HAWAIIAN CHRONICLE VOL. 44. NO. 6 • . ІД ..i« f THe Reverend David P. Coon. The Reverend Gerald Gifford, his wife and his two daugh­ ters, Carrie Lee and Roxane. Please Remember . New Appointments in the Diocese In July and August we have no issues of the Hawaiian The Reverend Gerald G. Gifford, his wife, and two Church Chronicle. T he June issue has been published late small daughters will arrive on July 12th to take up their in order not to have the break so long. We urge those work at St. Stephen’s Mission, Wahiawa. He comes to who have not paid their subscriptions to do so now. We us from St. Bartholomew’s Church, New York City, where need your interest and support. he has been serving as Curate to D r. Anson P. Stokes, Jr., for the past two years. It is interesting to note that he was confirmed in St. Andrew’s Cathedral in December, 1944. Having served 58th General Convention of the in the Pacific area for three years during World W ar II, Episcopal Church to Come to Hawaii he felt that this was the field in which he wished to serve. Perhaps no more thrilling news has come to the Church He is a native of Columbus, Ohio. in Hawaii than that of June 17th, when our Presiding Dr. Stokes has commended him very highly and rejoices Bishop, the Most Reverend Henry Knox Sherrill, that he can return to the field he once enjoyed serving. announced that the 1955 General Convention of the ***** Church will be held in Honolulu. It is a breath-taking The Reverend David P. Coon and his wife arrived challenge for everyone of our faith in Hawaii, because it on June 29th to take up their work at St. James’ Mission, is going to mean a tremendous job for everyone, exciting Kamuela. as it may be to have such a responsibility given to us. This young clergyman needs no introduction to us, as In making his announcement, Bishop Sherrill said: he was one of our Postulants from Hawaii. He had come “Under the Provision of the Constitution of the Pro­ to us from Flint, Michigan, to teach at the Hawaii Epis­ testant Episcopal Church, Article 1, Section 7, I have copal Academy. He wanted to try himself before entering accepted the invitation of the Right Reverend Harry S. his chosen vocation. After being at the Academy for two Kennedy and the Missionary District of Honolulu to hold years, he decided that he wanted to go into the ministry, the General Convention in Honolulu, September 4-16, so entered as a Postulant of this District. He was 1955. ordained to the Diaconate on June 19th, in Flint, Michi­ “Due to all the circumstances, it is planned that this gan, by the Rt. Rev. Richard Stanley Merrill Emrich, act­ will be a greatly simplified Convention. Obviously the ing for Bishop Kennedy, so that he might have members great number of visitors usually present will not be able of his family present for his ordination. Our treasurer, to attend. Without extra gatherings and exhibits the task Mr. Joseph Reed, and his family were also present. They of the Convention will be confined to the essential official said that the service was very beautiful. business of the Church. The Rev. Mr. Coon and his wife need no introduction “Two questions will arise because of distance and to the people of Kamuela, since she was a student at the expense. Modern transportation facilities will be able to Academy before her marriage. Her family resides in Hilo. solve the former. In regard to the latter, it is hoped that ** Ч Г н 7 ‘ 4 * * ■ѵ '•« ,^ ЯЧ.“Ц'¥-" ■« Е,.' ІЬ • — — ц і , л І 'Л щ ш All Saints Church, Shimabukuro, Okinawa, which was dedi­ All Saints Church, as viewed from the road. cated on June 6th by the Rev. Canon William Heffner, assisted by the Rev. Stephen E. T. Kim and the Rev. Mr. Kim oto. a central fund may be obtained to assist those official dele­ gates who otherwise would not be able to attend. We m have met several times previously on the West Coast. The I Ж significant fact is that this will mark the first time that the General Convention has met in a Missionary District and in this case an overseas Missionary District. It is my conviction that this Convention will give tremendous impetus to our missionary work at home and aboard.” The Presiding Bishop said in his June 8th statement, when he made the decision not to hold the Convention in Houston, that it was “the most difficult and painful” deci­ ' } - I V . _ sion he had ever been called upon to make, but that he -- "_ * ■ . Г :.* ■ т Ш Ш т т ш ;>% "*i#- believed in “a time of crisis . the witness of our Church must be so clear that it need not be explained.” The Right Reverend Clinton S. Quin, Bishop of Texas, and well known to our people in Hawaii, since he was our Interior of All Saints Church, Okinawa. Convocation guest in 1951, announced to his press in All Saints Church, Okinawa, Dedicated Houston when he learned of the Presiding Bishop’s deci­ Sunday, June 6th, Whitsunday, the Rev. Canon W il­ sion, “I am so glad that they found a place where there is liam Heffner conducted the service of dedication for our no sin,” which is typical of his good humor. He wrote a new church at Shimabukuro, All Saints Church. He was very gracious letter to Bishop Kennedy, stating that he assisted by the Rev. Stephen E. T . Kim and the Rev. was looking forward with keen anticipation to being with Luke Teruo Kimoto. us in 1955. W e, in return, will look forward to seeing The new church, which has a seating capacity of 120 him and his gracious wife at that time. people, replaces the home of one of the members of All Each Diocese sends eight deputies (four clerical and Saints, which the congregation has been using for the past four lay) and one bishop to Convention; each Missionary two years. District one clerical and one lay delegate and five Woman’s A boys class of All Saints Church, Detroit, Michigan, Auxiliary delegates to the Woman’s Auxiliary Triennial helped assist with the erection of the church, as did our which usually meets at the same time and place as Con­ Church. In addition, the Okinawans themselves raised vention. over two hundred dollars. The Episcopal women on Oki­ We have the great honor to entertain General Conven­ nawa, through their Ascension Guild, gave pews from tion, but also the great responsibility of planning to be money raised through bake sales. Captain Benjamin Nauss, hosts to some 3000 mainland churchmen. There are 178 of the United States Army, whose hobby is woodworking, Bishops, of whom about 150 could be expected to attend, made and gave the cross. American churchmen of the over 600 deputies (clergy and laity) and over 500 delegates Island, through their offerings on Sundays, gave three to the Woman’s Auxiliary. Each group requires a separate hundred dollars toward the completion of the Church. meeting place. Continued on page 11 3 Bishop Kennedy is welcomed by the City of Seoul, Korea, and presented with the key to the city by Mayor of the Spe­ cial City of Seoul, Tai Sun Kim, because of his great inter­ est in the people of Korea. Civic Auditorium Will Be IJscd To Go to Okinawa For Convention The Reverend Harry S. Finkenstaedt will leave on The Civic Auditorium in Honolulu, seating 6000, will July 6th for Okinawa to assist the Rev. Canon W illiam be used for the Opening Service, the United Thank Offer­ Heffner with his work in our missions. ing Servicej and joint sessions of all three houses of Con­ The Rev. M r. Finkenstaedt has been at St. M atthew ’s vention. Mission, Waimanalo. He will be succeeded by the Rev­ We expect our guests to visit all of our Islands and we erend Mellick Belshaw, who will arrive August 10th to hope that special services may be planned on each Island. take up his duties there. We have been informed by the Visitors Bureau that We feel that this will mean much to Canon Heffner the largest convention to be held in Hawaii had 600 guests. to have the assistance of the Rev. Mr. Finkenstaedt and It gives us some idea of the task that lies before us. But the we send him forth with our Aloha and blessing. great joy of it all has been the wonderful response of our own people and those in the community. We have only Accepts Call to Wilmington, fourteen months in which to prepare for this, where ordi­ D e la w a r e narily a host Diocese has three years. We want our fellow The Very Reverend Richard M. Trelease, Jr., Dean Churchmen from all over the world to share the warmth of St. Andrew’s Cathedral, has accepted the call to St. of our Hawaiian hospitality. We look to each one of you, Andrew’s Church, Wilmington, Delaware. He and his when called upon, to say, “W hat wilt thou have me to family will leave Honolulu on July 20th, in order that do?” they may have a vacation before starting his work on September 1st. They will visit relatives in Kansas City, Hostel Started Missouri, enroute to Delaware. W ork on the new hostel has been started.
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