University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 2-16-1994 Central Florida Future, Vol. 26 No. 21, February 16, 1994 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 26 No. 21, February 16, 1994" (1994). Central Florida Future. 1222. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/1222 , . Golden Knights make impressive showing in Olive Garden Classic- Sports, page 28 central Flori Future • t>y JENNIFER LUPO Jetter be disclosed, along with to release the letter; however it and REX HOGGARD any other information connected was laterobtained from an ~nony­ Staff writers to the allegations. The requests mous source. were denied, citing the need for A press release stated that no For the second time this school a·complete and thorough inves- election statute had been broken year, the Student Government . tigation. and that Mason was not guilty of elections are under acloud of pos­ "[There] seems to have any violations. The release con­ ;::::: sible campaigu violations. been some miscommunication tinued to discount Merritt's accu­ ::,j·,: Investigations have been initi­ between E.C. [the Election Com- sations as opinion and the investi­ .,... ated against the ticket of Damon gation was then discredited: Mason/Juliann Hickey. The Cen­ Merritt claimed that Mason ·r tral Florida Future rec~ived a began campaigning before the .;., " : So far the elections have :· copy of a Jetter, dated Jan. 27, official campaign period, which ·:·· addressed to Don Doyle, chiefjus­ been ''going very began Feb. 14, by speaking to the ::i: tice of the judicial council, alleg­ ' smoothly compared to Multicultural Club. Candidates ing possible violations of election who campaign before the official statutes. some years in the past. campaign period face disqualifi­ The letter, written by presiden­ -Ashley Guzdzial cation. tial candidate Ferris Merritt, al­ chief election According to Guzdzial, the leges that Damon Mason improp­ Election Commission's investiga­ commisioner erly used his position as SG Comp­ tion consisted of contacting the troller to influence club and orga­ president and members of the nization votes. mission] and our marketing de­ Muticultural Club. Mason, who is According to Ashley Guzdzial, partment," said Mason. the current Student Government chief electio·n commissioner, "So The miscommunication was comptroller, was free to discuss far the elections .have been going between a reporter and Wendy activity and service fee allocation very _smoothJy compared to some Wesley, director of public rela­ with the group as part of his duty years in the past." tion·s, who was not aware ot the as comptroller. Upon learning of the existence letter's existence. of the letter, the Future requested Following the investigation, from Student Government that the the _Election Commission failed See ELECTION, page 5 ... _.,. ' DeHoog/ Future One of the three newly painted LASER buses awaits outside the Student Center. The buses' six different murals have been on the road since November. LASER is sporting a new look to attract UFC students By TARA FRIEDLUND ing. The buses painted with the After the LYNX marketing de­ rector of LYNX marketing and university who has this. I like to · Staff Writer sports logos first ran Nov. 2, 1993, partment chose and designed the public relations. "I wanted UCF say we are the first," said Paul and ridership has risen 23 percent images for the sports buses, the students ~o like [the murals], and I Skoutelas, executive director and in the past year. drawings were approved by Uni­ could think of nothing better than C.E.O. of LYNX. "We see it as What would it take to get more There are three sport buses, versity Alafaya Corridor Transpor­ having something school ori­ a great partnership between two students riding buses to UCF? which are actually LASER buses. tation Association board members. ented," she added. public organizations," he said. This has been a concern of t!1e LASER is an acronym for Local UACTA, a non-profit group set up Steve Gavora, director of It is because of this unusual marketing department at LYNX, Area Shuttle Eastern Region to address transportation problems UACT A, said the sports theme partnership that UCF pays no ad­ which made an attempt to attract Each bus has a mural of a differ­ on Alafaya Trail and University was chosen because the football vertising fees. The usual advertis­ more student riders by decorating ent sport on each side. The six Boulevard. team is ~oving to division 1-A. ing fee for the side of a LYNX bus buses with brightly colored mu­ sports pictured are crew, men's "We wanted something on the "We figured it was a great time to rals of various UCF sports. and women's basketball, baseball, outside that would intrigue people promote UCF sports," Gavora said. The tactic seems to be work- footb~IJ and women's volleybalJ. to ride," said Deborah Cooper, di- "I am not aware of any other See BUS, page 3 In Features In Opinion News 1-9 Opinion 10-n B11rfo11 C. Bell of Fear Aud our choice for Classified 12 Factorx reveals his .'itude11t government 13-16 bmermo.'il .'iecrets ... pre.'iidenf b; ... 'Vote '94': election overview page R4 p1ge 10 Features 17-22 Sports 23-28 • • • ~GA will help you find • • solutions, report your .- • •.. .. ~ .....................................................................- . .. .. •• . • • • • • • UCF Alumni ·Association • UiF UiF • ALUMNI Scholarships and Awards ALUMNI • • Alumni Fellows. Scholarship - One $800 award to: a)a current UCF Freshman who will be a Sophomore in Fall 1994; and • ,. • b)a current UCF Senior who will be a Graduate Student in the Fall 1994. Selection criteria: minimum 3.5 GPA; well-rounded . • ·involvement on campus or in the community; and/or exceptional work experience . • • Charles Millican Scholarship - One $1000 award to a current (enrolled at UCF 1993-94) UCF student who will have a • • Junior class standing no later than Fall 1994. Selection criteria: minimum 3.5 GPA; outstanding setvice to the university • through campus clubs; honor organizations, student government, etc.; and/or service to the community through job, • volunteer work, setvice projects, etc . • • H. Trevor Colboum Scholarship - One $1000 award to a current (enrolled at UCF 1993-94) UCF student who will have a • Senior class standing no later than· Fall 1994. Sel~ction criteria: minimum 3.5 GPA; outstanding setvice to the university • •· through student government, honor organizations, campus organizations, etc.; and/or outstanding setvice to the community • through volunteer work, service projects, job, etc . • • Phoenix Scholarship - (Coordinated by the UCF Alumni Association; awarded by a committee of donors to this scholarship • program.) One award (typically $1200) to a non-traditional student. Selection criteria is based on merit and financial need. • • Minority Scholarship- One $800 award to a UCF ethnic minority student (any class standing). Selection criteria: a) 3.25 • • GPA; and~) well-rounded involvement on campus or in the community; and/or c)exceptional work experience. • • Uistinguished Student Award - One plaque presented to a UCF student who has demonstrated outstanding achievement • • in at least one of the following areas: a)scholarship; b) athletics;·c) social services, religious activities and campus government; • d) creative and performing arts. Students, faculty, and staff may nominate any student who has maintained a minimum 3.5 • GPA and has been a full-time student during the 1993-94 school year. Preference is given to Seniors. • Please note - Partial scholarships are awarded for the Fall and Spring semesters. In order to receive these scholarships, students must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA and enroll in at least 24 semester.hours during the 1994-95 year (Fall, Spring, and Summer). Students who fail to meet these minimum criteria shall be ineligible to receive an award for the appropriate semester(s). • Application Deadline - Submit application, statement of academic career goals (one page maximum) as well as a copy of transcript and any supporting letters of recommendation to the Scholarship Committee by Spm on April 1, 1994. • Applications are available in (and must be returned to) the UCF Alumni Relations Office, ADM 340. If you have any questions please call UCF Alumni Relations office at ( 407) 823-2586, 8am to 5pm, Monday through Friday. • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • .r • February 16, 1994 The Central Florida Future 3 > • New paint dresses up LASER buses painted with a solid base coat. BUS, from page 1 The images are then projected is about $4,000 per month. onto the side of the bus; this way (• . The buses are paid for by com­ the painters paint the exact pho­ bined funds from UCF, Orange tograph. It takes abo.ut one week county, LYNX and UACTA. to paint both sides of a bus, . , DeHoog/Future ( It did not cost any more to paint Nichols said. the buses with the sports figures To paint the windows, a spe­ A LASER bus waits on campus. The mural was painted from an actual UCF crew photograph. · than ii would have to repaint the cial material called Contravision • previous designs, said Gavora. is used. This material is painted LYNX painters and designers then placed over the windows, painted everything and no addi­ Nichols said. From inside the BUYING A CAR? • tional artists needed to be brought bus, the windows look tinted . in. From the outside, they look To come up with the designs, the solid.
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