INTERNATIONAL BULLETIN OF MISSIONARY RESEARCH INDEX-VOLUME 5 January through October 1981 (Pagfs 1-48 are in theJanuary issue; pp. 49-96 in April; pp. 97-144 in July; andpp. 145-192 in Odober.) ARTICLES Bread for the World: Clear Command, Complicated Task, by Arthur Si­ The Legacy of John R. Mott, by C. Howard Hopkins, 70-73. mon,22-23. Th~ Legacy of Karl Ludvig Reichelt, by Notto R. Thelle, 65-70. The Challenge of Anthropology to Current Missiology, byG. Linwood The Legacy of Max Warren, by F.W. Dillistone, 114-117. Barney, 172-177. Library and Archival Resources of the Billy Graham Center, by Robert Checklist of 40 Selected Periodicals in English from Mission Agencies ·Shuster,124-126. and Institutions, by Gerald H. Anderson, 27-28. Many Taiwans and Lordship Evangelism, by Harvie M. Conn, 9-12. Chinese National Christian Conference (Nanking, October 6-13, 1980) Maryknoll announces fourth annual (1981-1982) Walsh-Price Fellow­ creates China Christian Council and elects officers, 87. ship Grants, 183. Chinese Protestant Three-Self Patriotic Movement, National Commit­ Message from Melbourne 1980, by World Council of Churches' Con­ tee, selects officers in 1980, and reactivates publication of Tian/eng, ference on World Mission and Evangelism, 29. 87. Mission in a Repressive Society: The Christian Institute of Southern Christian Conversion in Rwanda: The Motivations, by G. Jan van But­ Africa, by Peter Walshe, 146-152. selaar,111-113. Mission Today and Tomorrow: A Conversation with Emilio Castro, Church Growth as a Multidimensional Phenomenon: Some Lessons 108-111. from Chile, by Orlando E. Costas, 2-8. Mutuality: Prerequisite for Dialogue, by China Program Committee, Current Trends in North American Protestant Ministries Overseas, by National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., 60-65. Samuel Wilson, 74-75. The North American Churches and China, 1949-1981, by Donald Discipleship and Domination: Mission, Power, and the Christian En­ MacInnis, SO-54. counter with China, by Richard P. Madsen, 55-58. The Problem of Christianity in Muslim Perspective: Implications for Ecclesiastical Tension in Tanzania, by Per Hassing, 25-27. Christian Mission, by David A. Kerr, 152-162. Ecumenical Sharing of Resources: A Message to the Churches, by Cen­ Rufus Anderson and Henry Venn: A Special Relationship? by Wilbert tral Committee, World Council of Churches, 123-124. R. Shenk, 168-172. Evangelization from the Inside: Reflections from a Prison Cell, by Mor­ The Sacred .Congregation for the Evangelization of the Peoples or the timer Arias, 98-101. Propagation of the Faith: The Mission Center of the Catholic Fifteen Outstanding Books of 1980 for Mission Studies, 35. Church in Rome, by Josef Metzler, O.M.I., 127-128. Fifteen Theses About China, the Church, and Christian Mission Today, Selected Research Journals on Christianity in China, by Donald MacIn­ by Donald MacInnis, 77. nis,76. International Bulletin 0/Missionary Research announces an international pan­ Sixteen Outstanding Books on China and Christianity, 85. el of contributing editors, 42. Temple Gairdner's Legacy, by Kenneth Cragg, 164-167. The International Student Consultation on Frontier Missions, Edin­ The Thailand Statement 1980, by Consultation on World Evangeliza­ burgh, Scotland (Oct. 26-Nov. 2, 1980), 90. tion, Pattaya, Thailand, June 16-27, 1980, 29-31. The Legacy of William Owen Carver, by Hugo H. Culpepper, 119-122. U.S. Catholic missionaries serving abroad in 1980, 45. The Legacy of Paul David Devanandan, by Creighton Lacy, 18-21. "Why Are Foreigners So Queer?" A Socioanthropological Approach to The Legacy of Walter Freytag, by Hans-Werner Gensichen, 13-18. Cultural Pluralism, by Eugene A. Nida, 102-106. 188 International Bulletin of Missionary Research CONTRIBUTORS OF ARTICLES Anderson, Gerald H.-Checklist of 40 Selected Periodicals in English MacInnis, Donald-Fifteen Theses About China, the Church, and from Mission Agencies and Institutions, 27-28. Christian Mission Today, 77. Arias, Mortimer-Evangelization from the Inside: Reflections from a -The North American Churches and China, 1949-1981,50-54. Prison Cell, 98-101. -Selected Research Journals on Christianity in China, 76. Barney, G. Linwood-The Challenge of Anthropology to Current Mis­ Madsen, Richard P.-Discipleship and Domination: Mission, Power, siology, 172-177. and the Christian Encounter with China, 55-58. Castro, Emilio-Mission Today and Tomorrow: A Conversation with Metzler, Josef, O.M.I.-The Sacred Congregation for the Evangelization Emilio Castro, 108-111. of the Peoples or the Propagation of the Faith: The Mission Center Central Committee, World Council of Churches-Ecumenical Sharing of the Catholic Church in Rome, 127-128. of Resources: A Message to the Churches, 123-124. Nida, Eugene A.-"Why Are Foreigners So Queer?" A Socioanthropo­ China Program Committee, National Council of the Churches of Christ logical Approach to Cultural Pluralism, 102-106. in the U.S.A.-Mutuality: Prerequisite for Dialogue, 60-65. Shenk, Wilbert R.-Rufus Anderson and Henry Venn: A Special Rela­ Conn, Harvie M.-Many Taiwans and Lordship Evangelism, 9-12. tionship?,168-172. Consultation on World Evangelization, Pattaya Thailand, June 16-27, Shuster, Robert-Library and Archival Resources of the Billy Graham 1980-The Thailand Statement 1980, 29-31. Center, 124-126. Costas, Orlando E.-Church Growth as a Multidimensional Phenom­ Simon, Arthur-Bread for the World: Clear Command, Complicated enon: Some Lessons from Chile, 2-8. Task, 22-23. Cragg, Kenneth-Temple Gairdner's Legacy, 164-167. Theile, Notto R.-The Legacy of Karl Ludvig Reichelt, 65-70. Culpepper, Hugo H.-The Legacy of William Owen Carver, 119-122. van Butselaar, G. Jan--Christian Conversion in Rwanda: The Motiva­ Dillistone, F. W.-The Legacy of Max Warren, 114-117. tions, 111-113. Gensichen, Hans-Werner-The Legacy of Walter Freytag, 13-18. Walshe, Peter-Mission in a Repressive Society: The Christian Institute Hassing, Per-Ecclesiastical Tension in Tanzania, 25-27. of Southern Africa, 146-152. Hopkins, C. Howard-The Legacy of John R. Mott, 70-73. Wilson, Samuel-Current Trends in North American Protestant Minis­ Kerr, David A.-The Problem of Christianity in Muslim Perspective: tries Overseas, 74-75. Implications for Christian Mission, 152-162. World Council of Churches' Conference on World Mission and Evan­ Lacy, Creighton-The Legacy of Paul David Devanandan, 18-21. gelism-Message from Melbourne 1980, 29. BOOKS REVIEWED Allen, Catherine B.-The New Lottie Moon Story, 85-86. Endo, Shusaku-A Life of Jesus (tr. Richard A. Schuckert), 182. Amirtham, Samuel, ed.-A Vision for Man. Essays on Faith, Theology Engel, James F.--Contemporary Christian Communications: Its Theory and Society, in Honour of Joshua Russell Chandran, 183-184. and Practice, 185. Arias, Esther and Mortimer-The Cry of My People. Out of Captivity Gates, Alan F.-Christianity and Animism in Taiwan, 86-87. in Latin America, 33-34. Greenway, Roger 5., ed.-Discipling the City: Theological Reflections Bassham, Rodger C.-Mission Theology: 1948-1975. Years of World­ on Urban Mission, 184. wide Creative Tension: Ecumenical, Evangelical, and Roman Hall, Mary-The Spirituality of Dom Helder Camara: The Impossible Catholic, 90. Dream, 45. Billy Graham Center-An Evangelical Agenda, 1984 and Beyond, Hancock, Robert Lincoln, ed.-The Ministry of Development in Evan­ 130-131. gelical Perspective, 91-92. Breslin, Thomas A.-China, American Catholicism, and the Mission­ Hanson, Eric O.--Catholic Politics in China and Korea, 80. ary,79. Hardin, Daniel C.-Mission: A Practical Approach to Church Spon­ Bria, Ion, ed.-Martyria/Mission. The Witness of the Orthodox sored Mission Work, 137. Churches Today, 140. Hesselgrave, David J., ed.-New Horizons in World Mission. Evangeli­ Bryan, G. McLeod-Naude. Prophet to South Africa, 141-142. cals and the Christian Mission in the 1980s, 130. Burkle, Horst-Missionstheologie, 131-132. Hopkins, C. Howard-John R. Mottl865-1955: A Biography, 33. Carmody, Denise Lardner-Women and World Religions, 92. Johnston, 'Arthur-The Battle for World Evangelism, 42-43.' Ch'en, Jerome-China and the West: Society and Culture 1815-1937, Koyama, Kosuke-Three Mile an Hour God: Biblical Reflections, 88. 82-83. Kraft, Marguerite-Worldview and the Communication of the Gospel. Conn, Walter E., ed.-Conversion: Perspectives on Personal and Social A Nigerian Case Study, 135-136. Transformation, 38-39. Lacy, Creighton-Coming Home-to China, 80-81. Costas, Orlando-The Integrity of Mission. The Inner Life and Out­ Lischer, Richard-Marx and Teilhard. Two Ways to a New Humanity, reach of the.Church, 40. 134. Cote, Richard G.-Universal Grace: Myth or Reality?, 177-178. MacEoin, Gary and Nivita Riley-Puebla: A Church Being Born, 35-36. Cussianovich, Alejandro-Religious Life and the Poor: Liberation The­ Miguez Bonino, Jose-Room to Be People. An Interpretation of the ology Perspectives, 132-133. Message of the Bible for Today's World (tr. Vickie Leach), 41. DuBose, Francis M., ed.-Classics of Christian Missions, 43-44. Miranda, Jose-Marx against the Marxists, 134-135. Dunn, Edmond J.-Missionary Theology: Foundations in Development, Needleman, Jacob and George Baker, eds.-Understanding the New 179. Religions, 138-140. Eagleson, John and Philip Scharper eds.,-Puebla and Beyond. Docu­ Norman, Edward--Christianity and World Order, 45-46. mentation and Commentary, 36-37. Nyamiti, Charles-African Tradition and the Christian God, 41-42. Elesterio, Fernando G.-The Iglesia ni Kristo: Its Christology and Eccle­ Orr, Robert G.-Religion in China, 79. siology, 93-94. Panikkar, Raimundo-The Intra-Religious Dialogue, 89-90. Endicott, Stephen-James G. Endicott: Rebel Out of China, 83-84. October, 1981 189 Punt, Neal-Unconditional Good News: Toward an Understanding of -Gospel and Culture, 138. Biblical Universalism, 177-178. Taber, Charles R., ed.-The Church in Africa-1977: A Symposium, Rabe, Valentin H.-The Home Base of American China Missions, 180. 1880-1920, 82. Thomas, M. M.-Towards an Evangelical Social Gospel, 37-38. Raber, Dorothy A.-Protestantism in Changing Taiwan.
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