P H O T 06·04·10 Week 14 THE BBC NEWSPAPER explore.gateway.bbc.co.uk/ariel ograp H: mar K basse a TT CONDUCTOR BEN FOSTER leads the BBC ◆Concert Orchestra in recording composer Richard Blair-Oliphant’s music for BBC coverage of the election campaign. All services are ready for a hectic six weeks Pages 8-9 POISED FOR THE ELECTION ◆ Huggers changes ◆ Third series of comedy ◆ Is the nation ready Future Media that’s got your family’s for digital radio organisation Page 2 number Page 7 switchover? Page 10 > NEWS 2-3 SALFORD 4-5 OPINION 10 MAIL 11 JOBS 14 GREEN ROOM 16 < 216 News aa 00·00·08 06·04·10 FM&T NEWS BITES a SomALIA REpoRTER Mohammed Olad Hassan has won the 2010 Press Newman leaves as Gallery’s Speaker Abbot award for his courageous reporting. Hassan, Room 2316, White City the BBC’s main English language 201 Wood Lane, London W12 7TS reporter in Mogadishu, has been 020 8008 4228 Huggers restructures injured by a mortar round, caught Editor up in a bombing and repeatedly Candida Watson 02-84222 by Candida Watson He’s replaced the Online board with an On- threatened by warring factions. Deputy editor line Direction Group, whose first task is to de- He says he wants ‘to inform the FUTURE MEDIA STAff were shocked to learn of cide on the smaller number of online catego- world, and help bring peace and Cathy Loughran 02-27360 the immediate departure of journalism con- ries and products which were called for in the democracy to my own country’. Chief writer troller Nic Newman when director of FM&T strategy review. Sally Hillier 02-26877 Erik Huggers announced the restructuring of The new, flatter structure means manag- POLITICAL SATIRE The Thick of It Features editor FM management last Wednesday. ers bringing together specialisms is to return for a fourth series, Clare Bolt 02-27445 Newman, who left the next day, in groups and taking on extra re- series creator Armando Iannucci Broadcast Journalists worked closely with the news divi- sponsibilities; for example Rahul has revealed. Iannucci made Claire Barrett 02-27368 sion on the ongoing development of Chakkara becomes general man- the announcement – which has Adam Bambury 02-27410 the hugely successful news website. ager children’s, sport and applica- since been confirmed by the Lisette Johnston 02-27630 That role now falls to Phil Fearnley, tions, adding the oversight of the BBC – via his Twitter feed. Eight Rumeana Jahangir 01 -43756 who becomes general manager, teams who design and build online episodes of the comedy have been AV Manager news and knowledge, in the new products for those divisions to his commissioned and will tx next year. structure. The World Service FM current responsibilities for televi- Peter Roach 02-24622 team will also become part of this sion platforms. THE BBC’S election guidelines Art editor group, with the intention of unifying the on- There are also two wholly new posts, which are up to scratch, the BBC Trust Ken Sinyard 02-84229 line service around the world. will be advertised externally. The director, dig- has concluded after a two-week Digital Design Executive One other senior manager’s departure had ital media, will be responsible for all FM re- consultation that attracted just David Murray 02-27380 already been announced, with Antony Rose sources in FM&T, with responsibility for online, 15 responses. Concerns about going to Project Canvas. Huggers’s announce- iPlayer, mobile and Red Button services. Until aspects of representation during Guest contributors this week ment also revealed that Seetha Kumar, control- the post is filled Huggers will do it. the election period, raised by Plaid ler online, will move on once the three year on- The other role is general manager, on-de- Cymru, UKIP and the Green Party, line strategy has been decided. mand, leading a new group working on the were all covered adequately in JAMES CRIDLAND considers the In an email to staff Huggers said: ‘We are continuing development of the iPlayer and on the existing code, the trust said. lessons for the BBC in new ways strengthening our approach to BBC Online.’ demand services for output. of making radio around the world. BBC LocAL sites for Page 6 Cambridgeshire, Bristol, South East Wales and Wear have launched a CAREN DAVIES, head of Kevill quits after Global changes new feature to encourage external communications at Radio 1, on linking from their pages to local biscuits and rock stars. Page 15 SIAN KEVILL, direc- two new senior political programmes, from newspapers. The move to aggregate tor of BBC World roles created at which came This Week and The headline RSS feeds from the top News, has decided the same time. Politics Show. four local newspaper sites in each Team assistant to leave the BBC fol- Kevill has Horrocks said: ‘As direc- area will eventually be rolled out Graeme Allister 02-84228 lowing the recent re- been at the BBC tor, BBC World News, Sian has across all BBC Local websites. structure of global for 24 years, and charted the channel through Ariel mail news management in her current an exceptionally challenging by division director post since 2008. period.’ Kevill herself said: ‘It Candida. [email protected] Peter Horrocks. Starting in cur- has been an honour to work for AINTREE: Ariel online explore.gateway.bbc.uk/ariel Her post was closed in the rent affairs she rose to become the BBC – it remains one of the BBC Jobs 0370 333 1330 changes and Kevill has cho- Newsnight’s only female editor, most wonderful, creative places HIGH DEFINITION Jobs textphone 028 9032 8478 sen not to seek either of the moving on to lead a review of to work in broadcasting.’ BBC Jobs John Clarke 02-27143 HORses Room 2120, White City, London W12 7TS HoRSES, RIDERS and BBC tv and ra- Advertise in Ariel Call to reveal even more on pay dio are jockeying into position for Ten Alps Media 020 7878 2313 this weekend’s coverage of the Grand www.bbcarielads.com MPS HAVE CALLED on the BBC livered to enough people. Turning to the MPs com- National. Printing to be even more open about They also said: ‘We consid- ments about the value test, The world-famous steeplechase Garnett Dickinson Group staff and talent pay – saying the er that some of the claims re- the statement quotes the stra- from Liverpool will be the first horse Rotherham 01709 768000 reward packages of the direc- garding BBC Three made by tegic review: ‘BBC Three’s role race to be broadcast in high defini- tor general and senior manage- the trust and executive are as a test-bed for the talent and tion when it airs on BBC HD. Subscribe to Ariel ment are ‘out of step with the not fully supported by the formats of the future, and as Radio 5 live teams will also be trot- Six months: £26, £36, £40 current economic climate’. evidence. The BBC has been a means of engaging younger ting up to Merseyside for the three- Twelve months: £50, £60, £68 In a review of the 2008-09 an- more ready to highlight fa- audiences with content which day horse racing festival at Aintree (prices for UK, Europe, rest of world nual report, the Culture, Media vourable over unfavourable meets the BBC’s five priorities racecourse. respectively) and Sport select committee said information and its implica- will become even more impor- Richard Bacon, Mark Pougatch Cheques to: Garnett Dickinson Print, that – ‘at minimum’ – the BBC tions. In particular, we note tant in the years after switch- and Colin Murray will be presenting Brookfields Way, Manvers, should publish details of head- that the trust’s claim of ‘BBC over.’ And concludes: ‘Conse- their shows in front of live audiences Wath Upon Dearne, Rotherham S63 5DL count by salary band for all Three’s effectiveness in reach- quently there are no plans to at Liverpool John Moores University. Tel 01709 768199 staff, and lay out the number of ing young people’ is not sup- apply the test of value.’ ‘It’s not just about on-air events people in each payment band ported by its audience reach. A trust spokesperson though,’ says commissioning editor INFORMATION IN AN EMERGENCY for ‘talent’. They suggest bands We are also surprised that the said: ‘We thank the commit- Jonathan Wall. ‘We want to get out Telephone 0800 0688 159 ranging from those earning test of the value of BBC 6 Mu- tee for its report and its rec- and about as a station and this is a £250,000-500,000 to those earn- sic and the Asian Network in ommendations. As a public- great opportunity without spending ing £1m-5m, adding that they the latest strategy review ap- ly funded organisation, the a lot of extra resources since we’ll don’t expect to see any entries pears not to have been applied BBC takes openness and trans- already be covering the races.’ in a £5m plus category. to BBC Three.’ parency in its operations very Members of the public will have The committee also scruti- In a statement BBC Three seriously. The trust works the chance to meet racing reporters nised audience reach, saying said: ‘Audience data from Barb closely with the executive and Claire Balding and John Hunt. For tv, PLEASE RECYCLE YOUR COPY OF ARIEL the figures for people who don’t shows clearly that BBC Three liaises with Parliament to en- two new high-speed cameras will be consume any BBC output for at reaches more 16-34 year olds sure that the information we used to capture the chase over the fa- least 15 minutes a week, as well than any other digital chan- provide enables licence fee mous fences The Chair and Becher’s as the services used by only a nel during the hours it broad- payers to hold us to account, Brook.
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