MARCH,1927 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW 135 Wendler, August. Meteoroiogical mcgaiine. London. v. 61. March, 1987. Dss Problem der technischen Wetterbeeinflussung. Hamburg. Brooks, C. E. P. An early essay in co-operative meteorology: 1927. 107 p, figs. 23 cm. (Probleme der kosmischen the great storm of 1703. p. 31-35. Physik. no. 9.) Fairgrieve, J. London fog, January 20th, 1927. p. 29-31. Wichtigste Ergebnisse der meteorologischen Beobachtungen in [With chart showing gradual advance of the fog in the city Hessen in dem zehnjahrigen Zeitraum 1911-1920 und in from 9 a. m. tu 4 p. m.] dem zwanzigjahrigen Zeitraum 1901-1920. Dsrmstadt. Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Mellish. p. 4&47. [Obituary.] nIdt3orologie. Pnris. 71. s. t. 3. 1927. 1926. 16 p. plates. 34 cm. (Anhang Deutschen met. Delcambre. Une applicntion imprevue de la m6t6orologie. Jahrbuch. Hessen. 1919 und 1920.) Conclusion d’un d6bat littbraire. p. 21-22. (Janvier.) Wiese, W. Hesselberg, Th. Ernst 0. Calwagen. p. 15-17. (Janvier.) Vergleich der im Sommer 1925 beobachteten Eisverhaltnisse [Obituary] im Barents- und Karischen Meer mit den vorhergesagten. Mellot, Arsene. Contribution B 1’6tude de laclimatologiede la p. 301-306. diagr. 254 cm. [Abstfact in German. Title France. p. 22-26. (Janvier.) [French weather records of and text also in Russian.] 17th, lSth & 19th centuries.] Per&, B. D6termination d’une region des cates francaises de RECENT PAPERS BEARING ON METEOROLOGY la hlanche et de 1’Atlantique le plus favorable h. une prise de films cinCmatugraphiques en jiiin et juillet. p. 64-67. The following titles have been selected froin the con- (FCrrier.) tents of the periodicals and serials recently received in Raymond, G. Alteration des etyles en aluminium des instru- ments enregistreurs dam les regions maritimes. p. 63-64. the library of the Weather Bureau. The t8itlesselecked (FQvrier.) are of papers and other communications bearing on Sanson, J. La m6t6urologie et l’agriculture en 1926. p. 54-62. meteorology and cognate branches of scienc,e. This is (FBvrier.) not a complete index of all the journals froin it Sat1o.e. London. 11. 119. Jfarch 19, 191:. Chapman, S. The wn, the earth’s atmosphere, and radio has been compiled. It shows only the articles that transmission. p. 425-429. appear to the compiler likely to be of particdar interest Natiire. Puris. 1 ni>r~l1927. in connection with the work of the Weather Bureau. Cabanbs. La “grancle esp6rience” de Pascal: Descartes ou Pascal? 13. 331-333. American journal of science. New Haven. (5) v. IS. February, Physiknlrche Zeitschrif’t. Lcipziq. 96. Jahrgang, no. 6. 1917. 1987. Dejmek, Joh. Znr Theorie der Wirbel. p. 19G-198. Schuchert, Charles. Winters in the Upper Devonian of New Maurer, H. Die Stronirichtung in Blitzen. p. 311-212. York and Acadia. p. 123-132. Po1ai:tl. Institut mltforologrque centrcil. Etudes meteorologLques et Annalen der Hydrographie uiid ma.ritiiiaen Meteorologie. Berlin. hydrographiqttes. J-ursouie. 196.5/1926. 66. Jahrgang. Januar 1997. Dobrowolski, A. B., & Wasik, J. The problem of the air and Georgi, J., & Rodewald, M. Auswertung zweier Flugzeug- water movements over the ground-unevenesses. p. 54-65;,, aufstiege zur Diagnose der Wetterlage. p. 6-4. Rittich, P. A. Coninlent observer “les systemes de nuages. Yarkgraf, Hans. Bericht iiber Messungen des luftelektri- p. 3-16. [In Polish.] schen Spannungsgefalles bei Hamburg 1925. p. S12. Renle nccadcniia dei Lincei. Atti. Ronia. Rcndiconti. v. (6)6, Meyer, H. Der Zyklon in Veracruz am 25. September 1936. fasc. S. 1937. p.: 25-26. Rod, G. Osservazioni sulla scintillazione delle stelle esequite Muller, W. Der Habana-Zyklon vom 20. Oktober 1926. ne1 R. Osservatorio del Campidoglio. p. 161-164. p. 26-27. Science. New I-ork. 11. 65. April 1, 1927. Perlewitz, P., Wittenbecher, J., & Rodewald, M. Die zweite Bauer, Louis A. Cosmic aspects of atmospheric electricity. hamburgische wissenschaftliche Freiballonfahrt. p. 1-6. p. 314-316. Ullrich, W. uber meteorologische Beobachtungen an Bord und Sociednd asfron6nrica de Espafia y A ntlrien. Revista. Barcelona. deren Verwertung bei der Deutschen Seewarte. p. 12-16. Aiio 17. Ent-ro-febrero. 1957. British astronomical association. Journal. London. v. 57. Feb- Mendirkhag6 Hernbndez. La ceniza de 10s volcanes en ruary, 1987. climat,ologia. p. 12-16. Burns, Gavin J. The auroral arch. p. 155-160. Terrcstrial niapietisin and atinosplierrc clectricili/. Baltimore. v. 38. Deutsche Seewarte. Aus dem Archiu. Hamburg. 44. Jnhrgcing, nf u?ch, 192:. nr. 1. 1986. Cairns, J. E. I. d statistical study of the effects of the atmos- Gans, Margarete. Das Hudsonmeer. [Includes discussion pheric-electric elenients on broadcast reception. p. 11-16. of climate & climatic tables.] Tuve, M. A.,. R. Huff, C. On the use of a radioactive collector Electrical world. New York. v. 85. April 9, 1917. for potential-gradient measurements. p. 17-25. Millar, Preston S., & Gray, S. McK. Visibility in st,reet Wait, G. R. Preliminary note on the effect of dust, smoke, lighting. New test object described. p. 760-761. and relative humidity upon the potential gradient and the Engineering news-record. New York. v. 98. March Sl, 1997. positive and negative conductivities of the atmosphere. Entenman, Paul M. Flood danger in the Colorado delta- p. 31-35. channel construction the only safeguard. p. 532-534. U. S. Hydrographic ofice. Pilot chart of the central American France. Acaddmie des sciences. C’omptes rendus. Paris. t. 18L. waters. 1967. Hurd, Willis Edwin. The northers of the Central American Paucher, D., & Rougetot, E. Contribution h. 1’6tude du region. mistral. p. 614-615. (7 mars.) Mathias, E. Contribution h. 1’6tude de la matiere fulminante: Examples de decomposition spontade. p. 565-56s. (7 SOLAR OBSERVATIONS mars.) Idrac, P., & Bureau, R. Experiences sur la propagation des SOLAR AND SKY RADIATION MEASUREMENTS DURING ondes radiot616graphiques en altitude. p. 691-692. (14 MARCH, 1927 mars.) Mathias, E. Contribution h. 1’6tude de la matiere fulminante. By HERBERTH. KIMBALL,Solar Radiation Investigations Celle-ci estelle chaude ou froide? p. 653-655. (14 mars.) Geograjski oestnik. Ljubljana. 1926. For a description of instruments and esposures and RubiC, Ivo. Padaline u Splitu. p. 17-22. (no. 1.); p.72-81. an account of the method of obtaining and reducing the (no. 2/3.) measurements, the reader is referred to the REVIEWfor Geographical reuiew. New York. v. 17. April, 1927. January, 1924, 52: 42, January, 1925, 53: 29, and July, Henry, Philip W. The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence waterway. p. 258-277. [Discusses fluctuations of water level in the 1925, 53: 318. Great Lakes.] From Table 1 it is seen that solar radiation intensities Iblrica. Tortosa. Aiio 9. 7 eriero 1922. averaged close to normal at Washington, D. C., and N[avarro]? M[anuel] Maria S. El professor Alfreclo dc Madison, Wis., and slightly above normal at Lincoln, Quervain. p. 165-166. [Obituary.] Nebr. At Lincoln, at 10:08 a. m. of the 21st a measured Institut hydrologique de Russie. Bulletin. Leningrad. no. 17. 1926. intensity of 1.54 gram calories per minute per square Wiese, W. tfber die Vorhersage der Zeit des Aufgariges der Newa. 13-24. [Russian text with German abstract, centimeter is only 1 per cent less than the highest midday p. 23-24 intensity ever measured at that station in March. Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/30/21 04:11 AM UTC.
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