M MANCHF.STKK IIK.RAU). Wednesday. A|)ill :i. 1985 MANCHESTER FOCUS SPORTS WEATHER Bill halves keep agents Owner likes price I Myths of pregnancy MHS pitching staff Clouding up tonight; for shelter possibility I I worry many women to be strong suit little change Friday busy on Gerena probe ... page 2 ... page 3 I I • ... page 9 show us, and now they’re trying PRICES G O O D TH RU Bv Ruth Youngblood THE ROBBERY AT THE Wells United Press International Fargo depot in West Hartford was to," the second largest cash heist in Feeney said the severed bills HARTFORD - FBI agents are U.S. history, surpassed only by the would be sent to a laboratory in examining halves of crisp $10 hills $11 million in cash taken from Washington, D C. to determine if supplied by a Puerto Rican terror­ Sentry Armored Car-Courier in they were from the Wells Fargo ist group that claimed the loot was New York on Dec. 12, 1982. robbery. part of a $7 million Wells Fargo "This is no April Fools joke." robbery two years ago. said Bernard Feeney, assistant THE $10 FRAGMENT SENT to "This is another element,” said agent in charge of the FBI office. El Mundo carried a serial number The letter denounced as "hos­ of C 53600002 A. just two numbers Alonzo Lacey Tuesday, special lower than the bill mailed to The agent in charge of FBI operations tage taking" current federal grand , ..... >-b.. _ ^ ThiircHnvyThursday, AprilAn 4, 1985 — Single copy: 25<t in Connecticut. "Certainly it does jury proceedings in Hartford in­ Hartford Courant. The FBI has the Manchester, Conn — A City of Village Charm bare an aura of legitimacy." volving the family of former Wells serial numbers for only part of the The money and a one-page Fargo guard Victor Gerena. 27. money taken in the robbery, a statement claiming responsibility Gerena allegedly turned on two shipment of new cash from the lor the Sept. 12, 1983 robbery were fellow employees with a gun as Federal Re.serve Bank in Boston. they pulled their armored truck Investigators said most of the $7 mailed to three newspapers with million has been circulated and Pressure Treated Lumber the envelopes postmarked San into the Wells Fargo terminal. He TrealPtl lumU-r isn i jusl (lip|K-d t»i jt.iinlfil I rusi i Juan. Puerto Rico. Each bill was tied them up. loaded 900 pounds of cannot be traced. xative IS forced inlt> cells of top liim»K i -•'i. ii In the letters to the newspapers, resists insects and weather Its re.on i" cut diagonally through the portrait cash into his rented car and drove \ou bu\ It, no more trealnteni necess,ir\ lile.u I'O O’Neill proposes $37.6 million tax cut of Alexander Hamilton off. police charged. The car was the group said, "We appeal to you benches, decks, tables - all o u k Iik .i p io ie t t - to point out the grave injustice and ern \ellow pine treatetl with K-Tl ti> The letters were signed by the later found abandoned retention.ami stam^M'd for ground tonl.ici Appropriations committees would State and federal arrest war­ violation of human rights that is By Mark A. Dupuis surplus while leaving intact a $200 ation several weeks ago. properly taxes. • Exempting people over age 62 Madieteros — Spanish for ma TURN PROBLEM from paying the real estate con­ decide how the money is spent, chete wielders — a group that has rants were issued and Gerena is being committed against Victor's United Press International million "rainy day" fund to offset Robertson, however, added that The governor's $37.6 million among the FBI's 10 most-wanted family and the PSP (Puerto Rican future deficits. the lyegislature's Republican ma­ program for additional stale lax veyance lax on the sale of a most likely waiting until after a staged various acts of terrorism in principal residence for a savings of special commission studying Puerto Rico to back their demands criminal suspects, but the former Socialist Party) members.' WINDOWS INTO HARTFORD - Gov. William A. "I think it's a rounded pro­ jority is still working on its tax cut cuts includes: security guard has never been O’Neill today proposed additional gram," O'Neill said at a news program and hasn’t come to any • Reducing the gross receipts $4 million. teacher salary increases issues its for independence Irom the Cnited "The only thing we share with SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL • Increasing the spousal exemp­ final report later this year. States. indicted in the robbery. the PSP militants is our love and tax cuts totaling $37.6 million in the conference where he announced decision on what cuts it will lax on residential utility bills, Wells Fargo has offered a 500.000 Kui’l.ku wol 11 oul wiiuluws Wlib IXMUlltuI next fiscal year and a $20 million the tax cut plan and education support. except for cable television and tion under the inheritance tax for a "Doesn't it make sense to use "Enclosed you will find half a commitment to freedom and inde­ Xiuluisc'ii K i\ or Ixm wiiulovss lb c\ ottci savings of $4 million .some of our projected surplus as a reward, the largest in U S history, luim ,uul ihiii.uiui InsiiLilini! vm h loic "down paymenl" toward future allocation. "It touches all elements 'The tax cuts, which would take telephone bills, from 5 percent to 4 genuine Big Sleep Heist $10 (bill), pendence for our country and our •t • « I • Allowing a lax credit for down paymenl on the future whidi will serve as authentifica- lor information about the notorious people, " the letter said. "Our • I knibic |vino iiiM il.tiin^ j’lass * I ow nuiiM t'ii.iiuc costs of improving the state’s of society ” effect July 1, would be in addition percent, saving taxpayers $14 \ nu I uMciHUS * I .is\ mstall.ilikiD I u'c ustiiiLitus Senate President Pro Tempore to a $50 clothing tax exemption t hat million in the 1985-86 budget year. nonreimbursable medical ex­ quality of our public school sys­ tion and verification" of participa­ fugitive. methods and actions are quite »d ih q Mii'i’ lli'.l O' AibU'iM 1' public schools. Although the Mancheteros The Democratic governor said Philip S. Rol)ert.son, R-Cheshire, took effect this week and is • Eliminating the 7.5 percent penses for people over age 62 from tem'’" O'Neill asked, "I think it tion by the Macheteros. the letters different." does and I hope that the General said. "The other half will be used in claimed Gerena was trained by (omc honK uu|uality he will ask the Republican- who has balked at other sections of expected to .save taxpayers $19 4 sales tax on non-prescription durgs the dividends and interest tax. for them to carry out the robbery in Gerena’s former fiancee, Ann controlled Legislature to cut taxes O’Neill's budget for the fiscal year million in this fi.scal year and $62 such as as|)irin. cough medicines a savings inthe 1985-86budget year Assembly will agree.” our next communication " (omc hoiiK toAmlcrscn.’ Robertson, however, voiced res­ The "Big Sleep Heist" referred earlier letters to newspapers, Elizabeth Soto, has testified before on utility bills, non-prescription beginning July 1 was pleased with million in the next. and the like, saving taxpayers $8 of $3.6 million. officials noted it was the first time the grand jury, and John C. drugs, certain real estate sales and the tax cut plan announced today. O’Neill also is proposing to use million in the coming year. O'Neill's package also includes ervations about the proposal, to a Boston newspaper headline New TOUGH-GLASS saying he feared it would be a about the robbery the group tried to submit proof of Brittain, attorney for Gloria Ger­ interest and dividends. "It’s super, " said Robertson, $100 million from the surplus for • Exempting Social Security $20 million for a new fund to be their involvement by sending ena. the suspect’s mother, said he Fiberglass Roofing Shingles The tax cuts, if approved along who said all but one of the tax increased aid to eities’and towns income from the interest and used to increase teacher salaries one-time use of money from the The letters were received by The money. expects his client to be subpo­ with spending proposals offered by reductions proposed by O’Neill for road repairs and about $40 dividends lax when computing or finance other steps to improve surplus that wouldn’t necessarily ffartford Courant and the daily Lt. Anthony Duffy, the West enaed. She has announced she is a From Georgia-F^if ic O’Neill, would use up the state's were included on a list he sent to million to increase aid to munici­ adjusted gross income, saving the slate's education system be available in future years and newspapers El Mundo and El Hartford police detective heading member of the PSP and has vowed Pressure Treated $234 million projected budget Republican senators for eonsider- palities to help hold the line on local taxpayers $4 million. The Legislature's Education and would have to be raised elsewhere. not to cooperate with the • 20-year limited warranty Reportero in San Juan. All three the investigation, said, "Our atti­ • Class A' fire rating contained the right half of a $10 bill. tude about their claim has been investigation • S e lf-s e a lin g an d wir>d resistant Landscape Ties • Standard 3-tab design • Colors to harmonize with any Von Bulow attorneys battle architectural style MHS program keeps over witnesses to subpoena students in classroom p«r I By Mlllv McLean has "certain substances " that may United Press International be of use to the defense.
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