Home Search Collections Journals About Contact us My IOPscience The hourglass This content has been downloaded from IOPscience. Please scroll down to see the full text. 1993 Phys. Educ. 28 117 (http://iopscience.iop.org/0031-9120/28/2/010) View the table of contents for this issue, or go to the journal homepage for more Download details: IP Address: This content was downloaded on 26/11/2014 at 13:37 Please note that terms and conditions apply. The hourglass CAJames, TA Yates, M E R Walford and D F Gibbs The flow of sand within an hourglass (a conical out the offices of the king and the meditations of hopper In faa) has been Shrdled using coloured the devout. The hourglass was used for timing the sand as a tracer material and gel-fixing to reveal two- and the four-hour watches (the periods of the distributions. A video was made of the flow, duty) on board a ship at sea, which apparently it seen through a glass plate. did quite adequately despite the ship's motion. Sermons too, on spacious Sundays, were once timed by the glass: a particularly humane measure An hourglass, an extinct and charming timepiece, if visible to the congregation, as well as to the is shown in figure 1. It is a closed flask consisting vicar. A somewhat hectic application of the hour- of two pear-shaped glass bulbs joined tip to tip glass principle involved a miniature threeminute with a small interconnectinghole. Fine, dry sand is glass, used to time divisions in the House of Lords; sealed inside. The quantity is carefully selected so the cry 'the sands are running out' would summon that it runs under gravity from one bulb to the tardy Lords to cast their votes before chamber other in a time interval approximating one hour. doors were locked as the last grains fell. Even more The infant offspring of the hourglass, the sand-in- miniature was a glass tbat ran for 28 seconds and glass egg-timer, is still often to be found in the was used to determine a ship's speed through the kitchen, for it is quick to operate and easy to clean. water: a mariner threw overboard, as the glass was Here is a pretty, end-of-term, egg-timer problem: turned, a log to which was attached a string in 'I have a double egg-timer. It has a thresminute which knots were tied every 47' 3" (14.39 m). The and a five-minute glass mounted in the one frame, number of knots that ran through the sailor's such that either or both can be inverted. That is fingers as the sand ran through the glass was taken handy because I like a soft-boiled egg and my wife as the ship's speed in 'knots'. A knot is still used to a hard-boiled one. My brother prefers a four- express the speed of a ship at sea although the minute egg when he visits; can we time his egg with ship's log is now mechanized. A knot is one our egg-timer? More generally, can any eccentric nautical mile per hour (1.852 kilometres per hour). (but integer) preference in the matter of egg- boiling be accommodated?' Watching the sand flow History The rate at which sand flows in an hourglass is fairly constant, unlike the flow of water in a clep- It seems that the hourglass was invented in the sydra, which decreases as the head of water falls. 15th century. Being reputedly of superior precision We found that to enquire why this is the case and certainly convenient in use, it rapidly super- made an interesting project. However, whether seded both the Roman water clock (the clqpsydra) we reached a satisfactory conclusion is open to and the graduated candle, once used to measure question. Simple measurements were made on the repeat- ability of the interval timed by an egg-timer and Mlchael WaHord has been a Lecturer in Physics at on how it was altered by being whirled around Bristol University since 1870. He previously lectured in the head, effectively increasing 'g'. We became Rhodesia (as it was then) and Barbados. His research interested in watching the flow of the sand and so has included radio echo-sounding through ice, ice we attempted to make visible the Bow wifhin the physics, rock magnetism and oceanography. Catherine James and Tim Yams graduaied in Physlcs from Bristol hourglass. For this purpose, rather than destroy in 1992, and David Glbbs recently retired from the an hourglass, we used a conical filter funnel. We Physics Department at Bristol University. shortened the stem and filled the funnel with he, Particularly interesting is the initial motion of the sand after the hole is opened. Movement is confined to a narrow vertical column above the hole and slightly wider than it. The motion is initiated at the hole, and from there a well defined interface between static and falling sand can be seen shooting rapidly upwards. It can be regarded as a kind of kinematic shock front across which a phase change from static to fluid phases occurs. The sand grains are not in free fall within the falling column hut collide with each other, giving rise to a kind of viscosity within the fluid sand mass, just as the molecules of a gas produce viscosity in a gas by their mutual collisions. Once the column is established, it continues to flow. It gradually broadens laterally, narrowing towards the base, and a conical pit appears in the upper, horizontal, surface of the sand. Avalanches of sand of various scale sizes can be seen cascading down the free surface of the pit, which grows larger therefore, whilst keeping a roughly constant semi-angle. The avalanching material feeds the ~~ central vertical column which, as figure 2 shows, Flgunl. An hourglass. becomes flared at the top. The remainder of the sand in the glass remains static until the surface pit has grown so large that it touches the edge of the dry, graded white sand into which bands of simi- funnel. A change then occurs in the behaviour of larly graded dark sand were carefully laid. The the sand: the previously static material surround- sand was allowed to flow out for a period of time, ing the flowing column starts slowly to sink. As it then it was stopped and its distribution was 'fixed' by pouring in a solution of gelatin. When this set the cast could be removed, sectioned and the dist,.ibution of coloured sand exa,,,ined to reveal Figure 2. Asand cast showing how initially horizontal marked layers of sand are distorted by the flow. The something Of the (figure The resuks motion 2)' upper, wnical mass of dark sand was carefully poured were interesting, so we made a video recording of in after the flow experiment was stopped but prior to the the motion in the following Way: a semi-fwd is addition ofthe casting agent (gelatin solution),which prepared by dividing a funnel into two equal would otherwise have disturbed the distribution of halves by a vertical cut and cementing one half to a interest. sheet of glass. This semi-funnel is filled with sand containing markers just as before, but this time the flow can be seen through the glass from beginning to end and can be recorded using the video camera. It is important to ascertain whether the flow seen in this way is essentially similar to that which happens inside the complete funnel. It was indeed found that the pattern of flow did not differ greatly from that observed in the dismted cast. Also a sand-cast made in the semi-funnel looked similar on internal vertical surfaces and on the exposed flat face. We conclude from this that the video record does provide reliable information as to the flow regimes within a funnel. A centimetre scale and clock were included in the field of view of the camera so that, in playback mode, we were able to stop the video and make measurements on a single frade or measure displacements between frames. 118 does so it must contract radially, but it does this Osbome Reynolds, better known for his studies keeping the coloured bands within it flat and of the onset of turbulence in flowing fluids, horizontal. The faster flowing vertical column of observed in 1885 that the initiation of flow in sand sand now &cremes in diameter until eventually all is always accompanied by a dilation, for the grains the sand has run o.ut. in static sand are packed closely together and no All of this is very pretty to watch, especially motion is possible without at least some elbow when run backwards, but what is the physics room, so to speak. Reynolds described the follow- involved? ing simple demonstration of dilation: a balloon is filled with sand and water and a glass tube is inserted into the neck in such a way that the water level can be seen in the tube. When the balloon is The physics of flowing sand given a sharp squeeze the water level goes down because of dilation of the sand-water mixture. The problem of understanding flow in granular Dilation also occurs in our hourglass: as the initial and in powdery materials is a subtle one. It has shock front passes upwards, the state of the sand exercised scientists for many years and continues changes from static to fluid and the specific volume to do so (Hill and Wu 1992).
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