Study and analysis of the use of wind power for the propulsion of merchant vessels. Case study. Bachelor’s Final Thesis Facultat de Nàutica de Barcelona Barcelona School of Nautical Studies Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Polytechnic University of Catalonia Project made by: Daniel Gómez Díaz Directed by: Santiago Ordás Jiménez Bachelor's degree in Naval Systems and Technology Engineering and Bachelor's degree in Marine Technologies Barcelona, March 2020 Nautical Science and Engineering Department This page intentionally left blank Acknowledgments In the first place, I would like to thank my thesis director Prof. Santiago Ordás. His advices have always been phenomenal. He consistently allowed this paper to be my own work but steered me in the right direction whenever it was necessary. I would also like to acknowledge company Bound4Blue for opening me the doors to their offices and their knowledge, and especially David Ferrer Desclaux, CTO & Project Manager at Bound4Blue, for his interest in the thesis and his predisposition to help me. Finally, I would like to give a special mention to the ones that have always been by my side throughout the elaboration of this final thesis: Montse, Olga, Sara, and Lennon. Thank you. iii Study and analysis of the use of wind power for the propulsion of merchant vessels. Case study iv Abstract This final thesis is intended to be a useful tool for society and to be a relevant advancement in the ambit of naval propulsion, as well as in the fight against the environmental consequences caused by human activity. Merchant ships are sources of emissions of tons of CO2, SOX, NOX and other pollutants. The main purpose of the thesis is to investigate ways to reduce these emissions by using wind power, thereby reducing fossil fuels consumption. The thesis is innovative as it approaches this purpose from three different perspectives: 1. It is a compilation of the existing wind power technologies for the propulsion of merchant ships, such as Flettner rotors or wingsails, among others. A study of each technology has been carried out, regarding their physical principles, their operation, their adaptation and installation aboard vessels and the energy benefits they bring. The thesis may be considered, in part, as an encyclopedia of modern and innovative wind power technologies for naval propulsion. 2. The mathematical equations presented and the concepts explained are applied in a more practical way, putting the main technologies through their paces in an analysis of a real case. 3. A new system for the propulsion of merchant vessels is proposed, conceived from the study of the existing technologies and from own ideas. Information on the state of the art of each technology has also been compiled and analysed, in order to evaluate the viability of each system and its current level of development. To elaborate this thesis with the highest technical rigor possible, information from technical articles of classification societies and manufacturers, academic textbooks, international regulations, etc. has been verified and contrasted. Furthermore, to obtain and contrast information, a meeting with the CTO from the wingsails company Bound4Blue was arranged. This thesis is expected to boost maritime transport’s contribution to the global challenge of achieving a more sustainable technological development. v Study and analysis of the use of wind power for the propulsion of merchant vessels. Case study Resum Aquest treball de fi de grau pretén ser una eina útil per a la societat, representant un avenç en l’àmbit de la propulsió naval i en la lluita contra les conseqüències mediambientals propiciades per l’activitat humana. Els vaixells mercants són fonts d’emissions de tones de CO2, SOX, NOX i altres contaminants. L’objectiu primordial del treball és investigar maneres de reduir aquestes emissions a partir de l’aprofitament de l’energia del vent, reduint així el consum de combustibles fòssils. El treball és innovador ja que aborda aquest objectiu des de tres vessants diferents: 1. És un recopilatori de les tecnologies eòliques existents per a la propulsió de vaixells mercants , com els rotors Flettner o les veles rígides, entre d’altres. S’estudien els principis físics de cada tecnologia, el seu funcionament, la seva adaptació i instal·lació als vaixells i el benefici energètic que comporten. El treball pot considerar-se, en part, com una enciclopèdia de les tecnologies eòliques més modernes i innovadores per a la propulsió naval. 2. Les equacions matemàtiques presentades i els conceptes explicats s’apliquen d’una forma més pràctica, sometent les principals tecnologies a l’anàlisi d’un cas real. 3. Es proposa un sistema nou per a la propulsió de vaixells mercants, concebut a partir de l’estudi de les tecnologies existents i d’idees pròpies. També s’ha recopilat i analitzat informació relativa a l’estat de l’art de cada tecnologia, per avaluar la viabilitat de cada sistema i el seu nivell de desenvolupament actual. Per tal d’elaborar aquest treball amb el màxim rigor tècnic possible, s’ha contrastat informació provinent d’articles tècnics de societats de classificació i fabricants, llibres de text acadèmics, normativa internacional, etc. A més, per tal d’obtenir i contrastar informació, també s’ha realitzat una trobada amb el Director Tècnic de l’empresa constructora de veles rígides Bound4Blue. D’aquest treball s’espera que serveixi per potenciar la contribució del transport marítim al repte global que suposa aconseguir un desenvolupament tecnològic més sostenible. vi Contents ACKNOWLEDGMENTS III ABSTRACT V RESUM VI CONTENTS VII LIST OF FIGURES X LIST OF TABLES XIV ACRONYMS XVI INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER 1: CONVENTIONAL PROPULSION MEANS IN MERCHANT VESSELS 3 1.1 TYPES OF PROPULSION SYSTEMS 3 1.2 THRUST GENERATION 8 1.3 CONCLUSIONS OF THE CHAPTER 13 CHAPTER 2: CONTEXTUALIZING WIND POWER IN NAVAL PROPULSION 15 2.1 THE POLLUTION PROBLEM 15 2.1.1 OVERVIEW 15 2.1.2 MARITIME TRANSPORT IMPLICATION 19 2.2 WIND IN MERCHANT VESSELS 28 2.2.1 AIR DRAG 28 2.2.2 WIND-ASSISTED PROPULSION 33 2.3 CONCLUSIONS OF THE CHAPTER 36 CHAPTER 3: MAIN WIND POWER TECHNOLOGIES IN MERCHANT VESSELS 39 3.1 FLETTNER ROTOR 39 3.1.1 MAGNUS EFFECT 39 3.1.2 FLETTNER ROTOR AS A SHIP PROPULSION SYSTEM 42 3.2 KITE SYSTEM 48 3.2.1 KITE TRACTION FORCE 48 3.2.2 KITE SYSTEM ABOARD 54 3.3 WINGSAILS 61 3.3.1 DRIVING FORCE 61 3.3.2 THE WINGSAILS TECHNOLOGY ABOARD 71 3.3.3 FLOATING POWER PLANT 75 3.4 WIND TURBINES 79 3.4.1 INTRODUCTION TO WIND TURBINES 79 3.4.2 WIND TURBINES IN MERCHANT VESSELS 84 3.5 CONSIDERATIONS OF THE MAIN WIND POWER TECHNOLOGIES 89 vii Study and analysis of the use of wind power for the propulsion of merchant vessels. Case study 3.5.1 ECONOMIC AND LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS 89 3.5.2 COMPARISON OF THE MAIN WIND POWER TECHNOLOGIES 92 3.6 CONCLUSIONS OF THE CHAPTER 99 CHAPTER 4: STATE OF THE ART OF WIND POWER TECHNOLOGIES IN MERCHANT VESSELS 102 4.1 ROTOR SHIPS 102 4.2 STATE OF THE ART OF KITES 108 4.3 ONGOING PROJECTS WITH WINGSAILS 111 4.4 WIND TURBINES EXPERIENCES 114 4.5 CONCLUSIONS OF THE CHAPTER 117 CHAPTER 5: OTHER WIND POWER TECHNOLOGIES 119 5.1 TURBOSAILS 119 5.2 HULL DESIGN 125 5.3 NON-RIGID SAILS 130 5.4 CONCLUSIONS OF THE CHAPTER 134 CHAPTER 6: CASE STUDY 136 6.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE CASE STUDY 136 6.2 FUEL CONSUMPTION AND EMISSIONS OF THE SHIP 142 6.2.1 FUEL CONSUMPTION CALCULATION 142 6.2.2 EMISSIONS CALCULATION 144 6.3 PERFORMANCE OF WIND POWER TECHNOLOGIES 147 6.3.1 ALGORITHM TO ESTIMATE ANNUAL AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS REDUCTIONS 148 6.3.2 FLETTNER ROTORS 151 6.3.3 KITE 157 6.3.4 WINGSAILS 161 6.3.5 WIND TURBINES 170 6.4 NEW WIND-ASSISTED PROPULSION SYSTEM 175 6.4.1 CONCEPT 175 6.4.2 ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE 179 6.5 CONCLUSIONS OF THE CHAPTER 185 GENERAL CONCLUSIONS 188 ECONOMIC COSTS OF THE THESIS 190 REFERENCES 193 ANNEXES 199 viii ANNEX 1: CERTIFICATION OF MEETING AND COLLABORATION 199 ANNEX 2: INTERVIEW WITH DAVID FERRER DESCLAUX, CTO & PROJECT MANAGER AT BOUND4BLUE 200 A2.1 AIM OF THE INTERVIEW 200 A2.2 INTERVIEW 200 ix Study and analysis of the use of wind power for the propulsion of merchant vessels. Case study List of figures Chapter 1 Figure 1.1: The propeller moves thanks to the mechanical energy delivered by the diesel engine (Source: [1]) ....................................................................................................................... 3 Figure 1.2: Scheme of a steam turbine propulsion plant (Source: [2]) ......................................... 4 Figure 1.3: MAN 51/60DF engine. DF stands for Dual Fuel (Source: [4]) ...................................... 5 Figure 1.4: Scheme of the Brayton cycle (Own source) ................................................................ 6 Figure 1.5: The nuclear-powered Arktika class NS 50 Let Pobedy, a russian icebreaker (Source: [5]) ................................................................................................................................................. 6 Figure 1.6: Scheme of a diesel electric propulsion plant of a RoPax ship (Source: [6]) ................ 7 Figure 1.7: Simplified ship drive train (Own source) ..................................................................... 8 Figure 1.8: Cross-section of a blade of a propeller submerged in a water flow (Source: [7]) ...... 8 Figure 1.9: Main parameters of an aerofoil (Source: [8]) ........................................................... 10 Figure 1.10: Drag resistance components (Own source) ............................................................ 11 Chapter 2 Figure 2.1: Shanghai Towers above the Smog (Source: [10]) ..................................................... 17 Figure 2.2: Understanding the greenhouse effect (Source: [11]) ............................................... 18 Figure 2.3: Evolution of the Ozone layer hole (Source: [12]). ..................................................... 18 Figure 2.4: MAN 32/44CR engine complies with IMO newest regulations. However, main engines are still responsible for almost all marine pollution (Source: [14]) ............................... 21 Figure 2.5: Summary graph of annual fuel consumption broken down by ship type and machinery component (main, auxiliary and boiler) in 2012 (Source: [13]) ...............................
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