1 2 / I G/'^2 27 W Z3ZC ^ , l t l a <= c i t y ut Th [inaei.r ^ Good minorning G a m iling isisue liies inI v o teirs’ haiinds Today’s forecastast: By Drew DcSilvcr _ B*l characteri7xdas as Idiilio's longstanding policlicy amendments that wouldlid havei. allowed casino; Partly cloudy with'ith widely scattered \ Water a swap OK’d - Timcs-Ncws writer ” against most formsfon o f gambling, gambling on Indian rescnservations bul nowhere; i mountain thundcrshoihowers. H ighs 82 to — "It’s not thethi policy of this state tto else in the state, 92 degrees. Lows 455 tcto 55. lave begun or requested negilegotiations authorize casinoino gambling," said Sen, Liirlird Opposition lo the EchiEchoHawk amendment P agoA f BOISE — Thc Legislaislaturc Tuesday inbes ha approved an amendmentcnl lo thc state wi^h thehc slate on compacts to0 rcgylatcr Noh. R-Klmbcrlticrly. during Senate debate oon was conccniraied amamong Democratic, Constitution that attempts to 1ban all fornis o f gaming’ activitiesa on their lands, thc amendment.nt. legislators from.northen-hem Idaho. All Magic casino gambling within Idahoaho. The tribestr had interpreted fede:deral law, “Only underler limited circuinstance.s,, iin Valley senators and rcpnrepresentatives, of both; m m mm m m J But. whether the amcndmcImeni, if approved several statesi and federal court cases,«s, JUid lhc fimited forms,I, andai under sirict conditions ddo canics, voted for the amciim endment by voters in November, willA-ill accomplish ils 1988 amimendment to the state Con:onstitution wc perroit anyy gamblingg lo take place." No'Joh T h e am endm ent wiwas supported by Leads in hate crcrimes !stated intent is slill unclear.f authonziizing a lottery, to argue thathat casino- said. EchoH aw k and G ov./. C ecil A ndrus, both^ ;amcs should be subjeCisCIS of the The amcndmcIm cnt passed on a 32-10 vote3te. Democrats, and all ofo f t h e L e g isla tu re ’s: llfe rc w ere m orc• hchate and bias crimcs Even Attomey General LaU ny EchoHawk. typc gai :t negotiations. well over lhcIC Itwo-thirds requirement fofor Rcpubiican and DemocratMwatic leadership. : reported in Twin Fallsills during the first six 'whose staff drafied the legisigislation, conccdcd com pact: 1 changes. The vole followedd a Opponents ar^cd thatthat il was unfair to ban; months o f this year thcthan in any other area Ithat it w asn’l certain to kcc|<ccp casino gam es But state; officials rejcctectcd that eon.siiiuiional ct vole Monday evening, sovereign Indian tribesibes from conducting; o fth e state. off Indian reservations. in te rp reelation. t They said the amcmcndmcnt 70-11 Houscvol Page Bl As o f Tuesday, four o f IdalIdaho’s five Indian passedi T' u e sd a y w ill c la rify rwhwhat they Both chambmbers rejected alternnlivivc P le aase s e s e e GAMING/AZ G rants right o)fway f' The Bureau of Lam.and Management has Mr. Clearms Juven granted a request of right-of-way for a oile pipeline projcci thatIt wwill run through the Magic Valley cnin route from thc Canadian border to CoColorado. Page Bl centerr site! I Wm PUC denies reqiequest * dealriready Residents in BurleyIcy and Albion w on’t By Phil Sahm. have thc chancc to telephonetcl each other andBiadBowlifl' toll free. Thc Idahoiho Public Utilities Tim cs-N cw s w rite rs- Commission denied:d :a request for toH- free, extended-area\ scservicc between thc TW IN FALI^S - TwiTwin Falls County will towns and several othc) thers. closc a sale Monday/ tq buy 4.1 acres for a Page D3 juvenile detention cent:entcr. Commissioners Norm a B lass and Mnrv;larvin Hempleman said Tuesdoy. Thc county will payay S$30,000 for thc land at thc end of Wtigheight Avenue in the Bowls protecteded from IRS induslrial scclion inI soisoutheast Twin Falls, Thc county will buyjy tthe land from Fred The House movedcd Co protect football Wanzenricd, a localil p;property owner, thc bowl games from beitacing taxed on money com m issioners said. rcccivcd from corporaorate sponsors. “We bargained with/ith him,” Hempleman Page Dl said. Three local, indcpiIcpcndent real estate ^ Party at Dr. J’s ogcnts appraised thcc prproperty and said the couniy gol a good priipricc. Blass said. The >r was away, his sons While the Doctor v ogcnt for the scllecllcr also provided • so kids did play — a nd ano th er 75 o r sc comparable proiKrties,ies, shc said, until thc policc arrivedved. Page p i T hc county w ill mod'nodcljts juvenile ccnicr after one in Kootenai;nai idSilhty. The centcr will house 18 juvenilesilcs, Blass said, An architect workingking for the county said the property will workrork well for building a juvenile ccntcr, thc concommissioners said, Gold-medal mununchies Twin Falls Commuimunity Development W o rrie d a b o u t m:missing any of thc APphotg Director LaMar Ortonton and Mayor Howard Dream Team baskeiketball games? Try '•. 'x Allen sent a letter:r tito the commission some snacks that dptdon’t require lengthy Members ^ the Unitnlted States volleyball te;Leam appeared with heaclads shavod In protest: fofor their match In the Slating that thc propiroperty would be an rccipcs. Olympics in Barceloi3lona Tuesday. The U.S.. pplayers were protestingng a ruling which overtuirturned their oponing “outright permitteeitte d .WficT in th e ; where the laiid lies. Page Cl victory over Japan.n. /Additional coverage ofof the Sum mer Gam es b<begins on PageDI. manufacturing zone wh __ . P le5 a s t e s e e C^TER /A 2 Popular mulchi:hing mowers Columnist Allen WilsonW discusses thc pros and cons of ovowning a mulching m ower. PageCO Biish1 seeks nnew COMnfrontaiition witth Sadddam id to do this? W hose son aare re ;you going to send Knighl-Ridder News Serviiiv ice “Theie adm inlstralioa is not lookiriking for an “ The questioJtion is, arc wc willing and •, • ......... opportulunity lo use mUitaiy force," said this anxious to workwp together on key U.S.s. over to gcl Saddam Husseiissein?" lie Even os the administraistration claimed the AVASHINGTON; ; — ;ThO; B ush oflicfot.at.) ,V;: r>': . fpreigh policy:y cand defense; issues und the as Iraqi leader had caveded iin by permitting administration is'movio v in g q u ic k ly lo '.How<wdvcr, hc. iirgcd'thp new confimfrontation answer is ycs,**;,** ssaid House Speaker Thomas U,N. inspectors inloto thc agriculturc usade provoke another cbnfrontatntation with Saddam w ith SaddamS “as soon as possissible" to Foley. D-Wash.sh. Misguided crus: )n ministry, White Housele sjspokesman M arlin Hussein to keep pressurere oon the Iraqi leader assure: thatl tho Iraqi luder will notlot conlinuc "W c d o n ’t vview lhis in an election The Americans WiWith Disabilities Acl er Filzwaier conccdcd that Saddam g o t his and force hiih to complyly \wilh terms o f the to bloclick weapons inspections, context.” saidlid Senate Majority Leader tries to redress a wronTong by compounding way by keeping Amcimcricon and Gulf . Persian Gulfccasc-firc. Wilhlh thc threat of imminent warrar lifted by George Mitchcllicll, D-Maine, it, an editorial says toetoday. al coalition partners o ff thehe itinspeclion team. • “This chapicr isn’t clccloscd," wamed a Saddairim ’s agrccm cnl toilet the U.U.N. team The prcsidcrdent lold fhe congressional PageAB n. “Hc won that point.int. ... But it’s not senior adm iiiiS^lion officifficial Tuesday as hc inspectrt his agriculture minisiry forbr weapons leaders hc is nonot oui lo eradicate Saddam, 1., relevant to the qualityr o f the inspections,’* outlined plans'for U.N.I. irinspectors to seek dat^ BushBt met Tuesday with congtngrcssional Senate Minorityrily Leader Bob Dole, R-Kan., lal said Fitzwatcr. "Il’s nolot tlthat crucial. ... Wc prompt access.to anotherher Iraqi facility to leadersrs o f bolh parties who wercc jgenerally quoted BushI as asking thc congressional er will have Americans opp otother teams.” look fbr cvidcncc o f nuclcaclear weapons. supportIrtivc o fth e president. leaders, “ Whoselosc son is going to volunteer Endorse abortiction pill Actress Cybill Shephcphcrd leads a list of witnesses urging: CCongress to allow U-lsLiiinspectc□rs ente; minisStry ^ importation of thc ab<abortion-pill they say Uic inspcciors ,. also holds promiseisc as a therapy for TheAflaodstedPtess dragging oh compliancc with U.N,I, . A U.N. official said Uic 1 d isc o v e rin g ■ -\-j diseases. ceasc-fire rcresolutions that ended lhcc . h ad n o t y e t re p o rte d d; PageA4 MANAMA, Bahrairain — Iraq GulfW^; • material on weapons. opened its Agrictilturcrc rMinistry to Under, th';he cease-fire, Iraq mus^ , Experts said Iraq\ Ilikely had U.N. weapons c x p ^ TuesdayTu after surr^odfer; _ its weapons of masi.'^.• rem oved significant matelaterial during a three'rweek. standoffoff, but also dcstru^^'ii 'under U.N. supervision.!''• the period inspectors w crc bancd. •in em b e r ' U .N ^ t6'am , unleashed anti'U.S.,, prpro-Saddam A iiinc-it g-■ Two American mcmlimbers of the ically went througii the, Appeal deniedi demonstrations' in-Baghdahdad and olher systcmQtici J . inspection loam remainained outside cities. Agriculturcire M inistry to look for I Utah and U.S. supsupreme courts deny _ under a compromise: wworked out Protesters w ere kept awayaw; from thc documentss and other materials' on 1 death-row inmate5 VWilliam Andrews' J- between Iraq and lhc Uniti'nitcd Nalioas, ministry, thc sccnc olof repeated Iraq’s weapipons of mass destruction' j appeal.
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