Pngc 30 Springfield. Missouri. September 5 and dren druve over to Hu.~,Oklahornll. Miss Xora Collins, daughter of i,hlet 6. Mr. Stone was called there to 31- and reported a wonderful tlme. Hugo clerlc to Superintendent J. J. Colllns. te~rd the funeral of hie Cousin Ulsr has some fine roads and streets apd accompanied hy her mother visited Louise Davis of Fordland, Missouri. we enjoy visiting our neighbor elf>-. relatives at Parts, Texas, recentl). J. F. Bradley returned to work Sep- Orin "Jigger" McGlasson llaa a I~RH' tember 1, after being away on leave of Chevrolet coach. Kmoch Mallonee sa)'r; absence Cur several week*. LOCAL NO. 5-ST. LOUIS, MO. he br~ught it to drive to Webster County in. Henry JlcCaiTrey, niachinirt npl~ren- SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE R0BIa:RT W. REED. Reporter tlce, Was paaslr~gout clgars recenrlv WEST SHOPS, SPRINGFIELD, MO. all because of the arrlral ot an <- I.rwnl So. 5 has had two good me.et- oound bov. Xo we haven't heard the ings since last report and from pres- new a~p&ntice'sname yet. RUSSELL TODD. Reporter ent' indications will continue. not only Elmer Courdln, blacksmlt% Lliird to have' good meetings, but lo improve Class. Is the proud possessor of a new This writer had the pleasure of visit- on each, at every opportunlly. Ford coach. ing frlends In Houston, Texas, a few Brother Allie Jones, bollerniaker Sherman Ellls, electrician, haw be'en days the last of August and had a welder. spent eighteen days In the'lt. off some time with a bruken hand wonderful tlme. Louis hospital, and had his appen,d,ir whlch he received In a fall. We hoiw J. P. Hurley, chlef engineer power removed, aud iu at this writing visit- Cor his speedy recovery. plant, left September 6th for \Vinpe- ing with his niother, at .imory, MISS. The special equipment, motor cur peg, Canada, to attend th'e annual Fire Mrs. Virgil Light and daughter are and tln shops had a temporary shut Flghters Convention. spending a month in Springfield, vlqit- down the latter part of August but are N. A. Herzoa. chief chemist, and wife ing with the home folks. working full time now. Wort of the enjoyed vacatibning in parts of Canada Brother E. H. (Dock) Bumgarner men enjoyed thelr tlme by fishing and report having a wonderful time' spent a couple of days in Greene while some just stayed rt home. L. E. Richardson was annointed aen- county, and brought back with him his Dlvision Chairmall. I. L Pence had era1 boiler foreman ~e'litember let, old bus. Guess transportation in St. the misfortune of having 11, take his vice Mr. J. T. Walsh, who was pen- Louis was too slow for Doc. wife to Kansag City lor treatment, as sioned August 31. Mr. Richardson was Brother Leaford (Dock) Johnson is she had been ill ror some time. We succeeded'.by- I.. E. ~rddiclias ImiLer spending rhree weeks on a tour Of the hol~ethat she impro\-ed rapidly. He foreman. Geo. 11'. M'illinms was pro- west, stopping in Portland, Ore., aud has the sympathy of the north shops moted to assistant boiler foreman and xeveral other places in California. and Local No. 1. C. H. Bergstrom who was transferred Mr. J. W. Snarr and Nrs. Snarr an- W. W. Lewis, machinist. was retired from the Korth Shop to this shop is nounce the marriage of thelr daughter. September 1 on account of having holler gang foreman. Ruby Fern, to Mr. Conway Brown reached the age limit. His countless A. L. Coons. assistant chemist. en- Hriscoe, on Saturday, the twenty-third friends at the north shops regret' to Joyed a trip to Chicago the last of of August. 1930. We extend congratu- see him go as he was a good man. August. lations..- nnd best wishes. Come and nee us Mr. Lewis. The "Blemphians" \Vext Shop ho\vli~~g roth her ~has.Bogga, lathe 0i)eratOr Fred Shanks was called to Topeka team, captained by W. T. X'c-Farlatld, at Lindenwood, recently had a very to attend the Luneral of his father, started the season in a large way by narrow escape from Perious InJuiy August 18. wi~lnlngtheir first three games. The while nttemptlng to smooth with a Roy Ramey, an old north side pipe- team is composed this year of Ed. fi!e the newly made threads on the fitter, \vho for the past several years Grundburg. .-\. L. Coons, C. H. Berg- piece lie was machining, got hls left has been employed by the Frlsco at strom, Bert Conlon. W. W. Shackel- jumper sleeve wound up and being; Birmingham. waa seen shaking hands ford and Captaln McFarland. made of good material almost wound with friends in the north tin slioi). Mr. J. T, Walsli, wlio was penhionetl U~JCharley before he managed to tear .iugust 18. .\ugust atst was presented with a pipe his jumper off. Brother Charles leaves Mllte Smith, rip track supplyman. and jar of tobacco, also a box of candy thla advice to machine operabor's: wear had quite a loss when his farm build- for Mrs. Wnlsh, by the boilermakers a? clnre fitting mleeves or cut them off ings were destroyed bv fire. The farm this shop. well above the elbow. is located near ~artvifle,Wright Coun- Bernard E. Hasler, machinist ap- Brother Marion -4. Brayfield, boiler- ty, Mo. prentlce, wan married April 2-lth to maker, is telling all about the good T. J. Roberts lost a son August 30 bliss Neoml Tuter at Ozark, Mo. \Ire features or that certaln brand, of all- with typhoid. extend best wlshes to the ~iewlyw$ds. electrlc radio, he Is not selling them. K. Smith drove to Indianapolis. In&, Ora E. Bltterlck is the new stock He just bought a brand-new one. where he is visiting his son and clerk in the store department succeed- Brother Louis 3'. Wudx, sheet metal daughter. ing Umfrey Johllson, assigned to other worker roinmltteenlan, reports tile Geo. Whitlock, machinist. and wife duties. ~oodnews, after boarding all these visited a sister in Wichita. Kan., re- vears, has set himself and wife Uu in cently. PARIS, TEXAS housckee~)ing. .J. F. Van Hook has a nephew. Joe Thc writer visited the old home town S. Van Hook, visiting him. He has during the first half of September and been a teacher in the American school while there visited the north shop% in Shanghi, Clilna, for the past three Wesr shops, and the reclamation plant. years but has resigned his position to Mr. and Mrs. F. 62. Hudson of \Vynne- nncl general office buildiiig. It cer- take a position on the faculty of Stnte w~~od,Oklahoma, and Mr. Carl Hud~~ntalnly was a treat to riwit these plac,es I-nlversity at Boulder City, Colo. of Little Rock, Arkansas, are visiting' after over three yeary ahsence, and to Bill Weish, a sheet' metill worker JTr. and Mrs. 15. B. McGaha: their see the faces of the many friends still who served Ills ~gprentireullip in the daughter and son-in-law and brother working at that point. hut t'he real north shop and later worked in the ;rnrl brother-in-law. trent was to get back into the over- \vest sho~s,has left the IQ'isro al~d Mr. Dave Pusley nnd fanlily hnv? alls al~dgo to work again after the gone into business for himself. He moved to their new residence on vacation was over. hought a filling station. Graham Street. We hope yon like Fred Estes. foreman of the wheel J. C. Cox. our ~enialforelnan of. the your new home, Dave. shop at the nortli uhop at Springfield. rip track, her announced the marrlagc Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Crawford and and former memher of Local KO.6, was of his daughter, Icie Mac, to Mr. .John Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Derrick and tam- n welcome visitor at St. Louis and C. Pope. The \'~)ms were exchanged ilies drove over to Bonham in Mr. Linclen\vnod shop on Labor Day. Fred August 21. but the wedding was Itept C'rawford's new car Rnd we $Ire sure is Just one of the old hoyh. xecret until now. The ceremony was that they all enjoyed their visit. read hy the Rev, Mr. H. A. Wood in S. Nr. and Mrs. B. Palmertree npcl the parsonage I,€ the Canipbell Street two children spent several days visit- SPRINGFIELD NORTH SHOPS Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. pope ing in Red Oak, Oklahoma. \vilI reside in Hal-tville. Paris has been a busy town on ac- .-\J.ES \\-.iTT ant1 GORDOS \-C)$VI.XdI.. - count of entertaining visitors to La- Reporters mar County Fnir whlch was heltl ,at SOUTH TRAIN YARDS L'ttrl~ from September 9th to 13th. In- uluslve. There was several Cine clls- 011 Friday. .\ugust 29, a chicken dill- SPRINGFIELD, MO. plays In farm producta and stock and ner was riven at Dolinz Park IJV \re are rtlll of t'he opinion that we ~,o&nlSo. 1 for members -'and the& Ilavr llie heat farmers aild stock men fnmllles. .4u~roximately 100 memhers ii T,nmar County. were present,- including generirl chair- C'. E. Clark, rheck clerk, iu~df~rnilg Mr. J. D. Fry and wife have just re- man, IJranlc Junkins, his wife and silent Labor lhy visiting with rela- turned from a- vlsit to their old IiomP daughters. and secretary to general tives in hiemi~his. Term. They report town En Illlnol~,where they also had chalrlnan.
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