SAINT GREGORY THE GREAT PARISH July 6 &7, 2019 FROM THE DESK OF THE PASTOR I have assembled a committee of eleven individuals to conduct the interview and selection process for our My Dear Parish Family, this weekend we have the new Director of Music Ministry. I am very grateful to privilege to welcome His Excellency, Archbishop our committee that has been doing an awesome job. Fortunatus Nwachukwu, Titular Archbishop of Ac- The committee members represent a cross-section of quaviva and the Apostolic Nuncio of the Antilles music ministry at St. Greg’s as well as a couple staff Episcopal Conference. He was first ordained a priest members and our parish trustees. I am very thankful to on June 17, 1984, and served in the Diocese of Aba these individuals who have been investing their time (Nigeria). He has served in Holy See Embassies in and energy into this search process. The committee Ghana, Paraguay, Algeria, as the UN offices and Spe- includes: cialized Institutions in Geneva, and for the Secretariat of State at the Vatican. Between 2007 and 2012 he Adam Jarosz, Director of Youth Ministry was the Chief of Protocol of the Secretariat of State Marisa Piazza, Director of Communications (Vatican). His first assignment as Head of Mission Willow Lunn, College Cantor & Music Ministry was on November 12, 2012 as Apostolic Nuncio in Faith Lunn, Teen Cantor & Music Ministry Nicaragua. His Excellency will preach at all of the Gabriel Lunn, Teenage Music Ministry Masses on the work of the Missions. We will also Jean-Paul Woodroffe, Adult Choir and Cantor take our annual Mission Appeal collection this week- Deborah Lombardo, Adult Choir and Cantor & end at all of the Masses to support the Church’s mis- Children’s Choir Leader sionary work. We welcome Archbishop Fortunatus Dawne Vullo, SGG School Music Teacher Nwachukwu to St. Gregory the Great. It is an honor Christie Thein, Parish Trustee for us to welcome an esteemed leader of our universal Tom Vacanti, Parish Trustee church. Fr. Leon Biernat, Pastor I also wish to inform you on the progress of our We have conducted interviews this past week and I am search for a new Director of Music Ministry. As you hopeful we will have a new director in place shortly. know, Daniel Victoor will be leaving St. Greg’s at the end of July. Please plan to come to the 12:30 pm (Continued on Page 2) Mass on Sunday, July 28 for our Gregorian Chant Mass and our farewell to Daniel Victoor. There will be a reception for Daniel following the 12:30 Mass that day for us all to thank him and to wish him well. MISSION COLLECTION FOR THE WEEKEND OF JULY 6 & 7 CATHOLIC CHARITIES There will be a collection for the Mission Appeal this PARISH UPDATE weekend. Our speaker will be Archbishop Fortunatus Nwachukwu, Titular Archbishop of Acquaviva and the $594,891.35 collected, 86 %. To donate, mail your Apostolic Nuncio of the Antilles Episcopal Conference. contribution to the Parish Office or donate online at www.ccwny.org. (PASTOR’S ARTICLE CONT.) THE LIFE-CHANGING MES- Finally, in this weekend’s Gospel Jesus commis- SAGE OF DIVINE MERCY sions the seventy-two disciples to cast out demons and to heal the sick. They were to go out and to pre- The Church: Dispenser of Mercy pare the towns and villages for Jesus’s coming. It Pope Francis says, “Wherever the was up to the disciples to prepare the way for Jesus’ Church is present…wherever there are arrival in the towns and villages. In some places Jesus Christians, everyone should find an oa- was accepted and in others He was rejected and in sis of mercy.” (Misericordiae Vultus 12) some places He was asked kindly to leave (Mark 5:1- The best place to encounter the merciful love of Je- 17). Jesus gave the instruction to the seventy-two to sus Christ is in His Church. Jesus’s Church is not a shake the dust from their feet if the people of a town building, we are all part of His Church, the Body of were not willing to accept them. Christ. The Church fulfills her role as trustee and dis- penser of the Savior’s mercy especially through the This idea of the “shaking of the dust from the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Reconciliation. feet” if a town was not willing to accept the disciples (DMM 33) is an important discussion to have. Is there a brother Furthermore, Pope John Paul II teaches that, or sister in Christ who we are not willing to accept? I “The Church seeks to practice mercy towards peo- am talking about accepting the person and not accept- ple through people, and she sees in this an indis- ing views or ways of life contrary to the Gospel. pensable condition of solicitude for a better and There is a difference. We are called to accept and ‘more human’ world, today and tomorrow.” (Rich love the person, all people, created in the image and in Mercy 15) Our individual practice of mercy towards likeness of God. Even if we disagree on theology, key all people helps to sustain the “oasis of mercy” Pope issues of life or morality, we must accept and love the John Paul II and Pope Francis desire. person. Very often we fail to recognize that im- portant point. Similarly, many who espouse views different from the Catholic, or in a broader sense Christian, way of life reject us because we do not em- brace as good their way of life, view of life and/or SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION morality. In many ways we do not accept back into our lives some that have disappointed us, failed us or ATTENTION CATHOLIC SCHOOL AND sinned in some way hurting us. Lifelong estrange- PUBLIC-SCHOOL PARENTS: ments have occurred because of the failure to forgive and accept someone back into their lives. Online Confirmation Registration began on July 1. If you have a child entering Grade 9 and 10 this Sep- tember, and plan to have them confirmed at St. Greg- This week consider if there is some negativity that ory Parish, please be sure to register to ensure that you are holding onto especially if it is from someone you receive all Confirmation related notifications. who has hurt you. Have you forgiven? It is easy to Go to “shake off the dust” when trials or dissent come our www.stgregs.org/confirmation/ way. If you agree with that statement, why is that? Do you see that a life in Christ is hard work? Finally, Any questions, please contact Catherine Wadhams at St. Paul in the second reading this Sunday prays that [email protected] or call 688-5760. we will find peace and mercy when we follow Christ and when we follow that rule. How is it that we could have peace even in the midst of hardship or differences of opinion or way of life? What is it that should ground us in this peace? May God bless you, our Mother Mary watch over you and St. Gregory the Great intercede for you, al- ways. 2 MISSION RETREAT SUNDAY SCRIPTURE READINGS What does Mission mean to me? Today Fourteenth Sunday/Ordinary Time First Reading– Isaiah 66:10-14c The Mission I made was Second Reading– Galatians 6: 14-18 23 years ago at St. Philip Gospel– Luke 10:1-20 or 10: 1-9 the Apostle Church Next Sunday Fifteenth Sunday/Ordinary Time where I was a member at Deuteronomy 30:10-14 the time. When I joined Colossians 1:15-20 St. Greg's I saw the invi- Luke 10:25-37 tation to "Mission 35" and remembered what a spiritually rewarding ex- 21ST ANNUAL GREAT perience Mission was for DINNER AUCTION me back then. I registered, and it was exactly what I “AN EVENING OF needed at that time in my life. Could Mission be just STARS” what you need in your life right now? SAVE THE DATE: Barbara, SGG Mission 35 Saturday, November 2, at 5:30 pm The 2019 Summer Mission Retreat will take place July Salvatore’s Italian Gardens 14-20. Please consider joining us to deepen your rela- tionship with Jesus. If we don't achieve our target Gift-Gathering Party Time number of participants we may have to reschedule Mission, so if you're planning on attending but delay- Everyone loves an excuse to party. Host a gift- ing in signing up, please call today! Contact Jo Pierino gathering party to support St. Greg’s annual dinner in the Parish Office at 688-5678 to register. auction and have fun while supporting the parish’s largest fund raising effort. Contrary to popular belief, a gift-gathering party does not have to be a lavish large catered affair to be a success. The best parties are sim- ple and easy. SCHOOL REGISTRATION How about coffee and donuts with friends, a kids pool party, wine and cheese with the neighbors. The possi- Registration for the 2019-2020 school year is open. bilities are endless. Visit www.stgregsschool.org to register today or call 688-5323 for more information. For more information on how to host or plan your own party, please contact Auction Coordinator Cindy Reitebach at [email protected] or 688-5678 x337. WOULD YOU LIKE TO ASSIST DISTRIBUTING EUCHARIST AT MASS? Our Parish is in need of new Eucharistic Ministers to fill in for those who can not make Mass or who travel during the year. You can sign up for one Mass a weekend, a month or as many as your schedule permits.
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