EGERTON MATS STRAW Mode from rye stmw; the only lIlal of Japanese lype mllde ill Crcal Uritllil1; approved by hun. dreds of Clubs. With or witllOlil FltAME & CANVAS 10 form self,collillillcd 1I1Iits of lilly size. VOL VIII MAY 1964 No. 8 RUBBER New - spccillily Illude. 6' x 3' x f'. FELT Light\\'cigllt l\Iul, casily rolled for storage & IrUI15­ pori, !" Fell, ClIlIVllS faced, jute backed. Any si1.c up to 18' x 16', For Price List lIpply direct to;- M. W. EGERTON Slru\\, Products QUEEN STREET, GOMSIIALL, GUILDFORD, SUnREY Photic: SherI) 59 1964 FESTIVAL OF JUDO (uncler '.1."'. Rul..) • '-. TO BE HELD AT THE NATIONAL RECREATION CENTRE CRYSTAL PALACE ON SATURDAY 6th JUNE Details from the OrRlllllerS: LONDON JUDO SOCIETY 32 St. Oswald's Place. Kennington Lane, S.E.II or lelephont REliance 5082 ',IMM by Pu,b,oo•• (" •• L1MI.... 10 St. Jom.,' Walk. london. E.C.1 Forthcoming Events E.udofau.ai ~ 1964 C.C.I'.R. JUDO COURSES 1964 WHITSUN Saturday 16th May 10- 12 a.m . 2-4 p.m. Sunday and Monday 10-12 a.m. •A 2-4 p.m. HARTON HALL - TOIlQUAY Instructon I Kiu.buro Watanabe 5th Dan A Tony Sweeney 4th Dan Fee] ,ulneas for complete COUrit Course No. 75 Saturday 9th MAY - Saturday ]6th MAY SUMMER COURSE Saturday ht AUlun 2-4 p.m. hulme/or: Mn. J. NF:WM,\N. 4TH DAr;. fee: £12, J day course Sunday and Monday 10-12 a.m. A 2-4 p.m. For Ladic~ only or 6th Kyu and lllJO"e (!lot under 16 )'emra of nge). Instructors; Ki~aburoWatanabe Sth Dan & Tony Sweeney 4th Din Course No. 76 Saturday 23rd MH - Saturday 30th MAY Fee] ,uintas for complete course /"struclor; G. CI.U;SON, 5TH DAN. National Coach. Fee: £12. 7 <by coune Saturday 1st AUiust 2-4 p.m. For Mf'1l only of 61h Kyu and IIb,n't (nol under 16 )'can: of agel. Sunday 2nd AUlLun to Friday 7th AUlLun 10-12 a.m. 2-4 p.m. Kiu.buro Watanabe 5th Dan & Tony Sweeney• 4th Dan U1SHAM ABBEY - HUCKS. tnstructon: Fee 5 lulnns for complete course Course No. 77 Saturday 13th JUNE-Saturday 20th JUNE All courses ire open to judoka of 5th kyu or aboye ["s/rm;lor: Fee: MH. C. KERR, 41'11 DAN. £1 J. Applications to:- The Manaler, The Budokwal, G.K. House, .. Gilston Road, For Men only of 6th Kyu and aOO\"ll (nOI under 16 )'cars of agel. London, S.W.1O. L1LLESHALL HALL - SHIlOPSIJIIIE Course No. 79 Friday 171h JULY - Friday 241h JULY THE JUDOKAN, LATYMER COURT, W.6 RI••.,ld.67t7,l211 ..... IIlwunl_1 _,loti, ItIll60ri IftCl Gradl"",&.ftJ_*' I... "'" Mal••.loA. Grad. w'lI lie Inslrllelor: G. GLEESON, 5TH DAN. NlItiolltll Couch. Fee: £11. helel eli II.. 'lid"'", _.......,. Fira SwncIa, dw IIWIlth, 2 , ..... _, , ..... Dol. "" IU,. Thin ill • eoaches Course for Men only of 3rd K)'u and .bo"e. I.t K,u', ",••t ,I•• two w••ko notice. No ,ppllcatlon I, n..:....'Y f'o", ot~1t K1u ",d.. or Nowk... but III ",ult prod.C. \hel, Llcenc.. Gr,dlll' will "",,,,,,,•.,q u l.lO 1'."'. N.I. _ T~. 'ull fu I, p"obl. wh.ot~... ,ou Int" for "oojln, or not. Applicflll~Of/. lor (my oflile abovc Courscs In bc malic to Thc C.C.I'.R., Th. Judokall with Two BII Dojo·,. Hot S~ow" •. Celltrol H...ln, .lId M.mber. Bor I. Idul (Dept. U), 6 Bedford Square, Lom{on, /P.C.I. /0' 1I1111111.n 'nd Adnncod J.doko. M....berohf I. £, , •. Dol. per olln.m. Th. COOl of • HII"n.n ""'.''', InCI.dln! ... of o.t/h. I. £ 4•• Od. ',l...to lultJon Cln b• .,ran,.oj to ••11 the pupil u £12 1 •. Ooj. fot 12 I.uonl. Vi,I"n, Judoka .ro w<lco",.d 0'\ SU.'d" .I<.,noonl _) '0 6, Dolo f.u s.. T~. 80" •..:tlon _, to 16 yu" ....... on B.J.A. SCOTfISR AREA 'o'I""..d". S.lO .0 '.)0 p."'., aM Sltu,d.!"' 11 ""'. 10 11 ........, In 2 ,II•• ,., "U"tor: 11I1l.lOClo", ,. SEKINE St~ Dill, D. ILOSS lilt Dan, lit. aoWEN 411. Dan. SUMMEII COUIISES ."011 1964 Th. Judoklll 11 ,It..t.d be""UII on<l wlllIln 1 ... Inutll wolk of 11.1I•• thl H....",."",lth INVEIlCl.YO"; SI'OI\TS Ct:NTnt:, LAIlCS. UI'Icl .."ound or 01,,,,,1.. H. port.ra ollie. In lat,..." CoUrt will direct '0•. 1'""",.1 Enqulrill W.I........ 1IetWUII '.lO ,.11'. II'Icl l.lO '.11'. Hlh·18th Juu, 1964 InSlructor: S.:NTA YAMAOA, 6nl DAN. • "',;,;;,;;,;N""'''';;;;;';;;;N;N';;N,;NNNN;N,;;;,;;,;;NN;N';;;;N;;;N,;N;N;;NNN;NN;~ 181h·25th JUI.V, 1964 Instructor: JOHN NEW~IAN, 41'11 DAN. , The Fee for each w~k is £12 whicll covers food, accommodation I\fld JUDO By Takahiko Ishikawa , instruclion ut tllc CClLlrc. All Applicaliorl$ 10:- TRAINING and Donn F. Draller , J. A. Young, 55 Cnstlehill Road, Ayr, Ayrshire. Telephone Ayr 63006. 324 paie~ - oyer 1.000 , METHODS illustruions & 200 exercises , 70/- l THIS MONTH'S COV}:R l JUDO LTD.. 91 WElLESLEY ROAD, CROYDON John Youlig or AIr Judo Club $Coring on David llarnllrd or the Renshuden in the 'OST 'Aro l final 11001 of Iht I ca\'yweight class. l •• SlItAll. ADVEnTISEl\1ENl'S !'rillate Ildllertiumenu. 9a. /HIr ward. MmwulI/l 7/6. Commercial raUJ double. Add 1/- extrlJ lor JUDO box number. Address: JUDO LId.. 91 Wellesley Itoad. Croydon. AlllllTEB MAY CIIAMI'IONSIIIJ> TBOPIII~:S Masnificeut range of trophies. nlld presentation awnrds surmouHted Ly Wresller or lilly other aporia figure. 1964 Send for iI1l1slraletl brochure 10 Arbiter C1l1lnlllioUlhip Trophiea or \'ilit showrooms III 16 Cerrartl Street, W.l. VOL. VIII No.8 INSTRUcrons FOR LONnON COUNTY COUNCIL INSTITUTES. PHYSIOTHERAPY Applications are itwited from ~Ultably CONTENTS qualified pel'8Ons "'ishing to leach - tht Prolusion in Otmand­ JUDO in el'euing dll!!.5e8 in Ihe Page Council's illSlitutelJ, needs more and more trllned men AIKIDO No. 23 Sen/a fantud". 6th Vun }udv. 6tlt /Jan Aikido 2 and women to meet the national These applications are for admi.ion demlnd lor massale and electro- 10 lhe panl:ll of IIppr.o\·ed instructora EXTIlAOIWINARY GENEI{AL MEETING OF TIH: B.J.A. 5 therapy. are not for .peeitie I·ocaneies. GRndi. dalU should hold a Hlack Belt THE BRITISH JUDO ASSOCIATION ... 8 (Dan I>egr~) and/or hll\'(l 0 reC<lg· PHYSIOTHERAPY lIillCd Judo Collchinll: Award. AIlEA NEWS 10 the Profeuion offnlnl StltUS, Minimum rille 42s. for two hUllr KENDO F'OllU~1 "Musl.slti" 1. lJeriod of il\structiol\. independanc. and hllh financial M(n~ies rewards. f1111·time or part·time, Scnd foolscap S.•.e. for form tu SELECfON CONn:STS AT ALO!':I{8UOT A. R. IS e~erywher. there elCllIs scope Edll<.:lItion QIJicer, F.E-13. County IlHITISH KENOO ASSOCIATION 26 and dlmand for this ,ntlrestinl 111111. S.E.1. and useful work. CLUU fOliUM 27 YOUNG HOPEFULS cur loltn Up," 28 PHYSIOTHERAPY E.G."'. OJ>~:NINC ADDRESS 30 an be studied by correspondence Senta Yamada JUDO IN YUGOSLAVIA ZarklJ Modrik 34 mlthods, and usily arnnled short 6th Dan Judo pra.cticil Iluons, all specially de­ MOSCOW INTEIINATIONAL JUDO TOUHNM[~;NT 38 silned lor the adult nUdent with 6th Dan Aikido only an hour or so a day to spare. connESPONDENCE IIEPOllT FIIO~1 AUSTHALIA /)clti.< 1/011",,,1 ""41 WrIt. now for our ProJl/ectuJ (;incient Secrets and obtaIn full Information JUDO EQUIPMENT '14 about thlJ new, lucratl~e ond JaClJfyln, profeulon. 0/ (;iikido INCLUDING 8/- l"OSTAGI l'ublish"d ['f the I'rlipric/vrs: JUDO I.I~lIT!':D. THE SHAE INSTITUTE 91, WELLESLEY lIOAD. CHQ)'DON. SUHIIEY. Telel'lione: Croydon 0200 (Ju) Le.therhe.d ~ SURREY SUIISCII1I'TION [un Xl 146. 0iJ. pel anIlUlI', pvst Ir",·. 91 Wellesley Road Croydon ,.:tluvrs: C. A. EDWAIWS. r.c.c.s., .·.t.".'. A. II. ~IENZIES. 1sT n"N. ii WRIST TECHNIQUES-S In this wrist turn technique, of the Kata, und is described on instead of turning your opponents one side only. wrist by using your hand. you turn his wrist by turning your body. Face your opponent in the "Aigamae" position. that is with This technique can be applied on your right fOOl forward with your either side. If the relative positions opponent in the same stance. As of the players arc such that they your opponent allacks you with his face each other. ellch with their right arm. grasp his wrist from right fool forward this position is underneath with your right hund. known as "AiganlllC" lind is the clearly seen in Figure I., your palm position adopted for 14th move­ upwards with your fingers and ment of thc Kala. Should the thumb curled round his wrist. reverse position be assumed Ihat is with one participant with his left Perform an inside sweep. pulling fOOl forward and the other with his arm OUI to his front corner. at his right fOOl forward this is known thc same time turning your toes as "GYllkugamac" and is Ihc posi. and body in the same direction so tion fOr the commencen,cn! of the that his balance is broken, his arm 15th movement of the KUla. will now start to turn and this can be seen in Figure 2. Muintaining The following description of this lhis pressure on the opponents ltthn:que is of the 14th movement wrist, step through with your left AIKIDO No. 23 by Senta Yamada, 6th dan Juda, 6th dall A/kida 2 3 Extraordinary General Meeting of the British Judo Association SUNDAY Sth APRIL 1964 This Extmordinary Meeting of whether or not the meeting should lhe BJ.A.
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