INMENT RESEW EDi155 82""t EC 110 436 AUTHOR Helvig, Diane L., Corp. TITLE Directory of Services fcr Deaf-Blind Children, in the Southwestern Region. INSTITUTION California' State Dept. cf Education,,- Sacrapento.; Southwestern Region 'Deaf -Blind Center, Sacramento, Calif. SPONS AGENCY nEureau'of.Education fcr the Handicapped (LHEW/OE)-, ,Rshington, D.C. Centers and Services for Deat-Blind Children. PUB DATE 77 NOTE 410p. EDRS PRICE HF-$0.83 HC-$22.09 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Childhood; *Deaf Blind; *Directcr,ies; *Hultily Handicapped; *Services IDENTalaERS Southwestern .Region , ABSTRACt The directory.lis ts services for deaf-blind children in the Southwestern Region, including such servicesas associations and foundations, child care services, diagnosis and evaluation, educational programs, financial assistance, ipfcrmaticn and referral, newsletters and periodicals, recreaticnal Services, rehabilitation services, and speech and hearing. Provided for each serviceare ' program name, contact person, andsa briefesuzmary of services available. Services are listed first by geographical location, then by type of service, an4 finally under ap Alphabetized list cf citie* (DLS) , , 7 4 *"1' * ********************************************.************************** '21e ' Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the beet thit can be made * .* *. from the original document. *************************+******************************************* k. 't I U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION AWELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTEOF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT ouceo ExAcri.vHAS BEEN REPRO. THE RERSONIV AS RECEIVED FROM ATING IT POINTSORGANIZATION ORIGIN- OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT SENT OFFICIAL NATIONALNECESSARILY REPRE. EDUCATION POSITION INSTITUTE OF OR POLICY , Directory of Services for Deatalind Children in the SouthwesternRegion "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY , .. Southwestern Region ) --,,, , Deaf -Blind Center 1) TO THE 'EUUCATIOWAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER IERIC) AND !USERS OF THE ERICSYSTEM " CALIFORNIASTATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Wilson Rites7Superintendent of Public Instruction Sacramento, 1977 tIA . Directory of Services J for Deaf-Blind Children in the Southwesterh Region' . Compiled by / Diane L. Helvig. Under the direction of William A. Blea, Director Southwestern Region Deaf-Blind Center o Robert bantoria, National Coordinator Centers and-Services for Deaf-Blind Children Bureau c*Education for the Handicapped U.S. Office of Education L r) 0 PREFAC "...water, water everywhere..." The shipwiecked sailor's lament has great meaning and relevance today forus in the area of the deafblind. With a plethora of servibes to be providedby existing agencies, -Manyser- vice agencies, 'such as the Regional Deaf-BlindCenters,. were figuratively left adrift ina sea.of services andnaively were unable to locate%agencies and institutions that provide servicesto deaf-blind children. In .the formative years of the RegionalDeaf-Blind Centersthelack of personnel prevented us from searchingout and identifying those agencies which could have alleviated anxieties forboth parents and professionals in providing peripheral and supplementalservices to the deaf-blind popula- tion: Since we have been able to addgraduate student assistants, interns, and additional permanent qualified staffto our Regional Center, weare able to procluce much needed work in fieldsthat required dogged and intensive searching. , a One area was to diermineand identify those agencies that havea per- tinence in providing Services to seriouslymultiplyhandicajaped and deaf- blind youngsters and their parents. This publication is .the result of year's work by a graduate studentassistant hired,bY the Regional Deaf Blind Cent,r to .Ark in identifying agenciesand services within the Southwest Regi n. L. "*, Since service agenciescome and go at the whitof '.funding tieing avail- able, 'thereader may findthatsome of the agencies ,listed may .be defunct an8, -that others have been absorbed by largeragencies in order.to conserve funds, staff, and energies to providemore services to iell.handicapped children. We hope to be able to update thisdirectory annually. We.ask the reader identifying an agency that-we haveomitted to please alert 1.m.to't,thatfact. to William A. Blea %Director a- 0 INTRODUCTION The purpose of the Directory of Services for Deaf-Blind Children in the Southwestern Re ion is to serve as a resource tool for professionals and parents in the thwest region. Hopefully information presented will create a greater understanding' and use of the various services available to deaf-blind persons and their families. hile'efforts were,made to make this Directory vomprehensiva ih scope; we realize there may be omissions. Ihclusion or-6Assion does not imply endorsemdnt or disapproval,of any agency by the Southwestrn Region Deaf- 'Blind Center.We welcdMe.any additions so that they,may ble included in . later revisions. Blank forms are appended to facilitate of addi- tional material. An 'overview of services offered by each agency is provided; however, since services change over time, we recommend contacting agencies directly for specific and current. information. Services are listed first by geographical location, then by type of service, and finally under an alphabetized list of cities. For example, if you are living in the state of California and interested in locating respite -servicespyou would (1) locate the California section; (2) turn to the listing for respite care; and (3) scan the alphabetized list of cities to locate services offered in your city or neighboring area. It is important to note that all states and islands vaty in their level of community resource development.Because of these differences not all areas will offer the same categories of services. We would like to offer special thanks to all the people who assisted' in the development of this Directory. 4 4 r.; a 4 MARIANA ISLANDS DISTRICT :' 22 .CQNTENTS too I Osooiations and Foundations M 1,2 , 6 I Child Care Services 3 III Diagnoe;is,and-Evaluation 4 . , Educational Programs 5 V Information and Referral 6,7 VI Newsletters and Periodicals - - - -- 8,9 VII Rehabilitation Services t 4 es, 0 S 4 9 4 is e I .4 ASSOCIATIONS ANYFOUNDATIONS . > . % . ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL ASSOCIATIONFOR THE DEAF, INC. '-- 1537 - 35th Street; Northwest I Washington, D.C..,20013 (202) 337-5220 :... AMERICAN FOUNDATION FOR THE BLIND , 801 Market Street 'San'Franpisoo, CA -94103 (415) 392-4845 'MULTIPLE-HANDICAPPED AND RUBELLA PARENTS AND EDUCATORSASSOCIATION . 360 West Mauna Loa AiXenue Glendora, CA "..91762' 0 . (213) 335-6511 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR- RETARDED CIiIZENS 420 Lexington Avenue New York, New York "10019' (212) 687-6520 THE NATIONAL A6SOCIATION FOR THE DEAF-BLIND 525 Opus AVenue Capitol Heighte, MD 20027 (202) 392-8436 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR VISUALLY HANDICAPPED California Offices) '5967 West Third.Street Los Angeles, CA 90036 (213) 939-7266 T 3201 Bbillboa Street San Froisoo, CA 94121, (415) 21-3201 . 'THEYNATIONAL ASSOCIATIONOF THE DEAF-BLINDOF AMERICA . 616' East 124th Sturet CleYeland, OH 44X.$ C216) 681 -6963 NATIONAL EASTER SEAL SOCIETY FOR CRIPPLED CHILDRENAND ADULTS 2023 West Ogden Avenue -Chica4o, IL $0612 '(312) 243-8400 . -- MA. O ASSOCIATIONS AND FOUNDATIONS (continued) NATIONAL FEDERATION OF THE BLIND OF CALIFORNIA,INC. '730 SOVester3rAvenue, Suite 201 Los Angeles, CA 90005 (213) 936-9110 '4651 Mead Avenue, -?Sacramento, CA, 95822 .(916) 457-0586 3315 Cabrillo Street .San .,Francisco, CA 94121 (415) 387-5650 t UNITED CEREBRIL,PALSY ASSOCIATION 66 East 34th Street New ,York, N.Y., /loole., (212) 889-6655 1' 4 7 ( MA I - 2 ;\ 8 a CHILD CARE SERVICES SACRAMENTO (' Trained Aides as Baby- Sitters (TABS) Southwestern Region Deaf-Blind Center 321 capitol 'Mall Sacramentoe GA' .95814 (916) 322-2173 Contact: Director c SERVICES AVAILABLE .; The TABS training program provides cla sroom training and work expe- rience,in the home to people interested in baby-sitting children who are deaf- blind. In the classroom students are trained by qualified Red Cross instructors to meet the requirements for a first aid certificate. Training is also, givenin daily living skills such as feeding, dressing,,eand A;tual work experience is acquired during in-home "laboratory" sessions. 47 A A two , III ' DIAGNOSIS AND. EVALUATION 4 ti SACRAMENTO a '.SouthWestern Region Dee4-E0nd Center 'N 7,21 Capitol Mall, 6th Floor, Sacramento, California 95814. .(916) 32272173 rr e. gonteiai DirectOr SERI/ICES-AVAILABLE I ..i. Medical, educational, and psychological assessment pyovlded through the Center for deaf-blind children from birth to 21 y6ars. .'_0',' r ... ... 411 AR, ." 11! i 10 MA - 4 r 'IV* .ti EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM 4. ti LOS ANGELES,CALIFORNIA John Tracy Clinic 806 West Adams Boulevard Loa Angeles, CA 90Q07 - . (213) 748-5841 Correspondence Learning Program for Parents of Preschool Deaf-Blind Children Contact: ConsUltant for the Education of the Dpaf-Blind 4 SERVICES AVAILABLE This correspondence leelilp.ng program for parentsor guardians of preschool deaf-blind children is available worldwide. Its twelve basic lessons, Written,in both English and Spanish, covera variety of'develop- mental skills. Special sections deal with,areas of specific intlipst parents. Rarents 'may .enroll by writing the Clinic. Include the Child's name, age., and the family's full name and address, 'include the-zip code. Free of'charge. epartment of 'Education, Headquarters st Territory of the .Pacific Islands Sa4pan; Mariana Islands 96950 Telephone number
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