Complete to Supplement No. 84J. DARK BLUE LABEL (Double-Sided) Pages 58 to 106 NEW PRICES- 10-inch 5/- 12-inch 7/6 .. .. Hebrew-Jewish Records-see pages 1l3 and 114. Wm. McEwan Sacred Album 60/- each. The Children's Box," Nos. I 2 106) 30/- " and (see page " LIGHT BLUE LABEL (Double-Sided) Pages 9 45 . to 10-inch 7/- each 12-inch 10/- each. Daughter Madame Angot " Album E4 of . " Pathetic " Symphony Album £2 . "Seventh Symphony- Album £2 10s. GREEN LABEL Pages 46 57 . to 10-inch 5/6 (Double-Sided) .. each. 12-inch (Double-Sided) 8i- each. 12-inch (Single-Sided) .. .. 8/- .. .. .. each. 3s. "Monsieur Beaucaire- Album . 15 PURPLE LABEL (Single-Sided) Pages 6 42 . .. to 10-inch T- 12-inch IV- each . each. PINK LABEL, GRAND OPERA (Single-Sided) Page 15 . Nordics 12-inch I8/- only. each. BROWN LABEL, ITALIAN OPERA (Double-Sided) Pages 107 to 11'% 10-inch 5;6 12-incb 81-- each .. .. .. each. CARMEN " Album, complete £4 8r. AIDA " Album, containing CompItta Opera H 139. Id, RIGOLETTO " Album, Complete Opera. 16 St. containing . SUPERBE (Loud Tone) I DE LUXE (SpeciallyTeaRed) SPEAR POINT (Two-Tone) BRILLIANT (Medium) DURAGOLD (Semi- IDEAL (Soff Tone) Permanent) FIBRE NEEDLES FIBRE NEEDLE CUTTER.. OUTFIT.. CAUTION.-Columbia Fecoräs, being 11fanY/aC1Yr under British, Ausha/ian, and New Zealand Patents, ma ý rat be soli, or offered for sale, c less than the awthorissi prates fixed /or those countries respectively, without rendering both seller and purchaser liatile to damages for in/ringement. Up to and including Supplement No. 84. COLUMBIA RECORDS ARE MANUFACTURED IN ENGLAND FOR PRICES SEE PAGE 2 OF COVER. A Comprehensive Index to Records will he found on Page 115 ý-:OLLIMBIA GRAPHOPHONE COMPANY. LTD., LONDON. COLUMBIA RECORDS. Alphabetical List of Artists. Bccc hont. Sir Thomas. and Beecham Weingartner, Felix, & Grand Synr. Orch. Sypiphonv Orchestra 34 Weineartner, Felix, & London Svm. Otci 3 - .. Beechan: Light. Orchestra (E, ägene 'Wood, Sir Henry J., and New Qneen1. Goossens. Jur., Conductnrl 30 Hall Orchestra 31, 32, .. .. Blss.. Lrthur. and Symphony Orchestra.. 36 Dance and Novelty Bands. Bridue, Prank, and London Sym. Orch. 35 Ambrose & His Embassy Club Orchestra British Guard Band 63 Bennett':,, Robert, Frisco Syncopaters.. .. .. .. Caledonian Band 78 Giese, Paul, Trio Orchestra.. and . Caledonian Orchestra 78 Black White Melody Boys .. .. and .. Gasinn Orchestra 67. 80 Broadway Five .. ..7 Conies, Albert, and London Svm. Orch. 34 Century Dance Orchestra.. 73 Colcmtbo's Savoy Orchestra 67 .. .. , Columbia Dance Orchestra Court Symphony Orchestra $8 Columhians Dance Orchestra de I,uxc.. ': .. .. Ellery Hand 64 Dixieland Jazz Band 77 .. .. Pinck. Rennah, & Orch. 52, 88, 78, 79, 81,. 82 Elkin's, Eddie, Orchestra. .. 72 .. .. Garde Republicaine Band 63 Excelsior Mariuiba Baud . T I .. .. Godfrey, Sir Dan. & London Sym. Orch. 35 Fuller's, Earl. Novelty Orchestra -- Goossens, Eugene, London Garber-Davis Orchestra conducting .. .. Symphony Orchestra 65 Georgians, The .. Grenadier Guards hand 58, 59. 60 Happy Six 71, .. .. Harty, Hamilton, Halle Orchestra 34 Hickman's, Art. Orchestra and .. .. Harrison, Julius. and Symphony Orch... 36 Jaaarimba Orchestra 69, Harrogate Orchestra 67 Kentucky Serenaders 7 .. Haydn Orchestra 67 Knickerbocker Dance Orchestra.. .. Holst, Gns(a-r, & London Symphony Or. 35 Lanin's Roseland Orchestra .. Imperial R Orchestra 36 Lewis', Ted. Jazz Band 75 _ssian .. .. .. .. Trocaderians 67 Loudon Dance Orchestra 76, Ti .. .. .. .. La.Jacob's Nuova Orchestra (57 1,opez, Vincent. Orchestra 75 .. .. London Repertoire Band 61" Marintbaphoee Band 76 .. .. .. I,ondon Repertoire Orchestra 78 Biller, Ray, His Orchestra 72, 73 .. .. and . , London Revue Band 80 Prince's Dance Orchestra 75, 76 London Symphony Orchestra. 33, 34, 35, 65 Radio Dance Orchestra 7! . .. London Theatre Orchestra 80. 81 Reisman, Leo. F., Orchestra .. .. Maclean, Alick, New Queen's I lall Reser's, Harry F., Novelty Trio and .. bight Orchestra 35,38 Savoy Dance Orchestra 67 .. .. Massed Bands the Guards 58 Savoy Havana Band 68, 63 of .. .. Milan Symphony orchestra 66 Specht, Paul, His Orchestra.. 6? .. and .. National Military- Band 64 Vernon Club Band 73 . .. New York Philharmonic Orchestra 66 W:dr. Astoria Orchestra 77 . rI . Prince's Grand Concert Band, 64, 65. 68. 88 11-cstphal, Frank. and His Rainbo Orch. 75 Prince's Military Band 64 White Cool's Band 74 .. .. .. Prince's Orchestra.. 75, 76, 78, 95 Yerkes Jazarimba Orchestra 73 .. .. Royal Marimba Band 82 Verkes Flotilla Orchestra 71 .. s.s. ,. Royal Serbian Tambouritza Orchestra 87 .. London Theatre UrCaestta. Royal Italian Marines Band 63 Adelphi Theatre Orchestra ö .. .. .. .. Royal Guards Band 63 Alhambra Theatre Orchestra .. .. Russian Symphony Orchestra 67 Dalv's Theatre Orchestra 54, +1 .. .. ..52. St. Hilda Colliery Band 64 Empire Theatre Orchestra 54. 55 .. .. .. Savoy Orchestiu 67 Gaiety Theatre Orchestra 56 .. Scots Guards Band 61. 62. A0 His Majesty's Theatre Orchestra F'_' .. .. SOUthlv,rt Corporation Band 64 Loudov iiippodrerae Orchestra 57 . .. Strauss, Dr. Richard, & Lon. Sym. Orch. 33 Prince's Theatre I rehestra ' Union Symphony Orchestra 66 Winter Garden Theatre Orchestra 5% .. .. Acmrdeon Solos 87 Catterall & Murdoch (Violin & Piano) :5 .. .. .. .. Bagpipes 85 Catterall, Squire and Murdoch (Violin. .. .. .. .. .. Banio Solos A7 'Cello and Piano Trios)- 44.45 .. .. .. FString Quartette 44 Celeste Solos ri4 .. .. Barrere, George (Flute) 86 'Cello Solos 41, 42, 43, 85, 16 .. .. .. Bratza, Yovanovitch (Violin) 49 Cherniavskv Trio :+3 .. .. .. .. Busuni, Ferruccio (Piano) 37 Chimes Solos .. ý,ý .. .. Casats, Pablo ('Cello) 41 Cimbalom ý'-' . .. .. .. Catterall, Arthur (Violin) 39, 44. 45, 85 Concertina Solos ßt7 . ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ARTISTS-continued. INSTRUMENTAL-continued... Cornet Solos 86, 87 1 Pachmann (Pianoforte) 37 (Violin) .. .. .. 41 1Tnru, Guido (Accordeon) 87 Patlow, Kathleen .. I) Michael (Violin) 86 Pianoforte Solos 37, 38, 39, 84 .re (Piano) 38 Fl.u:e Solos 88 Pouishnoff, Leff .. (Concertina).. .. 87 Fl.tac and Clarinet Duets 88 Prince, Alexander .. Flute, 'Cello and Harp Trios 82 Rave], Maurice. conducting his Septette Fricdheim, Arthur (Piano) 84 for Harp, String Quartette, Flute and Godowskp, Leopold (Piano) 39 Clarinet .. .. .. 44 Goni, Cristeta (Violin) .. (Banjo).. 85 Reser, Harry F. Grainger, Percy (Piano) . ('Cello) .. .. .. m84823788Salmon, Joseph '8742'4087-'848639'84 Harty, Hamiltou (Piano) .. Sammoa;, Albert (Violin) Hawaiian Guitar Ducts .. .. Saxophone Sextette Hofmann, Josef (Piano) Scharwenka, Xavier (Piano) Instruments of the Orchestra Sehkiller, Jean ('Cello) Kennedy, Daisy (Violin) 41 Seidel, Toscha (Violin) . i:ennedy, Daisy, and Hamilton, Harty Sellars, Gatty (Organ) iolin Piano) 45 Sorano, Mme. (Celeste) and . r.r.i9cr's, Harry. Pipe Band (Bagpipes).. 87 Squire, W. H. ('Cello) ?aprock, Arthur (Cornet) 87 Stehl String Quartette .. .. (Cornet) 86 Strockoff, Leo. (Violin) .T.ce;ett,Sergeant .. ?.c String Quartette Budapest 44 Toots' Paka Hawaiian Company.. ic- of .. James (Violin) 85 Taylor Trio y: .. .. .. .. .. iLondou String Quartette.. Trinity Chimes .. .. .. Mackay, Percival (Piano) Trio de Lutece K, illen, Francis (Violin) 44)84 Ukulele Trios and Guitars :11, Uc11an, J. J. (Organ) Van Bps. Fred (Banjo) Murre Code Records Verne, (Pianoforte) 39 ..105 Adela . 'doscel, Max (Violin) Violin Solos $9, 40, 41, 85 M u-chie, Robert (Flute) Violin and Piano Sonatas . 45 'Vlurchie, Robert, and Haydn Draper Violin,'Cello and Piano Trios 44, 45, 83 '+lute and Clarinet) 86 Violin, Flute and Harp Trios 83 fu: dýwh, 38, William (Piano) 44, 45 Warwick Evans, C. ('Cello) .. .. 85 Tyrtil, Odette (Violin) 48 Willoughby, Harold (Piano) 84 .. .. .. .. .. T Solos 84 Ysaye, Eugene (Violin) 39 , n .. .. .. .. .. , . .. Aaims, Walter, Rosa Lynn (Due() 80 Besalu, R. (Soprano) and ..108 Alessandroni, Cesare (Baritone) 97 Bettoni, V. (Bass) 108, 109, 110, 111, 112 .. Ale.=androvitch, M. (Soprano) Bispham. David (Baritone) 92 ..107 .. .. Alexander, George (Baritone) 91 B1ain, Helen (Contralto) 89 .. .. Aaea, Perceval (Soprano) 88 Bianchart, Ramon (Baritone) 12, 14, 25, 26 ACin Norman (Bass) 27, 28 Blanchart and Jose Mardones (Duets) 26 Anýram, Gladys (Soprano) 30 Bloomfield, C. (Baritone) 30 . .. Anitua, P. (Sopran(i) 107, 108, 110, 111 Bolts, Luigi (Tenor) 110, 111 'nthony Harrison (Sacred Duets) 100 Bonci, Allesandro (Tenor) 21 and . yrehibald, Phyllis, Hughes Macklin 97 Bonfanti, C. (Tenor) and ..111 Arn: G. (Tenor) 108, 109, 110 Boninsegna, Cekestina (Soprano) 11 mini, .. Arua.ad, Yvonne (.Soprano) 49, 55 Booth, General (The Late) (Sacred) 99 Comedian) 103 Booth. John (Tenor) 90 -tours, Fred D. (Laughing . arde, Amy (Comedienne) 50, 55 Bridge, Sir Fredk.. with Vocal Quintette ..;m, Frederic, (Trios & Quartette) 29 String Quartette etc. and . .. 29 o r, Nat, D. (Baritone) Brogden, Gm endoline (Soprano) 53 adiui. F. (Baritone) .. ..101 Bronskaja,Eugenic (Soprano) . .. ..108 .. 12, 29 aker, Dalton (Baritone).. 92 Bronskaja and Blanchart (Duets) 12, 26 aker, George, Carrie Herwin (Duets) . 95 Bronskaja Constantino and and (Duets) . 12 aklanoff, George (Baritone) 14, 25 Bronskaja and Freeman (Duets) 12 ".eldassare, L. (Tenor) 109, 110, 111, 112 Brunskill, Muriel (Contralto) .. 89 (Soprano) 57 Buds, Dr. P.C., Harrow School Chorus.. sanerman. Margaret. .. and 98 nrernran. Margaret,& Nelson Keys(Duet )50 Buckman, Rosina (Soprano) 9 iayes, Inez (Soprano) 80 Buckman Herwin (Duets) .. .. and 95 arrientos, Maria (Soprano) 10 Buckman D'Oisly (Duets) .. .. and . 10 atcs,
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