Cranford Chronicle SPfVNGFlELDACURA.COM SPRINGRELDACURA.COM OfCN Ml MV, MOM.,MCMOMM, MVI rJUST FOR COMING IN THIS HOLIDAY WEEKEND, WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. 100's OF NEW & PRE-OWNED CERTIFIED CARS I WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS! I • TRUCKS • VANS • SUVs AT HOLIDAY PRICES!!! Serving Cranford, Garwood and Kenilworth VI LUXURY SEDAN ACURA4-df,6-cylong, vol. 116, Nlo. 23 Ik. aulo trans,-AC, pow sloef/Ms/locks; Qruiso. _' : Thursday, June 3,2004 .liatlwiinlcrw.'moonrool.AWfM/SfaixVCMs, WJWHU IDDULlJ MEDESI6NHI We're Building The All-New VIP Honila CO-CompactDiscPI,!^. MSRP: 533.105 .Only 5777 leaso nis VIN SUA60245W -• WE'REWORKING HARDFORYOU! • txira Discounts During Conslruclion • Must Make Room for Conslruclion •I uyl, jm; ]ib, nlc* am/fin Kl ecl, miiii.lriiiilE, I'qnipiiH'iil 4 c> I, iv», iili, »/'•,-iiiil/rm ii/C.II. pw, pi, keylru rrraolc, Eileen Dachndwicz is s^ wheel enven, floor miili, moil.l* l'.M21HIV, Mk# cruise, muii Irul'ik. tilt." mills, full wlu'cl covers, 4OI172; vlll# •IIJI5MI27, MSIO1: 414,400, $2,1 (Hi • Everything Must Go! .llinill'l* CMSMII'I.W, ilk* 40ir.ll, vlll* 4A022B45, By LAUREN TRAJ NOR •leaves behind a grateful school dis- LQUIDATION PRICED! LQUIDATIQN PRICED! LQU10ATI0N PRICED! LQUIDATION PRICED,, due :il delivery liu I $ I ,«illl cup cosl rvducltcin, SO MSIII': SMI,7!H). $2,140 line lit delivery lilcl Sl.'.l'.ll] ers: agree that, the energy arid vigor fc( tuec ikp, $0 hunk fi'i' Xi I si puyiiiMH. Tolul cup cmt nxliii'llnn, $11 nif «ec ilep, $0 bnll|c fot it 1st ; : ; inymc'ni. liitiil I'aymi'rt'lM $!i,:t2n; Total U'use (ii«l: THE CHRONICLE . trict." *' " : '. •. ••'• ,••.: ..' . •• /'• •'•: •,• with which she approaches her job is I'dyinrills: $:i,|lhll. .Total l.elisc Cosl: SS.IIIIIi. ; I'.IJ'O:$7,(132 .. ' .. ' . ':ilii:il'O: $11,0112.411' •'.;Dachnowicz has been employed in. , an invaluable asset to the school sys . CRANFORD-By : all ;. accounts, the Granford School District for the Sliiillur SUVIIIRS On All Itliu Lfvelsl tern and the students she teaches, Eileeix Dachnowicz is sonieone every- past 28 years, 25 of them at .the high "Eileen Dachnpwicz has one of the Buying At VIP Honda body will nviss. , school. She .was! appointed as the super- most fertile minds of anyone I've mot- 2001 INTEGRA 2001 EXPLORER 1999 MAXIMA 1998 ECLIPSE The faculty will miss her, as a col^- visor of English for the district in 1998, : her creativity knows no bounds," said ' AGURAI 4-di, 4-cyl cn(); aulo' FQRD'2-dr, C-cyl entj. aulo NISSAN 4-dr, 5-cyl ong. aulo MITSUBISHI Cow 4-cyl frig,, May Result In Sawing league and;friend; the administration: andin 1999 was named to her current . ; lr,lns,. AC, .ppw Sloof/tjrlis,' trans ,^C. p/SjUcniiso.AM/FW • trans. AC, p'sAVI, moon roof' aulo Irans, pis/lvwinc! alloy Feinsod; "She has been responsible for • cnjisp,.moorHoof.fl!loywl)oels... Storoo/Cass; CD-Comp. Disc ' tenth irrt". AM/FMISIoroO/Cass . •wheOls, AM/FM/Sloriro'Cass • More Money Than will miss her, as a valuable spark, of •!positionv , ..' •.• •'• ;'.- •' "'.. • '•.; ''• ' ••: AMIFM/Slorpo/Cass, Only Player. Only 53,166 mis VlfSf CD-Cori\p,icl Disc Player, Only CD-Compact Disc Player <?«<! numerous.programs that have put us : 73,399rlils VIN KWEOSJiMo' • You Ever Expected! energy and talent;.and mostly, the stu- 57.901.rils.. tflN»YS009ipV 37,60 mis- W.MT219247 20O4 HONDAACCORD EXL V6 4DFI ,;:.' Dachnowicz began teaching English on the state arid national education :- ASKING- • ASKING •ASKING ••-•'''. ASKING 2004HONDACIVICEX2DR dents will miss her, as a mentor and a 36 years ago in New York, where, she •I cyl, imto, ps, pAHS.'ii/c, um/rm Nl I'd, pw, pl,.nrtt, fi cyl, aulo, ps, pAHS, ale, ani/fnl st/CDi pw, pi, lint, map." .'-.'• ':'•/• .'•••.•:•• • , .•.;;•• I'riiUe, 'fiuiiroof,. ..keyless uh'try, nimldri1. luati'il wait;sunroof,llhr,keylets reniole, inoilol* role model, said, she realized that it was her life's $12,788 l:SM22!IIMW,Klk* 40(173,vlll* 41.001247i'MSIli>: Over 100 CMIW5-1INW, stk# 402211, v|n» •IA02(ISl(i, MSHI': "She's, been, a true visionary. She's, $11,886 $12,733 $9,499 $111,1 So, $2.14(> due al dellvory lilcl *l ,91111 o $2(1,I1!)O; $2,2;i(i due at ili'llvery hicIS 1,11011 cap cod Cranford High's School's supervisor calling. After majoring in English at '98 Acura 3.0 CL CONI rtsdiiclinn, JO ref Kec.den, $0 liaiik Tee A I rl'iluclldn, $0 ref sec ilen, $0 Iwiik fee ft 1st pay- an. intellect, and .a large part of the '96 Acura 3.5 RL '97 Mazda Millen '00 Infinity G20 Used Cars To nieni; Total I'ayiiieoisi 411,51)11. TAlul Uw flint: of academic affairs will retire in Fordham, University, she first settled payment. Tdlal I'uynuriK: Sr>,32II. l.ilal Un v high school's success can be attributed '96 Honda Accord '95 Ford Windstr '99 Acura Integra '01 Honda Civic fco«l: S7,nti. I'.I.PO: $!I,H() 1 $io,r.wi.[:i.i 0:$i!i,327.:io'. :• . ••'• August, after decades of service, in the on a career in advertising, until her '89 Acura Legend •97 Honda Odess '98 Acura TL 'OtVWGTl Choose From! to her ability to work.with both adults Similar Savings On All Trim Levels! Similar SavliiRs On All Trim Levels! district. • : ..' mother "guilted" her into teaching. arid';students,", said;Joseph Corriero, . "She has a wonderful personality.'.glad'she did. •'••' HONDA PILOT SPECIALS! the district's assistant superintendent 2004 HONDA She is the consummate educator* and . "I found out I really loved teaching/I. •for curriculum and instruction. "She's ODYSSEY 2004H0NDAPIlOT|J[4x4 2004 HONDA PILOT EX Leather 4x4 to say. she would be missed; would lie an fouiid out from teaching in New York . been a true pleasure to work with." fi" cyl, auto, jN, pAllS,-a/e, am/fin st Di'ino, li cyl, atiii). ps. pAHS, (i/crniu/rin understatement," said Superintendent' /CD, pw, pi, pin, cruise, llll. uuldel* sl/('I)f, pw, pi,• jwiil tTiily, (III, otloy City,.that .was the greatest experience," Of the countless'.'. programs VIMIlill-W,' ' slk# lOSilil, vln* ulii't'lsi niiinliii; Ixiunk, rimf ruck, Lawrence Feirisod. "She :has worke.d. •she said; ,\ . .; , • •• •. • 19982.5TL 1999JOTA 2002AUIMAV6SE 2000SOLARASE lllllMSIIP$27r!l(l wool) t;ralll•(la^n1 sji. vtnmU, k'utlu'r, Dachnowicz has spearheaded, one of i V45 h\\U% liiiiilcl* YPrHS-ll-NW, HkM Bad news AC.URA 4-dr. 5-cyl cng, aulo VOl.KSWAGON'1-dr, 4-cyl, aulo NISSAN .i-tlr ,6-cyU'ng, agio ,TOYOTA'2-dr,,4-cyh,5' long and hard over the years and The enjoyment she gets from edu- It.cyl, iintu.lis,p/VUS, .i/c,liin/fiu st/til), piv, |t|,cruke, IIK.-.fioo'r imisy.h HIM) t.vlnMliril!) 1111, MSItl':S:iJ.flfi() trans.AC,powstqer/bilts/locts, ••.imns, AC, p/sieer/brakes, tjntoj-i Irnns, AC. p/s/b moon iqol, • trans. AC, p/s/b/lks, tillwMI'. /nn llnli'il wluilims, roiifnick; piiuer doors, li'Ullli'r, niiiilcl* III IIWII'KW, slk» deserves time for herself. She really r cating plainly shows, and her cowork- (Continued on page A-2) • cruiseloailwrinloiior, moon gLiss. AMWStoWCiiss.'CD.' \calh int. AM/FM/Storeo/Oiss, it AU/FMJSIerW/Cass. CD- I0IS7, vim lll. ,ll0r,:i!l, MSHI': $2ll,!)Ali, $L'.2lin line ill delivery lilcl SI.Mil Cup aM EILEEN DACHNOWICZ roof. Af*FUJStorpo/Cnss Only. Comp. Dae Player Oriiy74,l)t.l QO-CompacI Disc Playof Drtly 'Compact Disc- Player' Only ri'ilut'llon, SI) refst'C drp,'SO lunik lev K< | u iwynu'iil. Tola! Pnyim'im; SJ,!l!i2. Total for the Bears .-87,863 mis.-' VIN BWC0O3051 mis VIN «XMM8'2Ot . 43>1I?-J!M;>/IN WC151739 ' 42182 mis VINKYC317C30 lwistf'oslitl!!lll(li:ili()i$l!i70(l ' / ' ' Bredrley first baseman George ASKING. ASKING ASKING . ASKING Similar Savings On All Trim Levels! Martin catches a pickolf attempt $9,978 $7,988 $16,988 $10,966 during the Central Jersey Group 1 •, '93 Acura Legend '94 Toyota Corpir'00 Audi A4r '99 Infinity i30 For Your final Friday The Bears-tell to New '9.5 Mitsub Eclipse '97 Toyota Camry '00 Mitsub Galant '01 Acura Integra Trade-In •Providence 7-1 For story.see '86 Honda Accord '97 Chevy Blazer '00 Toyota Camry '01 Acura CL Sports; Page C-1-- ;,-•:: ' •// ' : ;W»NGS'&SW : . /• -•: ;;•:...-,. ; ,;; On All 2OO4 Accords & Odysseys In Stock tribute to WE PUTTHE FUN-BACK IN CAR BUYING! VWSlantb For :VFMIMPORTANTPEOPJLE- Our Customers Hablamos America's opening Call Mr. Phil for Price Quotes, Credit Approval & Inventory Selection... ALL CBHMTAPPS ACCEPTED! Klldioma DeAhorro 100% FINANCING MlMl'llllT Ol • soldiers AVAILABLE! CORNER OF Kt. 22 E.«SOMERSET ST., NO. PUINFIELD ..'•.'. 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