E2432 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 18, 2005 1912, it was unfairly divided so that only half the Pacific and participated in the Battle of IN RECOGNITION OF NEW YORK of the seven million Albanians who live in Leyte Gulf in the Philippines. In one engage- CITY COUNCIL SPEAKER GIF- the Balkans today live in the State of Alba- FORD MILLER nia, with the other half living on her borders ment, the Battle of Surigao Strait, the USS in five other jurisdictions. The State of Melvin fired a torpedo that hit the Japanese Yugoslavia was created after World War I on battleship Fuso, splitting it in half and eventu- HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY the backs of the Albanian people and on ally sinking it. According to historical reports, OF NEW YORK their land. Then Communism again sub- the USS Melvin was the only destroyer to sink IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES merged the Albanian people—this time a battleship in World War II. For his heroism throwing them into a political and economic Friday, November 18, 2005 ‘‘black hole,’’ stretching from Belgrade to and leadership aboard the USS Melvin, Admi- Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay Tirana, for almost fifty years after World ral Atkins was awarded the Navy Cross. In tribute to Gifford Miller, Speaker of the New War II. It is a wonder that the Albanian peo- 1959, Admiral Atkins retired after 27 years of York City Council. Speaker Miller led the ple kept their language, their history, and faithful service to the U.S. Navy. Council through four contentious years, win- their hope alive throughout the last six hun- dred years of occupation and resistance. It is Admiral Atkins’ bravery during the Battle of ning on issues that are important to New York- a wonder that, amid all the national stress Leyte Gulf helped change the course of our ers. He has been an exceptional City Council and personal sacrifice, that Gjergj Kastrioti Nation’s history and I am truly grateful for his Speaker who has truly made New York City a has not been forgotten altogether. But he leadership and unwavering courage aboard better place to live. As a colleague, an ally has not been forgotten, and it is a tribute to the USS Melvin. I hope that you will join me and a friend, he has been one of the best his greatness and to the besa of the Albanian in honoring the life and service of Admiral public servants around. people that, against all odds, Albanians are Speaker Miller began his political career in Barry K. Atkins and offering our most sincere standing free today, in Albania and Kosova, my office. He rose quickly from an entry level and that the sons and daughters of condolences to his family and friends. Skenderbeg continue to adore him as their position in my Washington office to running my New York district office. From the begin- national hero and liberator, and are building f even more memorials to his past and present ning his talents were obvious. He was hard- glory and significance—even, with a U.S. IN HONOR OF KEITH SHAFFER working and dedicated, drafting legislation to Congressional Resolution (H. Res. 522), in the fund the development of pocket parks in urban capital of the only superpower in the world areas and other matters. Recognizing his abili- today, Washington, DC. ties, I soon promoted him to run my district of- AUTHOR’S POSTSCRIPT HON. SAM FARR fice. The battle of Apulia in the southern part OF CALIFORNIA As Chief of Staff in my New York office, he of the Italian Peninsula, near Naples, is of established himself as a knowledgeable, com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES special significance to me and my family. In mitted leader in the community. Most of all, 1461, after Skenderbeg and his elite cavalry helped save the Kingdom of Naples from Friday, November 18, 2005 Speaker Miller clearly loves New York City, French domination, the future security of and wants to make this the best possible the Kingdom was assured when Gjergj Mr. FARR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to place to live. Thus, when he ran for City Kastrioti decided to leave two thousand honor the life and legacy of Keith Shaffer, an Council in a special election, he had enor- horsemen there, while he returned to Alba- influential and much beloved member of the mous credibility and was able to defeat a well- nia to continue to defend the Albanian peo- community in the Santa Cruz area. Mr. Shaffer known opponent. ple from Ottoman Turkish domination. As lived a life of dedicated and generous service I will never forget that election. Called for an inducement for Skenderbeg to agree to the dead of winter, petitioning took place on what must have been a difficult decision for to his community. He is survived by his wife him, the King of Naples awarded the Alba- Elinor Shaffer; his two sons, William and Rich- chilly street comers in dreadful weather. I nian soldiers an area about forty miles east ard Shaffer; daughter-in-law Alana Shaffer; joined Miller and his volunteers in standing out of Naples, including a high mountaintop vil- and his two grandsons. in freezing temperatures. People were im- lage called Greci. Greci had been formed by pressed by his energy, drive and cheerfulness, Greek farmers and merchants in 535 AD and Mr. Shaffer was born in the San Joaquin even in appalling conditions. They saw clearly had since declined after most Greeks aban- Valley town of Atwater, on October 15, 1915. that he was going to work hard for his con- doned the area that they had controlled in After serving as a naval aviator during World stituents, and he always has. the first millennium. Albanians changed the War II, he eventually moved to the Santa Cruz Miller quickly established himself as a smart name of the village to ‘‘Katundi,’’ which is area in 1950, where he took over his brother’s and aggressive legislator, who was able to the name used today by the Albanian resi- dents, even though the Italians still call it floral business. While Mr. Shaffer was a suc- stand up for his district. He passed laws to re- Greci. My father, Joseph, Sr. immigrated to cessful businessman, he also found time to duce noise, increase voter participation and America from Katundi in 1929 at the age of give back to the community, by serving on nu- protect the environment. fifteen. His family is descended from one of merous school boards, the Dominican Hospital On January 9, 2002, Miller was unanimously Skenderbeg’s two thousand soldiers, and this Advisory Board, the Rotary Club of Santa elected by his colleagues to the post of City is a great reminder that the seeds of Cruz, the Santa Cruz Chamber of Commerce, Council Speaker. For the last 4 years, Miller Skenderbeg are still spreading across the has led the New York City Council, overseeing oceans of the world today. and the California Automobile Association. Mr. Shaffer was a shining example of dedication the passage of all new laws and the city’s $47 f billion budget. As part of the budget agree- and devotion to citizens of the community. IN MEMORY OF ADMIRAL BARRY ment for FY2005, Miller fought for and won K. ATKINS, U.S. NAVY (RET.) In 1937, Keith Shaffer married his childhood $50 million in tax cuts for more than 700,000 sweetheart Elinor George. Along with his wife workers through the passage of New York HON. ERIC CANTOR Elinor, and his two sons, William and Richard, City’s first Earned Income Tax Credit. the other love of Mr. Shaffer’s life was his or- Under his leadership, the Council has OF VIRGINIA chids. Mr. Shaffer was well known within the passed more legislation than any previous IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES floral community for his creation of several hy- council, including bills to extend a living wage Friday, November 18, 2005 brid orchids, most notably his ‘‘Capitola Moon- to 50,000 workers, protect children from lead Mr. CANTOR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to light,’’ which was recognized by the Royal paint poisoning, provide training and education honor the late Admiral Barry K. Atkins of Rich- Horticulture Society with its highest honor, and to people moving from welfare to work, require mond, Virginia, who passed away on Tuesday, perhaps his favorite, the ‘‘Elinor Shaffer.’’ every city hospital to offer emergency contra- November 15, 2005. Admiral Atkins spent a ception to sexual assault victims, provide more lifetime in service to his country and should be Mr. Speaker, the service of local members school nurses to more city students and es- honored today. of the community are an asset to this Nation, tablish tax credits to encourage greater energy In 1932 Admiral Atkins graduated from the and I am deeply grateful for the contributions saving and cleaner air. U.S. Naval Academy and began his distin- of Mr. Shaffer. The passing of Mr. Shaffer is Throughout his term as Speaker, Miller was guished career as a Naval officer. During a painful loss for the community. It is clear forced to battle the mayor and Governor to World War II, Admiral Atkins took over com- that Keith Shaffer has made a lasting impact preserve New York’s priorities. He was re- mand of the USS Melvin, a Navy destroyer. on the community, and I join the Santa Cruz markably successful. Miller led the Council in Admiral Atkins and his men were stationed in area in honoring the memory of Mr.
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