E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 143 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1997 No. 13 House of Representatives The House met at 11 a.m. and was THE JOURNAL of our colleague, the Honorable Frank called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Tejeda; The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Whereas Representative Tejeda has spent 4 pore [Mr. LAHOOD]. Chair has examined the Journal of the years in the House of Representatives; f last day's proceedings and announces Whereas Representative Tejeda served his to the House his approval thereof. country honorably in the United States Ma- DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- rine Corps from 1963 to 1967; and Whereas Representative Tejeda was award- PRO TEMPORE nal stands approved. ed the Purple Heart, the Silver Star, the The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, Commandant's Trophy, the Marine Corps As- fore the House the following commu- pursuant to clause 1, rule I, I demand a sociation Award, and the Colonel Phil nication from the Speaker: vote on agreeing to the Speaker's ap- Yeckel Award for ``the best combined record proval of the Journal. in leadership, academics, and physical fit- WASHINGTON, DC, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ness'': Now, therefore, be it February 5, 1997. Resolved, ThatÐ I hereby designate the Honorable RAY question is on the Chair's approval of (1) when the Senate adjourns today, it ad- LAHOOD to act as Speaker pro tempore on the Journal. journ as a further mark of admiration and this day. The question was taken; and the respect to the memory of our departed friend NEWT GINGRICH, Speaker pro tempore announced that and colleague, who left his mark on Texas Speaker of the House of Representatives. the ayes appeared to have it. and our Nation; and (2) the Senate extends to his family our f Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I object to the vote on the ground that a thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. PRAYER quorum is not present and make the SEC. 2. The Secretary of the Senate shall point of order that a quorum is not The Reverend Dr. Ronald F. Chris- communicate this resolution to the House of present. Representatives, and shall transmit an en- tian, Office of the Bishop, Evangelical The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- rolled copy to the family of Representative Lutheran Church of America, Washing- ant to clause 5, rule I, further proceed- Frank Tejeda. ton, DC, offered the following prayer: ings on this question will be postponed. The message also announced that Almighty God, giver of life and pro- The point of no quorum is considered pursuant to Public Law 85±874, as vider for every living thing, we pray. withdrawn. amended, the Chair, on behalf of the Grant mercy to Your children wherever f President of the Senate, appointed the they may live. May food be always suf- Senator from Mississippi [Mr. LOTT] ficient, may love be always present, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE and the Senator from Alaska [Mr. STE- may hope be never absent, and may The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the VENS] to the Board of Trustees of the care be constantly available to every gentleman from Florida [Mr. HASTINGS] John F. Kennedy Center for the Per- one. come forward and lead the House in the forming Arts. Almighty God, giver of life and pro- Pledge of Allegiance. The message also announced that vider for every living thing, we pray Mr. HASTINGS of Florida led the pursuant to provisions of sections 42 grant comfort to people who grieve. Pledge of Allegiance as follows: and 43 of title 20, United States Code, May none of us want for family, may I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Chair, on behalf of the Vice Presi- all of us be a friend, may each of us the United States of America, and to the Re- dent, appointed the following Senators have a home, and may every person be public for which it stands, one nation under as members of the Board of Regents of courageous in service. God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for the Smithsonian Institution: The Sen- Almighty God, giver of life and pro- all. ator from Mississippi [Mr. COCHRAN] vider for every living thing, we pray f and the Senator from Tennessee [Mr. look with favor on this people, our Na- MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE FRIST]. tion. May we be selfless first and self- The message also announced that ish last. May we offer credit early and A message from the Senate by Ms. pursuant to Public Law 100±458, the seek fame late. May we be just and do Charlene McDevitt, one of its clerks, Chair, on behalf of the majority leader, right, shunning unfair advantage al- announced that the Senate agreed to appoints William E. Cresswell, of Mis- ways. May we want peace now and con- the following resolution: sissippi, to a term on the Board of flict never. S. RES. 49 Trustees of the John C. Stennis Center Almighty God, hear our prayer, Whereas the Senate has learned with pro- for Public Service Training and Devel- amen. found sorrow and deep regret of the passing opment, effective October 11, 1996. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H289 H290 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE February 5, 1997 RESIGNATION AS MEMBER OF Florida for her remembering our col- the House for 1 minute and to revise COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT league, Frank Tejeda. and extend her remarks.) REFORM AND OVERSIGHT Mr. Speaker, as we all know, a high Mrs. JOHNSON of Connecticut. Mr. Speaker, in the last session of Congress The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- quality learning environment is essen- tial to educating our Nation's children. we passed important legislation giving fore the House the following resigna- Many may wonder why the President Americans access to portable insurance tion as a member of the Committee on last night spent so much time on the coverage regardless of their health sta- Government Reform and Oversight: issue usually discussed by State and tus, but we did not extend these same CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, local government. protections to our senior and disabled HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Well, I believe his concern is war- constituents who are on Medicare. Yet Washington, DC, February 5, 1997. ranted. Take Palm Beach and Broward no senior should be required to live in Hon. NEWT GINGRICH, Speaker of the House, Washington, DC. Counties, parts of which I represent, fear that unexpected medical bills will DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to my ap- for example. These school systems edu- deprive them of financial independ- pointment to the Science, International Re- cate more students from prekinder- ence. lations and Resources Committees I wish to garten through grade 12 than they can That is why today I am introducing, tender my resignation for the Committee on handle. Our schools are pushed to the along with 30 of my colleagues and Government Reform and Oversight. limit, a limit that some consider to be with the gentleman from Michigan Sincerely, critically overcrowded. [Mr. DINGELL] of the Energy and Com- KEVIN BRADY, Mr. Speaker, the school doors are merce Committee, a portability bill for Member of Congress. bursting at the seams in south Florida the millions of senior citizens who sup- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without and around the Nation. Our schools plement their Medicare coverage with objection, the resignation is accepted. need our help. Thus, America's leaders private insurance. There was no objection. need to be partners in education. This I am pleased to say that a bill is f partnership among Federal, State, and being introduced in the Senate, spon- local governments should be based on a sored by Senators ROCKEFELLER and TRIBUTE TO CONGRESSMAN balance between leadership and local CHAFEE, that is identical to this bill to FRANK TEJEDA flexibility. The goal is to direct re- speed the action of Congress to provide (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN asked and was sources to the local level to help our these critical protections to our sen- given permission to address the House communities build much needed iors. for 1 minute and to revise and extend schools to alleviate overcrowding. An estimated 10 million senior citi- her remarks.) It is crucial, Mr. Speaker, that we zens, one-third of the total number of Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I work together to find the necessary seniors on Medicare, rely on Medigap rise to pay tribute to an extraordinary funds for our schools. coverage to meet important health needs. Medigap insurance typically colleague whom we lost to cancer, Con- f paid for prescription drugs and skilled gressman Frank Tejeda. Congressman PREPARING AMERICA FOR THE nursing care. These are protections Tejeda's life is an inspiration to all 21ST CENTURY that our seniors deserve, and I ask your Americans for his was a story of hard cosponsorship of my legislation. work, dedication and perseverance, and (Ms. DELAURO asked and was given f those qualities symbolize the American permission to address the House for 1 dream that all of our citizens can minute and to revise and extend her re- SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND THE reach. marks.) ARMY Ms.DELAURO. Mr. Speaker, last After dropping out from high school night President Clinton laid out an ac- (Ms.
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