, Ne !ork, N! ancing With Chains 6n, Galerie Cans Mayer, 4Issel$or), Ger+any 2008 Nights Bright ays, Mar%o Leavin Gallery, Los An%eles, CA "ntimate "mmensity, Galeria 9ole$ad Loren*o, Madri$, 9'ain 2007 Children o# Ny/, Metro Hict(re#, Ne !ork, N! Beginning of the World, Galerie Cans Mayer, 4Issel$or), Ger+any 2006 The 6utward and 'isible Signs o# an "nward and "nvisible %race, Metro Hi"t(res, Ne !ork, N! 6uroboros, Galerie Daniel Ee+'lon, Haris, Brance 2005 Robert Longo: Fire, Water, Rock 7533845339:, Galleria E+ilio Maz*oli, Mo$ena, Italy Something Wicked This Way Comes, Mar%o Leavin Gallery, Los An%eles, CA Robert Longo: ee( Silence, Mon"&e&aus Muse(+, Goslar, Ger+any 2004 The Sickness o# Reason, Metro Hi"t(res, Ne !ork, N! 2003 Lust of the .ye, Galeria 9ole$ad Loren*o, Madri$, 9'ain 2002 Monsters, Metro Hi"t(res, Ne !ork, N! Robert Longo: Sigmund Freud, LI$i#"&e# Muse(+, Berlin, Ger+any The Freud rawings, Museen Cau# Lan%e (n$ Cau# E#ter#, Kre)el$er J(nst+eseen, Kre)el$, Ger+anyM Al5ertina Muse(+, Vienna, A(stria 2001 The Freud rawings, Metro Hi"t(res, Ne !ork, N! 2000 Robert Longo: Su(erheroes, Li'anGe'(ntin Arteconte+'oranea, Erieste, Italy Robert Longo: 0123;5333, Galleria E+ilio Maz*oli, Mo$ena, Italy 1998 Robert Longo, Gallery Cott&e+, Bel%i(+M Cott&e+ Gallery, Barcelona, 9'ain 1997 Magellan, Metro Hi"t(res, Ne !ork, N! as Magellan &rojekt, J(nst&alle E(5in%en, E(5in%en, Ger+anyM J(nst&al Rotter$am, Rotter$am, E&e Net&erlan$#M J(nstalle Biele)el$, Biele)el$, Ger+any 'enice Biennale, Venice, Italy 1996 Robert Longo: <reu=e, Muse(+ Bri$erician(+, Kassel, Ger+any 1995 Robert Longo: A Retros(ective, E&e Isetan Muse(+ o) Art, Eokyo, La'anM A#&ikaga City Muse(+M Kirin Hlaza Art 9'ace, Osaka, Lapan Johnny &aintings, Galerie Gana-Beau5o(r%, Haris, BranceM Galerie LI'ke, Brank)(rt, Ger+any Johnny Mnemonic- Works on &a(er, Galerie E&ad$ae(s Ro'ac, Haris, Brance 1994 Robert Longo, Genere(D Gr(n al$ Gallery, Eoronto, Canada Robert Longo, Galerie Cans Mayer, 4Issel$or), Ger+any 1993 Bodyhammers- The Cult of the %un, Metro Hi"t(res, Ne !orkM Galerie E&a$$ae(# Ro'ac, 9al*5(r%, A(stria Robert Longo, Kleines Best#'iel&aus, 9al*5(r%, A(stria <illing Time, Galeria Loan Hrats, BarcelonaM Galeria Loan Hrats, Ne !ork 1992 When ,eaven and ,ell Change &laces, Galerie Cans Mayer, 4Issel$or), Ger+any reams With The Wrong Solutions, 9al*5(r% Gran$ O'era Co(se, 9al*5(r%, A(stria 1991 Robert Longo, Lin$a Cat&cart Gallery, Los An%eles, CA Robert Longo, EeDas Gallery, Co(ston, EN Robert Longo, Cam5(r%er J(nstverein an$ Dei"&tor&allen, Cam5(r%, Ger+any Faith in $ero &roject, Bive Gallery installation7 Galerie Daniel Ee+'lon, Galerie Antoine Can$au, Galerie E&ad$ae(# Ro'ac, A.B.

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