r , ' / '■ MONDAT. 8KPTEMBER 80. I M T ^ y Avaraga Daily ClrcalatiMi J V t ilaurti^Ht^r lEufttlttg i|i?rai5 be Ifea MmBi ef Saptoutow. IM Ths Wsathig toraaaal a< O. a. Wamka Lynch. Brneot RltcUs, Bafto S. chairman, Mrs. Winifred B. Chittar, 9,109 Rohan. Sedrick Straugtjan, Joaeph Clarence Luplen. Aldo PaganI, Da- VMr aad east toaIgM ■ To Speak at Forum Selects Aides Sylvester, aiel Rtnn, Wesley Shlelda Joaeph Make Up II Beautifii] In^xpensiTe la latavtavt tolr. •About Town -Publicity; Thomaa O. Trueman. Handbag from Our ■M Wadasaiay. Robert D. ‘Wllaon, oon of Mn For Big Rally Manehesier^A City of ^Village Charm and Mra. David W. Wilaon of « d m Terraea, a nwmbar of Urn MMt fniVr** IH M iMt Saturday 36” All Wool Felt VOL. LXVL, n o . 1 as ra sa l » MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY. OCTOBER 1, Ifdfl fraobman claaa at Wml^mn Unl- General Quilmi«n of (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS 2 to S 5 5 n ewe HatoM Turk- varalty. baa bem lilMiii^ lr^~ carol Barratt aad Rpollon Chapter et Beta TbeU PI Local G O P Meeting, HALE'S SELF SERVE Jaaa»fe Douabna. fraternity. Lista Committees The Origlasl In New Englund! .98 y4.. Dr. Sag«M Davis aad Dr. A. D. S t Anne’# Mother# Circle win c — « — • meat Wednaaday evening at Judge William a Hyde will barve Nine colors in thia popular all wool felt—white, black, DartaMOtk borne of Mr#. WlllUm BenU, W9 as general chairman of the com­ Sr^D eyla la a rrad- Satarday. - _ Summit street. mittees arrangtns tor Manchester s TUESDAY S P j^ LS! 'navy, Kelly green, dark.green, scarlet, wine, tan, and ■ata e l DartaMoth. HDm .ladtaas first RepubUcan rally of the local brown. One-half yard to three-quarters yard Is plenty w m t to • la tiM day*! Me upaM and atate campaign, to ba held at and 10 Go- Tba senior and junior Lutheg gJ.'W Green Stsuipi Given With Cash Sales!' for the average bag. - ^ irators to Hang; ia tfea Lansuea will have a joint meeting the Maeonto Tample thla Friday tOBMrrow evening at 7:M at everiliyl'. Gold Medal Walter and Wintaai Bmanuel Uitheran church. Pic­ Ooyernor Raymond B. Baldwin. Heavy Mercerised Finish, Sanforised eShrunk \ ---- .-----win witaaaa th* B<^o« tures of Dpaala College will be a D r / Jamea L. MoConaughy, Mrs. \ Rad Boa world aarlaa game In Boa- feature of the program. J^fances Burke' Redick of the Re­ Flour 2SLI..B., $1.79 toa. Tba local man have tieketo publican State ticket will attend fgf gaBM tkraa, which will ba the John Mather Chapter, Order of the rally as principal spaakera. Premier , G abardine nrak at Taaway Park. DeMoUy, will hold a apaclal meet­ The list of tha committees for ing tonight at 7:80 for the pur- the sffsir follow#: For Jackets, Slacks, and Boys’ Overalls. of War Crimes Chit W. Boren c l 100 Waahtne- pose of electing new officers. AH Program 'oommittee: Raymond Orange and Grapefruit toa atraat, laft Sunday tor Mil* ambers and advisor# are urged R. Bowers, chairman, Mra Homer wntdMa. wla^ to attcM a ration­ to be present Davis, Mra. Frank H. Gerlack, Brown $1.09 yd. al awftlrf of all managers and Willard Dphaaa John I. Oteon, Mrs. Joaeph Pero, J u ic e _____________ 46 Or.. Can 49c alata aaanta et tha Homa Inau^ (M ord ParUh Chapter, D. A. R., Walter T. Shea, Herman Yulea. .Gofeinany’s Guilty Leaders aaoa /D ^ p a n y group o f New will hold its October meeting, Willard Uphaus, executive secre­ Reception committes: Charles R. Premier __ Tadt. Mr. Nocan^.Uratata agent Thursday, October 8 at 8;80 in the Hduae. chairman, Mra William <l Counts on Which Nazis taTito National liberty Iniwf- Federation room of Center church.^ tary of Religion snd Labor Foun­ Navy yd. Hess Sent to Prison Crawford, Thomaa Farguson, Ray­ 98c S m Oo.. of tba Homa Group for Robert C. Deming, supervisor of dation, will speak st the Religious mond A. Johnson, William J. Grapefruit Juice 46 Or. Can 37e yie State et Ooanectlcut, with adult' education for the State of Forum on World Affairs, Monday Thornton, Samusl TurMngton, Mrs Found Guilty, Innocent laadnwarlam In Hartford.. i Connecticut will speak on "^ n - svaning, Oct. 7 at the South Meth­ John L. WInterbottom. necilcut the Miracle SUte." This . Arrangements and Decorations: Nuernberg, Oct. 1.—<P>—Here ia the list of the defendants In promises to be a most interesting odist church. The addreM by Mr. tb a Motban Qrcla of the Itn- Uphaua on "Tha Church snd La­ James Duffy, chairman, Mrs. the Nuernberg trihla and the count# on which they were convicted For Life; Three Win marbhl* OoaeapUon will meat meeting and members are urged to George H. Borst, Mra Everett A. Orange Pekoe Buds or found tnpoctnt:, (0—OuUty; 1—Wnocent). reaerva the date. The hoetesses will bor,” will be the first of two lec­ ___ T Wadniaday avaalag arttb Mta. Bd- tures Monday evening, the second Bernard, Mrs. WIIHam Brennsn, Caont 1 Coasts Coant 8 Coast 4 sraid McGowan of » Proctor be Mrs. WilUam E. Alvord, Mrs. Mrs. Jsmes'W. McKay, Harry Rus­ Box of 50 Tea Rags Martin Alvord snd Mrs. C. K. session of the two-.day Forum. The 43c Herman Ooeri: g • O , 0 O O Forum will begin Monday noon sell, James Sheekey, John J. WaU, Rudolph Hess O O 1 i Burnham. < lett. llrrnhey’ e Mra. Irma Alaaaader at 17 Au with a busineaa and prnteseional Martin Borman I G o men’s luncheon with a talk by Cy­ Ushers: Chariss N. Crockett,- Liberty From Court t o M atraat wUl grant tba w of Joachim von Rlbbentrop O O g q The Private Duty Nurses Asso- ril B. Hartman, dxecutlve of J. chairman, Martin B. Alvonl. Rich­ bar. boam tor a aatbark party datlan will meet tomorrow evening Baking Chocolate •/, u. 15c Wilhelm Keitel O O q o Walter Thompson Co., in New ard S. Car^yeyter, Jack M. Gordon, Brnat Kaltenbrunner 1 G O ■mnaw aftomeon at two (fdock at 7:80 in the Clinic room of the Thomaa A. Hooey, gklwerd C. tor ammbari and frlanda of An- York. Additional eeaalona will be Alfred Rosenberg G O Q o Memortal hoepiUl. It will not be held alao et South church on Tues­ Kounty Hint Auxiliary. V.P.W. sn open meeting, aa Mies Mary Hans Frank, I G O Von Papen, Sehacht and Fritoche Win Acqoittalat day aftenumn and Tuesday eve­ Wilhelm Frick \ 1 G o O Meat Remaiiis Donnelly, Nuree Conaultant. for ning when ths concluding addres­ Death Sentences Expected to Be Invoked in 15 OOBOordIa Lutheran church Connecticut for the American Red All Green Asparagus 99 Julius Btreicher I a< tolhs wbp wteb to -participate in ses will foe given by Dr. Dear Tho­ Colorful 18 Walter Funk I O • o Q Cnee in the North Atlantic area, mas Olson of Cleveland, Ohio, and Listed Scarce Days; Defendants Have Four Days to Appeal to — '“tafcdi Bbwlte »Laag^ are who waa to have been the epesker, Hjalmar Schacht I I to report iw tha T.M.C.A. has been nailed to Waahington. Governor Raymond E. Baldwin. No, 2 Can 27c Karl Doenits I G G Allied Control Council in Berlin, Last Court avaalag at d:M. InvlUtiona have been extended TiMm IH Brich Raeder O O ' Q to membera of the Textile Workera Printed Toweling Baldur von Schlrach 1 o Farm Product Of Appeal, Bnt No One Looks for Sentences to Tba oommittee la charge of tba Mystic Rsvisw, Woman’s Bene- Union, CIO, sndi the Paper Work- fit Aaaocistlon, will meet in Odd Cans Fritz Sauckel ' I 1 o o lUUtary Whlat la S t Bridget'# PMIows hell tomorrow evening st era Union, AFL, to attend the ses­ NiBlet Corn 2 29c For Draperies Alfred Jodi O G Q a Be Changed) Russian Judges Object to Three lull tonight fay tba Daughter# of sions of the Forum, partlculerly to Prana von Papen I I vy*-««a ramieat# BMOibars to pro- o'clock, SUte Field Director 3 SIZES Aunt Jemima Worsening Shortage Re- Acfpiittals and Alao Dissent on Prison Term for Mrs. Grace Best will be present to hear the address of Mr. Upheua. Arthur Seyna-Inquart I O O O vkdo'eard#rPtkylag will begin at 8 Tbeae invitations have been extend­ Albert Speer I I o O ' suhf in Threat to erclock sharp. talk about the approaching na­ Hess) Trio Freed May Face German Charges tional convention In Miami, Flori­ ed through the aecreUrlea, Frank Pancake Flour _2 Pkgs. 29c Constantin von NeuraUi O' O O O Reilly and Percy Griswold. Regohr Tanaag Hans Frit^he I I J '' Seise All Livestock Ghapmaa Court Order of Ama- da. this month and to make ar­ Ic yd. rangements with those who plan to Mr, Uphaua la a graduate of the Sspn Tenpes NaM Where there la no symbol, the defendant waa not charged. Nufirnbdrg, OcL 1,—(A’V—HsTBianii Oodring and 10 oo- rsath, win bold a rummage aala Boundt ••_____for Market ‘tburaday ia tbs basement of the make the trip. Rescrvatlona will Indiana Unlveraity, and of Yale iealer Taem*# Two colorful patterns, in fruit and flowers, each in three conspintora of th« Hitler fang wlU die on the gallons for Msannlr Tsmpla. baglnnlng at r alao be made for the supper on and ha# alnce 1984 been with the (Ta tsH btdivM* Religion and Labor Foundation adseedsl) Pototoes 10 LBs.
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